The Coronavirus Threat Is Greatest In Cities

sorry the link didn’t work when I tested it, my computer skills aren’t the best.
Try this…I thought the last item was l , let’s try a 1
That didn’t work either…couldn’t get it to come up. Was sent to me by a friend. maybe it’s been scrubbed already.
We all know that they don’t scrub content from the web s/

- Dilbert by Scott Adams

Anybody have information on the use of Chaga Mushroom in China to fight the virus? Apparently must be Chaga mushroom that was grown on real Birch trees (firm fruiting bodies).
Also, any substantiation to the rumor China has recommended ear plugs for protection from virus entry through the ear canal?

If it wasn’t just pure research and they were working on a weapon that was accidentally released and they vaccinated their own people against it, then who was the intended target?
Well if it turns out to be true that the Wuhu Flu disproportionately attacks Asians and Asian males, then that tells us something about the target.
Sure would be a “nifty” communist solution for Taiwan, wouldn’t it? It would either thin out fighting age males they’d have to deal with in battle, or the goodwill generated after saving Taiwan with a new Communist vaccine might result in a non-kinetic “conquest.”
For me, the biggest reason to think it wasn’t a fully ready bio weapon is that it isn’t lethal enough. So far, at least.

Thanks Matties. It is truly shameful that a person of such low calibre as Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (an Ethiopian) would be the chair at the World Health Organization.
Nobody is better informed than he about the extreme risk this Coronavirus poses to his home country of Ethiopia. It is unconscionable that he has convinced those who run its national airline that daily flights into China should continue in spite of our current knowledge about how contagious Covid19 is.
I have signed the petition requesting his removal from the WHO and hope others will follow suit. That person has lost all legitimacy to lead. Nor only on the world stage but most specifically to Ethiopians who are possibly the world’s most at-risk population.
Call for the resignation of Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus

Sorry Sparky but I have to go with Bill on this one. If you do not understand his thoughts perhaps you should reread your responses. I do not say much but do observe a lot. I have have thought several times that you seem to be one of these people who project so much knowledge. We all have a right to comprehend things and many have differences in interpretations seems to me you are kind of slamming Bill here and kind of proving his point. My guess is you do not know Bill well enough to tell him to get out more or to open his eyes. I personally think you could use some introspect yourself.

This is good news, as they might be able to now start finding some “cases in the wild” before more transmission. Which 5 cities…they don’t say…

“The lawsuit claims the drugmaker’s scheme involved publishing misleading articles falsely stating that Tamiflu reduces complications, severity, hospitalizations, mortality and transmission of influenza. The company then used those articles to aggressively market the drug to the government for pandemic use. Relying on the supposed truthfulness of Roche’s claims, federal and state governments spent about $1.5 billion to stockpile Tamiflu to combat influenza pandemics.” It wasn’t until repeated requests from The BMJ were honored that data from unpublished trials were released to researchers, revealing the true extent of Tamiflu’s effectiveness — or lack thereof. In the BMJ review of Tamiflu it’s found that Tamiflu shortened the duration of flu symptoms by less than a day, specifically, by just 16.8 hours, and did not affect the number of hospitalizations. In exchange for this very modest benefit, Tamiflu caused nausea and vomiting and increased the risk of headaches and renal and psychiatric syndromes. Serious side effects include convulsions, delirium or delusions and suicidal behavior. Japan banned the use of Tamiflu in children and teens in 2007, after cases of teenagers trying to jump from apartment building windows while taking the drug.
Read the full article: On another note, if China is spraying rodent-killing poison all over the place no wonder the people are vulnerable to a virus that attacks the lungs!

Lol Less death than sar lol. Tell those people in wuhan. They don’t jave enough body bagd for their dead. Current computer model is 18% or more. It at least 3 time deadly than sar.

I have noticed this several times in announcements and keep forgetting to mention…
The WHO and CDC had previously stated (now the actual temperature seems to have disappeared from symptom lists) a “fever of 100.4.” If you have ever worked medical, especially pediatric, a true “fever” for normal people is usually considered greater than 101F. A temperature of 100.4F is only used in the immune deficient, immune suppressed and newborn population. However, if you have a patient that is none of these things, however “looks” terrible (glassy eyes), elevated heart rate, elevated respiratory rate, low blood pressure, etc then you most certainly document the temperature and note they may be much more sick than the temperature indicates. HUGE red flag when I first saw that weeks ago and then after the lymphopenia phenomenon that seems to be happening in at least the ICU patients. I believe lymphocytes are tied to the TH1 reaction needed to mount an immune response… another thing to research in my free time. LOLOL

Keep doing what you are doing and don’t take the insults and putdowns personally! It is a stressful time and you provide valuable information that is helpful rather than hurtful.
I too have gotten lambasted here in the past.
There is nothing wrong with getting feedback from other members, thats what a lot of us do …communicate. And there are always people who want to blame, guess it makes them feel superior. A national trend I think.
Keep up the good work!

