The Top Four Inexcusable Investigation 'Errors' Committed By The FBI

CM, you mentioned…Unified Command (UC).
It is a very specific action. Every major incident is automatically Unified Command, although Incident Commanders resist it because it complicates their lives. They lose control. They are forced to share.

If an incident or event is running under UC, there is no single Incident Commander. The Command is unified with, well…
In short it means, everybody who has a dog in the fight has absolute say about how the plan affects their interest. Sewage Treatment has total control of how toilet use impacts their shi…stuff. Hoards of people trying to gain access? The bus company has a say on how that must be managed (traffic management, number of busses, certification of drivers, hours of operation…) Medical services>the number of ambulances must be enough to deal with… How about cleanup, “we’ll need 35 people for seven hours, twelve garbage trucks, 43 garbage cans…” It goes on and on. Each representative of his agency has some bit of control of the event. Kinda’ makes sense.
Law enforcement has huge say over much of the event. Seven connected layers.

Bottom line: If all this usual coordination did not happen, it was intentional. Any Fed knows this stuff.


Was thinking the same, the delay times of forwarding or replying messages are just insane.

So Dan Bongino is right when he says: Secret Service, Technology from today, tomorrow

I’d even go further and say: Secret Service, Technology from yesterday, today, at the cost of tomorrow



not sure, but it seems the guys at the big get together, seen in the dashcam footage from car in front of AGR6, could be FBI. Maybe check timestamp there…

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well observed and concluded.
My answer in short on the cause of this problems: push DEI, get DEI

You seem to be from the good old times. But you know it’s DEI today. When did we start to loose track?

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Breaking: a new video has dropped by Gray Hughes Investigates with video footage of the Buttler Swat on the ground taking the Crooks Kill shot.
SS did not take the shot, they have lied again. They must have had stand down orders.


Ok that makes sense^^

Also, what is this???

Why were 4 motorcycle cops hit by shrapnel?

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For all the one shooter theorists:

If you believe there’s only one shooter, you have to believe Crooks was working alone

No one would risk setting this up and leave everything in crooks’ hands

One shooter=lone wolf

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Oh, like when Jack Ruby took out Oswald?

Was he a lone wolf?

/rolls eyes

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It seems like you’re trying to create a schism where there doesn’t really need to be one.

What I want is to root out the corruption, the rot that is making all the higher-ups in our institutions act super weaselly 100% of the time. For that, I don’t need for there to be one shooter, two shooters, ten shooters, for the shooter to be what’s-his-face the other guy, or for the shooter to be Buddy Holly’s grandson. I don’t care. Why do I not care? Because…

1: Around 80 seconds before the shooting started, the southern sniper team turned north. If that team thought there was something over there that they might have to shoot at, command should have taken Trump off the stage.

2: If somebody was looking out the southern windows of the second story of the AGR building, they’d see Crooks. If they looked out the western window, they’d see people frantically pointing. Somehow, nobody saw either thing. What were those people doing?

Answering either or both of these questions is enough to take a wrecking ball to a bunch of rotten stuff. If we never get a satisfactory answer about the shooter, we can set it aside because we don’t need it.


Crooks kill shot seems to be confirmed by, presumably, local cop sniper here

I’m not trying to cause a schism. I’m merely saying that there are too many holes in the security to be logical.

If there are that many holes, it’s as if they rolled the red carpet out for a 20 year old non-military trained gamer.

It’s not possible.

So it’s either everyone screwed up at the same time and a gamer ran across a roof in broad daylight…or

There was a professional sniper who got red-carpet treatment and just missed.


I don’t oppose your suspicion. It seems reasonable to me. I just think our efforts are better spent hammering on the things we know are wrong.

They fully intend for this to be another JFK where we toil endlessly for months and years with almost no direct access to high-quality information. Let’s not cooperate this time. Let’s insist on saying, these specific people are under tremendous suspicion in a murder case, and they should be interrogated.

For example, Greg Nicol should be interrogated.
Butler sniper “M” should be interrogated.
D. King should be interrogated, as should his spotter.
Whatever SS person was in command should be interrogated.

When I say these people should be interrogated, I don’t necessarily mean they did anything wrong. They just have crucial information related to a murder. They are all neck-deep in a murder investigation, and they are not exempt from investigation. We could probably break this case wide open if we could interrogate any of them, much less all of them.


I think we are saying the same thing.

  1. choice one-a single shooter acting alone and everyone at Butler is a total dumbass

  2. choice two-they made Crooks a patsy.

I absolutely love all of the maps, analysis, and digging but I think we know what happened on that day at this point.

We need to know who was in control of the security and absolutely interrogate them. Who would interrogate them? Shouldn’t we start the next phase and put pressure on our interrogators?


On this question, I feel very weak, because it seems to be in the political realm. From my perspective, any homicide detective in that area of Pennsylvania should be able to start contacting the people involved and ask questions, and when the answers suck, the detectives have various options from gently encouraging people to do interviews up to arresting them.

From what I can tell, homicide detectives in Pennsylvania are not doing their own investigation. It seems like the FBI has the power to wave them off. IMO they should just investigate anyway.

I feel like we should basically make WANTED posters for a bunch of people, and on each one, lay out the case why they are a person of interest in a murder investigation.

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Don’t we put pressure on Senators and other elected officials?

We have determined someone was moving people around like they were playing chess. We need names of who was in control of Butler.

We need the help of people above them to bring the heat.

In this shooting, the precision of the Red Dot sight is important.
If President Trump was Crooks primary target then he would need a high cost, high precision 2 MoA model (preferably 1 MoA).
If Crooks target was the audience, and a second shooter was targeting Trump, then a standard Red Dot sight would be OK.


Your statement is not correct. GH says in his video between 14:20 and 14:28, that Butler SWAT got a shot off (#9) and Hercules Sniper from southern barn got a shot off (#10 = killshot).

Gray Hughes says in his video between 14:20 and 14:28, that Butler SWAT got a shot off (#9) and Hercules Sniper from southern barn got a shot off (#10 = killshot).

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Face reality, if there was a pro sniper who got a red-carped layed out, Trump would have been dead since J13. A pro would use a pro rifle and for sure never miss from that short distance on an almost steady target.
It was only luck that he wasn’t killed, strong wind east (look at the big flag) and Trump turning his head slightly in the exact right moment.
That the shooter got on the roof into position was just bare incompetence and is another story.