So It's Back To First Principles


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“AI” in general is basically a tireless propaganda babbler. ChatGPT is one of the ones that is utterly unapologetic about being part of the Ministry of Truth.


Ok… I just read his post below. It’s fair that the 12’2" would be from ground to the top of those posts.

Ok, that’s fair. I see it now. Granted, a manufacturer would use those posts as the total height, instead of the rail.

I hadn’t seen seen this video with the pans before (usually they just show crooks in front of agr6). On the pan, I could see 2 things that drew my attention (circled in red). 1) The window of AGR7 and something in it, most likely a sniper, of course. That’s the window close to that vertical AC duct, and 2) what appears to be that white hat guy sitting in that wall where Crooks was photographed. Is there a guy sitting there at that wall, circled in red or it’s something else?

Don’t forget I captured my monitor playing the tmz video with my cellphone on Aug1st, case and recoil, and posted it on Chris’ X… Just click and scroll up…

Then I have to read from another member (or staff) that TMZ altered it weeks after, coincidentally when it was noticed by the forum that the video file on the dropbox wasn’t any good. What is this?

This is my original post where I initially calculated the time of the WTAE video. The link is below:

Gotcha - Found the Elvis song. Elvis Presley – If I Can Dream -

The video on the RSBN was exactly when this video of Elvis ended. So I got a timeline from RSBN. Synchronised with the WTAE clip… and we have timestamp. The WTAE Clip that KINCSES Zsolt has linked starts at 17:06:49. You first spot Crooks at the left corner at 17:06:54.

RSBN – Shots fired: 06:42:54 Actual time: 18:11:33
RSBN – Elvis stops: 05:40:02 Actual time: 17:08:41
RSBN – WTAE starts: 05:38:10 Actual time: 17:06:49

WTEA with Sound -


@vegaspatriot @cmartenson @sorey
Here is the release of the latest timeline document, Version 1.5.

Timeline - 2024-09-02 - Ver 1.05.pdf (952.2 KB)

The most important changes:

  • Incrementally improved the detail, grammar and accuracy of the document.
  • Updated the timeline as per the updated FBI timeline released on 2024-08-28
  • Updated the timeline as per the updated Sen. Ron Johnson timeline released on 2024-08-29
  • Standardised the abbreviations and names of the different officers and agents as requested. The shorthand descriptions are added in the first page.
  • Clarified the timeline of communication regarding Crooks from 17:32 to 18:02. This includes what Nicol sent, when he got reaction, when the message was received, etc. This document was previously very unclear about this and should now be more accurate as per existing evidence.
  • Added the time USSS counter snipers take their position.
  • Added estimated moment USSS counter snipers crouch down.
  • Added section where officers complained about Security and the USSS
  • New video where ESU runs into the barn at 18:09:34 as previously posted. TikTok - Make Your Day
  • Changed the order shots hit spectators according to Mike Bell’s Analysis.

Some notes as pointed out by member @zatoici

  • Changed orange text description from opinions to unverified statements. The idea behind this is even though someone says something in footage, does not mean that it is factual. It can be an opinion or even a blatant lie. To address this, I highlighted it in orange. I must go over the document and just make sure that I caught all instances where this appear, because I am certain I made mistakes.
  • There are multiple Grassley document releases. I tried to add dates at the end of the document when certain official documents were released.

I cannot state any of these for sure, but I can assign some probability/credential to them from gut.

I’ve seen a software several years ago. Experts could give probabilities to events. And the events have been arranged in a tree graph, as reason-consequence relation.

As I remember, a chief sniper (from Israel) said something like this:
To be a professional you need 12 month training,
not just shoot once a week and peel potatoes on the other days.

