The Coronavirus Threat Is Greatest In Cities

I am not at all surprised by the low number of beds per capital in the US. Based on the way the insurance companies push to send people home, (too early in many many cases), the hospitals have not really needed or been able to afford having loads of hospital beds. This is going to overwhelm so many hospitals especially given the number of medical staff vacancies most hospitals are dealing with. It is a real worry…

The newest video -

Intersting - Macau will be distributing “credit” cards loaded with 3000 patacas ($375usd) to each resident to boost spending…

Country, Territory Total Cases Change (cases) Total Deaths Change (deaths) Total Recovered Serious, Critical
China 64,658 +4,854 1,488 +123 6,981 10,584
Japan 252 +50 1 +1 10 5
Singapore 58 +8 15 8
Hong Kong 53 +3 1 1
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Thank you for that info Granny. In the Clif High/Bitcoin Ben youtube video that I linked above, Clif talks about the Chaga/birch tree correlation. We tend to assume a more naturopathic approach to healing.
I am going to post the link again as the first one that I posted was correct. I am able to link to it with no problem. skip the first 21 minutes or not…Ben is a bit amusing.
I’ll post the other here from yesterday if anyone is interested. Very scientific approach.

Hey Deso, I know it’s kind of hard to follow Japan right? Here is a tracker I look at that separates the ship from Japan.

I’m predicting that the Chinese Gov will at some point throw in the towel on containment and send everyone they can to work. If the virus doesnt burn itself out there’s only so long they can keep everyone on lockdown mode. They aren’t going to obliterate their economy for the sake of the old, weak and infirm. I would imagine their will be many no shows but the show must go on. This virus doesn’t have a 10-20 percent kill rate which would render the situation mad max. We have more than enough data (cases outside of China) to know that the vast majority have mild symptoms. There is simply no way in hell they can turn the entire country into Wuhan. Whoever gets sick will go to their quarantine stations, i.e. football stadium turned into a center where people go to get better or die.
Just my two cents

Id also make sure you health insurance has medivac

Speaking of stranded, I believe it was one of the people who is currently on a cruise ship that is being denied a port of landing who joked, something like, “Imagine if the virus killed everyone on the planet EXCEPT the people stuck on a cruise ship, and they were left to repopulate the World?”
Though I think she also said that the average age of passengers on her ship was near 60.

Purely speculation here, but my money is on the number of cases in Hubei being MASSIVELY larger than reported. As the epicenter of virus origin, the spread was likely able to pass unnoticed for weeks or months. With the latest Los Alamos No number we now know it could have lit like wildfire. My guess is it did.

I work with a wide variety of people. Some well-educated and worldly. Others insular, uneducated and locally-oriented. I ask coworkers, “so, what do you think of this new coronavirus?” Everyone knows about it in varying degrees. Everyone feels bad for what the Chinese are going through. No one is concerned about it affecting them. No one. Did I say, “no one?” I am the only one who seems to have these concerns. I am preparing. Why isn’t anyone else? Have I been reading too much science fiction?

Chaga is great stuff. We’ve been harvesting it and using it for about a decade now. I wouldn’t count on it though if my life was in the balance. It’s not readily standardizable and response to it seems to be unique to the individual rather than fairly uniform across a broader population. A more standardized immune system boosting mushroom product is AHCC but again, it’s not something I’d trust with my life.
Just an observation here. The level of written communication on this site seems to have dropped a notch since the whole corona virus discourse started. Spelling, punctuation, grammar, syntax, signal-to-noise ratio, etc. seem to have slipped. Let’s try to rectify that and up our game and pay a little closer attention to what we’re writing and how we’re writing it. It just reflects better on the site and its participants.

Saw this in the comments to the latest video. Interesting:
“Took a last minute flight back to Singapore to call of duty as a Risk Assessor and Safety & Healh Auditor to help fight Coronavirus/COVID-19 too. Had many Risk Assessment discussions, one with leaders/participants from Hospitality, Tourism, Events, F&B, education institutions and other industries.
One of the areas we assessed is why there are many reported infections in Leisure Cruises and hotel business networking event but when many infected persons fly on airplanes on evacuation flights, no airline staff or people on the same airplane get infected.
One of the preliminary findings is that Luxury Cruises and Hotel networking events have one thing in common: buffet. In a normal buffet when people socialise and talk while taking food, invisible and visible droplets of saliva can travel onto food and when an uninfected person consumes it, the virus can be transmitted easily (buffet food can be left out there for up to 4 hours and you never know how many people had talked over the food prior).
Thus, possible control measures include discouraging people from talking over buffet/displayed food or have some form of barriers for droplets/saliva over the food and dedicated healthy masked servers to dish out food instead of common-use serving cutlery. The same goes for communal food events in chalets or after an event.
On the contrary, on the plane everyone eats out of their own trays not facing someone else, with less talking and eating at the same time. That could be the reason why there are no reported infection on plane despite long hours of being with infected persons in a confined environment. Thus, without transmission through saliva/droplets to someone else’s mouth/nose/eye, it’s difficult to be infected by just being on the same flight or being in the same building with an infected person. At the moment, the probability of aerosol transmission is probably low. Currently temperature taking is a good measure but there are loopholes such as infection before symptoms like fever.
Based on Risk Management, we should focus on activities that have higher probability of transmission (talking over food), not just being on location, as it’s difficult to detect. Hopefully by focusing on the right control measures and some change of our lifestyles/habits in such times, it can help in saving lives. The findings are not conclusive as Risk Assessment is still in progress depending on new data or discovery.
I suggest we look at our routine/non routine activities and conduct our own Risk Assessment too based on probability and severity and come up with own control measures. Thanks to many who are fighting this battle too. Pray for Singapore, Australia, China, Malaysia and many countries affected by COVID-19.”

Makes me wonder, can you get this virus by eating it? I wouldn’t think you could. It would have to survive the stomach acids and then get into your body from there. Maybe its ending up in your throat lining and then transmitting into your lungs. The way it kills seems to be causing deep lung trauma, inflammation and pneumonia.
Opinions from more medically informed people please.

If it is easily aerosolized, one could inhale it in the steam wafting up from the food and it then can enter the respiratory tract.
Additionally, the mouth is also an airway, so one could inhale droplets that were clinging to the saliva in the mouth/oropharynx after one swallowed the food.
The latter is theoretically possible, but unlikely in my opinion.
We have no data if it can enter via the digestive tract via the mucosal lining leading to the stomach.

Nice to see you ao. Always class. Fare well friend.

Thanks for the comment wryldtraveler.
My thought was its more likely that the close person spacing and conversations going on while they get the food had a higher correlation to infection. Most buffets have those aggravating plastic shields that make it difficult to actually get food without bending over and reaching.
There is the possibility of contaminated serving utensils though.
I wonder if the servers and cooks could infect the food during preparation. What temperature would a wet protein rich medium be best to grow this stuff in, considering the food would be sitting there for many minutes. The steam heating table as well. Big pool of warm water. I doubt its getting dried out and disinfected at the end of each meal either.

I read a similar story about a guy named Noah who was 600 years old at the time ??

Looks like we might have a case in Bozeman, they wheeled a guy into the hospital after a trip to China. They’re supposed to have the testing done by now. Have you heard any update on that?

Hope all is well with you.