Other Forensics of the Assassination Attempt

Does this mean that the alignment procedure is only used to exclude unreliable audio files?

Not sure if I understand you correctly, but I use the above (alignment) procedure to select audio files. Then I use the time between shot 1 and shot 4 and the x,y coordinates of the location where that audio was recorded in the program.
In other words, I use the timing of all 8 shots to determine if I trust the data. Then when the data looks OK, I get 3 numbers from this audio source to use in my program; the x (nr 1) and y (nr 2) coordinates and the time of shot 4 - time of shot 1 (nr 3).

Ernst, did you use some method for selecting the start times of each wave to keep it consistent between the shots? I find that to be very subjective myself, being the first time I’ve analyzed gunshot acoustics. The shock N-wave seems easier to find a consistent start time. Not so easy for the muzzle blast sine waves. To me that seems to be where error can easily be introduced, but perhaps not enough to make a significant difference.

Those are all great points! I would like an “independent” audio analysis of the shots fired, if that’s even possible. I would also like to know who visited Crooks home and place of work as well as a mall with an FBI office in DC with a phone that went “dead” on 12 July…

Who sent the ESU agent home? Who authorized the 2nd agent to go outside and look for Crooks? The 3rd agent needs interrogation for leaving his post…all of this is too “convenient”. Why did no one react to someone running around on a metal roof? This all stinks…there is no doubt in my mind that Crooks was set up to be a patsy

I think we may not have to worry about something like 20 meters. If the analysis shows that it was most likely the officer out in the field that took both the initial shot to stop Crooks’ spray and pray rampage, and then also the fatal shot, the USSS looks even worse. We should try to find information on the guy who (apparently) took both shots 9 and 10.

I don’t think it’s a coincidence that as of now it’s still a big secret who shot Crooks, where in his body he was hit, what kind of round he was hit with, etc. It wouldn’t be kept secret if it was flattering information.

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Screenshot from 2024-07-31 15-50-59
I look for two things; highest amplitude and change of pitch. You can imagine a kind of ‘pop’ when the bullet exits the barrel. That would look like a high frequency suddenly changing to a low frequency. You can see it a little in this image, a very high frequency ramps up in amplitude and then at its max the frequency is suddenly much lower.

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Thank you very much for the clarification and especially for your elegant approach. It has been clear to me that you are using the delta t between two muzzle blast signals within a group of shots. Hence I simply did not understand why you wrote (in document.odt) “First: we align these files based on the first shot”.

Due to the multipath propagation of the sound waves over the meeting place (both directly and indirectly; indirectly via trumps mic and two loudspeaker systems positioned about 100 m apart from each other), I was in doubt about the applicability of the hitherto used method, which was based upon measuring the dt between the arrival of the sonic boom and the sound of the muzzle blast.

But I still tend to think that depending on the distance of the individual mic to either one of Trump’s loudspeakers, the multipath interference will smear the response signal. Depending on the position of the microphone at the field, it could be that the sound pressure of Trumps audio system would be higher than the sound pressure of the muzzle blast (sound pressure is inverse proportional to r), thus introducing a wrong delay measure which in turn might make it difficult to separate and correctly assign the early and late arriving parts. If, as an extreme example, the field mic was located near the southern loudspeaker system, the earliest and and at the same time highest signal would probably sensed from the loudspeaker and, even though effectively representing the dt at the location of Trump’s microphone, quietly introduce a geometric displacement.

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Screenshot from 2024-07-31 15-52-12
Here you see it again; high frequency ramping up, sudden change to low frequency and this one then again has a high and low frequency part. But I only look at the first. That is usually also the highest amplitude.
There were cases where I wasn’t 100% sure where to measure, but there the entire interval was within 1 ms, so it didn’t really matter.

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Great! I hadn’t thought of that. I have to think about that one. My first impression is that for the timing it doesn’t really matter because I work with time differences. So whatever is late in the first shot will also be equally late in the second and thus cancel out. But it may affect the calculation of the x and y coordinates because the sound gets picked up by Trumps mic and then “instantly” transferred to the loudspeakers…
I have to think on that one…

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Who are you seriously?

You act like a Moderator, but worse yet a know it ALL.


I was dealing with a person that claimed Trump faked his own assassination. So I suggested, he could better utilize his time in researching her that his weak steelman argument.

I said I did some digging and found these images. Confirm or dismiss. PERIOD…

Because I knew enough that I had mixed doubts, which by the way you didn’t answer or solve.

I don’t appreciate someone like you that feels they have to lie about someone else to feel better about themselves!

Again, who are you BigTim?


Gotta LOVE your Liberal Leftist reply though…LMAO…“debunked.”

The only sources that “debunked” that narrative were the FBI, though they didn’t give anymore details except it wasn’t her and then some Liberal “factcheckers”, who quoted the FBI.

