The Top Four Inexcusable Investigation 'Errors' Committed By The FBI

Did he and Mike Bell publish the raw data?

Without raw data, such claims cannot be refuted and are therefore useless.

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Does anybody ask the parents why although legal that he is storing this type of weapon and his son apparently or was he taking it to the local shooting range where he happened to be shooting at a place where DHS also practices? The coincidemces are immense to have the story as it is on how a college grad shoots his dads gun along side DHS and then finds himself slip through so many LEO with perfect timing and finesse to a roof of a company owned by a former defense contractor CEO and almost kills Trump. Just wild stuff.


I muted you a while back for posting stuff that was low-quality. This post of yours is another example of that. If you had checked Nichols’ most recent video, you would have seen right away that he did provide raw data. Bell also showed numbers in his spreadsheet, and probably makes that available.

Please increase the quality of your posts. Check basic things before you ask. Why are you asking about this stuff if you won’t even watch the videos these guys provide to you for free?


I think it is more likely that you are FBI.

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I think Greg Nichols did release raw data, looking for someone to verify it.

Excessive paranoia confirmed.


FBI confirmed!

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I’d have to say the FBI is the premiere crime management bureau. They’re an intelligence agency with a law enforcement function reporting to DNI and the AG, and there was some additional re-org that rewired bits of their directorate org chart under CIA prior to John Brennan’s CIA re-org efforts (I’d have to search for this, but Brookings probably discusses this in detail).

Thus the crime creation elements are further upstream.

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Clausewitz had contempt for intelligence and deception–the Prussian paradigm has no place for divergent thinking. This is founded in the western mindset, generally, and is instituted in military academies/thinking. (see The Case for Deception in Operational Success, M.G. Anderson)

For Folks interested, here is the Butler County GIS Mapping Data.

And the guys on the roof with Crooks, could have gotten so much evidence. Ugh.

Except the FBI has frequently been involved with schemes to infiltrate groups, push their radicalization further, and then bust them once it reaches a level of criminal status that they can reach convictions with.

Is that a good plan?

I’m not so sure about that.

Yes, you want larger groups who are dangerous to be caught before they actually hurt anyone, since that type of situation needs extinguishing or it just keeps spreading.

But in the case of loners: that’s a bunch of bullshit. Get those people mental health help. Seriously. If they can be pushed around, push them back into the direction of mentally healthy. For sure as hell, one does not groom them and try to support their delusions or brainwash them into action.

If our alphabet agencies are acting like that: Congress needs to step in and stop that shit.

Yeah, like DHS they play a pivotal role to fabricate examples for the fictitious and nonexistent problems that their overlords publicly denounce, which always involve one or more of:

  • increasing government powers
  • chipping away Constitutional rights
  • suppressing dissent

Those initiatives are devised further upstream in the domestic policy making segment (the belly of the beast). Not so much in field offices or the J. Edgar Crossdresser building.

Somewhat off topic, I learned first hand that the FBI prioritized politics over all when a buddy of mine tried to help me get them engaged with a crippling web attack against my infrastructure in the late 2000’s. I was hosting services for several local SMB-type customers, and I discovered that a pentest company out of the UK performed an unauthorized pentest targeting my networks and infra. I observed a randomized recon/enumeration scan that took place slow and low profile over the preceding weeks, and then my ISP circuits got crushed saturating both links causing my 95th percentile bandwidth costs to skyrocket and disrupting service for all of my customers.

I mapped the attack back to IP space allocated to a fairly big pentest company in the UK, and I even had their CTO ADMIT to me over e-mail that they made a huge mistake, but they weren’t interested in covering the costs that I incurred for their asshattery. I was big in the security community back then and had a good friend of mine who was a premier malware reverse engineer and forensics guy who worked exclusively with TLAs, military, and defense contractors.

Once I told my buddy about what happened, he thought for sure that his FBI cyber friends would help me out. He got in touch with them and set me up with a call, and I thought the agent was interested in helping me (being an open and shut case with the evidence I had already), but NOPE. It evidently did not have enough PR value for the FBI to take on. The agent even told me that his supervisor was only interested in he and his team taking on cases that would effectively get them promoted to higher positions. So I was like fuck the FBI after that.


Yes, from Sen Ron Johnson’s timeline. We know from it that a Butler County sniper passed on Greg Nicol’s pic and description to a SS sniper by phone text. So at some point the Butler and SS snipers shared phone number(s).

The fact that SS did not show up to the morning meeting seems to be a decision that would come from SS chiefs.

So it looks like the snipers tried and managed to communicate to some extent, despite the efforts of SS chiefs to handicap their communication.

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Yes, those Butler radios were meant for SS command. SS command then would pass on any info receive from the Butler radio on to their snipers in whatever method they would choose (which turned out to include EMAIL!). However, SS command never retrieved those radios made available by Butler ESU operations center. It’s evidence SS command chose to keep itself deaf; and when it did hear something from local LEOs (via private phone texts), it also chose to be sort of mum - taking 8 minutes to pass on diluted info by email to SS snipers.


Maybe FBI was hiding in the explosive-laden white van “found” soon after? Joke! But who knows, level of trust is so low 


I just did a Google Maps direction from the FBI Field Office in Pittsburg to AGR International in Butler. It’s exactly a 1 hour drive. What time did the FBI show up at the site.


Excellent hazard! Your observations and conclusions are spot on and lead to the depressing conclusion that nothing significant can be proven in court IF ANY CRIMINAL ACTIVITY BESIDES THE SHOOTER’S ACTIONS WAS COMMITTED (LIHOP or MIHOP). That’s why the FIB and their owners can look us calmly in the face and mock us, “So what are YOU going to do about it?”

What ARE we going to do about it?


After watching Mike Bell video, which was very entertaining, we now know:

  1. crooks wasn’t afraid of shit, walking upright

  2. he didn’t shoot the first 3 shots

  3. we need to hone in on
    a) who told the snipers to leave post
    b) who kept Trump on stage
    c) who allowed crooks to fire
    d) who changed the site of the rally
    e) who cleaned up crime scene


Sorry, I just gotta’ reply.
I’ve been involved in dozens of Federal emergency efforts that have included all the local emergency agencies. I’ve taught this stuff as a Federal
instructor to many.
Briefings happen every morning with everybody in attendance. Mandatory. At the end of each briefing, everybody knows their job, the hierarchy, the units that will operate around them, and how to get attention.
Communications is always a bitch. And locals don’t have the right radios or frequencies to talk to the Fed newcomers. But the Feds have always brought hundreds of preprogrammed radios to their projects to share. Everybody has the tools/frequencies, cheat sheets, and protocols for sharing. And when it’s all done, all those radios must be returned.
The Feds always do this.
Unless maybe the rules changed.
At the conclusion of an event, there is a major debrief where all is aired. No secrets.