"Informed Consent" LiveCast: Divided We Fall; Is Cultural Destruction Planned?

Looking For Peace

I think once we accept that this is the fourth turning, that this is generational, historical and inevitable, we can mourn yet another lost generation then get back to what our parents, grandparents and their parents throughout time had to do - rebuild. It didn’t have to be this way - had we minded the store much, much sooner - but we didn’t. Too many were living in fear or too ready to let health guidelines destroy our civil discourse. We all used to go to the pub and talk away the night breathing in smoke, alcohol and fresh from our leaded gasoline cars. No anger at party alliance, acceptance - or a good bar fight - for differences of opinions. We danced - we didn’t settle for Dancing with the Stars. We sang and yelled at ball games - until we were told we could not do so anymore. Ask why so many people are over 100 years old today, yet our generation on down is losing years. The centenarians should have been dead as door nails - why were they not? Answer these questions while we ponder the rest and have a hard look at what the hell we have let politicians get away with and what we are doing to ourselves in the name of fear. Love this show and am so glad I found it. I can’t begin to tell you all I’ve learned.


Could it have been any easier than to just point people at statues and watch the problem go away? Masterful thinking on a few levels and a sad narrative on young and meager thinking.


I’m guessing that was an interview with Doug Evans. I heard it, or another one, too and was inspired to start sprouting. In fact, just today I had my first big salad with loads of sprouts (broccoli, red clover, and lentil) from my first serious sprouting attempt. They were great!
As a result of this insight to the power and potential of sprouts as primary food sources I’m reevaluating what to grow in my garden and what grows wild around me I can forage. I’m now trying to pay more attention to what plants produce tons of easily harvestable seeds that could be sprouted.



The comments about NPR were very relatable. I listened a lot as a child and young adult and trusted them for so long. Now listening to them drives me nuts. I feel like I’m going to sprain an eyeball from all the involuntary eye rolling!
I wonder if they were always so biased and I didn’t notice it (like the proverbial fish in water) or if it has actually gotten that much worse in the last few years.


Well, we’re too distracted by the wildfires and drought in the Southwest to pay attention to the larger picture ?

Every time I notice the lack of bees in my garden - I get a sense of hopelessness which is worse than when I think of the “markets” or Ukraine or the vaccines or other bullshit. It is a profound but subtle indicator of just how f*cked we are. Not a hopeful message, but it is one of the things that depresses me profoundly and makes me want to quit trying. But I won’t.


Thanks. Always!


Evie keeps the discussion from becoming wonky and dense. I like having a discussion format rather than a monologue, which we get a lot in the reports. There is plenty of content density here - we benefit from a variety of tone and format. Further, she brings a little happiness and light to the discussion (which can be hard for some people to process). I think some portion of us experience anxiety when we listen to, discuss, and think about the shitshow we a living through. Having some humanizing influence in the conversation is valuable. My 2 cents.


Spell Check At ~ -1.42 And A Bit - Just A Small Typo - An R That Shouldn’t Be There

Evie passing along her high opinion of the Rats in a Cage presentation:
Her Title
evie botelho
peak proRsperity

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I had the same thoughts at first, but I’m starting to think she brings “air” in between Chris’ content dense format.
Also, I think the format benefits others (who are not hyper in-tune with the data/models) when there is a person to help Chris elaborate on content that is hard to understand, thorough dialogue - if this happens more then the videos would be something I could watch with my wife, as opposed to sitting in my office by myself.


Take a look at “Year Round Indoor Salad Gardening” by Peter Burke. He is a teacher in Vermont who was one of the people who came up with an easy system that popularized soil sprouts. It’s an excellent Chelsea Green Publishing book but many libraries have it physically as well as downloadable.


NW Washington seems pretty similar to what you are seeing in the gulf islands. Our honey bees and mason bees are active, but very few bumble bees at present. I have been planting things specifically for the bees over the last few years and the results have been quite unexpected at times. If we plant for bees, I do think they will come. At the moment they are scarce perhaps because the spring has been so cold, but I expect to see them by the hundreds when the things I am growing that they really like come into bloom. We should all be planting for pollinators and trying to build up a set of plants that provide food thru as long a season as possible. The results can be amazing and bring a lot of joy. I hope to write an article about this later this year to share what I have been doing and encourage others to give planting for pollinators a try.


just me, I like her input and think she is a very special person. I’m glad to have her view on things.


Maybe money going to a good cause is as much a motivator as having more disposable income.


Cyprus Bail In

My father’s side of my family is from Cyprus. Many family members were victims of this Cyprus bail in. I remember the discussions leading up to it. Cyprus was going to be kicked out of the European Union if they didn’t come up with 570 million euro’s in a 60 day time frame. The Cyprus officials were scrambling and scheming to come up with a plan. Things like 10% tax on all savings was thrown around. That’s all government’s know how to do is tax the people. Ultimately they decided to bankrupt the bank of Cyprus, which they knew how much was on deposit. They forced this bankruptcy and took all the deposits to stay in the union. People were scrambling to get money. Going to ATM’s and only allowed small amounts each day. My uncle lost over 2 million euro’s. Ironically he was saving that currency to pay back loans from that bank but they claimed he still owned them for the loans or they would seize the collateral property. They literally robbed him and everyone else without a gun. I would rather get robbed with a gun because at least it’s a clear choice my life or my money. They had something similar to our version of FDIC insurance like the US. It insured up to one hundred thousand euros but they took several years to pony up that money. If you had more then 100k euros then they just keep it. Disgusting ? makes me sick every time. Interesting side note is a big chunk of the money on deposit was from Russian billionaires storing their money in Cyprus. I am sure the government used this fact to justify their actions. It was an extremely valuable lesson. Governments are like rats. If you leave them alone they just scurry away but if you trap them in a corner they will jump at your throat! Where did I put that rat poison?


Please don’t forget the “sweet Potato” if season and space permit.


Pat Act spreading like the tentacles of an octopus over the nation at the local level.

Government Prohibitions On Local Poultry Sharing Beginning

Here in Canada the government has prohibited us from selling or sharing eggs & meat to neighbours and friends. They are threatening to destroy all poultry within a 10km radius of any cases of avian flu.
This motivated me to find some more locals with backyard chickens for sale or trade.
Back yard chickens are prohibited in my area and I need fresh, unwashed eggs for my waterglassed supply. Sadly, I no longer trust the government and doubt the severity of this new outbreak. I will absolutely not stop networking and partaking in a resilient community for food security. I refuse to rely on the corrupted government for anything.


When I saw the title of this video I thought you might be going for something like: TPTB just pushed people into a mass psychosis demanding the loss of bodily autonomy (with the vaccines) and now TPTB are pushing people into demanding bodily autonomy (with the abortion issue), which is either an intentional whipsaw or an intentionally created division crafted so that the issue itself is split down the middle (left wants vaccine madates and abortion rights and the right wants no vaccine mandates and no abortion rights). If ever you wanted to break a western value (bodily autonomy) that seems like a pretty good way to do it.