The Coronavirus Pandemic Is Accelerating Worldwide
Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2
SARS-like cluster
I think I have the definitive evidence where this came from and it came from the BSL-3 biowarfare lab at the University of North Carolina. Now I have condemned them before because they have done gain of function work, DNA genetic engineering on every hideous biological warfare agent you can imagine including MERS at that time, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome agent, which again, is a biowarfared coronavirus.
first notice who was involved in this DNA genetic engineering of SARS, which is already a biological warfare agent to give it gain of function activities. And it has all these people there from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. It has someone from the Food and Drug Administration, so you can’t trust the Food and Drug Administration. And then at the very bottom of the list, who is involved? Zhengli-Li Shi, Key Laboratory of Special Pathogens and Biosafety, Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, China.
What happened was, if you read carefully to the end of the article acknowledgements, they acknowledged a National Natural Science Foundation of China award. In other words, the Chinese government paid them to have one of their top biological warfare experts involved in this type
I noticed they acknowledged National Natural Science Foundation of China Award. In other words, these best scientists at the University of North Carolina took dirty money from China to allow that one of their top biowarfare experts from this Wuhan Institute of Virology and Wuhan, which has the BSL-4 facility, they knew exactly what they were doing, and they permitted this Chinese scientist to work with them to give gain of function biowarfare DNA genetic capability to SARS, which is dangerous enough to begin with. And let me just go through some of the language here. It is truly a smoking gun; clearly that laboratory must be shut down of immediately and all those scientists investigated by the United States government for this and their responsibility here and for violating my Biological Weapons and Terrorism Act of 1989. But let me continue. This is what they said. “We built a chimeric virus that encodes a novel zoonotic spike protein in the context of viable SARS. This approach characterized the threat posed by SARS coronavirus spike–
Wow. And again, SARS is the same coronavirus family.
Right. It’s weaponized coronavirus. They also conclude that they really couldn’t find an antibody against it.
Now, let me continue here where they say their new DNA genetically engineered virus constitutes a gain in pathogenesis. That’s a gain of function right there; they admit it. Pathogenesis means lethality and infectiousness and we know that even Lancet has said lethality is about 15%. If you disaggregate numbers even put out by the Chinese government, it’s about 17%.
In a footnote it says, “Cells were originally obtained from Fort Detrick.”
all this work, this biological weapons work involving the Wuhan virology, was approved and funded by the National Institutes of Health and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious disease. Okay. I told you before, these agencies were up to their eyeballs in research development and testing offensive biological warfare weapon.
Notice the National Institutes of Health under Fauci is funding this Nazi biological warfare work and they have approved and requested further development of it, which obviously, this study was 2015 and the NIH wanted it to become even a more deadly pathogenetic virus. And you can also then see here the money from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease
Today in USA Today, Tony Fauci admits that the lethality rate of MERS is about 36%, whereas SARS is 10%. This Wuhan is 15% to 17%.
the Wuhan scientists took the North Carolina SARS with gain of function, which is already a biological warfare weapon, and they took the technology here behind this well-developed SARS HIV weapon and they all brought it back to the Wuhan a BSL-4 and tried to DNA genetically engineer it into a chimera, into a biological warfare weapon involving the coronavirus, the HIV virus and gain of function.
they didn’t steal it; they bought it. And we sold it to them, and we sold them access to it. They brought it back to that Wuhan BSL-4—
What is significant here is that it is by two professors at the South China University of Technology – they’re all professors. And their conclusion of this study is that the Wuhan coronavirus leaked out of that BSL-4 facility. Let me repeat – even Chinese scientists are saying now, independently of me, it leaked out. And I believe it was probably an accident that there was a one of these death scientists there at the Wuhan BSL-4 facility trying to DNA genetically engineer the North Carolina technology, the Australian technology, HIV, SARS, gain of function together into the super biological warfare weapon and somehow got infected.

It’s now quite clear that the (reported) decrease in new cases in China is merely propaganda of the Communist Party. Or maybe they are preparing for the ”return to work”?

Don’t worry, your Roth(schild) IRA is in good hands. I will not give you any advice one way or the other but, here is the long and short of the stock market as I have seen it. Yes, it has made many people very wealthy.
If the market tanks, there most-likely won’t be a chance in hell that you’ll be able to get your funds sold/out. Think about this. Let’s say you have 100k in there. That is a lot of money for a 38 yo. However, your agent, broker, investment counselor, whatever you want to call them has 500 clients, 1000, 100… whatever. Most have far more money invested. Where would you start if you were that person? They start with who has made them the most money. When do you get the call? It’s nothing personal, just business. With the algorithmic trading these days, a tremendous loss can be incurred rather quickly. (minutes, hours) by the time you connect, it might be too late. But based on the past experiences of others, your money won’t have gone away, it will have gone to someone in the top .01%. Always has.
I hear the tax hit for early withdraw is like 50%. 50% is better than nothing, imo but that is your call. I personally have never owned stock or had any kind of retirement account. We are self-employed.
If you don’t hold it, you don’t own it. These bastards at the top are ruthless and don’t give one damn about any of us. Start taking control of your life.
Best of luck.