SO yeah, I wasn’t convinced either way and especially not by the FBI.

Thankfully someone else on this forum presented me with facts that were reasonable and credible. Glad to know from them that she wasn’t involved especially when she came across as a war time photographer from say Vietnam and in this case potentially worse.

And as far as the Operator in Front of the SUV, who was he smart guy? From ESU, DHS, or do you even have a clue? Because most intelligent people wouldn’t until confirmed by more than 1 reliable source.

And you have no idea, what some guy in camo tactical gear is carrying. It could be a 5.56 or a 7.62 for starters. He might have not been a shooter “this time”, But…

Remember watching videos a few years back on these armored SUVs and their vulnerabilities. Plus there are 5.56 rounds and these are just the ones readily available: Armor piercing rounds for AR-15 are a powerful ammunition choice designed to penetrate armored targets such as vehicles or body armor. They use hard metals like tungsten or steel to provide maximum penetration power against hardened targets, increased accuracy, and versatile applications. Some popular options include M995 5.56mm, SS109/M855 5.56mm, and .50 BMG which can penetrate through metal plates up to an inch thick.

And there are 7.62 rounds that are even beefy. Plus if you reloaded your own ammo, the round that you can create mostly relies on your experience and imagination. Period…

And BigTim, if I just wanted a regurgitation of Leftist viewpoints, I would watch CNN.

You probably think CNN was there for Trump’s VP pick too. Nevermind, how the FBI tipped CNN off for several raids like for Roger Stone and Mar Lago to name a few.

Pure coincidence huh?

So who was the Dude backing up? There was at least 4 SS on the Left side of the SUV. No one else. Thought the SS was the Best of the Best, yet they are allowing this No Name dude to back them up. I damn sure wouldn’t be trusting someone outside my group to be backing me/us up.

Then the SS aren’t the best of the Best.

Some of the weakest points on that SUV are the sides.

And this Dude maybe just an idiot and I would tell him so to his face, if he drew down out of incompetence.

And I will finish with ALL the LEO AND SS that knew there was a Guy on the roof with a GUN with CLEAR LINE OF SIGHT to President Trump. Yet I didn’t see ONE shouldered rifle or even pistols at the ready. Including supposedly a LEO that confronted Crooks on the ROOF.


So spare me the state narrative that now a dude with a gun a few steps from President Trump shoulders his GUN, WHEN NO THREAT WAS EVEN PRESENT EXCEPT POSSIBLY HIM.

And that reminds me. “Conveniently”, LE wasn’t able to communicate with SS, some even having to send emails (what a joke), but Somehow this Dude was able to be back up for the Best of the Best SS on Comms. When anyone with more than one brain cell to rub together, realize Crooks didn’t pull this off on his own. Period.

Another coincidence…

Just like Crooks was a Lone Wolf…You selling that narrative too BigTim?

Just like someone calling themselves God, Lord or in your case Big…ran up against your type plenty on Social platforms. Guys like you always hype yourself up.

Why is that BigTim?


Dear Texan,

according to a German proverb, even dwarves cast long shadows when the sun goes down …

If I may, I would like to ask you something. I recently asked ChatGPT at what perpendicular distance from the trajectory you can still hear the sonic boom emitted by a 5.56x44mm NATO projectile if fired through a 16-inch barrel in the open. When pressed, the answer was 1 - 2 km, but without giving any references. Is this value realistic, in quiet surroundings at least?

I’m thinking about this in relation to the sound pressure of the sonic boom as transmitted by Trumps loudspeaker system and along the line of sight in direction to the shooter. Which one would be louder near one of these loudspeaker and, say, 30 m from the speaker, if you had to guess?

There must be also technical documents regarding the sound pressure level in relation to Mach-speed, caliber and distance.

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I have been fortunate enough to have traveled at the speed of sound and much higher, when flying for the AF and Navy.

And though I am an Electrical Engineer and have studied waveforms at various frequencies, amplitude and various levels of harmonics, I couldn’t give you a definitive answer to your questions.

I have been a bowhunter, since the age of 7, because I shot my first deer, we guessed (didn’t have rangefinders back then) near 500 yds. I pointed the buck out to my Uncle and Dad and both could barely see the deer much less shoot. I stopped rifle hunting for deer then because it felt like to me more killing than hunting.

But over the years as I sat in the woods or at deer camp, we would listen to the shots taken. One shot is very hard tp pinpoint unless you know it is coming, it takes multiple shots to pinpoint.

But what fascinated me as a Kid was how the Elders would say they could determine a hit from a miss by the sound of the shot.

To this day, I reserve judgement, because like you are pointing out, just being in a very open space compared to a heavily wooded space makes a difference due to absorption and other noises.

So I have heard others comment on this topic on hearing the supersonic boom and its range/distance relative to the report, but again I reserve judgment.

