Now We Have MORE Questions (Pointing To LIHOP)

The direction of vehicle approach of boost-me cop appears to not be from the paved direction… The tower is on the wrong side and he passes a scragly tree…
He must have approached across from the east, the sun is low and the two tall light-towers are at 12:00…
He said he new that vulnerability but he drove up to the left side of a clear view of that part of the roof…

Everyone needs to viralize the fact that all footage is wide angle so distances are extremely magnified, and we are not actually seeing what their eyes would have been able to see…
oops, - hit the tab button…

A distorted image can be used to establish excusibility, like the sun was in my eyes and subject out of range, when only one of those are true,the sun was in a bad place for seeing the perp, but it wouldn’t have been if he came in by the driveway or drove by the north side of the building in the parking lot…
This is just one more plausible deniability element, one of many stacked on this day’s Fluster Cluck, failed Black Swan Event that was forcasted by numerous people for this period…

Just pulled this screen shot from a video.

Yes it’s terrible. And I’m not sure if that dark spot on the 1 story AGR #6 is Crooks but it’s awfully close. Notice the 2 story building behind him, see a white figure poking up over the roofline? If I were a pro, I’d be wearing a white Tyvex type suit, and positioned on that 2 story roof behind Crooks… Just saying. Perfect vantage, concealed from at least 3 counter sniper teams, excellent vantage of everything, Crooks getting into position, law enforcement, the rally, Trump on stage, with a excellent escape pathway.

It appears to line up with Crooks, over the window with the drainpipe, if you follow the roof ribs from the drainpipe to the dark shadow, and then follow that up higher behind Crooks there’s a unexplainable white pixelated figure - appears to be a silhouette the same size as Crooks…

It’s a wild theory, and does not line up with the audio analysis of shot distances and echos, but perhaps the audio studies are playing tricks due to a silence rifle, different echo sources, snaps farther/closer to audio sources, etc.

Video source:

I suspect this was because of the “blood in the bathroom” that momentarily caused everyone to think there was a second shooter.

Dave Stewart heard it come over the communication system of the patrol car he and some other people were hiding behind.

We were then told that this was because of a cop who hurt their hand trying to get on the roof. But we can already determine that it wasn’t “boosted cop” because he’s got a mere scratch and he doesn’t enter the building anyway. He is one of the first four up there with Crooks.

So not him.

But then I very carefully went back and forth and I can’t find anybody with a hurt hand who entered back into the building with the Nicol (before the big surge of excited LEOs swarming in).

Five went in with Nicol as #1 through the door:

So…whose blood was it then?

This is yet another oddity.

Of the five people including Nicol that rush into the building, four of them squeezed through the fence opening as captured by Dave Stewart:

Here’s the guy #5 who yanked the door open:

Here are the others, although I can’t distinguish 2/3 from each other yet.

Those 5 are in there for ~ 2 minutes before a big rush of other 11 other LEOs rush in all excited. That’s pretty much EVERYBODY from the parking lot who wasn’t already on the roof. So you know this was a big deal.

Somehow we’ve got blood in a bathroom in the AGR complex somewhere and it must have been discovered by one of the five who rushed in and who - deductively - wasn’t the one bleeding either.

Hmmmm…this is a problem for our analysis now too.


Either the PA embed in SS or the SS command would be obstructing the flow of information to SS snipers on the barns.

Exactly… Probably the latter.

I’m strongly leaning toward the hypothesis that south-facing counter sniper team wasn’t turned around from an order from the Secret Service command center, but rather, from a radio transmission from the north-facing team, who said something to the effect of "We’ve got a situation developing, and we can’t see everything, turn around!’

That would further implicate the Secret Service site commander in a conspiracy, if that individual deliberately failed to provide direction at such a critical time.

You could be right about the counter-snipers having an obstructed view of the commotion.

The north-facing team definitely saw the civilians raising the alarm, though.

The BBC witness, name escapes me at the moment, was emphatic that these counter-snipers were looking at him through their binoculars as he was gesturing and hollering.


This appears to be the first time we can see Crooks in his unmolested dead position. Lots of good close-up detail. Appears to be the first 4 LEO to arrive at the scene.

