The Coronavirus Pandemic Is Accelerating Worldwide

I am doing inventory, making final preps. plan on doing final shopping in next 3 days. After that will probably only shop with for hazmat protection. and limited at that. I think the window is getting very very small. I feel , i will never be prepped enough. I have enough food to last maybe 3 mos. But , at this point , I do not think its near enough. I am wondering about water? I am not sure if I should have a seed bank and be planning trying to supply food out past 6mos… What if this gets really ugly… What is the plan for 6 mos out and no food on the store shelves… worst case scenario…? I do not have enough sun and enough property for a garden. Hydroponics? what is easy and fast to grow?? is this window shut on these supplies? too late?

Thanjs Raj. That was a nice find and reinforces my assertion that Elderberry preparations should be sidelined until there is better evidence that their use will not aggravate a bad situation by possibly causing a cytokine storm.

Matties, I too am fascinated by the potential origins of the virus. Most others should be as well for obvious reasons, including that such a concern is epidemiology 101. Nonetheless, there are some things about your post that don’t make sense. Just because a research lab gets funded by a Chinese source doesn’t mean they are doing biological warfare work. Scientists nowadays spend half their time scrounging around for funding. The other thing is, most virologists make variants. The world is swimming in genetically engineered virii for research purposes (rightly or wrongly). For example scientists have long been mutating both corona virus host receptor sites and receptor binding sites in order to understand binding specificity etc… Presumably much of this well-documented peer-reviewed research is done without nefarious intent. Virus sequence also mutates on its own all the time. A furin site (Arg-X-X-Arg) is pretty short, just like 3 matching numbers in a row will never be a smoking gun match for somebody’s 10-digit phone number. What you presented isn’t a bombshell necessarily, but I will say I didn’t read the paper yet referenced by Natural News. It is my understanding that virii often insert protease cleavage sites in order to take advantage of host proteases to help entry into the host cell. Incidentally, do we know exactly (without speculation) what was sent from the Winnepeg lab?

Stumbled upon this in Dr. Ian Mackay’s twitter feed - not only does it have some advice from people who study this sort of thing for a living, but it echoes much of what we have been discussing. One article leads to another - you could spend hours reading…

I was familiar with the increased production of cytokines by the immune enhancing effects of elderberry. I am not sure if this relates to cytokine storm - normal increase is practical and necessary in disease states. So, just because something is immune enhancing it does not necessarily translate to over stimulation , though it is possible. In fact, what I find in natural remedies, being synergistic, its more like immuno-modulating. But, as things develop , emperical experience posted back here would be helpful, hope no one has to be the guinea pig. But, I do not believe this will cause cytokine storm - i think it will make your system function at its correct response… and not more… Additionally, it also reduces viral replication. So it will ultimately keep it from entering all the cells , allowing the system to know when to shut off. If it really caused over-excitation , then people taking it with no cause would have some symptoms of cytokine reactions when they are not ill. I would highly doubt that cytokines will be elevated by the immune system absent of an infection… And for those who seem to have some sort of “reaction” after taking this, may have an underlying disease infection like Lyme disease
One other thing. Vitamin d was tied to cytokine storm in H1N1. So it seems to be immune modulating… So, there are other factors in play here… and then calcuium is related to that as well . and calcium and magnesium are immune modulators as well , most US people are deficient in all three. then there is B6 which has been implicated in cytokine storm and levels are tied to vitamin d. b6 like folate can damage the nervous system in vitamin b12 is inadequate… So. make sure you load downline with this process… B12 first… vitamin d with calc and magnesium and then b6 and folate. vitamin C is always important… but I do not think it functions without proper folate levels… hence proper b12 and b6 levels ( both depleted by high stress life style and sugar diet )

Thanks for the stock ideas and suggestions, lots to think over and research! There are so many hidden things with finances it’s almost surreal when you start peeling the layers. ?
on another laughing note… my 4yo twins and 1yr old got into my toilet paper 48 roll stash and made a “winter wonderland” ??? Your stash is safe from no one! Lol

My brother is a pharmacist in AZ. I emailed him an excerpt from the PP site about the pharmaceutical industry’s vulnerability to China-dependent supply chains. He replied:
“I read the same info in a pharmacy journal. We might be in trouble. Have you noticed all the recalls lately from carcinogens in china-produced meds? I challenge you to find ranitidine anywhere in the U.S. right now.”
The window is closing QUICKLY.

