Was This a LEO Failure or Something Worse?

Do we know by what time that cop guy was seen first hanging around that retaining wall?

If nobody filmed him, the people around there should at least have remembered seeing him upon finding out in the news what happened and seeing the WTAE video showing how he looked. Maybe somebody did but hasn’t gone public?

That’s an improved timeline, but not a great one.

It really needs to begin addressing this question: “WHERE WERE THE TWO LOCAL SNIPERS?!”

And also communications (or lack thereof) between and among SS.

This timeline of Johnson’s isn’t going to move the needle much.


I immediately hit Johnson’s contact form and explained the two leads that would solve the case: 1) Hercules turning north and 2) the mysterious inaction of Nicol and Murcko.

This case would be over if we would simply interview the key witnesses.


@rawroku has a comprehensive timeline going, and because I use it to double check my timeline analysis against, I like to help him ensure it stays up to date. I’ve always taught during incident investigation training that the Devil is in the Details, and that’s especially true of timelines. One missing or incorrect time can send you in a wrong direction and/or set you back more than you care to go.


I don’t even recall which video that’s in. I’m thinking it was Jon Malis’ wife’s video, and I never saved a link to it.

I looked up Chris’ video where he covered that clip, and it even has the time. I knew it was close to the shooting.


I did mention it before and you acknowledged it, but the time two patrol vehicles parked east of AGR BLDG 6 was 18:09:03 not 18:08:36 as stated in slide 16. I think you accidentally used an old slide. 18:08:36 is the time the two vehicles was beneath the Water tower.


Concerning the Door 13 situation:
I see that as pictured in your slide 14. Not sure though if the Cops came into eastside parking lot with a car, maybe they were just around patrolling and looking for that suspicious person. In my opinion the timeline in the AAR is just not really accurate and therefore very confusing for understanding what happened when.

For example: the AAR says “18:05 - Approx suspect at picnic tables and moving direction of Sheetz, he has a back pack
(communicated by [GN]) via radio”
=> since the WaPo Radio Transmission Protocols we know that sighting was radioed at 18:02

Also the AAR “1 Marked vehicle and unmarked vehicle pull in together”
=> The two police cars in your slide 16 are the ones standing beside the watertower when they got radioed “someone’s on the roof”, probably by BWC2-122111. When the car with dashcam M500-010482 drives in to parking lot east, there are only 3 cars already parked there (think you covered that in one of your slides before). This cars are first captured at timestamp 18:08:11. Nobody opens door 9 until GN steps out at 18:13:24.

=> The silverish colored unmarked car is first filmed by BWC2-122111 at 6:09:19pm (corrected time). Driving from north to south in to the parking lot.

Also the AAR “18:06 - 18:12: [GN] goes downstairs of building 1 to meet patrol to let them know suspect is around building on side of fairgrounds”
=> Downstairs of building 1 is only 3 doors GN could have potentially met up with somebody. There’s door 9 to the east, door 10 to the south and door 11 to the west. The only one plausible would be door 9.

That’s why I think they misnumbered the building or haven’t been precise enough about it. I could imagine the following timeline:

  • 6:03pm: After he radioed his sight, GN went downstairs of building 2 and steps out of door 13. He’s looking for Crooks but didn’t see him. Instead the 2 Cops came around and he told them about the situation and they should go look for him.

  • 6:04-6:06pm: One of the Cops goes south- and the other one northwards around the AGR complex. Maybe one of these Cops, upon receiving the infos from GN, was the sheriff’s deputy who radioed to his colleagues at 6:04pm “All units be advised also that individual is headed towards Sheetz”.
    GN heads back into building 2, up the stairs to the 2nd floor. In order to get sight of Crooks again, he looks out different north and west facing windows but doesn’t see him.

  • 6:05-6:06pm: Crooks uses an HVAC unit to climb up to the roof of building 6, he’s filmed by a security camera of King Cones Castle Ice Cream shop.

  • 6:07-6:09pm: For the Cop who went northwards it was about 230 yards to the position in front of building 9-1/Door 3 (AGR numbering). There he turns around, maybe after seeing the other Cop coming in from the south. He’s filmed at this position by BWC2-122111 at 6:08:05pm (corrected time).

    For the Cop who went southwards it was about 200 yards to the position in front of shipping ramp AGR 2 (AGR numbering). He’s filmed there by BWC2-122111 at 6:08:22pm (corrected time).

    GN is still moving around inside the AGR buildings and tries to get sight of Crooks.

  • 6:10-6:13pm: GN is going downstairs again and traverses through the gangway into building 1. Maybe he’s at door 9 at one point and watches through the door glasses. He recognises the police cars out there and the officers passing and running towards the spot behind the cypresses, that’s around 6:10:30 (AAR page 13). One of the guys get hoisted up and sees Crooks on the roof but get a rifle pointed at him and let go, that’s at 6:10:55.
    GN is then rushing inside AGR to building 4 where he hears the first shot (AAR page 16). He makes his way back to building 1.

