Now We Have MORE Questions (Pointing To LIHOP)

I saw that. Not sure what to make of it.

Greg Smith also said he’d “be shocked” if his friend were armed.

Well, not only was he armed but he was ‘brandishing’ during an extremely tense moment.

I simply cannot account for the other LEOs around him being OK with that. And I don’t care if they train with this guy 3x/week at the gun club.

It’s a liability issue. What if he accidentally discharges, or draws down on another plainclothes who he has not seen in the prior briefing? etc.



We can settle some of this with a video frame:

Greg is circled in red.

Uniformed officers are circled in yellow. Plainclothes in green.

And that’s just one view. I haven’t analyzed facing the other way yet at this moment.

This view shows 2 uniformed officers, one of whom is in perfect position and for whom the gray-shirted man even helpfully points:

I can’t confirm if these are the same as circled above or different.


I thought Greg was the red hair red MAGA visor guy.

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So the shooter appeared at 18:08:30 on the roof.
But the patroler received a radio message and speeded up his car at 18:00:30.
Somehow they know something 8 minutes earlier.
(At that time Crooks might be at picnic table. Dosens of assets called for a patroler to check?)



For the third time, I’m telling you I saw the interview. I haven’t been able to find it again, but I did see it myself. You’ve done incredible work, but that doesn’t mean you’re right about everything.

As I said when I saw the article and his quotes, I didn’t even know about the article at the time I saw the video. Virtually everything quoted in the article was word for word what I remember seeing Except for one sentence where he says his eyes were looking in three or four places. I don’t remember that.

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You’re definitely thinking of the right guy. I just can’t tell if the circled guy is him. But the color of his shirt is about right, and his t-shirt did have a bunch of white stuff on the front.

Again, just because you can’t find the video doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. I’m not trying to mislead anybody. I’m trying to help.

The red circle guy does not look like this.

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Is this “the” Greg Smith?

If it is, Greg, can you clear up where you were standing when you observed the shooter on the roof and can you clear up what second story window or windows you’re referring to when you gave an answer answer in your interview that you saw them during the shooting, but they did nothing

I think it could be him if you just imagine him without the visor. Compare shirts.

As for the shell casings, a LEO points and counts them in Grassley’s video 2. It took me many loops to identify them with some confidence at 6:31:48:

Crooks’ hair appears next to the green camo.

A mention of “8 shell casings” first appears about 30 minutes later, at the end of Grassley video 1.

Btw, some people wondered how an AR-15 could eject shells rightward so above and close to shooter. Assuming he did fire shots 4-8 (snick-boom delay is consistent with distance to Trump), Crooks likely stopped when shot 9 was fired at him, and started to shimmy down and to his right from the ridge for cover or escape. That movement would have placed him closer and below the shells, as where is is shown here, when he would have been hit by #10 on his head and stopped. His body was found not prone, as here, but sideways with right shoulder up and hugging the rifle - this position is consistent with a shimmying to the right indeed, and with a bullet entry over his left brow and exit behind right ear.


If Greg meets Congress we should find out a clarification of where he was and what he saw

The following is EVIDENCE that Crooks did not fire the second shot!

This screenshot from 0:12 in the video link must be evidence that Crooks did not fire the second shot. You don’t see any muzzle fire in Crooks position (Red arrow) when the second shot is fired!

We know from this article from WP that an officer saw muzzle fire (probably shot 4-8)
The officer, who was not a sniper, had left the barn and was outside on the ground nearby when Crooks began firing from the rooftop about 110 yards away, the official said. The local officer saw the muzzle flashes from Crooks’s rifle, the official said, and fired his rifle at Crooks.


Nah, I have red hair and I know what red hair looks like. Red circle guy does not have the same red hair as Greg does. I even down loaded the pic and blew it up.

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I agree!

Yahoo Mail: Search, Organize, Conquer

If the buildings already have numbers, it makes no sense to number them differently.

Yahoo Mail: Search, Organize, Conquer

I don’t know what you’re trying to link to there, but those Yahoo Mail links don’t work. Please edit those posts and link that stuff some other way.

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I missed this post. The wife’s video alone is pretty compelling evidence that that LEO at that moment either could see Crooks on the roof or was being told by the pointing bystander of him. I estimate this moment to be 6:10:37, 55 seconds before 6:11:32 when Trump’s ear was hit. This looks strongly like a failure of local LEO. A bit more detail here.

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Copy the youtube link (YouTube has this one Age-Restricted) it wont play if you are not signed in to YouTube

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I don’t see Greg’s visor in his hand in the photo that you circled? Where was it and why does he not have it on?