"Informed Consent" LiveCast: Divided We Fall; Is Cultural Destruction Planned?

The defining question for us all is, where is that point. That’s a very hard question to answer. What seems clear around the dinner table is completely different on the street. May there be enough of a grouping of different sorts we all soldier along.

We decided to double our potato patch size this year for reasons that are obvious here at PP. This will be our 12th annual planting and we will share a portion of the harvest with community CSA’s, donate some to the local food bank and store the balance to provide for the members of the non profit during the winter. Russetts, Colorado Reds, German Butterball and Yukon Gold will be planted on May 22nd.


Bingo! The Educational system IS the indoctrinator. I would include MSM as part of our ““educational system””.

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have decided to 10 fold last year’s potato rows in my garden (thanks Chris for the calorie information), am experimenting with 6 organic varieties. Also the 3 cows strategy really resonated with me, I have sheep in a small pen that moves over the land adding ‘organics’ to the land and hooves helping to create soil life, the results are amazing and I am only two months in.


One can be moral and not overly religious. I am also female. I also have an adopted son whom we adopted out of foster care. The only reason I tell you this before responding is so you cannot virtue signal by basically saying “men shouldn’t get an opinion in this”. I too have known people who have had abortions and every single one of them has regretted it later on in life. Abortion is NOT about freedom. You want sexual freedom, use any number of scientifically approved methods of birth control. Heck, some of them even prevent STDs.
I think the decision to overturn Roe vs Wade is a correct one. You may disagree and accuse me of being against abortion but you would be mistaken. I am FOR states rights in these things. My view on abortion, much like my view on many things, is more nuanced. I am all for the morning after pill. I am also in agreement that abortion should be legal up to the point of viability (currently about 22 weeks) but prohibited after that unless its to save the life of the mother or in the case of rape or incest. I am also against any government funding of abortion. Nobody’s tax dollars should be used to support it. It should be a privately funded enterprise. I think more importance should be placed on adoption. There are many families like mine who would love to adopt an infant. This included infants from “diverse backgrounds”. Putting this back to the sates will let ordinary Americans have more of a say in it. You don’t like what your state decides? Move.


I have a friend from work who raises bees as a hobby. All of her hives were wiped out by something this past winter… some kind of bee killing bacteria. I have seen some wild bees around my fruit trees but not nearly as many as usual.

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Ruth stout method works well and is pretty quick to do for potatoes. I’m heavy on various squash and spuds this year.


Depends on the type of education. Not as much in the engineering field although sadly that is changing now. It just took them longer to corrupt it…

Part 2?

Hi all. Just wondering if there is a part two for this episode of Informed Consent? Thanks

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Last Man on Earth series had people alive in Tucson

I’m not an energy worker so I can’t help you, however, I wish an older lady I knew was alive now to talk to about this. She could see auras, and could tell you when your colors were ‘off’ or altered. She knew when my cousin was pregnant, my uncle ‘looking off’ pre-cancer diagnosis. She didn’t discuss her skills or knowledge and it was easy to miss a reference to them. She was kind, quiet, observant, unobtrusive and knowledgable. Animals came to her, and children loved her. Only once did I hear her saying something bad about someone. ‘You should never wish ill upon anyone, but that is one person better gone (dead)’, in reference to an elderly man she knew, who also happened to give me the creeps. I think she would be seeing something now. And I suspect she could tell us more than we can figure.


I know other than the bacterial and viral hypothesis, there’s discussions in some circles about EMF being part of the demise of bees. Perhaps they are suffering multiple stressors. Either way it is extremely concerning. I do my best to attract bees to my small patch, but their demise has an ominous overtone to me bigger than peak oil or climate.


