The Abandonment Of Posts In The Overwatch Building Is Difficult To Accept

Which is nothing like a AR type rifle. That looks like it is based on a AK pattern rifle. Yeah its magazine fed and has a semi-auto function. The recoil system, the gas system, and the butt-stock is completely different.

Do you have a better explanation of what caused the damage to the upper part of the stock? In the extended pic, I can see the piece missing and in the collapsed pic I can see the jagged edge of the broken top part of the stock.

In the last 40+ years I have seen tens of thousands of AR type rifles in person and handeled many of them.

Not yet. But he was in right-handed shooting position, and the SEU was left side to him.

However, the damage looks increasing in the subsequent pictures. And there is a shot to his leg, without bood or gore. And I don’t think a bulet has grabbed his hair.

The polymer the stock is made of is not some fragile piece. I’ve seen similar rifles thrown on the ground and dropped on concrete. Maybe I could break it with a full swing of a 40oz hammer and hit it in a unsupported area like it was in the extended position. But I’m not going to try and destroy my $65 USD Magpul CTR stock just to prove a point.

I can see the same damage in the extended pic and the collapsed pic. But I know exactly what I am looking at and for. It is as clear as day to me in the FBI released pics.

If it wasn’t in shot #9 then It had to be shot #10 from the other side. We’re not going to get some movie perfect close up shot hitting the stock. So I will make a SWAG at what happened to it.

This pic is the same type of stock in a light color so it is easier to see. Compare it to the FBI pics. It is about 3/4 the way collapsed.


I try to get some pictures.

At the second picture his position is not so accurate.

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Whistleblower says it was not the SS who took out Crooks.

Trump assassination attempt: Whistleblowers claim that they were ‘woefully unprepared’ to provide security | Fox News

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Sorry if I’m blind, but where did you see that?

Whistleblower makes claims otherwise. He states it was Homeland Security agents who fired off the 10th shot.

Please quote the source material.

Why Secret Service Took So Long To Kill Trump Shooter

“If there were two people on the roof about 4pm, his job’s done.”

It they stopped him before, didn’t have to kill. And also Corey didn’t have to die.

Okay, here’s the info I have come upon and just passing it along.
The local LEO made the shot that fragged the AR-15.

The headshot was taken by a Homeland Security agent. In some ways the SS and Homeland Security are feds but different entities.
If I’m jumping to conclusions let me know.

Sen. Hawley: Most Of The Agents On The Trump Detail At Butler Rally Were Homeland Security, Trained By A Webinar | Video | RealClearPolitics

I guess I misunderstood what I heard on the radio.

Google provided the details from the whistleblower - but in fact he was never quoted that Homeland Security got off the fatal head shot on Crooks.

My bad.

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“Sen. Josh Hawley: Whistleblowers claim many agents had only webinar training the day Trump was shot”

Actually it was the first time the countersnipers appear at former president’s rally.
Now we learn that they were not from secret service but homeland security.

A 2-hour webinar, and the sound didn’t even work well? Wow! When I hear President Trump, and his children, praising te SS, I take their word for it. This was not the SS, this was some other DHS personnel who got their training out of a Cracker Jacks box. It’s not who the Trump family are referring to by any stretch of the imagination. Talk about stacking the deck against Trump. Just wow!

I’m not sure what’s going on here, but I’m worried that there’s another attempt going on to distract us. When they talk about silo’d communications, I say “Did it prevent Hercules 1 from talking with USSS command? No? Then let’s deal with that later.”

When they say “lots of the agents were unprepared”, I say “did the unprepared agents enter AGR 6 and prevent Nicol and Murcko from doing anything during the shooting? No? Then let’s deal with that later.”

A lot of this stuff is coming from Josh Hawley. I’m starting to suspect that Hawley has made himself unreachable by people who know what’s going on, or that he’s a bad judge of what information is important, or he’s simply working for the other team and wants us to think that there was some systemic issue instead of specific individuals doing highly questionable things. Edit: by my count, Hawley is on strike 2.


While I agree with you on the relative importance of information, I respectfully disagree with you on “Then let’s deal with that later.” Having decades of experience doing and giving training on incident investigation and analysis, I see every detail as being needed to paint the whole picture of what happened and why, and that includes both causal and contributing factors. Put another way, the Mona Lisa would not be the painting it is without her smile, to be sure, but you also need her eyes to understand her smile. You could not tell the whole story in the painting without her eyes.

I am still working on my detailed analysis of the timeline of events while Crooks was on the AGR property before climbing on the roof. This is one of my summary slides (hot off the press) that focuses on the reporting of a suspicious person. In the game of cat and mouse, the cat doesn’t stand a chance when you give the mouse a whopping head start. That, to me, has a high relative importance in the grand scheme of things, along with other causal factors.

Taking a more granular look at a specific text message exchange through 4 layers of the command structure, we see where it took 15 minutes to get critical information to command. That explains a latter portion of the time delay.

Another chunk of that time falls squarely on Nicol’s shoulders. He obviously knows it judging by the way he’s trying to cover his ass and deflect the blame.

TXT at “17:38 – {Nicol} sends text to group text to Sniper Group about suspect”

Witness Interview – “’The first thing I did, I sent those pictures out [Fact: It was 24 minutes later, 5:14 pm to 5:38 pm.], we had a text group between the local snipers that were on the scene. I sent those pictures out to that group and advised them of what I noticed and what I’d seen,’ Nicol said. 'There was a text back that said, ‘Call it into command.’ I then called into our to the command via radio. And they acknowledged.’ ‘I assumed that there would be somebody coming out to – you know, to speak with this individual or, you know, find out what’s going on,’ he added.” (Source: ABC)


I think we’re in line here, the 9th shot could not have taken that chunk out of the stock by that LEO in the manner we are presented, it either came from another direction or it was from the other sniper shot or some other unknown option. Either way we cannot really be sure. And I really thought the pieces had come together for me, thinking on what you guys had said, I had looked at the entry/exit wounds, and thought that it made perfect sense for the 10th shot exiting his neck to have also pierced the stock, as that is very near where the stock would be pressed to his shoulder. Then it struck me, Thomas had turned to the west and faced the crowd. How did the kill shot from Hercules hit him in the face and exit his neck? What is actually even going on here?

This is something I actually haven’t seen yet; do you have a source link or photo? Would genuinely like to know more about this, because a shot to the leg would definitely make someone react a little funny, might take a minute to recoil and regain himself from, and then I imagine he would swivel to address the most immediate threat, whether that was in the crowd to the West or from inside one of those 2nd story windows I’m not really sure.

There was a better picture, I’ll try to find.

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This one?



I found this.


The thing that gets me is this appears to be postmortem shot, after the heart stopped pumping, which according to a doctor in this forum would be a few minutes after a head shot severed the spinal cord, if it did. None of the sound analysis is addressing this likely shot. It’s doubtful that it would have been one of the 10 shots clearly heard. So it must be a highly suppressed shot, right? For now, it’s a conundrum.