Vaccine Deaths in New Zealand

This is why I’m monitoring the phase 3 trails underway here and in Turkey for Bucillamine Which is said to be similar to NAC (thiol something something) but x16 more effective. Also interesting how Revive Therapeutics is having to go through all the hoops with an off label drug used for gout, proven safe and effective while Rendeathazvir is on the “Proto-call” mein herrn!


It disappeared several months ago when the big brouhaha occurred but it’s back.


Glad to hear. It did seem to disappear from a lot of places. I think stocks were bought up a lot due to the FDA classification. The only people who I know that truly reacted to that and pulled it from the market was amazon. However, just because a substance is classified as drug , does not mean it requires a prescription and cannot be sold over the counter.
Actually, Vitamin D has the same classification , and Tylenol is a drug as well, but can easily be obtained other the counter. So, it might not mean anything , or they could go out and pull it off the shelves. My guess eventually they will pull everything except the very basics under the new proposal.



EDIT: Removed for being 100% unacceptable, non-constructive, angry, and small.

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The New Zealand all mortality data notes that in their winter months (June, July, August, September) mortality always increases 15 to 20%…these are exactly the months on Hatchard’s graph of vaccination and mortality with increased deaths…so maybe not related to vaccination. Another red flag is the noticeable lack of lag between vaccination and death on these graphs if the sequelae of the shots were strokes or heart issues which do not always kill immediately. It seems quite possible this indicates normal increased winter mortality and the coincidental increase of vaccination at this time. I know you seek the truth!

In a stunning 46-page legal filing to the International Criminal Court on December 6, an intrepid attorney and seven applicants accused Anthony Fauci, Peter Daszak, Melinda Gates, William Gates III, and twelve others of numerous violations of the Nuremberg Code. These included various crimes against humanity and war crimes as defined by the Rome Statutes, Articles 6, 7, 8, 15, 21, and 53.
Besides the four kingpins, twelve others were named, including the CEOs of the leading vaccine corporations and the health leaders held accountable for the United Kingdom.

  • Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer
  • Stephane Bancel, CEO of Moderna
  • Pascal Soriot, CEO of Astra Zeneca
  • Alex Gorsky, CEO of Johnson and Johnson
  • Tedros Adhanhom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the WHO
  • Boris Johnson, UK Prime Minister
  • Christopher Whitty, UK Chief Medical Adviser
  • Matthew Hancock, former UK Secretary of State for Health and Social Care
  • Sajid Javid, current UK Secretary of State for Health and Social Care
  • June Raine, UK Chief Executive of Medicines and Healthcare products
  • Dr. Rajiv Shah, President of the Rockefeller Foundation
  • Klaus Schwab, President of the World Economic Forum

Basically the latest hare brained idea is for anyone who is a suspected contact to isolate up to a whopping 24 days in order to slow down Omicron.
I’m not a math geek, but my suspicion is that this strategy will cause most of nation to be shut in at any one time until they call a halt to this. I really don’t understand how they expect the country to function in any meaningful way.
NZ’s finance minister Grant Robertson just admitted we can’t afford a forth dose. Here’s the thing… There is nothing in the media about how those who are vaccinated lose any protection against Omicron after 60 days and then the immunity becomes negative (meaning they need boosting). I worry about my friends who are vaccinated with many comorbidities because they have been trained throughout the last two years to only accept information from official sources. They have no idea they need to do what they can to boost up their immune system or at least begin to reduce weight. Right now they are sitting ducks.
I expect to attend more than a few funerals this year for one reason or another, suicide from the stress of this level of sudden and possibly repeated isolation being a real risk.


I notice most funerals require you to have a vax pass… which means I will have to mourn my loved ones from outside the funeral house. That sucks.
The government has insinuated that the dirty pure bloods might not get to stay home if they test positive… they might just get carted off for a special hotel stay. This along with the new quarantine timeframe orders mean there is little incentive to get tested. Just stay home, doctor yourself, and use common sense.
Our government is just plain stupid.


