its not Greg Nicol in building 4, its supposed to be the other ESU sniper…go and look at the after action report in the Grassley file…its shown on the Map photo’s in the section ‘after shooting’…
maybe repost the pictures from the after 'FPOTUS AfterAction Beaver county ESU/SWAT report…page 11 onwards have the timestamps in yellow…i can only post 1 jpeg and 3 replies a day because i am new…so it would be great if you made a post showing this…thanks anyway
Beaver inside, Butler outside supposedly. No names. Not sure what you mean.
Blue Triangle Building. 2 is Greg Nicols, he is stationed in 2nd window from the west end of the south side on the 2nd floor…
Blue Square Building 4is BCESU Sniper who was positioned in the 2nd floor window of the west end of Building 2.
I have a question I have not seen answered. Every other sniper team that I have seen pictured at this event had a sniper and a spotter. Isn’t standing operating procedure to have a sniper and a spotter teamed togther? Does that include the Butler Co and the BCESU that were in the AGR building? Meaning were there 2 teams of 2? Are we sure that Nichols was the sniper and not a spotter?
Spotters are snipers, so if a team of two has to “break apart” you can now have two snipers available. So please understand your question doesn’t really make sense, they are both snipers and who was assigned the spotter position doesn’t really matter, unless you think one of those snipers took the shot at Trump somehow.
In this bodycam footage at 1:40 to 1:47 he says, “we have the guy in red and took his phone who has a picture of the guy who took the shot and getting shot”.
Watching this I am proud of the guy and girl in the back and one other guy. The girl says she doesn’t remember her dob and she did not record anything. The guy says something about how could this happen with snipers on every bldg but where they should have been. The other guy says no to handing over something because it’s his good luck charm so the cop advises him to just write down his info. Impressive they didn’t just spill all of the beans. Maybe there is more truth out there.
1:12 in video cop tells him he was detained because he “looks like the guy on the roof”
It makes sense as a clarifying question. How can they say they left to open door but were in position at the same time. If there are 2 teams of 2 and one leaves there is still one guy per team in position and there is a guy that left. If they use language that differentiates the positions on 2 man teams, the contradictory stories are not contradictory.
anyone know when these 2 SS agents in black arrived inside the building? any other videos to explain the backstory? and te guy closer to the door answers yes the dude is upstairs and ladders are enroute. Did he ever seen on top? Were they stationed inside this building 6 during the shooting?
strong text
Since there is no known eye witness (of actual shooting). So it means “allegedly”.
Dropbox 1340_202407131804_BWC2122111-0RATF (video #5 atm)
@reneroos provided this Dropbox link to 12 videos. It could be productive for the PP community to review them, so in this post on video #5 I make a few comments.
The main discovery is an apparent man on a northern AGR roof, which appears more clearly here. I encourage all to watch 6:10:44-53, as the policeman looks for something on the roof.
This is bodycam video of a Butler Township police officer, who parks his cruiser around 6:04 behind the water tower and starts walking slooowly toward the AGR eastern parking lot. There is no audio.
Ron Johnson’s timeline indicates “6:08:20pm—A local law enforcement officer reports over the radio that there is someone on the roof of the AGR building.”
6:08:17: The policeman lifts his hand over his eyes to block the sun. Two seconds later a man on the northern AGR roof appears:
Perhaps he is the local LEO just referred to in the timeline.
-6:08:48: Man on northern AGR roof is progressing south:
Further progress:
He then disappears from view. -
6:08:51: A police cruiser runs over the grass toward AGR 6, but this policeman himself does not hurry up.
He only steps on the parking lot around 6:09:27, 67 seconds after the radio update about man on roof of AGR.
6:10:12: (80 seconds before the first shot.) He suddenly lifts his arm and points to the roof of the connecting corridor to AGR 6. He may be projecting the progress of the man first seen on the northern roof. The video of the bodycam on his chest does not show anyone on the roof, but Crooks already is on the roof of AGR 6, per western witnesses.
6:10:21: He is right in front of the corridor, lethargically arrived. Again, he lifts his arm toward the AGR roof:
6:10:28: He faces south and sees two local police running toward the connecting corridor, followed farther back by a PA State policeman - I believe one of the three is boosted by the other two onto the corridor’s roof. (In another video, the boost starts around 6:10:45 or 53 seconds before this screenshot.)
Clearly, things are moving fast except for this policeman. -
6:10:34, 58 secs before first shot: This lethargic policeman remains still as he watches PA State policeman rushing in. Bodycam policeman gives a thumb up and pivots north, maybe he was just asked to check roof in the back (no audio):
From the bodycam of the boosted policeman (different video), we can identify the policeman of this Dropbox 5 bodycam:
6:10:46: The policeman points in direction of northern AGR roof, probably informing a nearby colleague of his direction. (Red item is a tree, not Crooks.)
Why head there if the man had been running south? -
6:10:58: (This is the second where the other policeman, seconds ago boosted to the roof of the corridor, has just fallen on the ground and is starting a sprint to the grass.) Policeman here just turned his body south and points to the roof of AGR 6 (roof lamp visible). He may have heard the boosted officer fall down?
6:11:03: Local LEOs are scrambling!
On this second, per Senator Ron Johnson’s timeline,
“6:11:03pm—A local law enforcement officer reports over the radio that the individual on the roof of the AGR building is armed and laying down.
o According to FBI Deputy Director Abbate, the officer who reports this is the same local police officer who was boosted on the roof.” -
6:11:05: This policeman is now holding his gun out and pivots north again, a natural reaction to the latest radio warning and scrambling colleagues.
He then spends a few seconds scanning the roofs of AGR, but the man seen on the roof 2.5 minutes ago is not visible:
6:11:23, 9 seconds before first shots. The bodycam policeman finally has run for the first time, toward the AGR complex and is now pointing his gun to the middle of the north-south AGR roof expanse, seemingly assuming a risk there - but the bodycam shows nothing, and Crooks is way south:
6:11:32: The first shot is fired (no audio here) and he puts down his left arm. He is near one of the northern AGR roofs:
At 6:11:38 the first 9 shots are done and he points his gun south. -
6:11:46: He has sprinted to this spot north:
For the next ~19 minutes, this policeman stays there. It may be partly to cover that corridor in case another gunman tries to cross it. Yet he often looks south, not too attentive to the corridor in front. He sees many LEOs running all over, but stays put and chats calmly with a local LEO who has come over … maybe some cowardice and further laziness here. Once shots went off south, he moved north.
6:27:21: Shots ended almost 16 minutes ago, some LEOs appear on the roof closest to him (top right), they must have been clearing all AGR roofs:
He hangs out there for another ~6 minutes.
Wow! It seems Crooks did come from the northern roof. That Secret Service defined all the roofs north of AGR 6 to be unprotected really covered Crooks’ run. The Hercules 2 team was blocked by trees.
It’s a tree.
It’s the same early on and later. The shape stays roughly the same.
like the other guy said, that’s just a tree.
what’s funny is that you didn’t see Crooks on the roof in that same video at the 18:08-18:09 mark on the bodycam when he’s running on the roofs lol
Thanks. I don’t see what you see around that time … I do see :19-:29 of that minute.
I guess I need a bigger screen, it will save me time from documenting some dead ends like this one. I guess now it’s clear why the policeman was pointing to the northern roof. I will update the above.
Why do you think he pointed to that northern roof at 6:10:44 and 6:10:46? And what was he pointing to?
I think maybe I see them entering the building at about 18:17:42 in this video: Dropbox