Now We Have MORE Questions (Pointing To LIHOP)

However, in a portion of the interview that Greg gave he says he was only 50 feet away from the shooter or at least the roof so that has to place them on the west side even though I’ve never seen him in any video or photo that I can identify. I have believed all along that Greg is very credible, but I’m having my doubts now since we can’t find him anywhere.

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Here’s a few more frames. I think it’s him - but it’s not 100%:


That is him. They could also be talking about the other guy in the pic pointing wearing a red shirt.

I could be wrong, but it just doesn’t look like the same red/orange hair to me. I’ve spent a life time looking at red hair, mine and others.

I don’t think it is real red hair. It’s a visor that comes with fake reddish hair attached to it. My brother had one with yellow hair


This has videos that I haven’t seen elsewhere, including a bodycam clearly showing Crooks standing on the roof.


Great video and presentation. Very well done.


Washington Post article excerpt from Raulund:
The local law enforcement official close to the investigation did not know whether the local officer’s shot hit Crooks. But shortly after that shot, Crooks altered his positioning, the official said. Crooks stopped shooting at the rally site and slumped down behind the crest of the sloped roof where he was perched, the official said.

After the local police officer’s shot, “there was definitely some sort of reaction,” the official said. “Crooks slumped over, and he didn’t fire another round.”

The official credited the local officer with interrupting Crooks’s attack. “Anything that disrupts an active shooter can keep the situation from being significantly more catastrophic.”

The official’s account is supported by video taken about 100 feet west of the building from which Crooks fired. The footage was recorded by Jon Malis, a 52-year-old Pennsylvania resident who was watching the rally from that location, just outside the Secret Service security perimeter.

Crooks had roused the suspicion of local police as he milled around outside the rally with a golf range finder. They were looking for him when he crawled onto the roof of a warehouse complex and began shooting at 6:11 p.m. Malis’s video, first published by Fox News, records the sound of the eight shots from Crooks and then the sound of a ninth shot. After that ninth shot, the video captures Crooks as he turns, making his face visible to the crowd on the west side of the building, away from the rally, The Post analysis shows. He then appears to reposition himself.

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The Washington Post

Crooks turns his head away from rally


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The local officer who shot at Crooks was assigned to a barn behind and to the north of the rally stage, along with a counterassault and quick-reaction force team from Butler County, the local law enforcement official said.

The officer, who was not a sniper, had left the barn and was outside on the ground nearby when Crooks began firing from the rooftop about 110 yards away, the official said. The local officer saw the muzzle flashes from Crooks’s rifle, the official said, and fired his rifle at Crooks.

A rally worker told The Post they witnessed the local officer shoot at Crooks from the same location.

The worker, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because their employer had not authorized them to speak publicly, said they were standing behind the bleachers to the north of the stage when Crooks took his first shots. The worker said attendees scrambled while the local officer took aim.

“Everyone else was moving, and he wasn’t,” the worker said. “I remember thinking, ‘He’s not freaking out; he’s not yelling.’ He shot his gun, and I remember thinking, ‘We need to take cover.’”

A spokesman for the Secret Service said the FBI was best suited to answer The Post’s questions about the local police officer’s shot toward Crooks.

FBI officials confirmed that a Butler County officer fired at the gunman and that the officer’s weapon has been taken to the FBI’s laboratory in Quantico, Va., for further analysis. Firearms experts at Quantico are also examining the gunman’s weapon, an AR-15-style rifle with a collapsible stock, and the weapon used by the Secret Service countersniper, FBI officials said.

FBI officials have said that a Secret Service countersniper fired the round that killed Crooks.

Malis’s video captures the 10th shot and Crooks’s subsequent collapse. “He’s down,” an onlooker shouts, according to Malis’s recording, which then zooms in to show Crooks’s body splayed on the roof.

The local law enforcement official told The Post that the Butler County officer was preparing to take a second shot at Crooks when the Secret Service agent shot him. The official confirmed there were a total of 10 shots: eight by Crooks, one by the Butler County officer and the last by the Secret Service.

Imogen Piper and Jon Swaine contributed to this report.

Is Jon Malis in red? This seems like a phone they would take.
How is it a local cop from the bleachers could see a guy on the roof and take a shot from the ground through the crowd and get close enough to possibly hit Crooks and these other cops are right there and do nothing. If true, this guy is the true hero, not hoisted cop.


I did come across some longer interviews with Greg Smith in the early days as it was going down. Finding a lot of dead links when going back through the archive trying to look for it now.

I have seen the internet do this before to some past topics, not surprised to see it happening again. Heads up with how the internet remembers this event over the coming months and years.

What I did record about it 2 days after it happened, “In the full interview with the first orange hair witness calling out to the police, he also talks about seeing the shooter using a ladder to get on the roof.” Link

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Thank you! Excellent video.

I remember the interview too.

It was with a woman reporter and occurred after the reveal that snipers were supposed to be in the second story window. That interview is where they discussed the second story windows and Greg Smith seeing an officer up there.

However, his first interview at the rally with BBC did focus on their attempts to warn the USSS on the barn right before the shooting.


The local cop was behind the right wing bleacher and had a uninterrupted shot straight at Crooks. A SWAG, he had a LPVO 1-6 or 1-8 scope on his AR type rifle. That would be plenty of scope for that distance.


Oh, thank you. Since it says he was not a sniper, I was imagining he just pulled out his gloch or pistol of some sort.

I never heard or saw Greg Smith say he saw a shooter climb a ladder

Did you actually see Greg Smith interviewed and having him say he saw the shooter climb a ladder?

They were like the counter-assault team in Camo that ran up on the stage after the black suit US-SS dog piled Trump. IMO, They were there to back up the US-SS counter-assault teams in black uniforms. They act as a force multiplier.

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Gottcha. One of them did their job well. Thank goodness.

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But his conclusion about 2nd shooter is wrong.

  • The second shooter might be on the same line with different distance.
  • Who calculated those trajectories? Parabolas or straight lines?

If there were two shooters, the distance and the velocity can be different.
However, we need (at least) two points around the stage to get the parabola.

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Do the texts have to say anything about Sheetz?? Washington Post still reported that this was in their communication transcript, so if there are no text messages for it we have to assume they used other means of communication.

Idk probably saying he’ll cover that side? We see at least two bodycameras where the officers continued to be stationed back there well after the shooting ended. My guess is to have all the entrances and escape routes covered in case someone tried to enter or leave the crime scene that wasn’t supposed to be there.

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