New Research Suggests The Coronavirus May Be Far Worse Than We Thought

So . . . .
What does the new aerosol factor mean to us, in terms of masks?
Is N95 still the standard? Are procedure masks now completely useless?

Or, instead of taking supplements, you can temporarily, or permanently, switch to a WFPB diet/lifestyle (whole foods plant based) and get all the vitamins and minerals you need, except for B12, from the food you eat.
The up side to this approach, is that the vitamins and minerals work much more effectively, when acquired from plants, than from a pill. You can confirm this statement yourself, by researching the science that has been done on nutrition and supplements.
Gorillas, Orangutans, Chimpanzees and Homo Sapiens are Great Apes. Great Apes are herbivores. Chimps get perhaps 1% of their nutrition from animal food sources, Gorillas and Orangutans, none.
But homo sapiens have decided that they can ignore the health effects of eating foods their body does not handle well.

Hi Chris and/or Adam (or anyone in the know),
I have a small manufacturing business in the midwest where I receive a number of packages and other shipments from customers and vendors all over the world on almost a daily basis. I am concerned about the potential communicability of the novel coronavirus due to the many hands these packages may have passed through. I have two items available to me that I thought might help with this concern: a large paint bake oven (like the size of a chest freezer) and a small UV resin curing station (about the size of a small toaster oven). Will soaking packages at 180 F for some number of hours in the paint bake oven deactivate the known human coronavirus types, and therefore likely also the novel coronavirus? Will putting small packages in the UV curing station for some number of minutes deactivate the known human coronavirus types, and therefore likely also the novel coronavirus?
Thanks in advance.

You need FFP3 protection; that’ll still work. The virus is 0,12 microns so anything that filters out particles above 0,11 micron just works. FFP3 will be enough; as long as the mask fits your face properly. You need quite a bit of force to draw air through such small holes; which means if it doesn’t fit your face properly, you’re just drawing in unfiltered air anyway.
But most face masks are FFP2, which is equivalent to N95. That’s not enough against Aerosols, only droplets. The problem is when the virus can propagate outside of the droplets as now you’re trying to filter actual particles and not something with surface tension.
Surgical masks never where for your protection. They’re for trying to limit the spread to others. That’s what they are developed for: To prevent bacteria in a surgeons mouth from infecting an open wound of the patient on the surgical table. A lot of people died due to secondary infection this way before they understood the danger.
But again; It’s highly likely that it can enter your body through your eye mucus, as there was a Chinese official in full protective gear minus eye gear who got sick anyway. So if you really want to be protected, go for a full blown full face mask with replaceable filters that you can wash with bleach water every time you go back into a domicile or other area where you intend to walk around without a mask on.
As long as you’re careful, it is still very much possible to never catch this. The things that will get you in the end:

  • Lack of morale 1 month into a lock down. Morale slips, people get careless, and you take off your mask before washing your hands just once and because it was itching you scratch and boom; you’re infected.
  • Friends and family who where less careless and drag the virus into your home. Good luck turning desperate infected relatives away too. If you really wanna prevent infection, that’s whats necessary as there are numerous reports of family clusters. Virtually all the cases in Germany so far where family clusters.
  • Hospital visit because something else happened. Slip, fall, break a leg - that’s a hospital visit. And with an open break with an Aerosol virus you are done for.
  • Denial. That cough you’re developing is just a cold, nothing to worry about. Certainly not something to worry about when you drag it into your home with the rest of your family.
  • Luck. Sometimes… ya just can’t catch a break.
    If you’re not prepared for the long fight, i’d recommend catching it early. As we’ve seen, as long as there is adequate medical care and the ICU isn’t overwhelmed, the chance of death is very low. Otherwise; the best prevention is lack of human contact.
    OH; i forgot to mention. If you live in an apartment building with central ventilation; you’ll wanna just tape that off now. I care about stale air less then i care about living.