Chaga is a fungus that grows on birch trees. The Japanese call it “The Diamond of The Forest” and the Chinese call it “the King of All Herbs”. I make a big pot of steeped Chaga water and mix it with my drinking water.
Tinctures are great too.
Attributed Benefits - to some degree

  • Nutrient-dense superfood. Chaga mushrooms contain a wide variety of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. ...
  • Slowing the aging process. ...
  • Lowering cholesterol. ...
  • Preventing and fighting cancer. ...
  • Lowering blood pressure. ...
  • Supporting the immune system. ...
  • Fighting inflammation. ...
  • Lowering blood sugar.
The indigenous peoples have used it for 1,000+ years. It tastes a little earthy. I am looking at a bag from “Arctic Chaga”. Google it.  

Some more info has come out about people currently self-isolating in Brighton:
Some thoughts on all this:
Clearly, COVID-19 may cause anything from very mild symptoms (cases have been reported of one or two days coughing and then feeling better) all the way to getting steadily worse till eventual death. It’s also clear that people in poor health are far more likely to become serious cases. So the fact that two GPs were among the first infected is disastrous, because they were in contact with people that were already sick.
The change in number of reported cases in China highlights something that had been said before, which is that there is a high number of false negatives in tests in China. We are told that the tests used in the UK are more reliable, but we have no clear idea of their reliability.
From what’s been reported, a false negative is more likely in a person that is asymptomatic and still in the incubation period. But we also know that some people have such mild symptoms that they are asymptomatic most, if not all, the time they are infected. And we have evidence that people can be infectious while asymptomatic.
Put all of this together and you have to ask: Does this mean that contact tracing may not always work, even if you manage to trace the contacts correctly? Think of the case of the nurse. She was in contact with a potential case. Let’s imagine this potential case has COVID-19 but develops only very mild symptoms. It looks at least possible that the test results come back negative for this person, even having the virus. So the nurse would be told that she can’t have COVID-19 because her contact came back negative. Because she suffers from low immunity, if she is in fact infected she’s likely to develop into a serious case and need to be hospitalized. At that point she’d be in contact with many healthcare workers. So the question is: Are the health authorities going to be cautious and treat her like a suspected case? Or would they compound their mistakes?

曾錚 Jennifer Zeng
Rumor: US intelligence community say the death toll in China is over 100k 且当谣言听听:美国情报界认为中国死于 #武汉肺炎 的已过10万。#COVID2019 #Coronavirus #CoronavirusOutbreak #coronaviruschina #武漢肺炎 #新冠肺炎 #新冠病毒

How could you even type that?

Sparky, I had exactly the same thing happen tome on Wednesday. I went to a new dental office, to have a repair. It was extremely large, with many individual treatment rooms (maybe 25), with 10 dentists working in the practice. The front desk alone, had about 12-15 employees, and this did not include assistants or hygienists. There could easily be 50-660 employees here.
While I was waiting to get numbed up, I casually asked the dentist, if he has been following the corona virus updates. He said, “Just what I hear on the news”, to which I replied, then you haven’t really heard anything. Since I am an RN, with over 40 years of practice, in 5 specialities, I have no qualms speaking frankly, with medical personal. I told him 4-5 basic important facts, to get his attention (r/o, % of mild, critical, ICU/needing vents & deaths per # infected (CRV), and he was very surprised. I told him to check out Chris’s you tube video and about PP’s site. I then told him someone in his office needs to take charge of finding out what precautions they would need to put into place & then have an inservice with all staff, since they are on the front line, IMO. He agreed & I left. I hope to God he takes my words to heart.
I had a similar experience at an ENT office 10 days ago. Mind you, this guy works at a very prominent Medical/hospital compound, in a major city, and he does surgeries every week. He knew NOTHING about it. Zip. Since I did not know as much myself about this 10 days ago, I just told him to get N95 masks asap, while they they were still available.
I really do not think the medical community is prepared for this, at all. I am trying to catch up on any needed visits in the next week or so and then just hunker down, until we hear more info.
Thank God for this site & all the knowledgeable info members provide, as well as the work of Chris & Adam. You guys are doing a fantastic job!
Best of luck to all of us.

Just announced. These numbers will be updated higher over the next few hours (as they are each day)

and asked discreetly if she had considered wearing gloves since she handles cash and credit cards. Her answer just made my stomach drop. “We’re not allowed to. We can only use this,” and held up a bottle of purell. I can tell you being in the frontline of patient care very little is being disseminated down to our level. I guess the attitude is wait, watch and react. Have done what I can to prepare the home front and let some close friends know in small doses what’s happening. People want to see and hear what they want to. Be well and be safe.

On another note, if China is spraying rodent-killing poison all over the place no wonder the people are vulnerable to a virus that attacks the lungs!
Sooo, perhaps a question for Chris and Adam. Can the virus be spread to rats, mice, domestic animals AND mosquitoes? This virus came from Pandoras box I think.

I will admit some of the videos being posted out of China lately are chilling. So much violence and fear. I know people here have also seen them so I won’t repost them but this has shades of panic and social breakdown written large. What in hell have they really released over there…hell itself?