So It's Back To First Principles

Hi Howdy,

I could understand the reservation of roger-knight and others since previously the information on your web site was so sparse that at least I could not really retrace your method (apart from the “similar angle” argument). But now you say:

This wasn’t clear to me at all, and possibly also not to your at times square-jawed contrahents. It’s a really nice idea. But then how to marry (or at least befriend) your model with that one of roger-knight and others?
I sometimes wonder that to my knowledge no american geodesist packed his instruments and simply determined rise and talf in situ.

I mentioned earlier that the model of roger is crippled beyond repair… I based this statement based on

  • his back tracing approach that he illustrated 2-3 times based on the input that I gave him and
  • the fact that he always tries to back trace things to the location of the roof where the man died and
  • the fact that he constantly focuses on the height of different objects while ignoring the different ground levels and
  • the fact that he was not even aware of the simple fact that the JCB hydraulic lift stood in a depression, and thus lower than the right bleacher and
  • the fact that he was not even aware that the ground floor of Trump’s podium was several feet higher than the ground floor of the corner of the bleacher

every time he input the very accurate data that I provided to him, he came back with a horizontal line and the claim that the back tracing had led to a shooter position that had to shoot through (!) several buildings…

his system is really completely inappropriate for this analysis…

the fast buriers of information sent their geodesists to the site the day after the event, he…
probably to document which evidence scenes have been wiped “clean”…

Hi howdoiknowthisinfo and BigTim,

As I stated in my previous Post, I am not a riffle guy and I have already reached out to the community for help on this topic:

Maybe you guys can help? The length of the shot in 3D (from the wall of building 6 to the bleachers corner) is 503feet. How many inches does the bullet sink due to gravity and how many inches does the bullet move to the side due to the wind?

If you could give me these two numbers, I will integrate it into the “back trace” simulation.

Thanks in advance.

I remember that you wrote about wrong elevations previously, but I must have missed the rationale. If you derive these facts ultimately from roof heights, isn’t that equivalent to a petitio ad principii?

  • the fact that he was not even aware of the simple fact that the JCB hydraulic lift stood in a depression, and thus lower than the right bleacher and
  • the fact that he was not even aware that the ground floor of Trump’s podium was several feet higher than the ground floor of the corner of the bleacher

this guy goes over certain specifics like wind speed, what it takes to hit a target with a red dot AR, etc. you can see around 12:30 that the shots land on target even with wind.

so for us to give you accurate numbers, I think we’d have to at least know the bullet trajectories. like the one bullet the struck the railing or hit the firefighter, is anyone able to somewhat accurately trace back the bullets back to the rooftop? we could start there and maybe see if wind that day was affecting Crooks’ shots in any significant way.

my current theory is no, the fault lies more in his choice of cheap ass AR-15 and a basic red dot sight

here is a quick explanation why Crooks’ shots missed so badly

Hi again howdoiknowthisinfo,

I would like to reply to your comments below:

his back tracing approach that he illustrated 2-3 times based on the input that I gave him

Sorry I don’t understand what you are trying to say. Please be more specific.

the fact that he always tries to back trace things to the location of the roof where the man died:

We are not trying to back trace to the man who died. What we are trying to do is to evaluate if the official story that is claimed in all mainstream media that crooks shot all 8 shots, or are two shooters involved? Since we are very lucky that the first shot hit Trumps ear and then the corner of the blister, we get 2 points defined in space, which makes it possible to back-trace the shot from where it originated. If the back traced shot would lead back to Crooks (or you call him the “man who died” ) it would give us the impression that maybe all shots could have been shot by Crooks. However if the back traced bullet leads to somewhere else it would mean that there is a second shooter. According to our calculations the back traced bullet leads to building 6 and not to Crooks on the roof. So the hypothesis of 2 shooters become more favourable.

the fact that he constantly focuses on the height of different objects while ignoring the different ground levels and

I would claim that we put the most efforts in this forum concerning ground levels. Maybe you have not seen our posts yet:

The latest ground levels which we are using are: AGR building 1335 feet, Trumps position 1337 and the bleacher wheels at 1336. I addid this informatoin to the Excel sheet below, so that it is clear for everybody

the fact that he was not even aware of the simple fact that the JCB hydraulic lift stood in a depression, and thus lower than the right bleacher:

I am using the first point: Trumps ear second point: corner of bleacher, these are the only two points of interest to backtrace a bullet. The hydraulic lift is totally irrelevant for this calculation

the fact that he was not even aware that the ground floor of Trump’s podium was several feet higher than the ground floor of the corner of the bleacher:

As mentioned above, we take under consideration that Trump is 1 foot higher than the corner of the bleachers. See explanation above.


Hi intolerance,

Thank you for your feedback.

Here is the bullet trajectorie:

Hi Bigtim,

Thanks for your feedback. I appreciate your detailed explainatoin.

When would you use such an infra-red night vision optic? Maybe when you are sitting in a dark room, so that you can see things?

if he jerked the gun or the trigger and the barrel pointed at the railing as the hammer struck the primer, then that looks like a pretty good hit. so what I mean by that is, it doesn’t seem like wind had much effect or that there was any significant bullet drop at that distance.

if wind was affecting the shots then for him to touch Trump’s ear with a bullet, he would’ve had to have been aiming slightly to the right of his target. if the bullet drop was really bad, then for the bullet to touch Trump’s ear he would’ve have to have been aiming the dot way above Trump’s head.

i think it’s safe to assume that where Crooks aimed, the bullets went in a pretty “straight” path to their target.

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Hi PhilH,

Great site and I appreciate your efforts.

But since I am not a riffle guy, I am not able to fill out the fields correctly. Could you fill it out? If something is unknown, you can take your best guess such as riffle type or type of bullets… a very rough estimate is sufficient for the moment

Lowlight and night time exterior and interior situations, such as patrols, raids, room clearing, underground tunnels, driving without lights, flying in aircraft at night without lights, etc. where one wants to keep normal lights off and move in the cover of darkness as an advantage, or searching in the dark (such as done by helicopters, drones, etc.) where lights are unwanted or impractical.

quite frankly, if you’re asking for help on these questions, you’re already in way over your head. But, I’ll drop some data in place for you to play with.

Caliber was 5.56 and we still don’t know bullet style and weight. Muzzle velocity is also too high for a 16 inch barrel.

Roger you can look at 5.56 ammo, then try to search through YouTube channels such as and (you can use others, these are just examples) of guys who test ammo. They usually give you a ton of information, and they will usually shoot multiple shots, so that way you’ll see how much variation can be between different calibers, or even just different bullets inside the same magazine. it’ll give you a good idea of what information you have to plug in.

Hey guys, I was just starting to check out howdoiknowthisinfo’s KML and I decided to add the this photo as an overlay (the same as Roger is using, I believe), and they don’t match, bleachers or podium. If you watch the video I made on the X link below, you’ll see it… So, what do you guys suggest? Are both ‘good enough’ ??

My objetive here is to entertain howdoiknow’s theory with some ballistic drop and elevation from my experience, out of curiosity, really, since between ballistics and google earth’s imprecision, well, you know… margins of error are not exactly the narrowest of margins…

from the steward video, we can see from all three windows a light in the dark room turn on before shots have been fired. Would this represent a turned on “night vision camara”, or do these devices not glow in the dark to remain invisible? If not, what else could it be, especially due to the fact that light turn on inside the room before shooting…

Screenshot 2024-08-04 075751

Screenshot 2024-08-04 080029

Screenshot 2024-08-04 080325

Have you considered the fact that is just the reflection of the sky on the windows?


it does not look as if it matches. For those who don’t have the top view picture in high resolution you can download it here:


Close but not quite correct. Once a bullet leaves the barrel it starts falling/dropping. To account for this the barrel is tilted up. That is how you get the upward part of the arc.

We can add Narcissistic, too.

All we can make is a SWAG (Scientific Wild Ass Guess) without knowing exactly which ammo Crooks used. The ballistics change depending on the answer.

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