So It's Back To First Principles

The point being that NO SS were hit. I have explained several times earlier on my thoughts why regarding if Crooks was the shooter, 2 shooters, etc.

Simply, when in recent history has a Lone Wolf tried so hard to be spotted/noticed?

Why wasn’t any SS hit, if our marksman Crooks was the Lone Wolf shooter?

There is only a very limited number of explanations just to these 2 questions. And to me, they are glaringly obvious.

They need to be critically answered and I see little of that here unfortunately. Though some other analysis here is very good.

If open discussion, I would continue on, but you keep typing each point out, I am going to pass.

Take care. Good luck.


My point is about consistency and reliability. Your point is that its possible. Apples and orange s.

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Ah, yes… looking at the one far to the left confirms this. The claps are open:


The point being that NO SS were hit.

Which further makes the 2nd shooter theory make less sense. Two people shooting at one target, and they couldn’t hit anything in that big black ball of suits on the stage?

I have explained several times earlier on my thoughts why regarding if Crooks was the shooter, 2 shooters, etc.

I’m under no obligation to start hunting down your posts.

Simply, when in recent history has a Lone Wolf tried so hard to be spotted/noticed?

When was he trying hard to be spotted and noticed? Seems like if the sniper didn’t take pictures of him, no one would have spotted him.

Why wasn’t any SS hit, if our marksman Crooks was the Lone Wolf shooter?

Great question, person that believes in two shooters. Please explain to me, why wasn’t anyone on the stage hit with two shooters raining bullets down in that direction?

There is only a very limited number of explanations just to these 2 questions. And to me, they are glaringly obvious.

I told you to cut down on the anime dialogue.

If open discussion, I would continue on, but you keep typing each point out, I am going to pass.

Because I’m trying to address everything you’re saying. I’m sorry forums are new to you.

Many Ex US-SS have said the red/white/blue banner in front of the podium is or covers a bullet proof barrier. That is why they want the protectee to go prone behind it in a situation like this.


Looking at the time stamp in this video, it is about 20 Min after the shooting. So, we have to give everybody in this room the benefit of the doubt. But one thing is for sure, there was mysterious activity coming from the windows of building 6, 10 seconds before and 10 seconds after the shooting. The vents are also positioned in those rooms. So, yes, people were active in those rooms. Especially the fact that activity is seen before the shooting is extremely suspicious. I posted this analysis in a different forum, so maybe some of you did not have a chance to see it. Please take 5 mins and have a look here:


It seems like one of the most boring bodycam videos might end up being the most important. In the really long dashcam video of the front door, we can see when most of the people entered. It’s at timestamp 18:17:30. Dropbox

Maybe interesting to @cmartenson, we can see bearded plainclothes cop in tan shorts enter at that time. Everybody must know him.

We know that Greg Nichol was in the building because in this same video we can see him emerge with his gun drawn about two minutes after the shooting. I’m not sure anyone else was in there at the time.

“Please watch the videos Chris has been doing. There is a lot of circumstantial evidence that Crooks is the shooter, like photos of him aiming a rifle, shell casings around his body, being in almost exactly the spot we would expect him to be in based on where the rounds hit, his distance roughly matching the audio data, etc. That’s what we have, since the FBI stole the vast majority of the direct evidence.” Direct quote from Brian.

Pitiful because not even close to Factual and Brian you want to lecture me about this Forum. Next time have Facts or logical conclusions. Otherwise, I too will ignore like others that try to gaslight me.

And thanks for trying to insult my intelligence. I have watched ALL of Chris’s videos multiple times except the LAST ONE. That was NUTS from the beginning, so I couldn’t get past the first few minutes.

This dude Peter believes that after 5 some days, Cheatle makes her first appearance with a media friendly network to the regime to tells us the Truth.

That think tanks, focus groups and assorted mouthpieces, didn’t come up with the slopey roof. That Cheatle though never signing off on the final SS security plans for a Trump rally didn’t have snipers on the roof, because she was genuinely concerned for their safety. Can’t make this stuff up.

As Peter begins with some on the Left are mentally ill, while some on the Right are stupid.

So the rest of what you said, Brian was well you remind me of Peter.

Nothing you said is even close to the truth in verifing that Crooks was the shooter nor resembles Chris’s position on this shooting.

I suggest you go back and watch all the videos. He only had issue of where to place the 2nd shooter. No one knows the exact trajectories of all the bullets.

And as far as the “boring bodycam” be useful. Sure…lol…the audio was edited like who knows what else, but all the times the cam lens is blocked wasn’t cut, which was a lot of it.


