The Top Four Inexcusable Investigation 'Errors' Committed By The FBI

This interview with Kurt and the one Gary Melton did with Jon Malis the day before were two of the best eyewitness interviews I’ve seen, Melton’s propensity to ramble on notwithstanding. Kurt’s statement that he saw muzzle flashes stood out to me, as my research of flash hiders, which may have been seen on Crook’s rifle and some current DPMS AR-15 models come with, suggests that a flash hider all but eliminates muzzle flash during the daytime. I only mention that because it stood out to me.

Whenever I listen to eyewitness testimony I keep in mind the fallibility of human memory. (See linked post.) Jon Malis did a great job acknowledging some of those in his interview. I think I recall some good examples in Kurt’s interview, as well, but I do want to listen to it again since I only viewed it once. So thanks for bringing it up.

In sharing this post I’m not questioning the credibility of Kurt or Jon by any means, just pointing out some good to know related information.

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Just fyi. Grey vehicle (Ford) at AGR main entrance is most likely the car of officer BWC2-122104. He takes some barrier tape out of the trunk and drives away.

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I remember seeing that and watching him repark his vehicle, which seemed odd.

I forgot about your initial Audio analysis. That is certainly solid evidence. The only way I can explain it is they both fired at the same time and the Buttler Swat dude believed he made the shot. Can’t believe he had him in his sights and didn’t shoot, since he had already proven that he doesn’t hesitate.


Thanks for bringing that important point up. Perception can and most likely will change over time, especially when there is such a news and information overflow like in this case.

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Not likely because of the audio differences. We should have audio signs of two shots if that happened.

I lean towards the USSS sniper not being the shooter.

I think it was the local swat guy. It does explain the wound appearance. AKA no head explosion

Thanks again for calling out that interview. After watching it again I heard Kurt stating that he arrived as Trump’s intro song was playing, which prompted me to tie up this loose end.

Who was Crooks talking to? Because…he is.

This link shows Crooks walking near merch booths at the rally and he’s talking to himself or someone.

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Here is the other interview from Paramount Tactical (Gary) with Jon Malis
Dangerous Liberty Ep81 - Trump Assassination Attempt Eye Witness Interview (

Thanks for posting. If the video states the correct time, that puts Crooks in 2 places at the same time, near the vendor area and the picnic table near AGR 6 entrance. If Jason Woods did sight him at 4:26, the time shown on this clip is wrong at best, or disinformation at worst.


Yes, I’ve watched that one a few times. Both he and Kurt are very credible witnesses, both recognizing the fact that things they’ve seen or read since the event could blend with their memories from the actual event. I wish all the witnesses to incidents I’ve interviewed over the years were half as good these guys.

It just depends on the timing. How long did he actually wait to send his text?

It could be that he really did see someone else and not Crooks, because that is definitely Crooks in the merch vid.

He said goodbye at 4:19 and sent the sighting text at 4:26. Coincidence that the Tik Tok video said 4:26? That’s why I think it’s disinformation. Not that he wasn’t captured, just the time. He had a 44-minute window between his drone flying and Woods sighting him, so this might have been between thse times. Do you know exactly where the vendor area was? I’m assuming near the parking area and/or entrance.

Woods I'm Out
Our Cars

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Nice catch of the shooter. Would also say that is the same guy as found on the roof. All indicators are matching up. But where you see him talking?

Good question about the time issue. Reading the message sent by Jason Woods about suspect on picnic table, I feel that could well be written/sent after Jason already left the scene (meaning the suspect was sighted before 4:26pm). Question how long before? Somebody know where about the photo showing the shooter in the vendor area was taken? With that info could make an estimation how long it would take to get there from picnic table position.
But as you mention, it’s also a possibility the suspect at the picnic table wasn’t the will to be shooter.


We can figure out where the merch was, but what I will say, because I’ve thought it was a possibility before: Maybe they did NOT see Crooks then. Maybe they saw someone else and just claimed it was Crooks because they thought it would make them look better. As if they were doing their jobs and ooohhh, had him on their radar.

Or, they could be in on a conspiracy and they completely faked seeing him.


That’s what I’m trying to reconcile. How was he sighted in both locations and when would this sighting need to occur to align with the picnic table. Based on comments by Nicols from ABC or CNN I get the impression that he discovered afterwards that it was Crooks at the picnic table, which he would have had to learn from Woods saying after the event that it was indeed Crooks he saw. Based on that I’m leaning toward the picnic table sighting being Credible, unless proven otherwise. I’m trying to track down the vendor area now. I wish there were some landmarks in the Tik Tok video to confirm it with.

Any clues from that?

Go to the 2:19 mark in this video. It was published on the 10th, and 68 is a “main” traffic route, so I doubt it was along that road. No businesses seen in the Tik Tok video, either.

Is it on the street marked 1??

Are you sure you want to open up that gigantic rabbit hole?