Now We Have MORE Questions (Pointing To LIHOP)

I’m not sure what we can see here. It might be a tree -or- a 2nd shooter.

Yes. He also talked about the officer that saw him on the roof also using the ladder. Not sure how he knew that being on the other side of the building, most likely? Maybe he had be talking to many others there trying to make sense of it. He did say he saw them use a ladder.

If this assassination attempt was a state sponsored action, then having a witness on the ground for the media to set the narrative is how these things work.

But that would not explain why on the second count they were now eight shells, and those additional three were now on the side of the roof closer to the podium, correct? How can an AR 15 shells straight forward or forward to the right which is where I believe, the individual counting the shelves was pointing

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I really think we need to try to find Greg in a photo or video on the west side of the building. I’m not convinced at all that he was over there. I’d like to believe him, and I thought he was credible, but to me it would serve, the snipers in the overlook building to have Greg say during the shooting, he saw a tattooed sniper in the window. Also, how could he see him in the window? If in fact, they both were set back four or 5 feet into the rooms behind their weapons?


He was definitely there where he said. He posted the video his wife took. They were west side of the AGR building about 50 feet away. There were kids with them.

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OK. Thank you! I haven’t seen that video.

Also an over-gassed AR or weak buffer spring will do funky things with brass

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One theory is that the rifle had side mounted sights so he can lower his profile while laying down. This would make the ejection port point up and throw the castings further away. He was in this position for the first 3 shots, then moved into a more regular prone position for the next 5 shots.

there are countless YouTube videos you can watch of people shooting AR-15s and see how shells eject. Sometimes they’re weird. you should be asking if the casing match, if the ammo is consistent with the rest that are in the magazine and backpack, etc. worry about location of the shells will just waste your time, especially if people want to find 2 shooters. you need to analyze the ballistics, not the shells imo. we need to find out what the bullets were and what they can do.

only time I can think people should worry about the shells is maybe to confirm fingerprints, and to see whether or not this guy was loading his own ammo, or if someone loaded it for him. so for example, he goes to the store and buys fresh ammo, but when he goes to action he uses some elses more powerful (or weaker depending on if the person wanted to fuck him over?) loaded ammo. it could be a way to create more confusion if that was the goal, now you have people focused on figuring out where the ammo could’ve come from. but that’s deep into the rabbit hole, for now we should at least try to find out the brand of ammo, how much grain of gunpowder the box said it was loaded with, etc.


This analyst/narrator said exactly what I’ve been thinking: “If there just been one hard core, gung-ho police officer this could all have been prevented.” Exactly. Just like the active school shooter in Uvalde, TX.

However, as a background partial explanation, the fallout from the shooting of violent felon Michael Brown by Officer Darren Wilson and especially the aftermath of the overdose death of violent felon St. George Floyd while resisting Minneapolis police “hard core, gung ho” policing has fallen out of favor among police. Most have dramatically toned down their approach and many have retired. No cop wants to be “that guy” vilified in international news organizations every day for years, hated by the mob, and drummed into hiding or prosecuted for murder or some other felony. My own decision to retire came after I had decided to buy my own body worn camera and storage media to protect myself from the kind of “witness” lies and media vilification after the Michael Brown shooting. The final straw was actually a written order in early 2015 from our Police Commissioner prohibiting us from wearing our own personally-purchased body worn cameras and threatening immediate dismissal if caught. (Body worn cameras issued by the Department finally started getting rolled out FIVE years later!) I went immediately to Personnel and signed paperwork putting myself into the retirement track in at most four years. I got very cautious: no more “hard core and gung ho.” I managed to coast all the way to the end of the four years without having to pull the trigger sooner in order to meet financial goals in retirement. Things continued to get worse 2015-2019 but when St. George died I had been gone a whole year.

I have no way of knowing if the above “Ferguson effect” had any effect on police behavior at the Butler Trump rally, but I suspect it did.


Tom or anybody…I’m suddenly curious about this guy.

“Capri pants guy” was with the other undercover/plainclothes guy pretty much the whole time on the West side of AGR6

I took this off of one of Greg Smith’s videos (from well before the shooting…but I haven’t placed it in a timeline yet.

If you’ll notice, he’s on his phone.

Here he is again on his phone as he’s ostensibly “clearing windows” on his way to the East parking lot:

I’m wondering about being on the phone at such a time? Maybe his mistress is extra-needy? He’s on hold with Comcast seeking to get his home internet fixed? It seems extra odd…what could be more important at this moment?

I don’t know, but it sure must have been important. If I were the lead investigator on this I’d be questioning him about this, for sure.

But to my questions:

1 - is he “plainclothes” or “undercover?” What kind of LEO is he? Before answering that, let me ask question 2.

2 - Is he local/municipal, county, or state police?

Badge kind of looks more like state than muni.

