Where Were The Two Local Snipers When Trump Was Shot?

Do we trust that TMZ video?

Case in point: his hair.

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he was promoted on the 10th the day after the letter linked…he is Butler ESU Lead Sniper…Iraq Vet…i posted pictures of him incase anyone recognised him from the videos, but the letter states Butler was to stay after Beaver ESU left…

it doesn’t mean he was the un named Butler ESU at the second floor, but it’s likely…


Good points

  1. Bad locations ensure a response but not pre-emptive strike.
    2 They’re plenty of people who will help coverup, are complicit,
    or dumb. Then there those complicit and dumb.
  2. GN leaving post is in-excusable.

My opinion


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I think this photo may be from the west facing window taken at a steep left camera angle out the window. I’ll explain.


In the picture is a prominent building with a massive pole behind it (cell tower I believe). There is also no obvious tree line visible in the back.

The video that follows is on the west side of Crooks building and pans to around a 90 degree angle relative to the side of the 2 story building, and there is a tree line in the distance the whole time. It’s also missing the landmark building and pole from the above picture anywhere in it. It’s the 2nd/top right video (as an aside, Greg Smith’s voice in it helps corroborate that the video’s his :slight_smile: :


The picture that follows is from the Eli Crane vid. and shows what I believe is the building and pole seen in the sniper view above:

The Eli video here shows where the tree line ends, and the building appears:


Pertaing to the contours of the ground, here are two videos also that show it pretty well around where the south facing sniper nest would look and can give an idea what the terrain would be at an angled view out the western window.

In the first one you can see how low the foundation of the 2nd story building is, even compared to the Crooks building:


The second one shows how the ground inclines as the camera passes east to west from the Crooks building. This is the same Smith video again. Top right:


Also the sniper nest photo is taken from a lower position then one of the others, which can make things seem a little different elevation outside.


This is crazy that his family reported him missing.

How did his name get out there in relation to this event to begin with?

Was it the van with Arizona plates?

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Very reasonable. It explains why GN would leave his post (assuming he did do so) rather than call out about suspect over radio or through open windows. GN would have gone down to tell Crooks, awaiting at picnic table, that it was game time and to execute the pre-planned loop around AGR roofs. GN then added he “lost sight” to justify to eventual investigators why a witness may report having seen GN close to Crooks in that area at that time.

But the hypothesis that GN then wandered to the front of door 9 of AGR would imply D Stewart would have captured GN transiting from West to East in front of AGR, and we don’t see that. (It’s still possible if GN went into AGR via eastern door and exited via door 9.) Anyway, whether GN personally tried to confuse local LEOs in front of door 9 is not really that important.
What’s still a bit weird is that GN and/or partner sniper were allegedly outside AGR until 6:12 pm.

We still have that nefarious Judicial Watch video 7 at 7:22:22-52 of a conversation over phone between Cruiser LEO and an unknown person, where Cruiser LEO asks if he is still recording on his bodycam, and why he was not in the bathroom, that apparently he was in AGR. I’ve been wondering if this phone counterpart is GN or the Butler sniper, with “bathroom” being the pre-planned excuse for not being at over-watch during Trump’s shooting.


Good catch.
I haven’t analyzed the others myself, but if so, it would seem like he’s showing off that he has no view of anything important.

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Thank you for sharing your observation. I am currently working on tracking the sniper locations throughout the event and need to make assumptions on who was assigned to each nest. This is my second assumption, which I am working on supporting with evidence just like you’re doing.

I start with the source of those window photos, which is from the documents provided to Sen. Grassley. That document includes the aerial map of 3 sniper nests and their zone of responsibility. The photos follow that, and in my opinion, logics would suggest the 3 photos were intended to show the 3 sniper nests. That’s part of the assumption I’m working to support.

Beaver and Butler County Counter Sniper Positions_Redacted (senate.gov)

If you look on the aerial map, the blue line shows the western most window on the south wall’s zone of responsibility, which includes the cell tower building seen in photo 2 of the document. I believe that second photo was intended to show that nest by including the most recognizable object in that zone. I will grant you that the western window would be able to see that building, but looking at it from an aerial perspective, it would be to the extreme left and would most likely not be visible from a few feet back from the window.

So, my opinion is that the view of the cell tower building in the second window photo, which you are asserting is the west window, is not to the extreme left, and may not even be visible standing further back from the window like the photographer is. For now, I am sticking with my assumption for that window being the western most window on the south wall from both a logical and visual perspective. I welcome your thoughts.


