Why Covid-19 Demands Our Full Attention

Epoch Times is the propaganda vehicle for Falun Gong… They managed to convince many people that the Chinese round up Falun Gong and harvest their organs vivisection style. Whether you love or hate China, surely you want information that isn’t bogus. It was the harvesting of organs before the prisoner was dead that made me suspicous, some years ago. I mean, in terms of sheer difficulty, you’d want to grab organs out of somebody that wasn’t screaming and writhing around…correct?
From Global Research:
But just as is the case with Tibet, there is more to the Falun Gong case than simple persecution. Outside political forces and corporate interests can be found pushing Falun Gong into increasingly political activities, including well-funded, well-organized, and ubiquitous worldwide protests against the Chinese Communist Party.
Among the foreign (predominantly Western) Friends of Falun Gong, we find the likes of Mark Palmer of Freedom House. Freedom House is a quasi-intelligence front created by the CIA-connected Open Society Institute of elite George Soros. In addition to Palmer, Freedom House has counted among its top management the former CIA Director James Woolsey, neocons Bernie Aronson and Diana Negroponte, super elite Zbigniew Brzezinski, former Clinton National Security Advisor Anthony Lake, Clinton Commerce Secretary Stuart Eizenstat, and the late Congressman Tom Lantos and his wife.
Freedom House is backed by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), which former CIA agent Philip Agee, and many others have amply documented, is a US intelligence apparatus that has been a driving force behind opposition forces (“democracy revolutions”) in many countries.
From the New Republic:
Albrecht got was a rare look into the strange and secretive world of the newspaper, which was founded by practitioners of the Falun Gong spiritual discipline that originated in China. The Times’ staff members Albrecht met in the Berlin office were all devotees of Falun Gong. Every day at 6 p.m., a bell rang, and everyone in the newsroom stopped what they were doing, sat at their desks, and meditated.

The language the Chinese are using indicates they will not be printing massive amounts of money as the US markets currently expect them to. Sure, they’ll print some, but constrained by decreasing revenues due to the virus and an already $40 trillion big debt mountain, they can’t do much.
There’s even mention of “cut unnecessary government expenses.” which, considering the government practically is China, you can read as “letting the bad stuff fail because we can’t afford not to”.
The Federal Reserve has also already been slowing down the amount they’re putting in each daily/overnight repo, with the last 3 repos being extremely oversubscribed. This is all building up to a huge shock and when it happens, there will not be buyers!
Remember! To sell, you need to have a buyer! otherwise you’re left “holding the bag”.
If you’re not already… get out of the stock market ASAP.
Edit: oh i forgot to add; the market is still likely to go up on monday because bloomberg said “china vows stimulus” and that’s all the algos


[6] The best approach might just be to let the Chinese coronavirus run its course. Authorities might also discourage stories about how awful the illness is.

Today, we seem to think that we can fix all problems. Unfortunately, this medical problem doesn’t seem to be fixable in the near-term. We should probably do as governments through the ages have done, which is not very much. We should not publicize the disease as being a whole lot worse than flu viruses in general, for example.

We should certainly look for inexpensive treatments for the disease. For example, there seems to be an effort to examine the possibility of using existing antiviral drugs as a treatment. It seems like an effort could be made to look into ways of treating the disease at home, perhaps using supplemental oxygen for a period. In time, perhaps a vaccine can be developed.

Individuals around the world should be encouraged to get themselves in as good health as possible, so that their own immune systems can fight off pathogens of all types, not just this particular virus. Common sense should be used in washing hands and in avoiding being with sick people. I doubt that it makes sense to encourage the use of masks, goggles and other protective devices.

We, as individuals, cannot live forever on this earth. We also cannot spend an unlimited percentage of GDP on health care: It becomes too high-cost for most citizens. At some point, we need to call a halt to the expectation that we can fix all problems. We live in a world with limited resources. We need to start lowering our expectations, if we don’t want to make our problems worse.

That ought to be popular.

Seriously, do you believe that? I read the article. She thinks the median age of the dying is 72 which is not really consistent with the data I have seen here. Secondly, perhaps she should consider that China will have a problem if they carelessly allow this thing to go widespread to places like North Korea which possibly might retaliate.
Slowing the progression of the illness allows us to develop treatments. There are many older, weak and ill people of value in the world (Warren Buffett is no spring chicken). She has the underlying assumption that people are interchangeable widgets and that anyone can be replaced at any time. Anyone who has gone through a downsizing/reorganization may understand that theory doesn’t always work. Yes people can suffer and die from consequences of a catastrophic economic depression. Still, China wouldn’t be doing this unless the alternative was worse for them. On this I trust their judgment.
Frankly I am mortified by her cavalier approach to a possible loss of life in the hundreds of millions and my guess is she believes she will be a survivor. Thank you for highlighting the article. Frightening but good to know how others may see this.

Japan’s health minister on Sunday urged the public to avoid crowds and “non-essential gatherings”, including notoriously packed commuter trains, to prevent the new coronavirus from spreading in the country.
Katsunobu Kato warned the nation was “entering a new phase” in the outbreak of the virus, which has infected nearly 60 people in Japan so far.
“We want to ask the public to avoid non-urgent, non-essential gatherings. We want elderly and those with pre-existing conditions to avoid crowded places,” Kato said after a meeting of a panel of experts.
–although I wonder about the validity of this article. This would be momentous, but it was not mentioned here:
I thought this recent interview from Japan, which includes the idea of “entering a new phase,” might have been the source. But it does not mention the other key elements.
Also see https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/news/backstories/878/

Gail Tverberg was not clever enough to disguise her personal agenda and belief system. She is no doubt part of that group who thinks anyone not “producing” is a waste of skin.
Such thinking brought us leaders like Stalin, Pol Pot and Mao. She might consider that she herself would be seen as worthless by such regimes who are typically threatened by writers ( a useless occupation…just ask President for life, Xi who has devoted so much time to shutting up his own people).
I am going to guess she despises her own parents or stands in line for a fat inheritance if the virus takes them out.
Seriously, how many people think of their own Mother and Father as deadwood after they retire?