Shooting from the vents isn’t really an option:

  • the audio recorded by witnesses on different sides of the buildings would never show exactly the same pattern, while we see that there is little difference between the recordings of RealDjStew and the people under the trees on the other side of the building
  • if a weapon is fired from inside a building, you can hear the bang of the firing throughout the building, unless a suppressor is used, but that was not the case as we can clearly hear the hypersonic shots
  • there is little room to manoeuvre if you were to shoot from those vents. if you want to hit different targets you have to change the position of the stock of the weapon because the barrel can’t pivot through the vent
  • and you should simply see plumes of smoke appearing from the vents with each shot…

Hi intolerance,

Please show me the multiple different videos cameras capturing Crooks shooting from the roof with gun smoke coming out of his riffle. The fact that no echoes are heard on the side of the building proves that the first three did not come from Crooks. I had a similar conversation with daniloraf. Please have a look here:


Then why does Chris agree that Crooks is the shooter in his videos?

that is a very good point!

instead he used the cheap, inaccurate and even unreliable 2013 DPMS A-15 with a low quality red dot scope…

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Assuming Crooks did not fire that first round, it’s telling that the shot did not surprise him, as if he was expecting it.

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He doesn’t. He points out repeatedly that there is no solid evidence yet that shows Crooks is the shooter. Try again.

Chris points out a few times though that he wonders, if the FBI will eventually produce a video showing Crooks is the shooter.

By now the FBI could have produced/had made AI videos to leak out to their allies in the corrupt legacy media. Yet they haven’t even done that.

Just typical, they ignore as each News cycle pushes this assassination attempt further back. Heard more about the Iranians than this case…more FBI cover.

Yep. Hurts the intelligence of those on the Right.

Like having Crooks acting so obvious to begin with.

Find ONE legit Sniper that took out a prominent polician that acted even remotely like Crooks without even analyzing the rest of this attempt.

Find just ONE…


Please show me the multiple different videos cameras capturing Crooks shooting from the roof with gun smoke coming out of his riffle.

I can’t, because no one has released a clear video of Crooks shooting.

I have videos that have audio of the shots heard coming from building 6:

realDJStew724, who was in front of the building

Dashcam on the left side of Crooks capturing all 8 shots directly above the roof:

No audio, since bodycam is from the Lieutenant and he was hanging around all the Secret Service tents, or maybe the command center, either way I’m guessing his entire audio is purposefully muted since it contained some important info. Anyways you can see his bodycam POV he starts running towards direction of building 6, he tries to take cover behind the truck/crane thing still looking towards building 6. so if shots didn’t come from that direction, dude was having one hell of a hallucination:

don’t feel like digging for more.

The fact that no echoes are heard on the side of the building proves that the first three did not come from Crooks. I had a similar conversation with daniloraf. Please have a look here:

You concluded Crooks didn’t shoot based off of a few frames? Okay, if that’s what you want to believe.

We all know the shots came from the Building 6 area. That doesn’t prove that Crooks fired even one shot.

And you can’t prove that even one of the videos you are referring to wasn’t tampered with. The FBI/SS had access to at least one, if not ALL.

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Just because a DPMS is not top tier does not mean it is a POS. Back around the 2010s Jerrry Miculek used a DPMS as his 3 Gun competition rifle. I remember seeing him at their booth at the Big Reno Gun Show. I’ve seen it claimed Crooks had an EoTech holographic sight. If so, it has a 1 MOA center dot, a 68 MOA circle around it, and is not some cheap red dot. You can be pretty acculturate with that center dot.


Yes, our hypothesis 2 up to now has the most evidence, namely the first 3 shots came most likely from inside building 6 (no echoes) and most likely shots 4 – 8 from Crooks. I don’t think there is any video of Crooks shooting 4 – 8, because who would be so crazy when hearing the first 3 shots to continue taking a video. The first reaction of course after the 3 shots is to duck down, probably nobody has Crooks on camera with 4 – 8.

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Just because a DPMS is not top tier does not mean it is a POS. Back around the 2010s Jerrry Miculek used a DPMS as his 3 Gun competition rifle. I remember seeing him at their booth at the Big Reno Gun Show.

He thinks it’s a fully automatic weapon, so therefore it can’t be the DPMS. At least that’s what I gathered from my conversation with that guy in the last day or so.

I’ve seen it claimed Crooks had an EoTech holographic sight. If so, it has a 1 MOA center dot, a 68 MOA circle around it, and is not some cheap red dot. You can be pretty acculturate with that center dot.

I’ve heard it’s a Holosun, but I don’t think it’s that important. The important detail is that he had no magnifier attached. But even if he used a cheap Holosun, maybe even a SIG red dot, he still should have been able to hit his shots. At least the first 3 “controlled” shots, the rapid fire ones missing makes sense to me. From his perspective he might have been on target, but as he was rapidly firing, under an adrenaline dump, he could’ve easily moved his rifle a bit, and long distance shooting is a game of inches, so when he missed, he missed by a big margin.