  • 6:13:24: GN steps out of door 9.

Some strange things I discovered and don’t really know what to do with it:
=> The guy right hand side of the picture is the same Cop who went southwards seen in the last picture.

It’s not to see in the footage but it seem he’s meeting up somewhere at the northern AGR entrance with the Cop who went northwards. He also went in the exat same direction about 30 seconds beforehand.

=> Also odd, between 6:07:01-6:07:09 (corrected time) somebody is walking in front of shipping ramp AGR 2 (AGR numbering) from north to south. Filmed by BWC2-122111. Who is this guy?

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Thanks for the detailed analysis, and the screenshots. I’ll need a cup of coffee first, to review it. :grin:

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good idea, make it a strong one :coffee:

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@sorey and @rawroku

I totally agree, and that’s why I did a deep dive previously on the Butler and Beaver County documents. I have updated that to include issues AAR timeline entries not previously addressed (Slides 11 & 12), and clarified what we know from other evidence aside from the AAR 18:06-18:12
entry (Slides 19 & 20).

And I corrected the timestamp you pointed out, @rawroku.


Very nice work, that’s an impressive collection of information well presented and enriched with visual impressions :+1:

Again I’m happy to give a feedback and my take, here on Slide 3:
I know in the Grassley letter to AD Rowe the “Local law enforcement assert their true physical location was the following”.

I won’t dispute that they at some point in this afternoon had this position physically. But as the main set up location Greg Nicol’s spot is neither logical nor plausible to me. Why should Greg Nicol as a sniper be in a room with the window closed, that makes no sense at all.

With this part of the sentence “with pictures their counter sniper took on July 13 that shows their view and line of sight from the AGR building” Sen Grassley indicates, the photos show the view of each of the 3 snipers. As you describe in slide 5-8, that’s not the case. The picture always shows the very same west window, just pictured with another angle and zoom level. Assuming Grassley mainly passed on what he got as information from the Beaver County’s ESU team, why do they try to be misleading?

For me the most logical set up would be this one. It also corresponds with the AAR.



I’m not sure what you mean by this. Woods’ nest that I assume to be the west window, would not be shown in the diagram sent to Sen. Grassley because it was no longer manned at the time of the shooting. Why they only included that nest in the photos may be because those were the only photos taken that day. Woods was their Lead Sharpshooter, and probably knew better to document it. More telling is the fact his rifle and netting were not so much as bumped throughout the day.

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The X account has been suspended by X’s tech tyrants or higher up’s…
Some content is on gab.com un-plasmaglyphs
Why would they suspend this account???

I’m on target to key details of west-side misconduct or the team effort they hoped no one would notice…

Let me repeat something… When i first saw the west-side video, all sorts of red flags went off when i saw white-hat guy sitting casually at the corner while others around him were alerting LEO’s…
Whats the word i’m looking for?? not decoy (even though); Notice how many, in the crowd along the fence, were also comparably staying calm, taking video and NONE were taking engagement action… The seated guy was almost like a difuser, not being excited but later acting like he had a view when LEO’s stop to look… Then he danced around them and pointed them in the wrong direction… You can see in one image here that the LEO is on his south side looking at him, a distraction, as seconds ticked…

Remember, don’t take the bait, don’t get outraged, for that is how they set people up in 2020…
Commit this to the Lord & intercede to assist the Spirit bring things together.


Did you listen to the presentation done by Chris about that image???

In you presentation at 19min - 22, we’ve got a third color coordinator, and he has a backpack riding a bike… All the element of the perp’s description, potentially difusing or confusing the search all the more…
He stops to watch the actions of Decoy #1 who danced around LEO#2, He actually draw him away from the line-of-sight cone to the gunman, and kept his eyes off target…

I agree, I felt he was more there for the distraction of the LEOs. Jumps out like a sore thumb. Always bothered me.

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Thanks much, I was beginning to think i was being too suspicious…
However, there is an optical illusion that i’ve come to accept as strongly misleading as to where he was relative to LEO paths walking around the building…
Based on drone footage i’ve somewhat concluded that he wasn’t seated up against the building, which was my initial impression…
Have a look at this image and toss me an estimate for how much of a gap there was between him and the building… His seating could have influenced the path taken by LEO’s… Note the abandoned garment seen on the ground in some footage…


That makes so much more sense. I couldn’t figure a guy sitting on the ground when there is a wall to sit on. It was just plain weird. I want to see the video again. Where can I find it? Wish everything was logged. So much video and so many pictures. I’d like to find the one where white cap guy stands up.

I also wish we could get everything categorized. We could proceed much faster and more accurately.