Excellent! Thank you for the detailed description with graphics. That sounds like a logical approach to me.

WV.mp4 - This is a screen capture of a video that contains the video. That’s twice removed. Screen capture also explains why the volumes for all the videos/audio is lower than it should be. You may want to compare with the one on my google drive. (Link posted somewhere above.) There are tools you can use to download videos from x and youtube. It’s the encoded version of them, but it should be more pristine than screen captures.

Dayve.wav - Missing the last shot.

DT.wav - This is the news feed with the clamped audio. The audio goes silent after the sonic booms. (Either due to a mic or afterwards in video editing.) I’ve seen this video too. I also found one from a similar angle without the clamping. If you grab my sources from the google drive, it’s 5.mp4. As it was recently pointed out, this isn’t the audio from trump’s mic. It’s from west of Trump. In this video you can hear the gunshots then the shots out of the speaker or echos. These speakers/echos are about 47 ms after the original, which is roughly the increased distance of the speakers relative to the mic. I can’t find a similar acoustic reflective surface at that distance, so my bet is on speakers.

Interestingly, there is now another poster who is using the TDOA method based on MatLab (link below). Does he also use a mislabeled source which only nominally comes from DT mic?

In such a context, one has also be aware of the possibility of deliberatly misplaced or even completely falsified audio tracks.

Your attacks on me are misplaced and incorrect. YOU wrote a long ill-informed diatribe and insinuated that the brunette behind Trump “acted weird” (when in reality she acted no differently than many in the crowd. She pulled out her phone and started video taping. You posted several pictures of her and insinuated she was an FBI agent.

This is EXHIBIT A of your lack of ability to think critically and do basic research whilst presenting theories already researched and debunked. All that does is to spread bad rumors and waste peoples’ time or install false information in the heads of casual observers who might not know that it was debunked. And I should not even have to cite a debunk source, there’s many articles AT THE TIME YOU POSTED YOUR THEORIES debunking it. So it was already bad info when you posted it. I knew that because days prior I read it was debunked, the woman had been identified and was not from the FBI. But instead of bothering to simply look into it you showed poor critical thinking and judgement by posting it as a possible theory. I think that speaks for itself in gauging the rest of your theories.

Exhibit B: That guard did not have a weapon, ammo, nor caliber sufficient to penetrate Mr. Trump’s armored vehicle, nor did he point it at Mr. Trump’s vehicle. All you’re doing is wasting the time of everyone that wades thru your unsupported theories. We can easily dismiss this theory, again:

  1. He didn’t point it at Mr. Trump
  2. He could have never known in advance to have M995 or other AP ammo for this specific opportunity.
  3. The fact he did NOT shoot at Mr. Trump nor point his weapon in his direction easily dispenses with this absurd idea.

You’ve stated repeatedly that the guard in front of Trump’s SUV shouldered and pointed his weapon at President Trump when he was being evacuated. That is patently provably false. And it would have been openly hostile yet a futile gesture. You have not bothered to post any screen shot to support your wild theory, and that is probably because there is no image that supports that nonsense. Instead it is again a distracting time wasting angle that serves no purpose for people who actually have viable theories. If you disagree, don’t type a diatribe but instead post the best image you think reflects this theory and we can then decide whether he actually pointed his rifle at Mr. Trump. I’m guessing you won’t do that because it didn’t happen.

One then wonders why the insistence on presenting distracting theories. Are you a plant and is it a psyop to discredit those people here doing actual real work on this case in order to spread nonsense theories to make credible people look like unhinged dingbats grabbing at straws and weird theories? One of those people saying Trump orchestrated this and was not shot but SS applied blood to his ear to stage a heroic brave event for him? Because that’s what this feels like. A psyop.

I am inexperienced with audio analysis but have a working familiarity with ballistics. I applaud all of those doing the ballistic audio analysis and triangulation. My caveat and concern is that bullets - especially inexpensive commercial bullets that might be sold in the typical 50 pack which apparently Crooks purchased - are not necessarily identically uniform in the amount of powder. Even in the same box and lot of ammo, there might be 2% or even 5% variation in speeds from one bullet to the next, due to small variations in gun powder. Furthermore, one or more shooters could have had a mixture of brands, weights, and types, adding more variables. The point is there could be many variables that might explain different speeds and audible reports and it may be hard to isolate those variables without controls and more information (which the Feds have been withholding without good reason). Also, if two rifles, even if the same caliber, there may have been different barrel lengths, muzzle devices, and ammo, etc. which adds to the complexity.

Yesterday I saw that extended video from DJ Stewart posted by someone here on prosperity where Stewart tells the cop interrogating him days later at the aftermath of the shooting he overheard chatter on police radio that “2nd shooter was still at large video of and there was blood in the bathroom”. Stewart was then informed that police have him and Crooks together exchanging words.