I am glad we are having this discussion, and agree that it would be nice to have a place where we can record our experiences. For example, what herbs might the Chinese patients be using so far? I wonder if there are any successes over there?
I read the numerous comments on Stephen Buhner’s Facebook page (I can’t leave a comment). I will ask my friends who know a bit more about herbs re: the cytokine storm. There are apparently no contraindications to the whole coronavirus protocol, but the whole protocol is $300 or so if you buy enough for the 2 weeks of possible/probable illness. And then how many family members will you also buy these for?
This brings me back to the idea that if you have a medical professional you respect, it would be great to ask them now for an opinion that is individualized to your particular case. True, TNF alpha is stimulated by elderberry syrup, though it is also stimulated by high blood glucose. Might that be playing a role? Might tincture be better? Might a lower sugar version be preferable? Or taken with a meal so your glucose doesn’t skyrocket?
We know outcomes are worse with COVID in diabetics (and cardiovascular disease). Is TNF alpha a part of that? Would it be important to take the whole Buhner COVID protocol rather than just the elderberries as it contains herbs specifically against cytokine storm?
But TNF alpha inhibitors have not emerged (yet?) as helpful, so perhaps an herbal TNF stimulator wouldn’t be harmful along with some herbs that control the cytokine response. OTOH if you already have an autoimmune disease, especially one that can disable you if it flares up, say ulcerative colitis, should you take a chance on the COVID without herbs? Isn’t this the reason conventional MDs say not to try herbs, or DIY, or anything other than doctor advice?
It looks like TNF alpha is important in developing antibodies to a microbe. Perhaps if you can increase it a little but not too much you are actually ahead of the game?
Bacterial pneumonia is not the only thing that kills COVID victims. In fact I don’t think I have seen a proper description of why this kills people except that there is multiple organ failure and of course if you can’t access ECMO, the fact that alveoli fill with mucus and cells would kill you. Happy to read any articles you see on the topic.
All that to say, much conjecture. Not enough experts. Experts are limited in what they can say by potential legal concerns. Perhaps use your intuition on this one.

The carcinogens in ranitidine preparations evidently are not from accidental contamination but an inevitable way that the ranitidine molecule breaks down over time and perhaps in the body (source is interview with pharmacist from Valisure on Dr. Peter Attia’s website). So it would be best if we don’t see it reappear anywhere. Given the availability of other generics for the same indication, the whole world should stop manufacturing ranitidine.

As the end of February nears we are entering the timing band for gold prices to reverse and start a long overdue corrective decline. Provided the gold price does not close this month above 1660 then a reversal should be anticipated which would be in line with the widespread drops of most industrial commodities.
As the year progresses we will see falling demand for gold across the globe and rising demand for dollars as the deflationary impact of the current economic slowdown in China expands to other countries.
I am not writing this to alienate the gold bugs in the room (which can’t be avoided since they are often a sensitive group) but rather as a warning that the technical picture is now leaning towards a correction and further upside will be limited.
Furthermore, as cracks begin to develop in debt markets it’s likely rates will begin to creep back up as risk rises while treasury bonds also face an impending corrective near term decline.
So watch out, the gold bears are coming! (And the bond vigilantes too).

dtrammel, hey I know this topic has probably been done to death on this blog and many others. Anyway, I’m not completely familiar with the ‘guaranteed fund’ but I would humbly suggest that you guys consider that in a currency crisis (our current trajectory), anything denominated in dollars or other fiat currencies may implode.
Mr Curious, I believe the name was just a way to say, "Hey, all you are going to get is one mere percent of interest", not that it had any sort of implied guarantee. If the markets and the financial system gets to the point that the dollar implodes then everything is going south. My point to my recommendation was that if the market suffers a serious correction, in the 15-20% range, as I expect it will this year once people realize the supply chain problems, then having your Roth, IRA or 401K in a non stock and bond option should minimize your losses. You'll miss out on the next few weeks of continuing unrational growth but then if the market corrects, and your portfolio is worth 50% what it is now, that marginal gain won't matter. If a full blown currency crisis hits (which I don't think it will) then only cashing out Alexis' Roth, taking the tax hit, will give them any amount of money. I don't think they need to go that far. You are free to disagree.
What is the plan for 6 mos out and no food on the store shelves.. worst case scenario..?
Eat the Rich. I understand long pork is good with the right barbecue sauce and some spices.

It is expensive if someone else tinctures it for you but, first, you do not need to tincture. Buhner mostly doesnt for himself, you can just stir the dried herbs into juice. I have done this with lyme herbs. Second, if you want tinctures and have a family, just start the tinctures now. Most of those needed are inexpensive, for example, a pound of kudzu is $20ish. SO, the reason people would be it pre-made is that they are only buying for one and buying a pound each of the various herbs is more than they want. But, especially if you are buying for a family, just buy the dry herbs. Then you will have enough, and store the excess dried herbs in glass jars to use year after next for the flu virus, as there is a big overlap in the protocols. And here is hte Japanese knotweed, many people tincture the cut forms that I linked, Buhner says to tincture it ground up more… so… a matter of preference maybe. The cut is fresher, but more powdered has more surface area.
It is very easy, buy the cut, not the powder if making tinctures, weigh out 1/4 pound of dried plant, put in a quart jar, add 20 ounces ( or until the jar is full) of vodka. put a lid on it, shake every now and then, it will be ready in a month and it will be enough for 2 easy, so do another jar for the other 2 in the family, etc… Basically, if you buy the herbs you would easily have enough herbs for 8 people, for alot less money than buying ready made tinctures ( do not tincture the cordyceps this way, just go ahead and take that as the powder, plain, it tastes good, or put it in capsules )
But, you can also just buy the powdered herbs and take them that way, stirred into juice or encapsulate them, so buy empty 00 capsules.
The company I gave the links to is one of his recommended sources for herbs

