The Top Four Inexcusable Investigation 'Errors' Committed By The FBI

and sometimes they also

  • don’t prevent crime
  • support crime
  • commit crime
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Goldfinger ihas lied on camera multiple times, the organisation task was entirely Butler and Beaver worked under them…dont take anything Goldfinger says as true…you have just seen the text messages about the meeting with SS by 4 ESU members including people from 2nd floor…now watch Beaver county lie about it…

then Goldfinger says in a different interview this picture is from the first floor and SS asigned them there…on camera FFS…he needs to be placed under oath and humiliated…


For the sake of being able to search the forum, let’s please spell that guy’s name “Goldinger”.

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please dont spoil my James Bond villain fun…please


They may have been responding to the early reports of a suspicious person in the area of the AGR buildings, rather than a person on the roof.

I could be totally wrong, but it really seems to me that nothing minor could make the southern snipers turn like that. They turned because they thought they might have to shoot someone in the next few minutes. Why they thought that, we don’t know, and we should ask them. But my hunch is that the northern snipers thought there was a threat and knew that their occluded view might prevent them from dealing with it, so they asked for help from the southern team.


The area at the southeast of the AGR building complex was not in the designated field of any counter-sniper team. Someone made an executive decision which then left the Hercules 1 field unprotected.
Who should make such decisions?


How did the FBI get to the scene so fast to release the locals in such a short time?


Well, I know that the AGR building didn’t even have a “sector”, and people have talked about the Pac-Man perimeter, but I think there’s no way that the northern snipers actually felt like that. It must have been totally obvious to them that it was an important roof.

True. Why was the FBI even there, exactly?


Briefly: Any deception is wasted warfare. You’re right, on large scale.

Yes. Also totally obvious that responding to an emerging risk in the AGR building area meant abandoning surveillance of their designated field to the south of the stage.

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The problem is, he turned to west with his gun. It seems impossible after the dead shot. I’m confused.

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Thanks for that! Greg Nichols has a new one out, he is also convinced that there is just one shooter.

Chris - Excellent FBI & USSS Critique…

I wanted to add a few things just related to these points…

  1. FBI Didnt Fence Off or Collect JCB Crane for forensic examination (including hydraulic lines.) Were any bullets found on or nearby that location ? Who searched that area
    after the crime was committed? Where is this information recorded ?

Re Staff Leaving Site Early at 19.30 “Stand-down”

  1. FBI Didn’t Seal Off The Area and wait for CSI to arrive.

a) NO CSI were called. 2 days post event, STILL no CSI on site.
b) Three days post Event: FBI wash down the - ongoing - “Crime Scene”
c) Stage Area is dismantled and removed. Did anybody search the stage and bleachers for bullets and damage ? Was this recorded ?

Ballistic Failings

  1. USSS Weapons NOT collected for forensic analysis AT THE SCENE !!!

  2. Beever & Butler County Weapons NOT collected for forensic Analysis AT THE SCENE !!!

  3. Dead Person On Roof - this Person’s Rifle was NOT bagged by CSI Staff wearing Gloves. Therefore gunshot residue may have been passed from the person moving it, over TO the Rifle AT THE SCENE (accidentally or deliberately !)

a) No gunshot residue tests on hands or Weapon can therefore be trusted.

  1. Forensic Staff Analyse each Weapon that is seized & bagged at the Crime Scene as per Procedure. They count Bullets left and also Test Fire Weapons in the Lab to check shells etc.

a) Unfortunately information on Bullets (calibre, remaining numbers of bullets, analysis) CANNOT be “forensic” as no weapons were collected nor correctly handled AT the crime scene.

These Weapons may have been taken offsite, broken down and scrapped. It is possible that they may have been replaced with alternative Weapons of a similar type. Anything is possible because these data cannot be trusted after Staff were allowed to take such Weapons away from the crime scene…

  1. Where are the bullets that were collected and logged at the Crime scene ? What are the type of these bullets and where is the diagram illustrating where such bullets were located at the Event ?


8. We now know that some difficulties arose when the USSS were requested to collect Butler County Radios - for use by EVERYONE- around the site, on the day of this event.
9. Radios were not collected by USSS as expected at 11am nor afterwards.
10. USSS did not advise why such radios were not collected nor used by them.
11. USSS have not advised if USSS staff were using their own radios around site. This needs to be confirmed. Chris @ kindly offered a 1tb SDXC card to assist in recording such critical communications- it appears NO communications recording took place on ANY telecommunications system that day. Is this normal practise as per Procedure?
12. Obviously, it can be very difficult for Staff to hold two seperate radios and to use these whilst also carrying out daily tasks. It is more commonplace therefore that such Radios are used in a Command and Control Capacity. Who was this Individual and why did they not collect a Butler County Shared Radio for Communication purposes for rhis Event ?


C1. These Ballistic data cannot be trusted Scientifically e.g in Court.
C2. Allowing Staff to remove Weapons from a Crime Scene seems bizarre, illustrating NO
Leadership and no formal Command and Control Structure for this Event.
C3. By making a decision NOT to use shared Radios, the USSS had significantly reduced effectivenes throughout the day. And illustrated a serious lack of judgment.


Two new Audio analysis came out today. One from Mike Bell and one from Greg Nichols.
Both conclude the is only 1 shooter.
Can they be trusted? If I were the FBI and I wanted to cover up a second shooter I would have paid them a visit after they released their first videos 2 or 3 weeks ago.
Is there anyone out there that can check their work?

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Wow, that explains everything!

It’s good to be paranoid, but I think you’re overdoing it. I think Bell and Nichols are both doing very valuable high-quality work, and neither of them has been intimidated into getting a certain result.

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How do you know that? Everyone can be compromised by the FBI and and everything needs to be verified.


Well, I think Bell is in South Africa, so he’s probably pretty hard to intimidate. Nichols immediately used his existing engineering/software skills to jump into Matlab and code up a simulation, and then just improved it, which you can see for yourself if you follow along with his video.

Which do you think is more likely if the FBI went to intimidate him? That Nichols released another video where he carefully secretly subverted his own earlier work, or that he just wouldn’t release another video?