Hello Cepheid,
The Coronavirus 2019-nCoV (Wuhan Strain) continues to spread rapidly across China. On January 30th, the WHO declared the outbreak a global health emergency, acknowledging that the disease presents a risk that extends beyond China.
Using the same approach as when we developed Xpert Ebola in response to the 2014-15 Ebola outbreak in West Africa, Cepheid is accessing the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) regulatory pathway with the FDA (US Federal Drug Administration) to develop an assay that detects Coronavirus 2019-nCoV. The expected test would be an automated real time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) test for the qualitative detection of 2019-nCoV RNA from nasopharyngeal swabs. It is intended to be run on all of our current systems and is expected to be operationally similar to our Flu/RSV Xpress assay. We are targeting launch of this product within a few months, comparable to the time it took to launch our best-in-class test for Ebola.
Providing access to timely, highly accurate diagnostics that improve patient outcomes and public health worldwide is the heart of our mission – it’s what we do. We are convinced that developing this assay is the right decision to help patients, customers and nations who urgently need our help.
Patients First!
Warren C. Kocmond

Dang it.
Thanks for the information; I appreciate you taking the time to respond.
But, dang it nonetheless.
If someone knowledgeable about these things could weigh in on what to get that will handle the aerosol problem, I’d be very grateful. (Most of my Amazon searches are still coming up with N-95 results, and/or not enough detail to tell if the respirator/filter combination is what I’m looking for.)
Thank you all!

so will ibuprofin actually suppress the inflammation in your lungs and help you breath if you have the virus?. i’m making the assumption that i’m going to catch the bug

I took the big steps to prep for any pandemic that may come to Southern California
interestingly we have 2 confirmed cases now and that hasn’t moved in over a week. Very slow growth outside of China as of now.
Not as worried as I was last week that’s for sure

I agree with you Myrto. Cruise ships may be offering us the best insights available into the true effects of disease transmission because they are a closed environment where so many variables can be controlled. Think of it this way, with their ability to test a fixed sample group and to set up quarantine we might be getting nearer the truth of how viral thus illness us without depending strictly on Chinese data. The high infection rates are alarming.

I agree with you Myrto. Cruise ships may be offering us the best insights available into the true effects of disease transmission because they are a closed environment where so many variables can be controlled. Think of it this way, with their ability to monitor and test a fixed sample group daily and to set up quarantine we might be getting nearer the truth of how viral this illness is without depending strictly on Chinese data. The high infection rates we are seeing on these ships is insightful and offers invaluable information to Western researchers.

I regularly have issues trying to load this site, do you?
Have there been any updates on this issue by Chris or other administrators?
If this is a capacity issue are there plans to upgrade site/infrastructure?
Concerned the site may become unusable as readers and subscribers grow due to recent virus interest.

It could be a testament to the level of interest in this subject right now. It could also be that Peak Prosperity is suffering a denial of service attack. I just left a duplicate comment thinking the first did not get through after a very long delay. Hmmm.

For those who would like a bit more info on the use and care of personal protective equipment (PPE) there are some great resources on the WorkSafeBC website:

Well that was weird and concerning. I tried to access PP site a few minutes ago (10:1 a.m. PST), got a 504 error indicating the site was down. Checked “IsItDownRightNow?” and it indicated that the site was down, had been down for 21 hours. I tried but couldn’t paste the screen shot or snip. Here’s the link:
Apparently its up now. Others have the same experience? Hope all is well.

excellent little video

Is it possible to use Google Map to document the past presence of the BSL-4 lab in Wujan, and then reload it immediately to see if the lab is still there?
Just asking …

Trump confirmed again his believe that with warmer weather the virus will retreat.
April is his target.
No doubt this is info from the Chinese based on SARS.
You still got infected ? Do the old fire drake dance around many fires and make sure you overheat pretty well from the inside and on the outside. That should take care of the little beings…

First case reported on Jan 25.
Cases (essentially) doubled in the past 24 hours, from 70 to 136.
If I plug in an R0=5 (“ish”), then 1…5 … 25 … 125 cases, assuming an incubation period of, on average, 5 days, which is what JAMA is reporting now in a very preliminary analysis of a small cohort of cases … gets us to a close approximation of what is now reported: 136 cases
By Feb 15, if the R0=5, then 1682 passengers will be infected with nCoV-19, and by Feb 20 everyone else on board will be sick. Of course, “everyone else on board” is an exaggeration because surely some people will be immune or have asymptotic disease.
Please tell me where my arithmetic is flawed or my assumptions are misbegotten.

I have wondered the same thing. Here are my three theories:

  1. It hasn’t spread much to the outside world since it is genetically engineered to attack people of Chinese ancestry. I tend to doubt this one since, the virus is not even spreading that quickly outside of Hubei province, despite huge Chinese populations.
  2. The disease has a longer incubation period than people realize. In essence, it has already spread throughout the world but the hundreds of thousands of victims are asymptomatic as of this point.
  3. The virus is a fast mutator and the strains outside of Hubei province are less problematic or even asymptomatic entirely.