The Top Four Inexcusable Investigation 'Errors' Committed By The FBI

Somewhere in that area I’m betting. I’m searching through RSBN videos because they broadcast the entire day and are often interviewing people in line. So far I ruled out Evans City Road.

more videos

Right at the start of RSBN’s 10 hour broadcast they are in the vendor area. I’m hoping to see a landmark. I just found the broadcast so am only into it a few minutes. RSBN to the rescue once again!

the road to the left of those buildings??

Yes. I just found it in the RSBN video. I had to use Google Earth since Maps had very little street view coverage in that area.

BTW, Woods at 4:26 says that Crooks *parked" (his Sonata?) in the AGR lot around that time. So where had Crooks just been in his car?

This is what I found too. It has the same yellow line going down the road and the side roads, with parking beyond it back towards the wooded area.

It makes sense that the vendors would catch people streaming in after parking and before they wait in line.

There is ZERO chance that Crooks got all the way over there at 4:26 (and I do believe that time for the merch sighting is right: look at the shadows).

The snipers lied about seeing him next to AGR around 4:20.

The time stamp on him wandering in front of the AGR building, caught by the potato cell phone in the rally crowd was 5:06 p.m.

note: I think the AGR dashcam sighting was in the morning, the little Cobra icon in the corner for the news report shows A.M.

I can tell you he didn’t park it on AGR property after that 4:26 sighting. I posted my slide deck documenting that recently. I do believe Woods did see his car and him at AGR 6, and afterwards he drove it off the complex.

I’m in the process of figuring out exactly what he did and where he was during the two time periods highlighted read in my timeline. This latest sighting will be a big help. I’m thinking he walked from the vendor area to the AGR main entrance where he was captured on a dashcam by eyewitness Jon Malis “about an hour before the shooting.” It’s only a 13-minute walk. I’ll be posting my slide deck showing his sightings the day of the event and the supporting evidence.

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There’s literally no way.

Woods left at 4:20. He texted at 4:26.

There is neither time for Crooks to get to the other side, nor is there time for him to get back. Did you see that traffic?

It didn’t happen. So either they lied after the fact to try to make themselves look better and it was always referring to someone else or they just completely lied.

Let’s see the picnic table photo. If it’s “Crooks”, it’s a doppelganger.

And as for the AGR sign dashcam: look at the shadows. It’s before noon (maybe 9:49 or 10:49 am per the Cobra cam).

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Here is what I’m working on right now. This new sighting fits in well. If after Woods sighted him, which I believe he did, and I’ll provide my argument for that in a later slide, I believe he parked his car off site. With this new sighting, I’m wondering if he parked it in the event parking lot. Several reasons for doing that, but he’s walking back towards Evans City Road in the Tik Tok video, which gets you to Whitestown Road and the AGR main entrance where Jon Malis captured him. It’s only a 13-minute walk. That’s what I’m thinking now as I work in this new sighting. These slides are work in progress, BTW.

There is zero chance.

It takes 12-14 minutes to walk there, from AGR to the vendor spot, walking around the secured perimeter.

The traffic was bad.

Woods did not see Crooks sitting on a picnic table at AGR, then Crooks goes and gets in a car, drives all the way around to the rally parking, then walks up to the vendor by 4:26. He’s NOT a time traveler.

They fucked up and they lied.

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As things were handled this day, we absolutely have to take that into account.
How that 2 messages by Jason Woods are written is anyway rather funny. Let’s play it through and try to reproduce, assuming the time he left is accurate:
He is in the 1st floor of the 2 storey building beside AGR6. He puts his staff together and is ready to go. He writes the text at 4:19pm (I add here 30 seconds = 4:19:30pm)

Now he walks downstairs, through AGR6 and exits Door 9 into the parking area. Let’s say it took him 30 seconds (4:20:00pm)

Now he walks to his car (parked in the other end of the parking lot, beside Nicol’s [?] grey Alfa Romeo) and sees out of the corner of his eye somebody at the picnic table watching in his direction, he put his staff in the trunk and gets in the car. Let’s say it took him 45 seconds (4:20:45pm)

While driving out of the parking lot, he recognises somebody at the picnic table whom they already before had info about that this guy is a person of interest. Since he’s already driving and because it’s way to go until Trump’s speech beginns, he decides to inform his sniper group later. Let’s say it took him 5 minutes 20 seconds to get back to the office/back home (4:26:05pm)

When parked the car in the office/home he writes the first message. Let’s say it took him 30 seconds (4:26:35pm)

He writes the second message. Let’s say it took him 45 seconds (4:27:20pm)

Big question now, would it be possible to get from the picnic table to the vendor area in 5 minutes? Is Jason Woods’ office/home within a 5 minutes ride?

To me, the 2 messages somehow don’t conclude together. In the first message he writes that someone had the same idea as them snucking in (meaning they also weren’t meant to park there?) and parking the car beside/near theirs. So he saw a car that was already parked but he didn’t know/recognise?
In the second message he writes that the person at the picnic table saw him leaving the AGR6 building with his rifle. Concluding that this person know the others are in there. How and why should the suspect know that there are more people in the AGR6 building? The way he starts the 2nd message he’s refering to the 1st message. But how does he know this car belongs to the suspect if he was already at the picnic table? Or did the suspect just got off the parked car when Jason was leaving the building and then walked to the picnic table, while Jason walked to his car?

Sounds all very fishy to me.


There is only zero chance if the Tik Tok video time is correct. Have you gone to the Tik Tok account? That is one of 3 videos posted. I don’t doubt the video, just the time. Until I see more concrete evidence of the time, the fact that this fits in with other evidence in my sighting timeline, I’m sticking with a sighting at 4:26 at AGR 6, drove his car somewhere near the vendor area and walked back.

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Look at the shadows. They are amazing for confirming times.

It’s how I knew it wasn’t “the sun” reflecting in the AGR building 6 windows.

It’s how I know the dash cam at the AGR sign was well before noon.

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Is there a picture of Crooks at a picnic table 50 yards from the exit? Did they release it?

If not, why not?

His sniper team abandoned their posts and we’re supposed to give them the benefit of the doubt? No thanks. I’m not even at trust, but verify. I’m at distrust, let’s verify.

This also explains why Crooks was a sweaty mess. From 4:20 or so, he walked from the rally parking lot south of the event, through the vendor area, probably around the security perimeter and then was scoping out more around the AGR. 20-30 minutes in the hot sun while walking?

By 5:06 pm he’s videoed in front of the AGR Bldg 6.

He’s hot and sweaty and tired. That’s why he sits on the retaining wall at 5:14 p.m.

Seems like he probably stashed his bag at AGR when he was there early in the day. He probably found the AC unit that morning, knew he wouldn’t need the Home Depot ladder, and didn’t bring it back with him.


What sighting or other information is the basis for this?The 4:26 one is the first by law enforcement.

Were you born? Is there a photograph to prove it? Oh, you have a birth certificate? How do we know it wasn’t forged? It’s an exaggerated point to state that you gather all your evidence, validate it the best you can, then analyze it to see how it all aligns.

Here, read this. I’m sensing a case of “Belief Persistence.”


Haven’t you reversed East and West here?

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Gee, I don’t know. I’m capable of basic math.

So there are three possibilities:

  1. The sniper lied entirely.

  2. Someone was there and the sniper lied about it looking like Crooks after the fact because holy shit does his team look like morons at best or criminals at worst.

  3. Someone was there and they resembled Crooks in appearance and the sniper assumed, because he didn’t know Crooks was on video at the merch street at the same time.

These are the probable shadows for July 13 at 4:26 pm.

Why yes I did, Thank you for pointing that out.