Here’s a muni badge…note the rounded top:

And here’s Capri guy with his badge showing that looks more like a state police badge with it’s squared top elements…

If this is a statie, then he’s got to be undercover I assume, because 100% of all the other staties are clean shaven and close-cropped. Not all shaggy and bearded like Capri guy. I doubt he grew is hair out for this event…

If he’s undercover, then the camo pants guy probably was too, since they operated as a team.

I’m asking because I have a real problem with these guys having been (a) At the AGR building area - a place with almost no people to ‘cover,’ (b) they apparently missed Crooks wandering about, getting on the roof, and seeing him there even as people were pointing him out vigorously for 3 minutes, and (c) Capri pants guy looks like someone out of central casting for “ex CIA guy.”

I mean, wouldn’t the precise role of undercover LEOs be to follow suspicious people around covertly? I am unaware of anybody else besides Crooks as having been tagged as suspicious.

Here are a few more frames with the badge in view…resolution is a bit low:


I have a question. Aren’t all of the LEOs on the ground from Butler County? I believe Beaver County contributed a sniper team, but did not have officers on the ground…correct?

all documents of the assignments can be found here; ICYMI: Grassley Oversight Unveils ‘Most Detailed Picture Yet’ of Trump Assassination Attempt

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ahh… awkward…

it is not uncommon for loners to spend holidays practicing their hobby.

it is not uncommon for “feds” to train at public ranges, especially if they have friends.

I’m just saying we need more than “these people go practice their hobby in the same building”. Can we get eye witness or CCTV examples of them interacting together? Was Crooks spending time with a particular individual or group every time he went to the club? There need to be more questions answered before this becomes damning evidence, right now that’s just a coincidence.

Chris, Dropbox video 7 at 7:11:23-35 mentions a report of fresh bleeding in one of the bathrooms of the main AGR. The following has some detail on who it may be.

  • 7:11:43 Radio: “**Trooper Graham(?) was bleeding in that building” (Radio does not say “in bathroom” but if only one LEO was bleeding, then it must have been Graham’s blood in the bathroom.)

  • 7:11:50-54 Radio: “There was a PSD? trooper that was bleeding inside the building”

Here, “PSD” may mean Personal Security Detachment or similar.

  • 7:18:23 Radio: “you have PSD Beaver in the hospital as well”

Is this a codename for Trump as a protectee? He did go to hospital to patch his ear.

Finally, in a separate private conversation with a mystery person over the phone (without speaker voice on), the Cruiser LEO asks two very strange questions, in bold:

(Btw, the radio in the cruiser is on and has 2-3 other voices discussing whether the bomb squad for AGR needs assistance; the Cruiser LEO wats to keep track of the radio but is really having a separate, private conversation with his phone counterpart.)

  • 7:22:21 Cruiser LEO: “Hey, are you still recording on your body camera?”

… silence for a good while …

My interpretation is that, during this silence, his phone counterpart turns the bodycam off and says “was recording” … the dashcam cannot pick up counterpart’s voice in cell phone, hence the silence in the dashcam recording.

  • Cruiser LEO, not counterpart: Asserts, “Was,” but the voice is confusingly still the Cruiser LEO’s, apparently double-checking his phone counterpart’s answer by repeating back what must have been the counterpart’s answer.

The question implies Cruiser LEO does not want what follows to be recorded. But while he must have turned off his radio’s mic off, he seems to have forgotten about the cruiser’s dashcam still recording, or to be about to speak cryptically.

  • 7:22:30 Cruiser LEO: Asks confused and probingly: “Hey, um, where, where, where were you at when … I thought you was in the bathroom! … Tom and Evenson were talking and you end up being up here!”

The interpretation of this is a whole separate project (working on a draft), which may hold a key to unlock whether BC ESU/SWAT snipers were sabotaging Trump and how an "incompetence/bathroom " excuse had been unofficially planned but not in fact carried out or at least conveyed out. So I stop here, at this last mention of bathroom. This bathroom need not be the same as the bloodied one above, but I included it because it might be pertinent to your question.


Have you seen this new incognito video/audio recording from Dave Stuart? @commenter Crazy. He says he overheard on police radio (while detained) they found blood in bathroom and 2nd shooter still may be at large.

Agreed, it does not explain. I thought one explanation was that an over-gassed AR over the roof ridge may have ejected casings a bit ahead over the ridge, but someone rightly pointed out that the Crooks-Trump line required the barrel to be turned to Crooks’ right, implying an ejection of casing more toward Crooks’ right and onto his side of the roof.

I read this puzzle of 8-after-5 casings as that Crooks did not fire the deliberate, muffled shots 1-3, but a second shooter. It took some corruption in that one-half hour to plant three shell casings on the roof and then in front of bodycams say, “Hey, there are 8!”.

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MUST WATCH!!! Another view of Crooks on the roof!