Now We Have MORE Questions (Pointing To LIHOP)

100% MIHOP? extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. At best it’s 80% MIHOP. But the first shot hit Trump’s ear and then we know where it hit, which is in line with Crook’s location, not the second story window which is a waaay different angle.

Interesting tidbit- Greg and Michel, the medic on the roof, are married.

I believe the silver car that pulled up came from west of the stage area. If so, he is also wearing a body cam. Let me find the video and I will give you his body cam id#.

The body cam id# is BWC2-122104

:34 shows silver car
13:47 shows him approaching and entering car.

I can’t tell if they are the same car as the one that drives up at AGR, if not they are very similar.

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car and body cam belong to Bulter PD Lieutenant Matthew Pearson. it is not uncommon for “high ranking” people in a police department to drive their own cars, or have unmarked cars.

edit: video proof Dropbox


No one has yet to explain from what I have read, why in that earlier video of the “shooter” scooching up the roof he is wearing long white pants with clean perfectly combed hair partially hiding the camera side of his face, whereas just minutes after, after the “kill” shot he is wearing dirty white shorts and dirty looking hair.
Obviously two different people dressed alike, first one with likely a wig.
Why and what was going on?

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Excerpt from newspaper article confirming Greg Nichol is married to Michel Nichol.

In addition, there is a nationwide committee called, “National Tactical Officers Association.” The group’s Standard Review Committee is comprised of NTOA members from all over the United States. As luck would have it, two officers on the scene that day also served on the Standard Review Committee, who just published their most recent standards in June of 2023.

Those officers are Michel Nichol and Paul Young.

It just so happens the NTOA sponsored an “Active Shooter Symposium” almost 2 weeks before J13. Guess who was in attendance?

I say again… Active Shooter Symposium.

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has anyone been able to identify him out of the cops we’ve seen so far? I’ve only found the Lieutenant, and that’s because another body camera that was released had his full name embedded in the video file.

He is one of these 2 men.

I’m thinking guy on the right.

Possible this is his bodycam? Dropbox

It’s possible. All of this is a big jumble in my head. I am currently keeping the Post-It Note company in business.


It shouldn’t be like this. It’s been a month and they can’t even share with the public who the officers are. Just the most basic information is being kept from us – so I hope they realize that this just makes them look terrible. Even if they’re not trying to hide something, this is just too suspicious now.


This has been covered repeatedly. Same person. Glasses, long brown hair, gray Demolition Ranch shirt, light tan/white shorts nearly the same color as his untanned white legs, black socks, black shoes.

Nobody pulled the ole’ switcheroo on the rooftop. He was clearly there for a few minutes, shot 5 shots, and beaned and died right there.

Seen wandering around the grounds near AGR#6, clearly in tan/white shorts and untanned white legs and black socks and shoes, gray shirt, long brown hair.

Same guy from above, long brown hair, glasses, gray shirt.

Same guy on the roof, long brown hair (sun is shining on it, making it look slightly different), same outfit, can see his glasses, gray shirt, shorts, legs, and black socks & shoes. Can also see rifle in both pics.

This was probably after his 5 shots and the angle in which he was shot, presumably thru left of head near eye, exiting out neck behind right hear. He died right here in this position.

Same dude, long brown hair (glasses knocked off his head and found nearby), gray shirt, tan/white now dirtier shorts from crawling on the roof as expected, black socks and shoes.

All looks like a slightly older version of this same high schooler a few years earlier. Same underbite, resting with mouth partly open (versus closed), same hair color/type and left side part, looks like the exact same eye-glasses if you zoom in, same face shape, same whispy/thin physical build, etc.

For some reason I cannot post the close up of the dead Crooks image but if you compare his very unique right ear structure, the two bumps on his ear, it’s the same in this high school picture as the dead guy on the roof. I know there are theories of photoshopping but this is what we have to work with.


I don’t think they care how they look. They know something else will come along and bleed on the news cycle and this will be pushed even further down in the pile.

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Great point…

the fact that boomers with cell phone cameras were able to see that guy below the roof, the snipers with their fancy scopes should have been able to see Crooks’ pores from that distance


When these texts were sent G. Nichol was in building 4.
His assertion that Crooks was was headed towards Sheetz from that location on the west side of the building wasn’t plausible as the area is closed in on 3 sides, not allowing unobstructed travel.

The Washington Post even pointed this out in one their articles.

most of what GeorgeWebb says seems like guess-work without much evidence or even acknowledgment of a lack of evidence, but one theory that could be significant is he thinks Crooks was groomed over months by a deep state LEO. Webb thinks the LEO is Maxwell Yearick, who is a former ANTIFA who was initially thought to be the shooter. George thinks Yearick is now CIA. Roger Stone and some news agencies put Yearick’s his name out there initially, but not clear where he got it from. George thinks a nearby white van had his Arizona license plate on it and it got ran and showed his name (it later was towed), or possibly the FBI ran the blood on the wall/sink for a DNA ID and it said Yearick. Looks confirmed that Yearick’s father was friends with Liz Cheney; his father developed the CheyTac DR-15 AR rifle variant; Yearick had family near to Butler; Yearick hasn’t been confirmed alive since the rally; and his parents may have reported him missing.

Anyway, whoever the LEO is, he befriends Crooks at the gun range, has him meet him at a private range and teaches him shoot, tells Crooks not to tell anyone about their friendship cause he’s an FBI secret agent, maybe even does drills where he takes three deliberate shots and Crooks follows with 5 fast shots.

Then before the rally he tells Crooks he can be his spotter for the day. Bring a range finder, don’t talk to other LEO’s, we’ll be at AGR, wear grey shirt and white cargo shorts, bring your dad’s rifle just in case, etc. Then around 6pm he tells Crooks to climb on AGR 6, ignore any civilians, lay down at specified spot with your rifle and monitor Trump, I’ll meet you up there soon.

Crooks gets in place and suddenly three shots ring out from below/behind him. Crooks instinctively fires the next 5 shots. To be clear, this is all WILD speculation with minimal evidence. But it’s a conceivable explanation for MIHOP and requires only one LEO be in on it, suggesting we shouldn’t throw out MIHOP as a possibility without some contrary evidence.

IMO the LEO would most likely be one of the two snipers on the second floor, since them abandoning post was critical for success. I still think LIHOP is more likely tho.


I have only been a casual observers in these threads but I see many people coming up with theories and showing grace when they are found incorrect. I think this is essential to the truth finding. Kudos to all.


They did the police work 3 days later according to this UK Sun article. But, this is a source over the sea so idk…


It wasn’t false information, it’s just what local law enforcement used for building numbers in their operating plan, which they shouldn’t have numbered that way, unless they did so intentionally to confuse officers on the ground. They should have used AGR’s building numbers so there would be no chance for confusion.