Other Forensics of the Assassination Attempt

The SS on the roof got asked who shot him, and he answered by pointing.
You can see it yourself in the full version at 27:20:

Here is a screengrab when he is pointing: https://i.imgur.com/ANUD6V2.jpeg

You can pretty clearly see the “ballistic reactions” to the bullet going down the back row of the bleachers. Lining this up does pass right in a line, near the ludicrous sniper nest #1. The fact that you can see the sniper go “oh shit!” and jump back a bit but take no action… shows that he knew shit was going down and was supposed to stay “in line”, wasn’t thinking he was the target, but definitely got spooked. Was he the target? Or what was on that ballistic trajectory?

I think he gave an interview where he said he had Crooks in his sights for 3 minutes, but was told to stand down by someone.

My current model is that this was an FBI and Homeland hit, with layers of “need to know” within the SS. Image living under a system that kills with impunity anyone that gets in its way. Including its own citizens with biowarfare population thinning.

We live in a blood-thirsty, vicious, self-centered Empire; and the sheeple just keep eating up the crap that is fed to them (in food, media, education, spirit).

Doug Mills of the New York Times captured this photo of the second shot passing by President Trump’s head. It is possible to determine a 2D plane that would intersect with the source position of the bullet using the information from this photo alone. One can then verify if that 2D plane intersects with Thomas Crooks’ position and determine if he did indeed fire this round.

We can reasonably estimate the relative position of the camera using the podium as a landmark. One can then project the tail of the bullet out into infinity. Then if you draw a line between the position of the camera and every point along the trail of the bullet, you will construct a 2D plane. The shooter of the bullet in the photo must fall somewhere within that 2D section.

Edited to add: We cannot determine how close or far the bullet is from the camera, or to what degree the bullet is travelling towards or away from the camera, but these pieces of info are not necessary. We can replicate the perspective from the camera and draw a line overlapping the bullet on that perspective’s vision. It does not matter how close or far away this line is, the same 2D plane will be created regardless.

I posted in comments but fyi (and from working in the industry)
The mic dip on PDJT’s mic could be explained by…

Audio compression, hard attack slow release, used to keep the speakers (PDJT) voice at optimum volume from the PA, it would be set for speech not a sudden sharp loud sound.

It would usually also have a slight delay from mic to speakers to mitigate feedback

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I found a photo that appears to show the gun was still in the dead shooters arms after he was taken out. I will let the gun experts decide if it is the same as the firearm reported to be used. @cmartenson


Posting here as was posted in the audio thread. In reference to the Law Enforcement bodycam footage (taken with FBI? SIS? guy in black suit, red tie, on the roof) alongside Crooks dead body. I am looking at what I see is a bullet wound to Crooks right leg. Entry above calf and below knee; exiting above knee cap. Please check this for yourselves. In my opinion this shows Crooks was shot at least twice. Apparent is the shot was taken from behind Crooks. Please ensure Chris M is made aware of my comment. Regards, Stew.

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I have an unedited photo of the perp post neutralization which may help you determine the angle of the SS sniper’s final shot. Obviously, I am not going to post it here but if you think it will help, please contact me privately.

Some of the shooter’s hair can be seen approx 2ft to the left of his body on the roof, indicating he was shot from his right side, possibly from the 2nd floor open window. Definately not from the 2nd SS sniper position at the podium (frontal head shot).
The hair also seems quite short compared to the photo of Crooks taken earlier.
However, the photo leaked earlier of a deceased Crooks didn’t show headwounds on his right side and if the entry wound was more to the back of his skull, then the exit should have been on the left side of his skull or face. It seems that photo is a red herring.

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Thanks. From my knowledge/experience (owned ARs for over 20 years, Army expert qualified on M4, combat deployed officer), the rifle pictured is not very clear but as far as I can tell it is consistent and not inconsistent with a AR-15. I think the reporting was it was a DPMS Panther purchased about 12 years ago.
Cannot definitely tell the caliber but given the magazine size it’s not a pistol caliber and most likely the most common interchangeable caliber, .223 or 5.56mm. Other calibers were uncommon 12 years ago in this platform. Looks like a basic unremarkable $500 to $1000 AR-15 with flip-up iron sights, hard to tell if there is any red-dot optic, does not appear to be a magnification scope. Looks like a collapsible stock and milspec flash hider.
This basic rifle is typically capable of shooting about 2-4 inch groups at 100 yards for competent shooters (e.g. a pop can at 100 yards).

