The Top Four Inexcusable Investigation 'Errors' Committed By The FBI

Similar shadow seen under the tree outside the west window.

Crooks was spotted walking at past the same spot RSBN was interviewing people earlier in the day.

You can’t accurately evaluate the shadows through that window. That’s not how that works.

My image was rotated 180 degrees to align with Crooks who was walking south to north, not north to south (the view from the window).

What I can tell you is: Crooks was recorded at 4:26 pm by the vendors.


In my haste I uploaded the wrong photo. I fixed it.

What window in the 2nd story AGR is that supposed to be?

Window facing south or window facing west?

If it’s west window it’s probably around 4:30 to 5:30 pm, it depends on how tall that tree is.

i have not seen all the comments but the jeff guy had a police dash cam video from the distance before he drove to the building. This might be the shooter climbing up on the roof elusive video.

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same guy has the Butler swat officer raising his fist when he shot crooks.

One rabbit journey at a time is probably best.

I will say, I don’t think Oswald was a lone gunman. He might not have even been one of the shooters at all.

No sighting or information, it is a scenario.


Let’s bring some light on the question where was the shooter filmed in the Tik-Tok video. Compared to the shadows at around noon (when the RSBN was filming there) it could well be that the shooter was there somewhen between 4pm and 5pm. Maybe somebody has the capability to confirm 4:26pm is correct. And yes, he walked south to north.

shooters location in Tik-Tok video

Tik-Tok screenshot, filmed north to south

RSBN screenshot at this location, filmed south to north (watch the flags and the stalls)

Part of my larger project that Chris used my sightings map for during today’s video. He used a reply to you in case you didn’t catch it. Anyways, this vendor alley sighting really fits what I’m thinking for his whereabouts for the 44-minute period between the 16:26 and 17:10 sightings.


Proper work :+1:

Have some notes though:

The only reason I mention the van is the report that police K-9 tracked it to Lawrence Avenue. If true, it is part of Crooks ’ timeline. I’m actually working on a slide now just to capture information about it. As for the alleged connection, I’m not going down the Yearik rabbit hole since that does not help with Crooks’ travels that day. In fact, I’m not considering Yearik at all. I can speculate on how the van could play into a Deep State plot if Crooks did in fact go to it, but at this point there is no corroborating evidence. So, the van is an uncorroborated data point.

Damn, that throws the account of it and Jon Malis’ statements into question. I do realize that it was the News Nation reporter that said Malis told him it was taken about an hour before the rally, so that is second-hand information. The FBI Deputy Director stated that Crooks was at the Butler Farm Show Grounds at ~10:00 – 11:20, then drove home. This sighting then would have to be associated with that trip, but again that doesn’t align with Malis describing he was driving around looking for a place to see the rally off-site. Ugh!


The kill shot was by Jack Valenti who stood next to Jackie on Air Force One as Johnson was being sworn in. He was in the motorcade. He was head of the MPAA that gives movies their ratings X,R,PG,G

According to Corey Hughes

Did you find out if there could theoretically be bodycam footage of these 4 people because they were wearing bodycams?

I just read some comments for the Crowd Source post of the vendor alley sighting. Some are saying he had an earring in his right ear, but someone enlarged an image and it looks like an earbud. If so, he was likely talking on the phone.

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The rally opened earlier that day. So “an hour before” can mean many things, it doesn’t have to mean an hour before the speech (one source says doors opened at 1 pm, so <12 pm would align, but it does seem even earlier than that).

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Is it this?

Looks like an ear bud. Could be a phone call. Could be music.

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