I have heared like this: “No war plans survive the first gunshot.”

retaining wall
Maybe it is just bad angle, but I cannot see the retaining wall. What the hell that guy is sitting on?
sitting dude

I used RSBN (10+ hour video) and YT video of the original Elvis singing video. RSBN video has v/a sync problems, that’s ok bc all info when Elvis ended the song is in video, not in audio. For 1st shot I couldn’t rely on sound, so I used Trump’s head movement based on other videos. In RSBN video 1st shot is 33 but I have 1 cop dashcam and 1 bodycam (WBC2-122110) perfectly synced to Dave’s audio telling 1st shot is heard at the end of 31, but I used 32 for my calculations.

I had a different video for Crooks walking in front of bldg6 and I now realised I started from where Crooks appears from right side of the jumbotron leg. But he appears already on the left side. Missed it bc my video shows the left side part, then cuts to a guy interviewed and returns when Crooks appears from the right side of the jumbotron leg. So, I deduct 4sec from my time for when Crooks appear. My final timing for first spot Crooks is 17:06:51. Here’s my video on what I based my calculations, you see that where mine messes the starting time, yours doesn’t show the camera panning the audience and then returning back to Crooks. That gives you wrong time when Crooks is last seen. To get the right timing we need each other’s YT videos. Also, there’s another video (i have it) which has 4 more seconds showing Crooks turning and walking towards west at the end. To avoid this post becoming too long I’ll stop here but am willing to break down every step for my conclusions if you want. So, here’s my timings with the 4s deducted at the start that I missed: 17:06:51-17:07:23

So, here’s the YT video I used for my calc. Pls, take that camera panning the audience into account:

I don’t think we see a sniper in the window, it’s rather a part of a tree branch in my eyes.

This definitely is somebody sitting there on the wall, probably the white hat guy. More than an hour later he’s still/again around that wall.
Was This a LEO Failure or Something Worse? - News & Current Events / Public News & Current Events - Peak Prosperity

Edit: I didn’t use the video showing 4 more seconds for my calculation, but with that added the timing is: 17:06:51-17:07:27



The guy is sitting on the retaining wall you circled in red. the 2nd of your pictures is taken from the southern bleachers.

What you can see just on the left of the guy sitting on the wall is a window of building 5 (as numbered in the AAR).

Here a close up out of streetview.

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Great work, thanks for sharing. That’s a helpful ressource for everybody who wants to get a combined overview on the timeline.

Some suggestion and inputs.
for page 1: In order to avoid confusion, I’d number all the roofs as in the AAR. Maybe make a reference to the AGR numbering, building 1 (AAR) = building 6 (AGR).

Furthermore it might be a good idea to point out the time differences between the body-/dashcam footage and the real time. For example:

  • dashcam M500-010482 timestamp is 1 second slow
  • bodycam BWC2-122104 timestamp is 12 seconds fast
  • bodycam Beaver Co ESU timestamp is 1 minute 39 seconds fast

for page 6: 10:00? – Crooks arrives at the rally site
In the NYT the article says “At the same time, Mr. Crooks was at the Home Depot in Bethel Park purchasing a ladder. A bloody receipt, found in the shooter’s pocket after he was killed, showed he bought it around 9:30 a.m.”

In the next sentence they say “Then Mr. Crooks drove to the rally site, reaching the show grounds by around 10 a.m. and staying about 70 minutes — even as the local countersnipers were arriving.”

Unless Crooks was speeding hard, it took him a good hour to get to the Butler Farm show grounds (keep in mind there were road constructions going on in the Butler area). So here the NYT timeline has some issues or the term around in “bought it around” and “by around” has been used very generously.


But that ladder has been found at his home, not the rally venue.

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Did they get Home Depot video of him to confirm the times?

Maybe the ladder was purchased by someone else and he just had the receipt.

Where is the Home Depot security footage?


kangaroo court = jumps over the evidences


Yep, the ladder didn’t have any relevance in the events. But it shows he was at the Bethel Park Home Depot at the time stated on the receipt (assuming he himself bought the ladder and the receipt was really found in his pockets). So there is some relevance when it comes to the timeline.