Those towers are on the Farm Show property (Southwest of AGR). Go to the 3:34 mark on this video I droned for @howdoiknowthisinfo yesterday.


6:44 on this drone footage.


Looking at my footage in the second video that’s the tower farthest to the west.

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Here are some images of Kevin Mikulan, from July 2024 when promoted to lieutenant:

He may or may not be the Butler ESU sniper partner of Greg Nicol in the over-watch duty.
The buddy of Greg Nicol seen at the end of the Judicial Watch Dropbox video 10 looks somewhat similar, but older, heavier, and has a shaved head and face:

He also has been hypothesized as the Butler ESU sniper who partnered with Greg Nicol.


We have to always remember that mono-graphic photography, images, are very misleading when it comes of depth perception… Always refer back to the video footage or 3D image pairs, taken off video footage as the camera is moved sideways providing our eyes the stereographic information which produces depth perception…
Some good drone footage from SpaGuy provides those views, and there may be some image-pairs found in cellphone footage, where side-to-side level-movement of the camera keeps the subject nearly stationary in the frame… Stereo-photomaker software can align images… But you can do it manually with two side-by-side paint-windows and a screenshot. Viewable with a stereo viewing device…

If there was another person involved, at any one of multiple roof locations, where did he go?? If anyone saw modification or alteration to the far east roof area of building 6, at the east portico’s facade, where there is a strange opening and a large smudge, then we may have some evidence to build upon… Or, if video is found of people-activity on the far roof of building 1, where the north roof surface is concealed by a facade, then a shot line might show overlapping fire, but it seems that audio analysis excludes shots from behind… That leaves a tricked-out stealth position as a far fetched possibility, unless evidence is discovered, such as the 90-off sights on the shootes weapon, which he apperase to never had time to use… Why were they there? Was it to set up the capability to exchange a weapon which had to be used from a position where 90-off sights were needed, such as through bathroom vent louvers?? There appear to be a candidate location with a tight line to the stage and beyond to the center of the far bleachers… Here is the image of that vent during the shooting activity… Does it look normal??

Are we being distracted from demanding an explanation for why a tactical assault from the west side was not initiated?? A 3D image pair of that assault path is in an earlier post, so i’ll just put the vent image here, but don’t be distracted from searching for west side body cam footage, which may entirely reveal malicious intent to not engage & neutralize the gunman… A sharp shooting grandma could have been hoisted into that concealed location to get The-Drop on the perp…

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I saw what might have been this guy on the facebook post with both pictures of himself and Crock saying, It isn’t me. I have never been able to find it again.

I don’t believe I answered your questions so here goes:

  1. I have the ridge as 5" high.
  2. I have the center of Crooks rifle barrel 2.25" above the ridge.
  3. Crooks tip of barrel is 40’-8" from the east end of the building with Crooks’ body 39’ from the end.
  4. The 2nd shooter’s rifle barrel is 6’-4" lower than Crooks and approximately 42’ away from Crooks, but 40’-8" in front of Crooks.
    The Vent is approximately 51’-7" from the east end of the building.
  5. Trumps ear is 2’-9.3" below Crooks rifle barrel and approx. 495’ away.
  6. The top of the south bleacher is 2’-1" below Crooks rifle barrel and approximately 80’ past Trump.

All these dimensions should have a 3% +/- of uncertainty on them. Except the vertical elevations to Trump and the bleacher which could be off 25% because I do not believe we have good data on elevations.

Anything else?


These have been revised (the last time I hope):


I don’t think that is the right vent. It was this one:


There is that one video from TMZ where you can see black fragments of something flying in the air. I always thought it was pieces of his head but that could have been pieces of his gun. I agree though in body cam you don’t see anything around him. I always thought possibly that 9th shot maybe hit him because he had stopped shooting. I started just assuming it just startled him. I guess the 9th shot did hit him. I just don’t understand if the shooter was Crooks why would they cremate him and then clean up the crime scene? Is this another look here not there. As in getting us to start looking for a 2nd shooter instead of focusing on who exactly is to blame for all this.


Here is a better view seen in Spa Guy’s aerial footage. At the 5:52 mark he his drone is on the west side of the building below that window.


Fantastic, thank you for the transparency, very important to have along with the diagrams.

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The vent-Trump line ends up closer than does the roof ridge-Trump line to the known endpoint of the bullet, the top railing (not side railing) near the corner of bleacher.