I'm Scared...but I'm Hopeful

I understood that a simple doxycycline treatment cures Lyme, at least in its early stages.

I would like Chris to do more interviews (have more conversations) with people from diverse perspectives who have credible macro-views of the world. I know I am seeking to better understand ”the big picture” of what is going on in the world, including all relevant factors: geopolitics, other powers influencing/affecting our lives, what is going on with the 3E’s (energy, economy & environment), and other factors I/we may not even be aware of or discussing. One thing I have noticed is that I occasionally hit a website or article authored by someone from another country, and/or from a vastly different viewpoint than my US-biased/blindered perspective, and I am struck by how very differently they see the world than I do. I think we could benefit from being exposed to more varied macro perspectives, to better inform/stretch our world-views and awareness of what is (may be) going on.

look…I am not a genius.
Flame me for this post if you want…but this is the way I see it…tell me where I am wrong.
.but common sense tells me the lie about masks was absolutely a must…(an unfortunate must)…but a must…just the same…
You allow the masses to hoard up …ALL…the n95 masks.???..what happens??
More people DIE…alot more…
and mainly it would have been …first…the very healthcare people that were our only hope to save people…
They die??
Who is going to work the hospitals??..
The…(madness of crowds) is a topic…that is front and foremost with every move that is made…with public advice given…
As far as Ivermectin …
Chris…and the doctor Marik team did a huge service…for us all here…
God bless them,in getting the info out…
I just wish all the tweeters and face bookers would share THIS knowledge…instead of all the bullshit they pass on as fact…that unfortunetely is just unproven crap to further peoples…selfish (PET)…causes…
I digress…sigh…
We now have a weapon …to keep us alive and give us a chance…should we come down with covid…
YES!! Chris!! way to get the word out…Thank you…
I tell everyone I meet…
and … YES…everyone …should have this advantage,I agree…
.but lets look closer…at what cost??
If this is an option to the masses???
The BIG THINKERS…in charge of all outcomes in this mess …will have a much harder job…getting this cleaned up…
If they allow the public… ivermectin…proof…and recommendations… to see the light of day…this would sabatoge the vaccine effort…thats clearly what would happen.
IN this anti vaccine hysteria…climate…
A bit overblown…imho…take for instance…
The flu shot…
like it or not …its one of the reasons we as a species…are living well into our 80s and 90s.
and …yes… medical knowledge and advances… IS…also …a big part of that too…
but the evidence is clear… flu WAS a big killer in the past…much less today.fact.
With IVERMECTIN… going mainstream…
Herd type immunity(overall) would not have a chance of success…
It would be an alternative choice on how to deal with this problem…One that allows covid to circulate …and circulate…for ever.
and NOBODY…wants that.
What does this mean to us…as a country? …as an international destination??
I will tell you…
black balling…
lock downs and outbreaks here and there… for ever!
MORE…US and them!! type behavior…by people…alot MORE!
More then even what we have had stomach in politics…(if thats even possible)…
Now if your really a (ME FIRST)…person…(.screw anyone else)…with the masks…you do not understand…and never will…I will not even try to argue with you…
you are out for JUST you…
something to remember when you look at your life in the final moments…
Everyone getting this vaccine…is the ONLY way you defeat this …
THEY know this…because…THEY…made it in a lab…and know EXACTLY …what this thing is.
TO defeat it and have a life the way we had before…Vaccine compliance…IS a MUST!

i am not going to flame you. I believe in your right to make the personal decision to take the vaccine. But I also believe that the right to refuse the vaccine must be equally recognized. A compulsory vaccine is a violation of basic human rights. So if you and millions of others want to take it then do so, and leave the rest of us free to make our own decisions for our own bodies.

thank you!

Money will be worthless. In fact, Ezekiel 7:19 says: “Into the streets they will throw their very silver, and an abhorrent thing their own gold will become.” That foreknowledge can help us to act wisely now.
Ask yourself: Can I see this prophecy happening? If so, what can I do to protect myself and my family? What is really going to happen not only in the country I live in but on the world stage?

I am well vaccinated; however the behaviour of the vaccine makers and their fun with numbers to sell product, makes me highly sceptical of the mRNA “vaccines”. In prior times I fell for the mania and Media pressure and had one of the ‘false start’ pandemic immunizations that inflicted neurologic damage on hundreds. The flu vaccine is falsely marketed as if it prevents transmission and infection (it doesn’t, just reduces symptoms) and creates vulnerability to new viruses. So for all those wanting to be part of a profit driven trial, go for it. I just don’t want to join you.

I suggest you go to Real Vision for your Macro news. There is more Macro news there than you can digest. There are tons of videos with all kinds of people from all over.
I find it best to have as many different sources as possible. It avoids group think and marriage to a narrative. One marriage is enough

I would like to see/hear:

  • Discussion of Stephen Buhner’s CV formulation.
  • A broader discussion of economics, not just the Fed and oil.
  • HAM radio would be great too.
    Thank you, Chris and Adam. You’ve changed my life in ways I’d never imagined.
    You are just the most genuine, real people ever in the media.
    **media term used loosely.