I probably spelled it wrong. Your spelling looks correct.

The town filed a law suit to stop the transfer - apparently, its enough to temporarily stop the transfer

I’m glad the judge over ruled the transfer to a facility that was clearly inadequate to the task of effectively and safely quarantining these folks. WTH were the “authorities” thinking to even entertain relocating these suspected/infected people to a dilapidated facility in a highly populated urban community???
Recently I posted articles of other such local efforts of pushback on lax federal and state efforts to contain the virus spread from local communities. One was in Texas and the other in a California school district. I think this is less a “not-in-my-back-yard” phenomenon, but rather a manifestation of local mistrust of CDC and complicit state health departments to be truthful, considerate and protective of community health. The bureaucrats have betrayed their respective public health missions and the public’s trust.
We may see more challenges to CDC and state health departments efforts to relocate Covid-2019 suspected/infected citizens as this pandemic spreads. Most people would prefer having their loved ones quarantined at home, if possible and if well-supported. On the other hand, local communities recognize that they are insufficiently informed, supported and prepared to serve as dumping grounds of rampant, concentrated hot spots of Covid-2019 quarantined or acutely ill patients. So they’re beginning to push back.
IMO, the WHO, CDC and state health departments have really screwed-up by failing to effectively contain this pandemic early on and inform and protect the public. They’ve had nearly three months to get it right, and it seems like they’ve screwed this up at every possible critical juncture, making matters worse and continuing to do so moving forward.
People are starting to realize that this coronavirus is spreading quickly and is much more serious than they’ve been led to believe by the “authorities” and the MSM, so no surprise that now they mistrust the messengers and the message.
Welcome to “The Fourth Turning.” This is sure to get uglier as the pandemic gets worse. :-/

My one big issue with this very popular home medicinal called Elderberry (and Elderberry Syrop) is that its proven to excite your auto-immune response and may therefore actually increase your health risk when confronted by COVID 19.
We obviously do not yet know what will happen to users of Elderberry since there is no research on the subject but one thing that is factual is that Corona has shown it can sometimes stimulate an immune response so severe it becomes fatal for the patient.
I only wanted to mention this as a caution since I notice this topic and its references come up repeatedly here yet there is no science behind the use of Elderberry preparations in conjunction with Novel Coronavirus.
And yet most on this site seem to have been sold on the benefits without consideration that it could actually increase your risk.
Remember people, this is NOT the common cold we are up against. It is frankly one of the most dangerous viruses any of us have ever faced contracting and its profile leads me to believe that it is sometimes most dangerous when it encounters immune systems that are enhanced or well developed.
How many more videos do we really need to see of mid life or middle aged people dropping dead in the street in China before we acknowledge this is not just an old person sickness.

Wow what the fudge, unreal. Korea 433, Italy 79, Iran 29 (dodgy number with 6 dead CFR 2% its probably at least 300 cases). WHO definition of phase 6 pandemic is marginally met… sustained human to human transmission in 2 or more WHO regions. Well if they can contain it in Korea, Italy and Iran through tracing then pandemic is averted “transmission unsustained”. I doubt it. If not, I believe its time to call it a duck…?
What amazes me is this thing is moving faster than WHO. WHO team just arrived in China and this thing is already in 3 other places…must be panic stations at the WHO HQ? Everyone is getting caught with their pants down! Sounds a little familiar… Wuhan, Diamond Princess v2?

Sounds like they want the coved-19 cases off of the military bases since they have now realized how infectious the disease is. Sort or like a, “not in my backyard,” approach.

Don’t worry, your Roth(schild) IRA is in good hands. I will not give you any advice one way or the other but, here is the long and short of the stock market as I have seen it.
Alexis (and others), I didn't see your original post so I'm not sure of your question. I agree with BillL, you shouldn't remove your money from your child's Roth and take a big tax hit but to be concerned about a market correction wiping out a big portion of it is correct. I'm betting its invested in a host of stocks and bonds that if the market does drop, will decrease the value of that Roth perhaps significantly. Check with your plan's administrator. You should have an option to transfer the investment strategy into a fund that is basically a savings account. Mine called it a "Guaranteed Fund". It pays like 1% but importantly, its not affected if the market goes up or goes down. Its typically used by people near retirement to decrease risks of a short term drop which saps value with no time to make it back. Have your manager transfer the funds into that, then revisit where you want to put it in 6 months depending on what happens. You can't time the market but you can take steps to protect yourself. (Not a paid financial adviser, nor do I play one on TV but I've read a lot, lol)