At 17:58 Body Cam Guy watches 2 others turn Crooks over. This appears to be the first time his body was touched.
At 17:59 we can see what looks like the exit wound from his neck behind his right ear. That explains the source of the large issue of blood running across his face. That might also explain why there is not a large blood and matter field since the exit was through soft tissue rather than the back of his skull.
What I don’t see is ANY spent casings, and I ran from 16:00 to 26:00 several times stopping every time Body Cam Guy showed another view. I spent an hour looking and can see nothing. Hopefully some one else can pick up on something.
At 18:39 Cammo Swat guy says to Black Swat Guy “You wanna grab it?” as Black Swat Guy is bending down to pick something up. What they pick up and then exchange is unclear to me.
At 18:52 there is a clear picture of Crooks with hands zip tied. There is a small patch of blood to the left of his head. This is likely from the entry wound. That would indicate that he fell exactly where he was shot. There is no blood between his head and the ridgeline of the roof. But he is too far back to be in the shooting position at the ridge that we see in other videos. My speculation is that he had completed his firing and was starting to move back from the ridge when he was hit. Great shot of the roof to the right of his body here. Where are the 8 spent casings?
At 19:57 Black Swat Guy can be seen picking up something small next to Crooks rifle. As he stands up, he appears to be holding it in his right hand.

Where are the 8 spent casings? Shouldn’t we be able to see at least a couple of them?


which video are you referencing?

I also noticed the remarkable lack of any actual “police work.”

They let every witness (and possible accomplice) leave, actually instructing everyone to clear the area. I see NOBODY searching the grounds, the rooftops, the water tower, the wood line, anywhere for any evidence of any possible suspect or anything. Caveat, we know they did detain the guy with the bike and backpack. Other than that, where is the detective and police work??

I see a dozen cops standing around in a gaggle smokin and jokin…

I find the remarkable LACK OF INTEREST in the crime scene bewildering as some of these guys just stand there looking around and cursing for the camera… “Guess we won’t get a picture of Trump now,” is a bizarre statement. Notably absent is ANY concern for any victim’s condition, no radio traffic, no concerns if Trump is alive, no distress from these men for royally screwing up and whether Trump survived, etc. Bizarre…

Let’s say it’s not Trump but one of these cops wives or children, they’d be having a breakdown, “how is she, how is she?” These cops all were part of the biggest screwup in 60 years and not really that upset??? Again, really Bizarre…


We do know that spectator(s) in the stands directly behind Trump were aware of commotion and turned their attention to it at least once or twice. So if spectators in the stands behind Trump knew (with no special radios or training nor requirement/obligation to be scanning for trouble), then as sure as heck the sniper teams with binos and scopes, positioned behind them and HIGHER elevation should have definitely been aware with just plain observation skills.

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I think that was the realDJStew724 guy, or someone else who just happened to be recording everything. We know that a Secret Service guy approaches him and DJ asks him “are you law enforcement?” a few moments before his video cuts out.

Off camera before we have visual, someone moved the rifle. I’m not alleging foul play as that’s probably SOP but it is noteworthy that there was activity before we “arrive” on scene.

Could be. I’m still curious about the actual angle, caliber, location, etc. details. I’d have expected a .308 or larger to have done more trauma damage (exploded head), unless it maybe just clipped off the top of his head. Witnesses said they saw a lot of hair/blood. The injuries to his left eye socket and bulging in his neck and bone/tooth in his mouth suggest obviously huge internal damage, hydrostatic nature.

From his last known image, his head was turned 90 degrees toward the loud crowd to his right yelling at him.

EDITED: Others have shown convincing image of a exit wound behind/below Crooks right ear. This suggests he was shot from the direction of the rally stage area, entry near the left temple, exit behind left ear. Shot while his head was turned to his right.

I could see one, maybe 2 casings to Crooks immediate right about 2 ridges/valleys over. I am in agreement there is a mystery with the casings. I would think the nature of ejection and they’d roll to rest in a angle we could see brass cases pretty easily. Although I don’t dispute Crooks fired 5, I do not think he fired 6, 7, or 8 shots. I think he fired the group of 5, was turning to the crowd or probably to escape before being beaned.