Thanks for the suggestion Mohammed Mast. I have been checking out Real Vision videos fairly regularly now, based on your previous recommendations to folks here.

Sounds like there is enough grassroots discontent to prompt official inquiries. I have no connection with them but suspect their problem is with the official treatment being the cure for the official test. With nothing to do with Lyme disease. Sound familiar?

And the Real Vision priest, Raoul Pal, did smile upon Mast and proclaim “I now pronounce you man and bitcoin. You may kiss the bribe.”
Pine Carr,
Real Vision’s founder, Pal, has gone all in on bitcoin and he could be absolutely right in his predictions. He has pretty airtight arguments for the utility of bitcoin in an apolitical world.
It’s when he claims we will have a globally integrated banking system, where bitcoin will be in common usage, I sit up and take notice. That is not going to happen in the forseeable future.
Seeing as that is one of the premises upon which his arguments for speculating in bitcoin is based, I ignore all of his bitcoin related videos and focus on his other videos. The fact he went all in on bitcoin, raises questions too. It shows overconfidence which isn’t a positive trait in an analyst. No matter how sure you are of yourself, as a macro-analyst, you have to hedge your bets.
Janet Yellen has been firing warning shots across the bow, too. The money laundering accusations are weak as banks are doing that with fiat, but still, it is a way of slowly getting bitcoin users used to the idea that bitcoin is going to come under increasing scrutiny. And that, of course means much more in the way of regulation. It will be regulated to the point that it serves no practical purpose over and above fiat, in terms of a store of value out of government oversight.
And we will never know how much bitcoin is used to bribe and or reward foreign governments, settle drug transactions etc… Navalny is receiving lots of bitcoin donations currently. That might be an overall positive, in his case, but it doesn’t bode well for the future.
That being said, Real Vision is dynamite…a great channel.

With mandatory vaccinations being a very hot topic in my career field, I want to know the facts and trust you. The knowledge I’ve acquired in less than a year as a PP member is nothing short of remarkable. Thank you.

Thanks a bunch for that! What a treasure trove of links (rabbit holes to visit) in that off-guardian article. After some poking around, this link may be of interest to some readers: clinical trials

Well it appears the members have spoken and PP should be all things to all people.
I have not heard one mention of the three E’s in a very long time. just an observation.

Kennedy is a brave man!

Thank you Chris for your tireless efforts, and your generous spirit! Neat to see you enjoying carefree hugs with Docs, all on IVM!
Vaccine information, as many of us see this as the “solution” or will be pressured take it for work. ADE especially concerning.
Ivermectin use, long-term concerns (weekly, long-term is not studied, is my understanding).
Colchicine as safe anti-inflammatory instead of Ivermectin as prophylaxis.

Given the fact that many people who are accessing the premium content are wealthy, it’s time to recognize that it’s not ethical to hoard wealth in times like these. In fact, it’s sociopathic. Young people sense that they’re being thrown under the bus. Studies have shown that the more money people have, the less empathy they feel towards others. While Chris and Adam provide more value than they charge, this information is so important that it needs to get out to everyone - not just those who are already well-positioned to weather the storms coming. This will be the final test of our humanity.

There does seem to be a bit more concern with side effects of Colchicine.
Colchicine for Early COVID-19? Trial May Support Oral Therapy at Home | MedPage Today

On your choice (based on ones human rights…)to NOT take the covid19… vaccine??
Do you enjoy being part of society?
or are you more of a hermit /type lifestyle person?
If so…fine…Do not take the vaccine…it IS your right then…
But think about it…If you would like to fly on a plane…ride a bus,attend a b-day party…mix with freinds and family…or even go grocery shopping…ect.
Are you adding, to the problem of putting healthcare workers (among others)…in harms way?How about elders that can NOT get the vaccine?
What about the cancer afflicted and others you may randomly bump into…that are UNABLE to receive the vaccine …?
.WHAT gives them protection from you?
Is it …NOT… their… human right…to be able to live??
or is that not your concern??
I get your trepidation about the vaccine at this early juncture…but what about 2 or 3 years down the line.?.
What then?
Do you STILL put others at risk while mixing in society…?
THIS…disease… is a killer.!
and it appears we have a way to safegaurd the less fortunate…and help out the ones taking all the severe risks helping us survive …in the hospitals…
In my book…Mixing in society…while unvaccinated…,When a safe vaccine is offered…For THIS disease…imho…is just WRONG…
In a war…not the covid war…but the other kind…
would you put your fellow countrymen at risk by NOT following instructions that safegaurd your country?
Or do you expect everyone ELSE… to take all the longterm risks…so YOU can enjoy the overall (vaccine produced )herd/type immunitys,gained???