The Coronavirus Pandemic Is Accelerating Worldwide

Dry green lentils are a very cheap and easy thing to sprout! I use a mason jar with cheese cloth over the top. Rinse the lentils twice a day and tip it into a tupperware dish or something to drain. Easy peasy.
Mung beans are great too!

Thank you for helping mankind…
Departments of Epidemiology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, USA
Microbiology and Immunology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, USA
National Center for Toxicological Research, Food and Drug Administration, Jefferson, AR, USA
Department of Cell Biology and Physiology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, USA
Marsico Lung Institute/Cystic Fibrosis Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, USA
Institute for Research in Biomedicine, Bellinzona, Switzerland Institute of Microbiology, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
Department of Cancer Immunology and AIDS, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute; Department of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston Massachusetts, USA
Key Laboratory of Special Pathogens and Biosafety, Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, China
Thank you, you people who worked on this humanitarian research.
Vineet D. Menachery, Boyd L. Yount Jr, Kari Debbink, Sudhakar Agnihothram, Lisa E.Gralinski, Jessica A. Plante, Rachel L. Graham, Trevor Scobey, Xing-Yi Ge8, Eric F.Donaldson, Scott H. Randell, Antonio Lanzavecchia, Wayne A. Marasco, Zhengli-LiShi, and Ralph S. Baric
Thanks a lot…

I’m always curious how people trade PMs.
With regards to buy-and-hold being “an inefficient waste of time”, I’d have to disagree with you there. Financial research, real world examples, and personal experience have all shown that, wisely chosen, buy-and-hold strategies outperform trading strategies on the average. I know a little old lady with a blue collar income who dealt exclusively in buy-and-hold strategies with cash who became a millionaire. Her positions never lost money … never. At the other end of the spectrum is Warren Buffet and Charlie Munger. And from my own personal experience, I learned the positions I chose well and patiently held until projected targets were reached or exceeded did the best and made me financially independent. On the other hand, I know lots of folks who are traders (and very smart to boot) who’ve had to throw in the towel. As just one example, look at Hugh Hendry closing up his hedge fund (and moving into property development, an area known for its distinct lack of liquidity). Lots of hedge fund managers have had their clocks cleaned while that little old lady watched her portfolio steadily grow and grow.

Taiwan bans its healthcare professionals from traveling abroad

Health Minister Chen Shih-chung (陳時中), who heads the CECC, said that with the current shortage of manpower in the health system, Taiwan cannot afford to put its medical personnel into 14-day quarantine when they return from trips abroad. ===============================

S. Korea leader: ‘Unprecedented’ steps needed to fight virus

Moon said his government had increased its anti-virus alert level by one notch to “Red,” the highest level. The step was last taken in 2009 to guard against a novel influenza outbreak that killed more than 260 people in South Korea. Under the highest alert level, authorities can order the temporary closure of schools and reduce the operation of public transportation and flights to and from South Korea. ======================== Italy
  • 11 towns, 50,000 people, placed in lockdown.
  • Armed forces and police forces have been mobilized to form an insurmountable "health belt" around contagion areas. Roadblock violators risk up to a 3 months prison sentence. - Schools closed in Lombardy, Veneto, and in Trentino Alto Adige regions. - Universities closed in Piedmont and Emilia Romagna regions. - Carnival in Venice and all sport and public events in Veneto cancelled. - All public and private events, including sport, cultural, and religious events in Lombardy cancelled. Movie theaters closed. - "I think these three cases that have no contact with a primary carrier show how this virus is now ubiquitous so, as with flu symptoms, you get it and don't know who you got it from" said Veneto governon Luca Zaia who, in a separate comment, said "we are worried, drastic measures are needed."

Iran shuts schools, cultural centres as coronavirus kills six

A sixth death from the coronavirus has been reported in Iran as authorities in more than a dozen affected provinces ordered the closure of schools, universities and cultural centres in a bid to contain the outbreak. =========================

Coronavirus: Turkey and Pakistan close borders with Iran ===========================

Coronavirus outbreak leaves Hong Kong funeral homes facing coffin shortage ========================

6 toll gates closed in Japan amid virus outbreak ==========================

DIY virus protection: Hong Kongers making own masks amid shortages

The outbreak of the Covid-19 coronavirus has now reached the proportions of a pandemic, according to Professor Marc Van Ranst, the epidemiologist in charge of the reference laboratory at Leuven university hospital.

A pandemic occurs when an epidemic spreads to include a large area, up to and sometimes including entire continents. Examples from history include the Black Death, Spanish flu, HIV and the avian flu H5N1.

Covid’s predecessor among the coronaviruses, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) stopped short of changing from a series of local epidemics into a pandemic. According to Prof. Van Ranst, Covid has already passed that point.

