New Coronavirus Ro of 4.1 = Massive Contagion Risk

AHCC to boost immune system. Expensive but worth it. LEF.ORG has best price in USA.
7 confirmed USA cases as go yesterday. So in a few days we should see ~28. Will PP have a count on home page so we can keep track?

Another way to prep is to supercharge your body’s immune and healing systems. Make sure your blood is not sluggish, your veins semi rigid and make sure that your blood contains all the micronutrients and antioxidants it needs to be ready.
No pills or supplements are required, except B12. Simply eat fresh fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts and whole grains for the duration of the pandemic. Your body will be as prepared as possible to fight off illness.
Once the virus has run it’s course, pizza, hamburgers and Cheetos will still be available.
Did you know that protein is not a problem? Over 97% of Americans get more than enough, averaging almost twice the daily requirements, including vegans.
Fiber is one of the big deficiencies, with 97% of Americans getting an average of less than half of the recommended daily allowance.

If you hoard masks you’ll be in a position to help the needy very effectively when masks are out of stock

If (a) the person-to-person-infected are contagious before AND after symptoms, as observed in Germany cases (NEJM report) and (b) R0 is indeed 3-4 or more and (c) this was left to run wild for a couple of months in China before lock-down, which has probably resulted in large 6 figure numbers of infected already, then the outcome is fait accompli in this highly-connected world of ours.
Most of us are going to get infected, short of a vaccine miracle, IMO.
Still keeping with the best practices to avoid it, but better to be realistic. Focus on staying as healthy as possible so as to weather this storm.

Chris, Thank you for all your information. This is such a big story and mainstream media is focused elsewhere.
One of the links above which looked credible said that Asians has about 5 times more ACE2 receptors than other populations. Is that true, and if so will that impact and the R naught factor outside of Asia?
Another You Tube link had a doctor that said hand sanitizer MAY NOT effectively kill this virus. Sorry but cannot find the link, …Can you comment?
Another link from within this chain showed Zinc may help against this virus. Any recommendations on Zinc and/or other supplements, and is there any specific grade or difference on Zinc tablets?
Thank you

I’ve got a good sized library of 500+ books so I won’t be bored if we lose internet. That sounds like a good addition. Thanks Wilco!

BBC had a fairly balanced article out this morning.
Which made a good point about spread and lethality.
"Two months into the epidemic, the coronavirus has not proven to be as deadly as the SARS virus. That, however, may also help explain why it’s spreading so quickly. It has an incubation period of up to two weeks, which enables the virus to spread through person-to-person contact.
The coronavirus, a highly contagious, pneumonia-causing illness that infects the respiratory tract, was responsible for 259 deaths in China, with 46 new deaths reported in the previous 24-hour period, and 11,791 infections worldwide, according to the latest figures released by China’s National Health Commission on Saturday (late Friday, EST).
SARS, or severe acute respiratory syndrome, infected 8,096 people worldwide with approximately 774 official SARS-related deaths; most of those infections occured during a nine-month period from 2002 to 2003. Even with 43 new fatalities reported over 24 hours, the fatality rate remains steady.
SARS had a fatality rate of 9.6% compared to the fatality rate of 2% for the coronavirus, which has remained steady for the last several weeks. However, that death toll could rise as the weeks progress, and drug companies scramble to come up with a vaccine for the virus. Whether the fatality rate remains steady has yet to be determined.
The difference in these two fatality rates gives more context as to why the coronavirus has spread so quickly. Medical experts say an effective flu-like virus can extend its reach by not killing its host too rapidly and/or making the host sick enough to pass it on before finally becoming bedridden.
“Every now and then a disease becomes so dangerous that it kills the host,” Matan Shelomi, an entomologist and assistant professor at National Taiwan University, wrote on Quora in 2017. But, ideally for the host at least, it must strike a balance.
“If the disease is able to spread to another host before the first host dies, then it is not too lethal to exist. Evolution cannot make it less lethal so long as it can still spread,” he added. “If a hypothetical disease eradicates its only host, both will indeed go extinct.”

So watching the number of fatalities is wise but its more important to watch how many people get infected. Aka the R0 number.

