Now We Have MORE Questions (Pointing To LIHOP)

Dont need to evaluate this too much…he saw Crooks moving towards the NE which is the general direction of Sheetz…maybe he was vague to confuse or just nothing in it. He didnt even come out on the west side of the building looking for Crooks…but instead showed up on the east side 2 mins after the bullets?

get real…that’s the lady on the horse escaping.


I’m really not getting any of these water tower theories, none of them make any sense.

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other higher res videos clearly show it is the woman on the horse


If you want to consider conspiracies, Stewert could be a planted camera man. What are the odds that he shows up there and captures all the action like that- so perfectly? Some of his conversation felt just as awkwardly scripted as the FBI guy on the roof.

However, that is just “thoughts for fun”.

Their conversations may seem that way because they know they are being recorded and this will be evidence, so they don’t act or speak as naturally as they would.

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This media report has footage that fills in a big gap in west-side activity, and it furthers the idea of “intent to NOT engage and neutralize.”
The Uni-Cop had at least a cover-shot to keep the gunman preocupied and not able to take aim…

This stinks of willful disengagement…

Only on 4: Couple who were at Trump rally in Butler describe seeing gunman…
https:/ /

None of their actions make sense…

These guys were keeping their heads down trying to figure things out that should have been planned out…

The boosted-guy says later in his footage that he knew of the vulnerability, so why didn’t he already have the blind spots and reaction-points identified and projected them onto his mental response map??
He drove RIGHT PAST the spot where he could have taken out his long gun, stood on the hood of the car, scoped and then popped the guy with a skip-round off the roof. He would have been visible past the left side of the Arborvidea Tree…

These guys are Keystone copping it to the max, either intensionally or by design via piss poor planning, training or talent.

They were keeping their heads down when they should have been acting as if they knew how to do their primary job for that day…

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You mentioned in an earlier video that the sniper who took out Crooks was Herkules 1 (south). I don’t think that is correct. If you look at the video posted by drutter (post #11: Rally body cam footage), timestamp 18:25:29. A little bit before the SS guy is asked, who took the shooter out. He then points the direction. In another video you posted (They Had a Perfect View and 10+ Feet of Elevation), the brick-colored-pants SS guy also points in this direction when asked about the killshot (19min24sec into your video).

For sure he’s not pointing in the direction of the red barns with Hercules 1 on it. More likely he is pointing to the roof where the
Washington SWAT was on.

Trump mentioned at yesterdays rally in Bozeman, that Crooks got taken off by a shot from around 400yards=365 meters ( => listen between 9:57:50 - 9:58:27). The distance would match if the Sniper was on the south side of that roof. There is also a photo that shows a sniper on this location, but probably on the nord side of the roof =>

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the video is still posted but it has been Age-Restricted so you will need to sign in to YouTube to see it now

That’s horse lady. The thing flapping behind her is the big-ass Trump flag she had.


I agree to a 2nd shooter theory because:

  1. An inside job it obvious and the powers that be would not take this opportunity to rely on Crooks alone. Too much planning and risk invested, too much at stake (trillions of dollars, power, etc.).
  2. Audio different gun shot sounds cannot be explained by 1 gun, but clearly 2 guns, two locations, and two shooters.

I have theories on 3 possible locations:

Arguments for the Vent location, with a concealed false ceiling.
• Excellent hiding spot to remain undetected.
• From many peoples calculations of around 425 feet based on sound, if that is accurate, the distance is perfect.
• Police were weirdly concerned with people standing at the fence on the grounds between the AGR #6 and the rally, telling people to clear away. Was this to get rid of witnesses to the forthcoming shooting? These people could presumably see or record gunshots coming from a vent.
• We have a suppressed and metallic sound/echo, consistent with firing a gun near metal, thru a tube, etc.
• Nearly identical trajectory as Crooks.
Arguments against the Vent location, or unknowns:
• This could be ruled in or ruled out depending on an interior building inspection of whether that is plausible.
• He would have to have some signal, perhaps a radio signal in an earpiece or a vibrating object on his person, or some other signal to when Crooks is in position so he can fire.
• We see no gunshots or evidence of gunshots thru those vents; no flashes of light, no obvious holes or signs of same. And to anyone inside the metal building these gunshots would be remarkably loud, perhaps reduced by a silencer or soundproofing but we’re getting into a lot of structural changes to the false ceiling theory…
• Literally no escape route. This assassin would have to be entirely confident that he would not be found and he’d have to wait there for some time and get the “all clear.”
• There were a lot of witnesses and several recordings and we do not see any evidence one might expect, no flashes from those vents, no damage to the vents which do not appear large enough for a person to look thru a scope and fire a rifle. One would need about a dinner plate sized hole or at least a saucer sized hole to look thru a scope and fire the rifle. In other words, more than just a gun barrel. I guess you could possibly use 2 perfectly aligned holes 5 or so inches apart but that gets somewhat complicated to adjust your view and firing solution.
• Do we know if the 7’ chain link fence or the bleachers or any other barriers would obstruct this firing position? Keep in mind Crooks apparently struck the victim in the bleachers and he was several feet higher (although Trump ducked down by then).