Hi Alexis, Chris and Adam have this “endorsed financial advisor” with whom I believe they have their own financial assets invested:
It is my understanding that they will provide free consultation(s). I also understand that they come from a perspective that the ““markets”” are indeed rigged and teetering on the brink of collapse. That being said, they apparently manage assets in such a way as to hedge against these risks.
I also agree with BillL’s general perspective, but suggest that you check with a like-minded financial advisor before moving your funds. Also, IMO, this is a good time to be stacking physical gold and silver, regardless of what you do with your Roth fund. You can get fractional precious metals (gold and silver) at pretty low cost–about $180 for 1/10 oz. gold eagle; or about $65 for a 1 gram gold bar; or about $22 for 1 oz. American silver eagle. I get mine from (free shipping w/$100 minimum purchase) or at my trusted local coin shop. There are other dependable on-line and local dealers. I’ve been cautioned to stay away from e-bay, though.
You’re asking the right questions, so good for you! Good luck! :slight_smile:
Disclosure: I don’t have any financial or personal interest in or its personnel. I am not a financial advisor. I am just offering my perspective based on my personal experience. You should seek professional financial advice and assistance as appropriate, yadda, yadda, yadda… :wink:

Or maybe they need to clear this space for Covid-2019 suspected/infected military personnel. All military personnel and their families, and contractors traveling on or after 2/2/20 from China (or other affected areas?) were to be quarantined for minimum 14 days.
There must be thousands under quarantine, and more than likely some have been confirmed as infected. (This doesn’t take into consideration those that became exposed and/or infected prior to 2/2/20.) Undoubtedly, the military officials would keep that information under wraps so as not to alert US enemies of this vulnerability, as well as not to panic local communities in which those bases are located.

So far children seem to be resistant to COVID 19. I am looking for the age range of resistance. Infants, toddlers, preteens, teens? Has anyone seen any stats on ages? Thank you for all your help.

I’m reading Stephen Buhner’s Herbal Antivirals.
Under “elder,” it says that it is directly antiviral. It doesn’t say anything about stimulating your immune system. It says it would be better if we used the whole plant, though some worry about side effects, but even the berries are useful against respiratory viruses, especially “enveloped” viruses. Elder inhibits viral replication, inhibits neuraminidase (which makes it more targeted to influenza), inhibits maturation of viruses, etc.
Elder elixir is listed in small quantities in Buhner’s anti-coronavirus recipe, which mostly includes skullcap, knotweed, corcdyceps and dan shen (along with several other herbs). Some of the herbs in that recipe directly aim to reduce a cytokine overresponse.
Another way to think about this, given the expected overwhelm of our medical services, if you have contact with someone with flu-like symptoms, and influenza is circulating, it might not be such a bad idea to take something that helps prevent influenza - especially if it can do double-duty.
Disclaimer: I’m not an herbalist by any stretch, nor is this medical advice. I’m not saying you should take herbs, I’m saying that elderberry syrup has not been shown to worsen a cytokine storm. But the point that there is no research is well-taken.

"“79 people are infected with coronavirus, located in 5 regions: 54 of them are in Lombardy, 17 in Veneto, 2 in Emilia Romagna, 2 in Lazio and 1 in Piedmont. At present, 33 people are hospitalised with symptoms, of which 18 are in intensive care, 11 are in home isolation. Two died, while one person was discharged from Spallanzani”, Head of Civil Protection Angelo Borrelli commented.
We can now throw out the “only Asians getting it” theory. And is also not less disruptive. 18 are in intensive care of the 79 and 2 already died.

For elderberry syrup, is there any particular brand/product that people would recommend?

Never heard of these, before. The elite is a small club and I ain’t in it. A bonds pay about 6.5% and riskier B bonds pay about 11.5%. The restrictions on liquidating the funds are very severe. Cue bono. To liquidate it must be 12 weeks from pandemic start. Also, at least two countries must have more than 20 dead. Do you think there is pressure to fudge the numbers? Just another financial instrument for the rich to screw the little people. Brought to you courtesy of the World Bank.

Fortunately there is a lot written on this subject Myrto. Elderberry is known to stimulate an auto-immune response and if you dig around the papers written there are specific warnings against using it if you have certain medical conditions.
But I get that this thing is currently all the rage in the organics and home remedy community. But let’s also use our heads. Some herbals can also be dangerous in some situations.

I never tried this before, but just ordered some from my favorite supplement/organic food company in North Dakota. Standardized Sambucous, Elderberry products, Nature’s Way brand. Gummies, syrups and drinks. 20% off this weekend, free ship over$50. I have no connection with either of these companies beyond being a long time customer. Good luck.