A couple of weeks ago a friend (family through marriage) and I were talking about fishing. Out of the blue he comments what a tyrant Governor DeSantis is for signing a bill that excluded abortion for rape. I hadn’t read the bill so was unable to comment. After reading the bill I found his assertion to be true, but also that a woman has nearly 4 months to make that decision/choice. Abortion whether one approves or disapproves is not going away. We are being whipped into a fervor. I would agree with Chris that we are being led down a path of ruin. Manufactured crises for the purpose of control. Grace and civility be damned.
There is a Kingdom that leads to peace and prosperity, yet few read and believe. “Religion” or more appropriately Faith, may not be “forced” upon anyone. It is a personal decision that one makes. The New Testament…read it. 1 Corinthians 1:18-31 NIV - Christ Crucified Is God’s Power and - Bible Gateway


Geo Engineering

Having a bit of a look at the Chem trails in the sky. I had a feeling it was nothing and have left it on the back burner and living in Scotland the incidence of clear sky was minimal! But now living in northern Italy on the coast it has become apparent that this is a thing. Not only is it a thing it is troubling. What do you know about this??? Growing our own food etc I am furious to think they are dropping stuff out of the sky onto my crops. Plus I have a feeling it is creating a debilitating sneezing problem for me??? Anyhow, if this is a thing and there are people doing this we need to say to government across the globe, when did you ask us about this and you stop this now! We ar e really up against some criminality.

I recall a 2022 goal for Peak Prosperity was to connect with more people from all across the internet, hence the live YouTube chats, and taking live questions from the audience.
You can imagine it would be a less ‘chatty’ atmosphere if Chris was taking to himself :wink:
Therefore, a different ambience now… and Evie makes the environment very friendly and welcoming.


Clarkson’s Farm

Have to say Jeremy is not a farmer but he’s learning fast. He’s also not touchy feely about organics and thinks it is pretty hippy and naff. However he’s learning and beginning to connect the dots. The soil there is full of Cotswold Stone. The fields are full of the stuff which is why all boundaries are made of stone. There used to be stone pickers for the fields due to the amount of stone turned up every time you plough. If you ever get the chance to see the Cotswolds do as they are simply beautiful. But yup the sooner he can begin his path to organic farming and rebuilding the soil and the biodiversity the better. He will I am sure because at heart he’s happy to say I was a fool when he learns it.

There is no new Part 2 for this week’s IC. Chris made the point in the video that the elements of the most recent Part 2 were highly relevant and he wanted the Tribe to have access to it in its current featured homepage position.

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I am enjoying his demeanor and approach. I absolutely love how he says straight up when he’s been wrong about something and pivots.
I too suspect he’ll come around right quick. I would fund a tour for him of Gabe Brown’s farm. I strongly suspect Jerem ey’s lightbulbs would be going off in rapid fashion by simply being there, observing, and listening.
He seems keen that way.
Just has some more un-programming to do.
I’d be thrilled to see that season.

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Thank you for that first-hand account. A truly appalling moment in history. One that I believe will be replicated many times in the future.
When does a government steal? Only when it has to.
How often is that? Only when it makes policy errors.
And how often is that? Don’t ask…


This Is Intentional And I Can Prove It!

Most of the people in Washington are lawyers or have advanced degrees. If a lawyer, you had four years of university, then three years of law school which is not easy. Then you have to pass the bar exam, which is not easy at all. In the case of advanced degrees, thesis have to be written and defended to obtain that degree. To do either of these requires a rather high level of intelligence and cognitive ability. To give an example, Kamala Harris passed the California Bar Exam which is the toughest to pass in the US. So, she is intelligent and very cognitavely capable. Now that we have established that these people are not stupid, but also rather intelligent, that leads to the hypothesis that they know what they are doing. These are not stupid people. Neither are we here at Peak Prosperity. We see what appear to be mistakes and bad decisions. What we see as utter stupidity. Again, these are very intelligent people who are far from stupid. Knowing they can see the same information we see, this is intentional. This is deliberate. They see the outcomes of their policy and actions and keep pushing forward with them They see the harm yet continue on this path.
They are making deliberate decisions to make the world go in a desired direction. I believe it’s time we acknowledge this is deliberate and intentional. They are intelligent and well educated, and in their minds no mistakes are being made. I can no longer give these people the benefit of the doubt because I have no doubt left they are executing and orchestrating a well thought out plan.