We do not know if the pants he was wearing were that type. Why would you expose your skin to a metal roof at such high temperatures? The roof was likely 120 + F. The FBI director said they recovered 8 bullet casings? That video of the SS & LE on the roof was within 2 hours of Crooks being shot. I did not see any casings in that video. Not to mention, the audio/acoustics that was analyzed does not account for those 8 rounds. Bottom line, we will never know the facts of what occurred because the FBI cannot be trusted, period. And that video my wife found on July 14th on a Chinese social media site where Crooks said you have the wrong guy? Makes you wonder. And remember what happened to JFK? I doubt much has changed, which means the USSS & FBI are compromised IMO, especially after 2008.

I agree, I’ve felt hot roofs and patio decks too. They get so hot you can’t even take one step on them without jumping in pain. So that means if Crooks was on a surface which was that hot due to it being completely untreated for UV absorption (you can buy UV reflective coated metal roof planks straight from the factory, or use UV reflective paint after install) then his elbows would be burning up, too? And his abdomen? His abdomen was only insulated from the roof by a thin t-shirt and he was up there for 2.5 minutes!? All that said, his knee’s could be lifted up by using his toes/shoes to raise them up but not his abdomen or his elbows, so I assume maybe it was painted with UV reflective paint or coated like that from the factory. The coatings work fantastic, the 3 white roofs around Crooks are treated with UV white paint it appears. I used UV reflective paint last summer on my deck and it cooled from literally 130F when it was 75F out, down to 85F. Maybe his roof was treated from the factory. To your point, how else could he have done it?

Agreed on the audio analysis sounding like 2 different guns plus the sniper(s) (2?) taking him out. I’m not saying I believe the 8 casing report, I was just reporting what was said immediately afterward. :slight_smile:

To me that looked totally AI generated. His face was more bold and strong looking, and his voice was much deeper and masculine. I have two real video’s of Crooks talking. One saying he has a 10" dick (literally, in school) and another where his leg was getting yanked also in school. He’s frail looking and sounding, has a higher pitched voice, and is feminine almost. Your wife’s video was a stronger, deeper sounding voice to me by far.

The bottom line is, be vigilant and question everything. To that point I agree with your skepticism of the whole event!

And it looks Like the entrance point for the kill shot is right below and behind the right ear, which would mean the shot came from the second story window?

I agree, assuming he remained facing the stage until he was shot.

I thought it may be AI generated, but why? Why in China on a social media platform posted prior to the assassination? My wife found it on July 14th, the day after? She was looking for information there because many times not all the news is reported here in the US, and she is correct. I operated in Angola during their civil war from 1990 - 1997, and was shocked at how little information made it to the states compared to the UK, or other countries. Not to mention, the media LIED, and purposely misreported the facts. Bottom line, AI or not, why? How would anyone know to post that at that on this specific timeline?

Whether or not this may be AI generated as some have suggested, this does not account for the fact that this was posted prior to July 13, 2024 and posted July 14, 2024. Why? This was posted on a social media platform in China, why? I haven’t seen this anywhere else yet. I know someone has already copied my post with this video elsewhere and is now using it. Where and what were the three encrypted accounts overseas?

and i have a serious question to chris and people who know and use guns.

Why would a shooter who is targeting one of the most high profile subjects in this planet not use suppressor/silencer? Fully aware of the fact that there are snipers positioned all around trump that could take you out if you reveal your position with sound?

I know nothing about guns. So please pardon me if this is a dumb question.

I dont see anything remotely resembling a silencer on crooks gun on the rooftop.

So why leave audio evidence? mistake and never thought about it that far into it? or deliberate?

Now can someone else use another rifle with a silencer in the middle of this chaos without any audio evidence left behind? is it possible?


very interesting.

The gun on the roof have no blood on it. dont see any stains around.

shells. right side 2 circles hv 2x shells together


nonblurred body screenshots fom grassleys videos from this morning.

no splatter. as if shot from close range


Why is Crooks’ weapon SO FAR from his body??
If he was shot in the act, how did his weapon get 6+ feet AWAY from his body & over FOUR raised partitions?!
Even video from a helicopter (or drone?) has the weapon in the exact same place, BEFORE(?) the agents/police were on the roof, as well as after.