The Top Four Inexcusable Investigation 'Errors' Committed By The FBI

Yes, that is what he says, but what we see is the Buttler Swat dude taking the 10th shot and raising his first in the air in celebration. If he was watching through his scope and didn’t take the shot but let someone else take the shot he would have swung around looking for the shooter and would have given him a thumbs up or something. No this was a celebration of a dude who just made the shot.

Physics don’t lie. Check this video at 13:07 - 15:28
Trump Shooting: How Early Did Snipers Spot Crooks? | Shots 9 & 10 Explained (

I have seen that video. It is very convincing but there is something off about this guy, I don’t trust him at all. This is counter evidence that is very compelling and can’t be faked.

Western side people started yelling “on the roof” around 90 seconds before the first shot rang.

OK, you’re probably right, but the SS command doesn’t have any way to hear that. But I think they can definitely hear their own sniper saying “Hercules 1 (or whatever) turning north to deal with threat”.

IDK, on the latest Gay Hughes video, you can kinda hear their yelling in between Trump speaking. Even if they couldn’t understand, if they glanced in that direction because of the racket. Maybe one of them glassed them with their binos and then spun their rifles around.

Well, sorry, I mean I have a somewhat cynical way of thinking, which is that if the SS can simply deny they heard it, they will. But I don’t think they can deny hearing their own sniper over their own radio system.

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For some of them, sure. For the USSS CS teams, unless they’re in on it. I would take it as a stain on my honor if a sniper took out the protectee on my watch.

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Oh, sorry again, I’m not thinking or talking carefully enough. You mean that the Hercules guys might have heard that stuff. I believe that. From what I can tell, they acted correctly and did their jobs really well. It’s the “brain” that I think screwed up.


Yeah, I could have been clearer that I meant the USSS-CS teams.

Which leads to a wider question about how many of the first eight shots were made by the assassin and how many were shots fired as rapid responses to shots fired by the assassin.
My early impression from the platform microphone audio record was that the first three rounds differed substantially from the next five.
I am now of the view that the first five rounds were from the same source and were consistent with Crooks being the shooter.
The centre-stage microphone record for the first five rounds shows a similar amplitude for each of the acoustic shock wave from the projectile, a similar amplitude for each report signal, and consistent paired timing.
Is it possible that James Copenhauer was injured by “friendly” fire?
It also suggests an explanation, with some cynicism, for two different counts of the number of shell casings on the roof of the AGR building next to the body of Thomas Crooks.

That’s thinking outside of the box. Who do you suspect took out Competore?

So when I watched this, it wasn’t clear to me that the secret sniper team actually made the 10th shot. In the video does it appear that the SWAT team member id aiming his rifle for the 10th shot, and then immediately following that shot, he puts his arm in the air to signify that he made the shot?

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Exactly what I saw. He definitely behaved like he just made the shot.

As I mentioned one other place, it wasn’t clear to me what was going on for the 10th shot. It appeared to me that the SWAT team member was aiming his rifle for a 10th shot and is it possible then that he took the 10th shot and then immediately celebrated? Everybody’s just assuming that the Secret Service sniper Hercules one took the 10th shot just because the Secret Service says so. We can already tell that you can’t listen to anything the Secret Service says.

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I feel the same

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I can see it either way, celebrating he did it, or celebrating that they as a team took him out.

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No way. If the SS sniper took the shot and he saw it through the scope he would have swung around to see who took the shot. He didn’t even look up in that direction.

That’s the way it always works. When the FIB takes a case they exclude every other investigator (but only after getting all the evidence and interviews they might have collected before the FIB shows up). Then they run their own completely siloed investigation.

There are two problems with other police detectives conducting their own unofficial parallel investigations. 1) No one has to talk to them and LEO’s would put themselves in serious jeopardy by talking to them and 2) the witnesses interviewed would probably tell the FIB of the unauthorized interview (and then the FIB would seek to interview that detective and have him/her fired).


If that’s the political reality, I accept it. I don’t understand the exact means by which the FBI could compel state people to fire a detective, but it’s probably something along those lines.

Still, I can’t accept that we’re powerless. I think some LEO out there with guts could do something. Basically, a bunch of people are wanted for questioning in connection with a murder. That’s a fact. If all LEO are too corrupt to do normal police work, let’s do whatever else we can, like make the case for each person of interest and put it out on Twitter or whatever.

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