We know in other videos a count of 5 is immediately given. Later a count of 8 with more shells to his left are given, which is an improbability or impossibility with a right ejecting rifle. We know he likely didn’t have time to reposition, nor would that have been tactically sound, and he wasn’t laying on his side from a different video so there’s no good explanation absent the shells being kicked over there, otherwise moved (lodged in a boot from these guys contaminating the scene) or placed there. I find the remarkable LACK OF INTEREST in the crime scene bewildering as these guys just stand there looking around and cursing for the camera… “Guess we won’t get a picture of Trump now,” is a bizarre statement. Notably absent is ANY concern for any victim’s condition, no radio traffic, no concerns if Trump is alive, no distress from these men for royally screwing up and whether Trump survived, etc. Bizarre…

Let’s say it’s not Trump but one of these cops wives or children, they’d be having a breakdown, “how is she, how is she?” These cops all were part of the biggest screwup in 60 years and not really that upset??? Again, really Bizarre…

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Stewart was detained, but there is another person too I believe, the owner of the bike who was detained over on the west side. We hear reference to it from the SS in red tie on the roof, about someone with the bike being detained. I don’t know if that was Stewart but given the different location I speculate different person. I think Stewart was on the South side of AGR when detained and phone taken.

Perhaps the boosted up muni beat cop that ran into the line of fire simply never experienced almost being shot like that (he sounds young) and ran in fear until his brain kicked in and he decided (confusedly) to see if he could see the shooter from the other side.

Earlier, perhaps someone called a meeting to discuss and inquire and get facts straight about the suspicious looking kid hanging around (to prevent it from looking like an intentional timely distraction in the follow-up investigation).

That’s my impression too, that the SS snipers on southern barn 14 got some info on their own and not from the obstructive SS command/SS sniper team leader. Any holler from people below or radio from the northern facing SS snipers must have alerted the southern facing SS team.

I am highly convinced from Senator Ron Johnson’s timeline that SS sniper team leader is a criminal:

5:45pm—A sniper with Butler County sends the images and description given by AGR sniper 1 of Crooks to one of the Secret Service counter snipers at the rally, including that Crooks was seen using a rangefinder in the direction of the rally stage.
o The Secret Service counter sniper responds, “Roger. I’ll notify teams on AGR side.”
o Acting Director Rowe confirms the Butler County sniper sends the Secret Service counter sniper team leader a text with the images and description of Crooks.4

So note: The SS sniper team leader got suspect’s description and picture info relayed right away. (Mind you, not directly from BC LEOs, but indirectly via another SS sniper who must have exchanged numbers with BC LEOs and communicated outside SS protocols. This suggests SS protocol was to thwart info from local LEOs.)

Now what does SS sniper team leader do with this timely description and picture of Crooks? The timeline states:

5:53pm—According to Acting Director Rowe, the Secret Service counter sniper team leader emails the Secret Service counter sniper teams that “local law enforcement [is] looking for a suspicious individual outside the perimeter, ‘lurking around the AGR building’.”5

Outrageous sabotage here of SS snipers by SS sniper team leader (we must keep them separate):

  • said leader takes 8 minutes to relay info to SS snipers
  • said leader does not efficiently radio to SS snipers the description of Crooks …
  • instead he emails the SS snipers (and the timeline does not say any picture was attached), which distracts them from their binoculars and scopes
  • and the info that is relayed to SS snipers is totally diluted, lacking any of the available specificity: “local law enforcement [is] looking for a suspicious individual outside the perimeter, ‘lurking around the AGR building’.”

To me this portion of the timeline convicts SS sniper team leader. (The rest of the timeline is clear in showing how active local LEO was in sending out info, but we can surmise that SS command and/or SS sniper team leader simply withheld this from SS snipers.)


Maybe this is the guy? Dropbox

Skip to 1:51 in the video, 19:00:42 on bodycam time

There is a bodycan video of them rounding up those to be detained and puting them in squad cars.

100% agreed and I’ll punctuate what we already know, the total failure to plan, coordinate, and defend that AGR rooftop with inane placement of the counter snipers too close on the red barns, obstructed views, inside the 2 story AGR, etc.
Purposeful planning to allow Crooks access and firing lanes.


I missed that, all I saw was police telling everyone to clear away.

This post has a link to all bodycams and it’s the last one in the list. You can’t share links to individual videos, unfortunately.

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this video the cop tells the guy in the red shirt he was detained, put in cuffs, and had his fingerprints taken because “he looks just like the guy on the roof”. 1:12 in video, 19:01:02 bodycam

This is the guy with the bike, it’s Mr. Evans and not realDJStew724.