Now We Have MORE Questions (Pointing To LIHOP)


Recording/duty at 180000 started?

Radio message - speed up.

Text message.

At water tower.
240811 180820 h 1A by tower up

Forest footage.
240811 180831 i 1C forest

Boosted officer arrived.
240811 180901 h 2A arrived

Boost up.
240811 181055 h 3 boost up

First shot.
240811 181132 h 4A first shot
240811 181132 i 4C first shot
240811 181133 h 4B first shot

240811 181517 h 6 tatto

I told them.
240811 182239 h 7 told them

240811 182944 h 5 ladder

1st shots (no audio) suddenly he turned around quickly.

I told them…

BTW the exact time of death is not clear. - But who cares?


I cut X out of my life a while back, but I think it’d be worthwhile for somebody with an account to try to get in touch with him and let him know we’ve been working around the clock on this, and ask him to post some kind of proof in the form of a picture that includes the current front page of the NY Post or something. If we know it’s really him, we can keep an eye on him and try to help him.

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Crooks did not fired from that position, it was way more to the right.

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“This video is unavailable”

A video on X appears to show a failure of local LEO to warn of Crooks with rifle on the roof of AGR 6 55 seconds before the shot.

The two local police on the western side of AGR 6 are peeking into its roof just when Trump is saying “these teleprompters are so damn boring, …”, this is 55 seconds before the bullet hits Trump’s ear. Their peeking was at about 6:11:32 (Trump shot) - 0:55 = 6:10:37.

Senator Ron Johnson’s timeline has no listing of any such warning by local LEO about a rifled suspect on roof around 6:10:37, only much later at 6:11:03-11:11, i.e. 26-34 seconds later than Local LEO could have radioed or texted. (There is a warning at 6:08:20 about suspect on roof but not about rifle.)

Assuming that

  • the timeline is complete as to listing of local LEO’s communications about rifled suspect on the roof of AGR,
  • by 6:10:37 these police had seen Crooks with rifle on the roof or been told about him by bystanders (Greg Smith said he pointed for 2-3 minutes)

it follows that local LEO failed to communicate about Crooks’ rifled presence on the roof of AGR 6 55 seconds before the first shot at Trump.

Btw, this X account is supposedly of Greg Smith, and said video of his wife! It may be a fake account, but it also claims “Greg Smith” is set to meet the great Senator next week!

You have seen video of Greg on the west side of the AGR?

Sorry, is your link to the video correct?

I don’t know if this if the best forum for this information, but I think people are going to need to understand video compression and lens distortion again for some of the new bodycam footage. I used to write functional simulators for graphics chips…
Crooks doesn’t hunch down, crawl, or take an alternate route. He simply crawls over that connecting walkway, walks straight across 3 buildings, and lays down on building 1. He never runs left-to-right; that’s just a distortion from the zoom, wide angle lens, and the building’s angle. Notice that in the Copenhaver video, he disappears right at the edge of a building. That’s because edges are the boundaries for algorithmic blends, and he was close enough in color to be blended into the wall. He reappears when he slows down enough or stops moving. You can sometimes see a slight ghost image if he slows enough or if the camera moves with him. This is happening in some of the new bodycam footage, so it would be nice if eventually somebody explained it correctly in a YouTube video.



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I saw that. Not sure what to make of it.

Greg Smith also said he’d “be shocked” if his friend were armed.

Well, not only was he armed but he was ‘brandishing’ during an extremely tense moment.

I simply cannot account for the other LEOs around him being OK with that. And I don’t care if they train with this guy 3x/week at the gun club.

It’s a liability issue. What if he accidentally discharges, or draws down on another plainclothes who he has not seen in the prior briefing? etc.



We can settle some of this with a video frame:

Greg is circled in red.

Uniformed officers are circled in yellow. Plainclothes in green.

And that’s just one view. I haven’t analyzed facing the other way yet at this moment.

This view shows 2 uniformed officers, one of whom is in perfect position and for whom the gray-shirted man even helpfully points:

I can’t confirm if these are the same as circled above or different.


I thought Greg was the red hair red MAGA visor guy.

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So the shooter appeared at 18:08:30 on the roof.
But the patroler received a radio message and speeded up his car at 18:00:30.
Somehow they know something 8 minutes earlier.
(At that time Crooks might be at picnic table. Dosens of assets called for a patroler to check?)



For the third time, I’m telling you I saw the interview. I haven’t been able to find it again, but I did see it myself. You’ve done incredible work, but that doesn’t mean you’re right about everything.

As I said when I saw the article and his quotes, I didn’t even know about the article at the time I saw the video. Virtually everything quoted in the article was word for word what I remember seeing Except for one sentence where he says his eyes were looking in three or four places. I don’t remember that.

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You’re definitely thinking of the right guy. I just can’t tell if the circled guy is him. But the color of his shirt is about right, and his t-shirt did have a bunch of white stuff on the front.

Again, just because you can’t find the video doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. I’m not trying to mislead anybody. I’m trying to help.

The red circle guy does not look like this.

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Is this “the” Greg Smith?

If it is, Greg, can you clear up where you were standing when you observed the shooter on the roof and can you clear up what second story window or windows you’re referring to when you gave an answer answer in your interview that you saw them during the shooting, but they did nothing

I think it could be him if you just imagine him without the visor. Compare shirts.