I’ve been trying to understand why some politicians act the way they do. In the case of Macron, threatening the unvaxxed is pure political theater. He is fighting to keep his position and is taking a gamble.
In the case of Jacinda, with this new 24 day isolation, I’m not sure what her motivation is. Is she just radical or is it something else?
I’ve read that she has been a complete failure as a PM in non-covid related matters, so perhaps this has become her sole means of leaving some kind of mark on history? Or it could be the WEF effect I suppose. This makes some sense given that she must have been involved in the recent WEF meetings.


I have posted a question asking Chris to confirm this. I have seen two videos on Bitchute. One of a woman, another of a man reading out a statement to police, advising them of their duty to close all vaccine clinics and preserve the vials for forensic testing and evidence. I hope there is more discussion on this by Chris. They refer to the crimes against humanity and the International Criminal Court in The Hague

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Artemisia Vulgaris will do that trick also (link). The tea is surprisingly “soft” and tasty!


The US doesn’t recognize the jurisdiction of the International Court of the Hague (link). I remember that there was a lot of fuzz about it here. The US threatened to even use military intervention if an US citizen was tried here. So, this is definitely not a path that could be followed any time soon as one Carrier Battle Group suffices to flatten The Netherlands even more…


Another consideration is lockdowns.
When people are not out and about because of lockdonws or other movement restrictions there are less auto accidents, diving/swimming fatalities, workplace accidents, boating/rock fishing accidents etc. Less deaths from these causes?
However during lockdown there’s likely an increase in domestic violence, child abuse, home based accidents and poisonings of children, and suicides from unmanaged mental health conditions. Increase in these deaths?
Does once cancel out the other with no effect?
And were many early covid jab batches released in each country purely placebos to give a false sense of security.? Here in Australia Aged care workers were mandated first. They speak of an atypical decline in their elderly residents, but no mention of preoblems in themselves or co-workers. Has it been a case of Oldies die every day, nothing to see here, we had ours and We’re fine so it’s all ok …None of the facility based aged care workers I know had any side effects. It was only once the more general public became eligible that side effects began being mentioned by people I know.
There’s always more to see than meets the eye and we are not privvy to how this worldwide clinical trial is being run. I know early recipients in Australia were randomly contacted by big brother health to report any side effects they may have experienced. Was it truly random? Why has this process appeared to have stopped?

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Hearing in Luxembourg on the vaccination of kids:
Lots of pretty useful info there presented by the “petitioners”

To these politicians/psychopaths, science is just an obstacle to be ignored.


Hi Chris
I’m a 58 y.o. NZer who has been gratefully and appreciatively following you for +11 years. I’ve also been a premium subscription subscriber. Thanks for all your hard work and generous sharing of knowledge and opinions over the years.
But I really feel you’ve dropped the ball with this video by sensationalising an issue before doing some very basic fact checking - a skill you rightfully pride yourself on. The information that Peakhealth, Quercus bicolor and Gorilla23 have presented in their comments in this thread should have been considered and included before the video was made (if in fact you had still found it worth making/uploading after checking that info). Another basic study to consider is:
In any case, to me at least, the sensationalizing of “truthy” (dis/mis?) information without first properly cross-checking facts and sources and the understatement of seasonality effects in the video warrants comment from you in a further video so some balance is added, at least retrospectively. Peakhealth makes this same point a lot more eleqently than me in comment #36 above and it is worth copying again here:
“Chris, you seemed to have forgotten your often repeated axiom that you have wisely used in many other presentations I have respected that “association is not causation.” The “perfect correlation” (your words) you describe here is more likely due to the coincidence in timing between vaccine administration ramping up in the Southern Hemispheric Winter and long known seasonal variation in elderly deaths. The data are not shocking to me. Unfortunately, what is shocking is how you presented Hatchard’s assertions in such a cavalier and misinformed way and I hope you will consider correcting your weak and misleading interpretation.”
Looking forward to Covid blowing over and continuing considering your advice on the broader issues of increasing resiliance and developing our eight forms of capital. Regards Dan


Hi Canukian, thanks for your post.
I’m intrigued about two points in your comment. Where did you “read that [Jacinda] has been a complete failure as a PM in non-covid related matters”? And on which fact(s) do you base the assertion “…given that she must have been involved in the recent WEF meetings”. Just curious. Regards Dan

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