“I think the criteria have now been filled to declare a pandemic,” he said. “This is an epidemic transmissible from human to human, which is currently present in several countries on different continents. So we may now speak of a pandemic,” he said.


Millions of Chinese Firms Face Collapse If Banks Don’t Act Fast
If true, the market gurus who invested hundreds of billions this year are going to need psychotherapy to discover how greed blinded them to the obvious. For the members of this website, a moment of schadenfreude. Did you buy your puts?
I have been investing for more than 50 years and in a bear market even the best stocks go down. Hello, fang companies.

With what we see transpiring world wide, many are waking up to the fact that globalism isn’t all that it was advertised to be. Supply shortages are happening.
The off shoring of our communities, industry, etc. that used to be self-sufficient and local is gone…for now. If one can’t see that today, they never will.
This imo is shaping up to be the final harvesting of what’s left of any of the regular guys/gals wealth, health and what freedom we have left. What group of humans does that for enjoyment?
While many carry on with out a care, a few more are realizing that '“something is just not right”. Hopefully, they will recognize the need to prepare sooner than later.
On a brighter note, we have a stellar jay at our feeder this morning. His absence for the last few months was missed. On a stranger note, we had Eastern Blue Jays show up this past fall. I am west of the divide. They were a long way from home.
“We are all just prisoners here of our own device” Eagles…Hotel California

Mr Curious-
I don’t think extraction cost puts a floor under gold. That is true for the “ephemeral” commodities (like, say, wheat, or oil, most of which is consumed almost as fast as it comes out), but its not true for gold, which doesn’t actually get consumed.
So if we say that annual gold production is 2500 tons, and current above ground supplies are perhaps 190,000 tons. Even if production stopped tomorrow, its still less than 1% of total above ground supply.
Certainly buying something for less than extraction cost seems like a pretty good deal, so it might put an “emotional” floor, but it isn’t a supply & demand floor, the way (say) it would be for wheat.
If price of wheat drops below production cost, well, that lasts for just one season. Wheat gets consumed. Next season, wheat isn’t produced any longer. Presto - price rises.

FWIW…the main value at ZH is the commenters.
I read the headlines, very occasionally read an article then head for the comments.
That is where you find the real “meat and potatoes” info. Is it all useful? No. I want to hear what others (while web is available) from all over have to say about the current bs.

Satire? Kind of looks sketchy to me.

Satire or not, that issue is going to come up more often moving forward. Every other living creature will be near exterminated but there will be 8 billion hungry people at the dinner table…

<img src=“” width=250" alt=“beef jerky” />

Dave, Although it would probably not be worth either of our time, but I could still challenge you to find any time in monetary history (let’s just say the last 500 years) where the value/price of gold dipped below extraction costs for more than a very temporary blip. It doesn’t. The “you can’t eat gold” argument only works in a society that is 100% barter and doesn’t use money. The production of gold and pretty much every other commodity is completely dependent upon the oil used to pull it and that oil is not free. Yes, it is a supply and demand floor because there is a voracious global demand for gold and no, I am not emotional about it. In fact, I am fully aware that neither of our opinions matter that much and this paragraph is starting to become too long…

Do we know with absolute certainty that this virus or some form of it did not already exist outside of China, without notice, in December 2019? Being mild for most people, it being cold and flu season anyway, who would likely think that their virus was anything “special?” Unless perhaps you had SARS previously (living in China?) and are actually re-infected and having a more serious response? I wonder because this past mid-December, I had a respiratory virus that seemed different than my usual experience of a cold. I missed six days of work (unheard of for me) before winter break and 3 weeks of CrossFit with lingering laryngitis and low energy, and a nasty bout of conjunctivitis. (That’s when I called the doctor). For me it stayed mostly upper respiratory, but who would think of anything out of the ordinary? Now I am wondering if it could have been a mild bout of some newer virus? I think it’s unlikelyto be SARS Cov2, that many more people would be sick by now and no one else in my family got sick, but… how do we really know? Hopefully I won’t find out the hard way next time…

Hi Nairobi,
China has quite a close relationship with Iran as part of it’s belt and road initiative. Was probably brought over by a Chinese worker in Qon and then spread - probably over the last month given number dead. Click/use below link for info on the agreement made 3 years ago:

First, no matter how busy you are, try to educate yourself. NO ONE will take care of your money like you will. The investment field is filled with MANY wolves and far fewer sheep dogs. If you do decide on a financial advisor, a fee only advisor will be less expensive in the long run than one who takes an annual percentage of your assets and/or is selling you products such as mutual funds or annuities. To educate yourself, an excellent starting place is the various Wall Street Journal guides which can be picked up for $3 to $5 each used from Amazon. They include:
The WSJ Guide to Understanding Money & Investing
The WSJ Guide to Understanding Personal Finance
The WSJ Guide to Understanding Money & Investing
Second, do not cash in your Roth or IRA or 401Ks or any other tax deferred retirement account but do try to build a portfolio (include physical precious metals) outside of them as well. Many folks here got worried back in the time of the financial crisis, cashed out their retirement accounts (with the ones under 59 1/2 taking a big penalty) and, truth be told, if most were honest with themselves, wound up regretting that decision when they missed out on a lot of big gains in the stock market.
Third, a very simple strategy recommended by Warren Buffet to his wife as to how to manage their money in the event of his demise was to put 90% of their money in equities (i.e. stocks) in a low cost S&P 500 index fund and 10% in cash in Treasuries. Vanguard is an example of a company with very low expense ratios that would qualify for a low cost fund. In terms of indices, my version of Buffet’s advice that I recommended for my children (after putting a little bit of money into physical silver in the form of US silver eagles each year) was the Russell 1000 Value Index in the form of 90% of their retirement funds in the Vanguard Russell 1000 Value ETF (VONV). The reasons include (1) the fund company is Vanguard, a well known, reputable, large company with a long track record of being friendly to the retail investor, (2) it is an ETF which has a lower expense ratio (0.08%) than a mutual fund (which means it will cost you very little to own), (3) it has an excellent track record compared to most of the other indices when I was comparing indices (with a 12.02% return since its inception), (4) it has a 2.5% dividend yield (with dividends being a key component of good, steady growth), (5) it is a large and liquid fund with good trading volume and a low bid/ask spread (i.e. the difference in the cost between buying and selling it) of 0.03% (meaning it is easier and cheaper to buy and sell), and (6) it has a reasonable price/earnings (P/E) ratio of 17.9 (meaning it is reasonably valued). I’d probably dollar cost average in buying into it though so if the market takes a dive, the adverse impact to you is muted. The other 10% I recommended they put into cash in high interest paying CDs or high yield savings accounts. For any non-qualified funds (i.e. money not in a retirement account that they may need in the shorter term), I recommended a high yield savings account such as in an online bank. They’re not interested in learning investing to any great degree at this stage so this is a relatively safe and simple strategy for investing their money.
If you don’t understand any of these terms, look them up on Investopedia. Looking up definitions can help you learn anything from investing to law but it’s always surprising to me how few people actually take the time and effort look up what they don’t understand. Personally, I’ve learned a tremendous amount that way.
Best of luck.

When resources are low - inflation is natural. How to hedge with the inflation. I expect home values to soar. If not building materials, fixture , appliances and more all come from china. Car prices and parts should soar as well… And then electronics are a given… And even things like the coffee cup you drink from will be in low supply, I expect massive inflation. How to hedge other than own or buy a home? Cash savings are vulnerable and of course stock market is vulnerable. Perhaps in you are invested in medical services and hospitals , you will be ok . But who will really foot those bills? you know the insurance companies will sing the blues and expect bail outs. I am not sure they would pay out on this as they would not pay life insurance in such a condition of pandemic or social unrest.

Coronavirus latest: Queensland health expert warns of ‘probable pandemic’ as untraceable virus clusters emerge

But as hot spots emerge around the globe, trouble finding each source — the first patient who sparks every new cluster — might signal the disease has begun spreading too widely for tried-and-true public health steps to stamp it out.

“A number of spot fires, occurring around the world is a sign that things are ticking along, and what we are going to have here is probably a pandemic,” said Ian Mackay, who studies viruses at the University of Queensland...................................................

And it’s almost certainly being spread by people who show such mild symptoms that no one can tell, said Dr. Amesh Adalja of the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security.

“If that’s the case, all of these containment methods are not going to work,” Adalja said. “It’s likely mixed in the cold and flu season all over the place, in multiple countries” and gone unnoticed until someone gets severely ill.

These milder symptoms are good news “in terms of not as many people dying,” said Mackay, of Australia. “But it’s really bad news if you are trying to stop a pandemic,” he added. ==============================

Morrison Government fails to stop boats, despite coronavirus (Australia),13626

This just popped up on CBC news:

Using silver ions to reduce the body’s bacterial load would seem to be a good strategy.
At last, some honest research and testing of ionic silver. Note that electrically produced ionic silver outperforms silver compounds by a wide margin. The action of silver ions piercing the cell walls and killing staph bacteria are shown here by electron microscope photos:
You can make ionic colloidal silver, now better known as EIS (electrically isolated silver). There is no need to be at the mercy of a snake oil salesman. Learn how here: