Politicized "Medicine"

…the more they stay the same.

I totally agree for hydroxychloroquine demonstrably saves lives.
Side by side Coronavirus Instant Test Kit is also helping the Healthcare workers for overcome the overload of tireless job.

Does anyone know where I can download the RaTG13 genome? And other viruses related to Covid-19. I found Covid-19, SARS and MERS on SnapGene.


I’m going to remind everyone once more that our goal in doing a “lockdown” was to avoid swamping the hospital system, NOT to drop the R0 below 1. We have done that. Hospital systems are NOT OVERWHELMED.
Changing the mission to a “drop R0 below 1” is total mission creep, and it will destroy the economy if we attempt to do this.
Everyone can assess for themselves, using western rational thought processes, the risk of going out in public based on age, physical condition, co-morbidities, scientific evidence, and so on. If you deem your risk to be high, wear a mask. If nobody else is wearing a mask in a location that you deem to be risky - then try exercising your freedom not to go there!
Having the government arbitrarily restrict the activities of the young and healthy who make up the vast majority of the population (and to whom this disease poses relatively little risk) just makes no sense, especially if it is treated early with HCQ/AZI.
Businesses can reserve the right to refuse service to customers who don’t wear protective gear in hazardous environments. Customers can choose not to frequent businesses that don’t protect customers.
Lastly - the ability to stop this pandemic using NPIs is long since past. That ship has sailed a long time ago. If we now want to make this our goal, the attempt will be the single most expensive decision we make as a society for the next two generations.
We will end up transferring all the wealth from small business to corporate america. Amazon and Wal-Mart will utterly own retail. The remnants of the middle class will be gone. Tens of millions of Americans will lose their homes to foreclosure, a few months after losing their jobs to lockdowns. Wall street will snap them up at half price, and then rent them back to us, just like they did after 2008.
All because we wanted to drop the R0 below 1 using lockdowns.
Which might not even work!
This whole lockdown/quarantine strategy: ever ask the question, “cui bono”?
Wall Street. Amazon. Government.

We have been watching airplanes with wings fly for 70 years. Wings work quite well and we all know it. However, we have never tested wings scientifically, you know, the way it should be done, with a placebo group. So let’s do a real test; some planes will have wings and some won’t. We need to prove this once and for all. Each plane needs to be loaded with people. Who wants to volunteer?
The MSM buys this crap. Why do most of the people?
It’s like watching building #7 come down due to “office fires”.
They get away with this because we let them. Time to stand up.

A pareto chart is arranged with values descending as in the Georgia chart. It was probably easy to set the software to pareto instead of a bar chart.

Great idea!

This is a cross post from the main thread on HCQ and deep state. Thought it should go there too:
Yeah - about that “study.”
It’s not an actual clinical trial but a retrospective romp through prior medical files to see if anything pops up.
As with the “VA” study, the key thing is how did they manage to adjust for all the confounding factors post-facto?
Here you really have to trust the researchers to not only do this correctly, but to not accidentally introduce any of their own biases to the adjustment factors.
Given the massive politicization of HCQ, coupled to the obvious conflicts of interests in promoting various Gilead/Santos/Merck/Astra Zeneca/etc/etc/etc “treatments,” I am deservedly cautious in accepting the results form these sorts of “studies.”
For example, did this study control for the timing of administration? Or zinc? No, and no.
Why not?
Also, why hasn’t there been a placebo controlled, double blind randomized trial? That includes zinc, of course Again, why not?
If there had been, we wouldn’t have to peer through a fog of possible errors as I’ve pointed out in my re-interpretation of their methods:

Maybe they did all of that in a completely unbiased way. Or maybe the researchers are asshats on the scale of the Stanford docs who did that terribly biased serological study.
Of all the things I deplore most, it’s the degree to which science has been revealed to be a gigantic morass of conflicts of interest and belief systems masquerading as authority.
Welcome to the Fourth Turning.

I think you are showing a confirmation bias around the HCQ studies. Do you challenge Dr Raoult about every detail of how he adjusts for confounding factors? Or all the other non-trials that seem to show a favourable outcome for HCQ? Do you challenge Dr Raoult for his failure to consider zinc?
You constantly raise the idea that authors of studies finding little effect for HCQ have some bias or ulterior motive. That may be so, but it could be equally true of those claiming favourable results for HCQ. Scientific study is a human activity, and subject to the foibles of all human activity. All scientists have their own biases and beliefs, and we need to use the scientific method as much as we can to get past that. We need better studies around HCQ, but don’t just blame HCQ sceptics for the failure to have proper studies.
One thing you said a lot in the early videos was: “I get it.” You understood why people might be doing things a certain way, even if you thought they were misguided. Can’t you look at the Lancet study with the same sense of openness.
You must agree, surely, that there is a real possibility that HCQ will turn out to be a big nothing burger. With that in mind, is your approach helping your readers understand how that possibility is shaping up? What must surely be obvious at this point is that HCQ is no wonder drug, but your presentation risks feeding the wonder drug vs. deep state narrative.

When the system is so scared of a drug’s potential that they deliberately construct a study to be done a year from now, for a 7-day treatment, that tells you all you need to know.
It tells me all I need to know anyway.
Remdesivir trial = done in a month. HCQ gold standard 7-day treatment = done next year.
And by then, they will announce they just didn’t get enough people to sign up for the trial. So sorry. Trial never completed. “Here’s a vaccine which we hope works.”
They do this because they are terrified that HCQ really does work. That’s what all these shenanigans tell me.
If they weren’t terrified, they’d execute a regular trial, to be done in a month’s time, so they could demolish this “not a wonder drug” and embarrass Trump, all at the same time.
And, they could show the rest of the world (that actually uses HCQ in their treatment regimes - by all accounts successfully) just how smart the US is, and stupid they are all being.
But for some reason, they don’t do this.

Thank you! I’ve already shared it, and will continue to do so.
There’s so much noise around Wuflu treatment it’s helpful to have access to source material.

What must surely be obvious at this point is that HCQ is no wonder drug...
It's not "surely...obvious" to me. Could you explain what you're seeing that (1) takes HCQ out of "wonder drug" category, and (2) what significance you find in not classifying HCQ as a "wonder drug"? (Does that mean it doesn't work at all? or that it doesn't work alone? or only works in a narrow range of application criteria? or what?)

I do not always agree with everything Mercola enthusiastically endorses, but this is a very well researched and comprehensive piece on the issues surrounding vaccine development. Worth a read.


  • The COVID-19 vaccine may in fact be the most fast-tracked vaccine ever created in all history, which necessitates the elimination of required safety testing steps, such as animal testing
  • Pfizer in collaboration with BioNTech began human trials in the U.S. of a COVID-19 vaccine on May 11, 2020. If successful, the vaccine could be released as early as September 2020 with an FDA-approved Emergency Use Authorization (EUA)
  • Like Moderna and several other competitors, the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine is using messenger RNA (mRNA) rather than live or attenuated (inactivated) viruses grown in animal cells
  • Previous attempts to create coronavirus vaccines have failed due to coronaviruses triggering production of two different types of antibodies — one that fights disease and one that triggers “paradoxical immune enhancement” that often results in very serious disease and/or death
  • Vaccines that caused paradoxical immune enhancement initially looked very promising as they produced very robust antibody responses. Yet when exposed to the wild virus, ferrets and children became severely ill and many died

There have been no shortage of BLT comments on this site that have touted HCQ as a wonder drug for Covid. “No one died” “Nobody needed to die” “None of Raoult’s patients died” “None of Zelenko’s patients died”. Blah blah blah.
My expectation is that the more this protocol is studied, the less positive the results will be. This is not an uncommon experience in drug trials, apparently. Whether that means it’s somewhat beneficial, neutral, or somewhat harmful? Well, we will see in time.
Some randomised controlled trials are already underway, so I don’t expect us to be waiting a year before we have some better data.
Going back over recent posts I noticed Chris’s subject line:

Lancet "study" Proves HCQ More Dangerous(?)

This is a straw man - the authors don't claim to have proved anything. Rather, they provide evidence of an association, and call for more and better studies to find evidence of causation. Why are you putting "study" in scare quotes? To see you malign a serious study in this way is frankly off-putting. I can't help thinking you are going to look back on this episode with some embarrassment.

Anyone know of a doctor in New England who prescribes HCQ? It is important to take early if you get sick and my doc won’t prescribe it.


Call every pharmacy in your area to see if they can give you the names of docs who will

Not sure if you are just trolling or serious.
One would have to be hiding under a rock to not see how the politics is not only affecting the so called studies but the reporting by the media.
Roualt, Zelenko and others are more concerned with treating patients than conforming to the niceties you are calling for.
I have no idea where you live , how old you are, what comorbidities or underlying conditions you may have but i do have a question for you.
What is your plan if you get SC2? Right now there is no treatment approved by the government (who happens to be the best doctor on the planet apparently). The current protocol in my neck of the woods is go home and if you get worse come back and we will hospitalize you and provide palliative care. Is that your plan? Just asking for a friend

I tried to post an article in Indiaexpress.com about the government providing police with 2 Homeopathic remedies to boost the immune system . The 2 are Arsenicum Album 30 and Camphor 1m

"Personnel posted in areas with high incidence of infections have been advised to take one dose of four pellets daily for four to five days, while those with symptoms of Covid-19 have been advised to consult doctors for the correct dosage. "

The Indian government has for many weeks been providing health care workers all over the country with HCQ to use as a prophylaxsis. Police depts. are also issuing HCQ. I could not post the article but you can google it or better yet duckduckgo it