"Informed Consent" LiveCast: Divided We Fall; Is Cultural Destruction Planned?

It’s getting so I am welcoming the carpenter bees who are eating my house; they are the only bees around!


Good call Ben. I will try and pick some up this weekend for planting!

I’m in the process of reading the draft and from what I’ve covered so far, Greenwald is right. This has a lot to do with politics and not a lot of understanding regarding the history of state vs. federal rights. This will be an interestingly, and no doubt polarizing, moment in history. Wouldn’t it be great if this kind of attention was being paid to the Fed and the economy?


I like trains, I really do however our society is not set up for rail, it is slow, the rail road loses your stuff, sometimes for months, they pick and chose what goes on a train because different freight pays a different rate, etc… this last one could be some of why UP didn’t want to ship grain or fertilizer, lower rate per car and when fuel is expensive you want to generate maximum revenue possible per train load. Bikes are fine for people who live in a city BUT most of the US is not city. Our industrial and agricultural base is in areas where mass transit and biking to work is not feasible for most people. Maybe I will need to invest in the equipment to make my own bio fuels…

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LMAO “sprain an eyeball”. Loved it.


Washington state, Seattle etc is spending billions on a light rail that is worthless. There are a handful of access points over miles of track. There is literally no way to use it but for those few points. I’m certain it will do some good, but for the money spent it will not come close to a viable answer. Too many dreamers and not enough realists make these decisions.


Watching the presentation, I was hoping that you would cover bail-ins. Like reading my mind, you did!
Multiple sources that I follow have been saying for a while that, unlike the 08 bailouts, this time it will be bail ins.
Their advice ranges from just get your money out of large banks and into smaller local ones all the way up to, get most of your money out of all banks.
Ive been in a small, local CU for years. How at risk do you think those funds are?
Last year I swept most of my eqiuty positions to the sidelines (very early but so glad I did). Im worried how at risk those funds may be as well?
It pains me to do all this as the tax consequences are considerable but still glad I did it.
Also, do you see the potential for bank runs in the US ahead?
Excellent content as usual.
PS: My wife and I enjoy Evie’s imput and perspective.


Cheers for that. I did hear that mentioned at the end but thought I may have just misunderstood. ?

Thank you for asking this question. I’ve been wondering what to do with our savings. We dont need to buy things that just depreciate. We actually own land we’re planning to sell now when we can get the most from it. We’ll possibly buy nearer to where we live if the prices go down later. We’re thinking precious metals is the best investment. I wish I had a crystal ball or had educated myself better!


These busy bees are not imported from overseas like honeybees. Make them some habitats other than your house. They love to pollinate especially plants with larger blossoms. I’ve never been stung by one even though they are very territorial.


Thanks for the book reference. I am already heavily into growing sprouts and microgreens but would appreciate a bit more ‘how to’ knowledge to get even better at it. I am currently growing 8-10 different types, with the sprouting kind in jars being much more successful & productive than the microgreens in soil.
Because I grow so many sprouts I have been able to reduce outdoor lettuce plantings as well as bought lettuce the price of which is now ridiculous. This year I will experiment with using the microgreens to make different pestos which can be canned or frozen. For those who like spicy foods, give radish sprouts a go. Holy! ??


I am totally on board with Wendell. Earned income gets taxed enough through sales taxes and so on. If you want people to work let them get to keep what they earn without having to ‘stash’ it in some special account with government rules and control.


BTW, it’s ancient history for most of us but what would happen if SCOTUS reversed the decision allowing income tax! That day would be made a national holiday IMHO.

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eventually, communities will be forced to protect with weaponry their food from thieves, including the organised crime syndicates (i.e., the governments). people build gardens and become self-sufficient, but forget that when society collapses, their assets will be taken by someone else if those assets are not protected.
at some stage, abiding by the law will not be an option if you want to survive.
btw, government control of the food chain started many years ago. for example, to take control of the dairy industry, they proclaimed (they lied) that raw milk and dairy products were dangerous, and therefore all milk should be pasteurised/homogenised. this allowed a select few companies to take control of the whole industry because setting up the plants to do the process the milk was prohibitively expensive.
governments want to control all of your access to food. backyard poultry and rabbits are very much in their crosshairs. seeds are next.


there are a hundred male flowers on our cucumbers, and only 1 bee!

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add NACs to that mix (Natural Asset Corporations).
I was listening to Catherine Fitts’ latest Solari report wrap-up. they were discussing how Mr Global is setting up the world to allow them to confiscate anything they like, copying the systems being used in the U.S. by the alphabet and police agencies. the NACs will be another mechanism to do this. the NACs (with carbon trading) will allow Mr Global to pounce on any natural resource they like, without payment of any kind.

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make sure you know how to get/save seeds.

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we have a small space, a really small space. I’ve chosen to plant as many heirloom varieties as I can to try and help to preserve them. if everyone was planting the same “high yield” varieties (esp the hybrids), every other variety would become extinct.
I admit though that calories will be key. hopefully, we’ll be able to grow enough calories while also preserving the heirlooms.
for the record, there’s a new underground seed library/ark in Northern Europe (around Finland?). the same elite crowd are behind it. you have to wonder why.

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I really appreciate what you’ve shared here, and would very much appreciate hearing more as you and other energy healers treat others. Thanks!

“spuds” LOL. Australian or English? ?