Another possibility is the 2 story AGR roof 300 feet behind Crooks.
Arguments for 2 story AGR roof:
• Excellent vantage point and hiding location. It has vertical roof facades on two sides and a man wearing a white Tyvex suit could hide up there unseen for a long time. A white rifle and white bag could remain well hidden too.
• From this location, a pro assassin could remain hidden and observe Crooks getting into position, the crowds, law enforcement, the rally, and Trump taking the stage. Also, hidden from view by 3 or all 4 of the counter sniper teams. Obstructed view from Hercules teams 1 & 2, cannot be seen from AGR 2nd floor interior counter sniper team, and the farther team might be obstructed by a tree, by the other 2 story AGR building between them, or simply too far and too small of a target… (I don’t know the distance, maybe 600 or 700 yards, a long shot for a .308 which that farthest team apparently had, but regardless it may be a long shot against a small target, maybe with a tree or stovepipe vent in the way)…
• Same linear trajectory.
• Effectively invisible from the ground.
• Excellent escape route after the shooting. Fire 3 shots, slide down, let Crooks fire off his burst of fire. Hide white tyvex suit and gun and 3 shell casings on the roof for later retrieval or take it all with him, sneak away off the back side of the building and blend in with the crowd (which was weirdly told to disperse after this crime), sneak away, or “law enforcement.”

If you watch the video from this still image, it appears a head pops up and down at the circled location between the vertical roof vents. But admittedly it’s difficult to tell for sure. You can see from images this is a excellent location, requires very little prep, and one could be well concealed and hidden from all or most counter snipers. This would be the location I would choose …

Arguments against the 2 story AGR roof:
• Vertical trajectory and distance/sound may not line up with this position.

A 3rd possibility is a tree top but this seems remote, no ability to escape, shell casings would fall to the ground, may not have correct linear windage trajectory. etc.


lots of real time video show nothing on the rear 2 storey building…a 2 inch opening would be enough to shoot thru on the building 6 front wall.

Van theory. The diversionary or offensive attack IED van. I can think of only 2 purposes for it:

1: Diversion: someone was to drive it to the rally and arm it for a Crooks escape diversion (or that’s what he was led to believe). The most sensible plan was for Crooks to fire his rifle, then detonate the van parked at the rally by a partner. Crooks had the detonator in his pocket but the IED was in the off position. If Crooks was to go to the van and do something with it, no need for him to be carrying the remote detonator.

  1. As an offensive weapon in the event Trump survived and was rushed to the hospital. In this scenario, the IED van could have been a attempt to use it to ram and attack the President upon his medical evacuation if he were only wounded and transported out in his vehicle, ambulance, etc. The van was staged near the highway in a residential neighborhood, along the routes to all local hospitals from what I can gather from aerial maps and the alleged location of the parked van. I believe the white IED van was parked in a community near highway 68 to the E/NE of Butler Farms and as far as I can see from maps all the hospitals are to the E/NE with highway 68 as the main arterial road.
    Of course that still requires the van be occupied, staged perhaps on the route to the hospital, etc. That however also requires a partner because Crooks could not have been at the van.

Either way, high probability the IED van was constructed and parked there as a double-cross for Crooks to believe he had a diversionary exit strategy or partners, etc. He was given the detonator and a (fake) notion about a partner and the van. The CIA constructed a weak/crude IED, parked it, and it was never going to detonate as it was “off” and probably not even connected. May not even been a real IED.

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I’ve seen no contemporaneous videos (at relevant times) of the far sloped side roof of the tall, farther back, AGR building. Note we are not discussing the closer one that housed the “counter snipers.” We’re talking about the one 100 yards behind Crooks in line with his shooting trajectory.

Ok so from looking at the bodycam footage we have so far, a few things about some of the cops are bugging me.

First cop, Bodycam #122110

Him and his partner are on scene for maybe, what, barely 2 minutes, and they immediately saw Crooks on the roof. This screenshot is directly as the cop is heard saying “see that dude running?” and points towards the rooftop of the AGR building. They both take off in their cars towards the building.