This non-peered scientific paper (presumably) authored by Indian scientists reports genetic sequences of 2019 nCoV that are similar, and functionally capable of constructing the cell membrane receptor found in HIV … which elevates this virus from “novel” to synthetic.
I refer you to the article and ask that you read it skeptically but as if it were true. We’ll know the truth soon, I hope.
When people were duly worried about Katrina or Sandy, Cat 5 hurricanes headed for their door, they were not deemed “panicky” or prone to conspiracy theories. Quite the opposite was thought to be true of those who chose to ‘wait it out’.
How to remain safe and stylish in the midst of the rapidly widening coronavirus epidemic? Fashion magazines and influencers say they have you covered.
Britain’s Tatler — a Condé Nast publication — posted a story with the startling headline: “How to style an epidemic.”
The piece acknowledged the coronavirus anxiety by noting, “The social set are now rushing to get their hands on surgical-grade face masks.”
The story also explained that style-lovers may wonder, “How do I stay chic in the event of an epidemic?”

A great example of maintaining an “Everything is under control” narrative out of Canada and its 4th ‘acknowledged’ case.
Listening to CBC radio while in the car, the 4th case was outlined of a Western University student (London, Ontario) who had returned to London after a trip to Wuhan with her parents. Showing flu symptoms, she reported to University Hospital in London, was tested for the virus, and released after the test results were negative. Increasing symptoms sent her back to the hospital and another test. Surprise, surprise, after several days back in the community, but supposedly under self-isolation, the 2nd test came back positive. The health official quoted in the radio report stated everything was done properly, by the book, according the best scientific standards, it was only a ‘mild’ case, and “Everything is under control.”
Discusses “super spreaders”, aka people who are either more infectious or have a longer period where they are infectious. So your housemate might come down with nCov and not pass it on to you, or pass it on to a dozen (including you). A factor could be in how well preventative measures are used. A super spreader who self quarantines and doesn’t go out, can’t infect people.
Early reports that people continue to be infectious after the serious symptoms have passed is very worrisome though.

Coronavirus: Wuhan may be home to 75,815 infected people, report says

  • Findings by scientists at Hong Kong University based on the assumption that each infected patient could have infected 2.68 others
  • Meanwhile, numbers of new infections and deaths set daily records
Authorities in Hubei province, the epicentre of the outbreak, reported 45 new deaths and 1,347 new confirmed cases on Saturday – both daily highs. Of the newly reported deaths, 33 were in Wuhan, the provincial capital, according to the Hubei Health Commission. ............................................Sars expert Zhong Nanshan said in a press conference on January 21 that a super-spreader had infected 14 medical staff in a hospital in Wuhan.

Thank you, PP and Chris. A reminder, the census is due to start April 1, 2020. I will fill out on line. I want no one at my door. I have already got my 2019 tax materials to accountant with fee payment. Unfortunately, due to late changes, electronic filing is delayed. Paid down credit card. Registered my vehicle 3 months early. Trying to figure out everything I can pay by credit card and over the net.

I am referring to the article linked by Dave T., the case of the one USA patient in Washington State. HE did the right thing in that he was in Wuhan, and went and got it diagnosed. Ok. And we see the list of symptoms on the timeline, none of which would otherwise send me to the hospital or doctor in and of themselves. So, he of course needed to be in isolation since we are learning about and worried about this disease. But, other than that, did he need that kind of care ? Nowhere was this addressed ! SO, it told me nothing about his severity. Did he have trouble breathing ? Did he need intubation ? Or an oxegen mask ? Was he so sick that he couldnt drink and needed an IV ?"
Here is the link to the New England Journal of Medicine article referenced in the first article. Should have more detail.  

The MSM have been downplaying nCoV from day one. So it not surprising to tell everyone it not man made. It the same thing they did with denying Asymptomatic when Chinese people posted it is Asymptomatic. The media still think this is no deadlier than a common flue.
Government and scientists move too slowly to address issues coming up in social medias on this fast changing nCoV. Media isn’t doing it job. I trust the common people long before I trust these people in charge.

When the government tells you it under control it time to panic.

This virus is just too perfect. It does everything right.

  1. Stealth
  2. High Infection Rate
  3. Right amount of fatality so it doesn’t burn out.
  4. Long incubation.
  5. Can reinfect people that already cured.
  6. Cured people can reinfect others.
    Just too perfect and form an infinity loop.

Will company pay you or declare bankruptcy?

Overall computer models suggest 100,000-300,000 total infected in China. That was three days ago. Videos coming out suggest Chinese society is breaking down. Containing nCoV in China Mega cities will be the true test.