If I was low on funds, I would not buy the whole protocol but maybe just the “best of” that I could afford, so I might pick japanese knotweed; kudzu; and salvia miltiorrhiza, chinese skullcap, licorice ( this is off the top of my head looking at the section in Herbal Antivirals and what looks specific for this. do not buy what I might do, read it yourself. The point is not to let the striving for the perfect get in the way of the good. Dont do nothing. Pick out a few of the hardest hitting antivirals and cyticine storm inhibitters specific to corona virus’s)
and boneset herb for boneset tea
edit: I just went and bought the herbs I was short on to make these tinctures and spent $148, that is because I already have many herbs at home I use for my Lyme treatment. So, I will be able to now make some to share with other family. I do find that it is easier to have others take the tinctures, already mixed together, than to stir alot of dried herbs into juice like I will do for myself. Now I need to go get some vodka.

Nairobi, you don’t understand gold. There’s a floor on the price, which represents the cost it takes to pull it out of the ground.

I almost never sell any of my physical gold. I just use major dips to add to my position. With the recent rapid run-up, a minor correction is certain likely. But Indian wedding season is coming up and rumors are mounting of an impending currency change. I think I’ll just hang on to mine. I’ve never been a trader, just a long term holder, and it’s served me well. YMMV.

A variety of sprouting seeds are affordable and easily grown on a window sill in low-light conditions. They are very nutritious and can be used in a variety of dishes raw or sautéed. Try to up your preps to 6 months if possible with some inexpensive additions (e.g., rice, oats, beans, potatoes, peanut butter, raisins or other dried fruit, spices). Near expiration date poultry and meats are often discounted 30% or more and are perfectly fine for freezing, canning, or making multiple meals including soups. If you can get some deals on produce (e.g., inexpensive carrots for juicing) these can be dehydrated for longer term storage using little space. Store water in every available clean container; place under beds, behind the sofa, in closets, etc. for stealth and efficient storage; consider getting a water bob as a back-up; get a LifeStraw family gravity filter ($70) and/or personal filter ($20); or get a Sawyer mini for about $20 at Target or Walmart; or get a Berkey water filter (cost varies) if you can afford it.
Between climate related food shortages, Covid-2019 pandemic, supply chain and economic failures, my personal concern is that the S will be hitting the fan in full force within 3 months, so I need to prep for 6 months at minimum to get through what I hope is the worst of it.
Regardless, anything we can do is probably more than most people and will be a great advantage–but may still be not enough. We each do the best we can with what we’ve got. Nordicjack, you’re apparently very informed, motivated and capable, so you’ll probably weather this better than most. Hang in there!

This thread is reminding me that Chris said something a while ago about building his own colloidal silver nebulizer and I am wondering if he has any additional information to share about that?

Good question ao. I would be referring to pure speculative positions of course. There is no point selling physical gold since the inconvenience between differences in discounts and premiums makes the exercise mostly pointless. Especially if price is going to turn around and just go back up in the not so distant future. I think it will run higher down the road so I am only referring to trading and not buy-and-hold (which I don’t put much stock in anyway since that is also mostly an inefficient waste of time). My post was just a heads up that the odds are quite high we begin a price reversal next month so if you were an accumulator you may want to hold off until we get back down to a good support level and therefore a more appealing price point.
To Mr Curious, you may say I don’t understand gold but I have been a buyer and seller for about 40 years already. I know a few things.
As far as there being a floor on price you can forget that since the market does not care. There is also a cost to extracting and selling natural gas but have you seen nat gas futures lately? Odds are very good it will drop near 1.00 this year.
How about crude oil extracted in Canada? Dirt cheap. For that matter look at a chart of crude oil futures and the price projects down to nearly depression lows of 20 bucks a barrel. It’s coming.
How would I know that? Well it’s already written in the charts. The only thing that was unknown was what would cause it to happen but we have our answer now and its lost demand brought about by a global pandemic.
As far as the Indian Wedding season goes I think I will take my chances and sell since it will be a bust this year. Who will go to weddings during a virus outbreak?

I hope everyone has watched this video. Looks like conclusive evidence from peer reviewed papers that the virus was bio engineered in the US and the know how sold to China. A chimera of SARS and HIV and engineered to be more contagious. The evidence is presented by the Professor who wrote the anti bio weapon regulations that have been adopted internationally (haha).