After he gets out of his car and checks the field, he runs around the building and asks his buddy for a lift, he gets maybe 5 seconds at best to see Crooks and all of his gear, he drops down, and from when he starts sprinting at 18:10:58, he reaches his patrol car by 18:11:05. Wow dude, great time! But…

He sprints past his car back into the field again that he was checking out when he first got on scene. What bugs me the most about this is, not only does he not have his rifle with him to match Crooks’ level of force, but he is almost intentionally not going behind trees to take cover, or maybe try moving a bit closer to the building so that if Crooks has to take shots at you on the ground, he has to reposition himself and stand up and peek over the ledge to look for you. But instead we get a cop in an all black uniform going into a wide open BRIGHT GREEN background and all he has is a Glock. Fucking mind-numbing. What are you doing man??

He saw a threat so great he had to immediately run, but he chose to do so by completely skipping the part where he grabs his rifle, and choosing to instead make himself a target on a giant open field.

His location when the first two shots go off. If Crooks wanted to hit him, it’s one of the easiest gun fights to win imo.

Here he asks his buddy to boost him on the roof. Why? We still have no clue. Right before this moment, timestamp 18:16:14 on his bodycam, he seems to make a hand signal to someone before he walks over. No clue who or why.

Then we have Bodycam #122125, he’s the guy with the wolf tattoo on the left forearm and the guy that gets heated by yelling that he’s the one that told Secret Service where to put more guys.

Idk if I can find anything suspicious about him yet, but he did capture an interesting moment to me.

Okay so they need the spare set of keys to get into the AGR building, the doors are locked. Bodycam cop and #122110’s buddy go towards #122110’s patrol car. Buddy opens the door first, looks inside for a second, closes the door, turns to #122125 and makes some sort of a hand gesture, and walks away towards another car. Mr#122125 then opens the door, looks inside the glove compartment without any hesitation, and pulls out the extra set of keys. He then closes the car door and tells Buddy he has the keys they need. Idk if I can claim any kind of conspiracy from this, but I just found that interaction a bit weird, especially since, again, the patrol car belonged to Mr#122110.

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Dashcam vid at building 6 (door 9) and some questions:

  • 18:13:23 Greg exits building 6 (door 9) and saunters north

  • 18:13:53 Greg jogs south, past door 9

  • 18:15:00 Greg tries reentry but locked out

Why does Greg want to get back into building 6 so bad? He was just in there. It now seems urgent. The action is outside, right?

  • 18:15:28 Greg and four LEO buds gain access to door 9 and rush in

Who are Greg’s buds and why the need to get back in the building? What did they think was going on in there? How do they get the door open? Does Greg insist on being the first to go in? If so, why?

  • 18:17:34 Another team of LEOs storm building 6 (door 9) as Suit Guy holds door open

Why storm into the building? What team is this? BC CSU? SS? Do they not know that Greg and buds are in there? Did Greg call for assistance for some reason? What’s the attraction?

Here is another angle of the stormed entry from Sarge’s bodycam (2:34 on the video clip):

Was everyone rushing into the building because they were told someone was inside peeking out a window, as Sarge suggests at 2:55?

Just wondering if they had a good reason to suspect another shooter inside the building at the time and what the evidence might have been.


Um, why does the SS agent use air quotes when he says “shooter”?


It’s almost as if he was making sure the fence line was clear instead of trying to interfere with the shooter.

The only thing he says to the crowd is “get out of the way!”.

How did he know where the shooter was aiming? I mean, it makes sense it would be Trump given the fact he was…still at the podium half a minute after a man is seen with a gun. But this could have been a mass shooting event instead.

And who says get out of the way instead of - run away or seek cover or any other phrase that doesn’t make it seem like he’s trying to help the shooter(s) with their shots?? It’s like he isn’t concerned for their safety, he isn’t stating it in reference to them…it’s as if “they are in the way”. They are obstructing.

Dude is an absolute weirdo. Nothing he does makes sense.


I’d like some help identifying a BC ESU sniper team member with nervous body language in this ABC News video. His eyes blink often, look down, he purses his lips; when Greg Nicol and another member answers a question, this man’s eyes dart to the answer.

He is sitting in the far left of the team. Here are some screenshots from this video and Grassley video 2:
Beaver County ESU sniper 1
Beaver County ESU sniper 2
Beaver County ESU sniper 3
Beaver County ESU sniper 4
I am interested in the person in the top two. The person in the bottom two might not be the same person, but has a similarly shaped face, beard, and sleeve tattoo, and a higher-res image.

I have tried a face lookup via Bing, Google, Pimeyes but no cigar. In the latter two pictures (if it’s the same person), he is clad as a “Washington Regional SWAT - PA”. He could be from any number of local police departments; does not seem to be of Butler Township’s.

Any further ideas or finds would be appreciated.


Maybe the boosted cop is the one in this text who had to leave around 4:00. He was still on the group text reading about what was happening and went back?

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That was an ESU, not a cop, who had to leave early, so he would have been in tactical if I’m not mistaken; dressed more like Greg.

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