VIDEO: The Coronavirus Is The Pin Popping The 'Everything Bubble'

Seven new cases :frowning:

Always good to have your positive spirit in the house! I tried to follow you from the NY-area to Hawaii but only got as far as Washington State… nice here except for being the #1 corona virus state, at least for now.
How many years ago was it that we met during the New Paltz event with Chris that you organized? I think the website was still back then : )
I am continually amazed as I learn more about mushrooms. In one of the video’s of a talk he gave, Paul Stamets recounted mouse studies where amyloid plaques, as associated with Alzheimer’s syndrome, were reversed. The reversal was seen both through the mice regaining ability to negotiate a maze, and through brain autopsy as well (Thank you mice!). Lion’s mane mushroom, as prepared by Stamets, resulted in neuroregeneration in mice! Needless to say I have several of his formulations, as well as some turkey tail powder that I mix with my Chaga tea.
Best regards Sager, Jim

Too funny! Needed that laugh! :slight_smile:

The travellers had returned from France, the Netherlands, Egypt, Iran, Taiwan, Germany, Malaysia, Trinidad and Tobago, the Philippines and the United States. Several of the travellers visited more than one country on their trip. One was also on the same MS Braemar cruise ship in the Caribbean as a case announced on March 8.  

Originally on Business Insider (but hidden behind the paywall).
For those unfamiliar with the University of Nebraska Medical Center, there is a documentary on YT about the 10 years of preparation and practice they underwent for the containment of infectious diseases. They are considered the premiere infectious control hospital in the USA and this is why the first Ebola patients were quarantined there as well as the first COVID-19 cases.

It’s not that testing was not available. It’s that testing was not ALLOWED. This is “Don’t Test, Don’t Tell” and it is the single most incompetent, corrupt public health policy of my lifetime. But wait, there’s more. It’s not only this patient who was directly harmed by Don’t Test, Don’t Tell.
This is beyond mind-boggling ... Chris is right - BOOM is baked in; and to further paraphrase him, it did not have to be this way. OMG

Sports banquet organizer: no response.
Non-profit board: We’re meeting online with zoom! Yay!
School superintendent: no response. He’s probably very busy. I’ll call tomorrow.

I’d love to see your letter. Was just about to draft one of my own to our school superintendent and was struggling. I thought your other two letters were great, so hopefully he will give permission to share. Speaking of letters. Chris, the letter to POTUS is probably the best I’ve seen!

Something I have noticed here and elsewhere is that the entire environmental movement has been hijacked by the climate change narrative. There are lots of issues in the environment that get barely a mention anymore.
What is particularly striking is the absence of discussion of the environment here where the entire premise is based on the three E’s. Maybe it should be 2 E’s and a C (climate)
I get the fact that most here are gold bugs but the discussion with Rubino brought something home for me, and that is the destruction of the environment to extract gold. The advice to invest in miners goes against conscientious green investing. Clearly Rubino is unaware of the wholistic focus of the Crash Course. It appears of the three E’s the environment is the redheaded step child. Once again money trumps the earth

Remember, you can’t get a tan thru a glass window?
Glass seriously absorbs UV. That’s why UV lenses, instrument windows, etc. must be , I think , made of quartz.
Putting a mask in a glass jar would exclude the UV in the sunlight. A plastic baggie, I think, would pass it OK.

I wouldn’t want to use Lysol on my hands due to the chemical ingredients. I keep a spray bottle of 70% alcohol in my car and some hand wipes. I spray the alcohol liberally, rub it around with special attention to the fingers, maybe spray a little more and then let my hands fully air dry. The hand wipes are because the alcohol ironically leaves my hands feeling like they aren’t clean.

I would not use Lysol on my hands either.
Perhaps 90% alcohol and mix with Corn Huskers lotion?

IMHO, your charge is valid, but your aim is off. It is not Peak Prosperity that is obsessed with climate change to the exclusion of the environment, it is all of Western Civilization. I’ve been making that point for years. Rarely are the other catastrophic problems being created by overpopulation paid more than lip service, due to the focus on climate. What you see at Peak Prosperity is simply a reflection of the focus of the society of which Peak Prosperity is only a subset.
BTW, I agree about mining, but I’m not sure it would make my top ten list, definitely not my top five, when it comes to the damage we are doing. It’s definitely behind animal agriculture, deforestation, land water and ocean pollution and the sixth mass extinction, to name a few.

This paper is worth reading and thinking about. The worst scenario it models (30% of population infected, case fatality rate of 0.25-0.5%) shows that peak ICU bed demand will equal the entire ~100K beds in the US, leaving no room for the current occupants that typically keep ICUs at > 50% capacity. They report that ventilator demand will likely exceed supply at the pandemic peak, even without accounting for the availability of sufficient staff and supplies the ventilated patients will need as well as adequate allocation of ventilators by region. Of course the worst case scenario appears to be quite conservative when considering the current situation with a CFR possibly in the several percent range and an infection rate of up to 60%.
This underscores the importance to non-pharmaceutical interventions to slow the spread of the disease in order to reduce peak demands.

I just read that Wikipedia is rewriting history and has seriously altered the numbers of victims of the Spanish Flu on its webpages. I had been aware of this happening in the past with regards to political people and historical events that were hotly debated (such as 911 for example and the tower 7 debate). But this new historical revisionism seems to be taking things to another level as the case fatality rate of that past pandemic has been dropped dramatically at that site using World Health Organization data. At this point we do need to question everything that is being stored online since it can be changed at a whim and may not ever be restored to its original form. So keep your old books, encyclopedias and reference manuals as those are the only reliable materials available that cannot be arbitrarily changed by corrupt organizations (like WHO) after the fact. And maybe think twice before posting links that come from sources we may now deem to be unreliable. Like Wikipedia. I only wish there was a good alternative. You can read the story here

Wikipedia Slashes Spanish Flu Death Rate

Chris in a comment a while back, suggested making emergency masks from the type of sanitation pads used to put under bed ridden people to catch urine or body fluids (or puppy pads). I tried a few experiments today and the water proof layer on them, to prevent wetness from soiling the mattress is very, very hard to pull air thru.
Tonight after watching today’s video I happened to spot this DIY mask video from Canadian Prepper
His suggestion is furnace filters, in particular the higher end ones with a PR rating of at least 1900.
The video has a few ideas but I think the one that would most work, would be the yoga pants under stocking (watch the video). You could then lay a layer of the filter material over it, and then put a second yoga stocking over that to keep the filter material in place.
Be a bit hard to breath through but we knew any DIY option would be. Both furnace filters and yoga pants (or panty hose) are available now and might continue to be in the next few weeks.
You could easily remove them at the door, then put all the material into a disinfecting bath (probably alcohol or hydrogen peroxide, since bleach is an inhalation risk) or in fact just wash the yoga stocking in the washer, and dry, while putting the filter material into a plastic bag and quarantine for 9 days.
Something to consider.

Perhaps I am missing something in the focus of the posts here on PP. I don’t see much if anything posted by the owners except the climate. Maybe my eyes are bad resulting in bad aim. Maybe you could direct me to some of those environmental posts?

UW reported on their first patient (now have 2) and others who are listed as fully recovered.

Overseas they are playing soccer matches with no fans, some US sports are taking notice but most are complacent.
Take for example the arena used for the NBAs Cleveland Cavaliers and Monsters Hockey team. Even though the state of OHIO has recommended that indoor sports be cancelled or played without fans they said “thanks for the advice but we’re proceeding as normal”. “We’ve got a state of the art air handler and cleaner” Money over lives, pathetic…