The rapid spread of coronavirus among Americans on board that cruise ship should finally put an end to the silly meme that Westerners are more immune to this virus than Chinese.

This past Friday Bill Gates warned that Africa may see ten million fatalities due to the corona virus. That is likely a very optimistic estimate. The UN Aids data for 2018 shows as many as 26 million Africans are currently infected with HIV. It does not need to be stated but that group is particularly high risk due to having compromised immune systems which may not be able to withstand a virus which nobody has immunity against. But HIV is just the tip of the iceberg. In 2017, WHO estimated Africans suffered more than 200 million cases of malaria. Compound those numbers with water borne illnesses, poor sanitation and other mosquito infections and you will agree Africans present with significant preexisting medical conditions that will likely increase the populations mortality rate above most other regions in the world.

Her name is Gail Tverberg. And that is what she said. There are a few posts here about her comments.

And finally, with both production and consumption numbers poised to start coming in lower over the next few quarters as commodities prices plummet and the only thing still rising being debt then perhaps we can finally put to rest the notion that we will see a near term future of rising inflation. Asset prices for example do not usually keep inflating as corporate revenues and profits crater and neither do employment numbers tend to keep rising. As we should all know by now, asset prices rise and fall but debt remains. Which brings us to an interesting problem and one the world has certainly seen before as entire nations can face default along with their companies and overdrawn banks. A couple quarters of low or negative growth are going to prove just how deflationary debt repayment really is as consumers and business retrench and try to pay down past obligations. And I probably don’t need to add that the hit taken to the economy at the margin from withdrawn investment and consumption lost to debt payments is going to accelerate the decline. But I will say it anyway in case you don’t know how the mechanics of massive indebtedness function in an overleveraged economy that stops growing abruptly. And since I did say it then we should also wonder aloud if this Wuhan virus is not merely the pretext for an economic war where the West gets squashed because it’s not really productive anymore.
Wow. Nobody saw that coming.

Words of wisdom from the Professor Boyle. (Biological Warfare Expert)

agitating prop-

Albrecht got was a rare look into the strange and secretive world of the newspaper, which was founded by practitioners of the Falun Gong spiritual discipline that originated in China. The Times’ staff members Albrecht met in the Berlin office were all devotees of Falun Gong. Every day at 6 p.m., a bell rang, and everyone in the newsroom stopped what they were doing, sat at their desks, and meditated.
Well now. That's scary indeed. Meditation. A sign of the apocalypse. I'm not Falun Gong, and I don't have any inclination to join, but surely someone can come up with something more sinister than a daily meditation. [Full disclosure; I meditate.] As for organ harvesting, that's pretty well documented stuff. Go down that rabbit hole if you care to look. The CCP has a massive organ transplant "tourist" business, and no discernable voluntary organ donation program. As a transplant tourist, you can schedule your heart transplant in advance. This is only available in China, and there is only one possible explanation for how that can work out. "How to turn political prisoners into a profit center."

I admit I peruse twitter looking for news Since this whole ncov started… it is how I solidified my weird feelings about this while coronavirus thing to begin with, which lead me to PP. Point being, Twitter let’s people get info out quickly although takes time to verify I admit.
I just came across what appears to be a man saying his wife works at one of the hospitals in Buffalo, NY and he says they are and have tested many Chinese students, from Hubei he states (but sure how does he know that right?). He says the medical and police staff have been served gag orders to not discuss the true situation. I have been highly suspect if USA only having 15 confirmed cases. I’m also very suspicious about why we never get follow ups… whatever happened to the couple in Cali who were taken to the hospital after worsening? The little girl that was taken back to the hospital for more testing… anyway. I do believe, where there is smoke there is fire. I keep hearing about how bad our flu season is, yet there are people saying they have flu like symptoms but no one will test for ncov and flu/strep are coming back negative. Too many of these happening in different social media accounts. I thinking I’m drawing my red line to the end of this week and the we are going on lockdown here. Ordering the last of my supplies tonight!
here is one of the videos of the man talking, there is another thread saying this same thing is happening somewhere in Pa. I’m in Houston with rows upon rows of hospitals and international community. I’m sure it’s here as well. :frowning: I’ve tried searching in my local group forums but oddly, there is 00000 info on Facebook about it. Info Suppression for sure.
another note, someone shipped a bit from an event 201 talk and the lady at the podium says something to the degree about needing to only be “1 voice” during this sort of (epidemic) situation and they should suppress other sources of news. So i think we should all beef up on the suggestions from the event 201 outcome. Oddly enough, I saw bill gates just places an order for another mega yacht…

I’ve seen a lot of disturbing footage from China with folks being dragged away against their will, entire apartment complexes being sealed shut, and quarantine “hospitals” (with no medical care, no sanitary practices, yet lots of window bars and locks). How likely is it that with these “quarantines” the government is expecting the virus to run its course and not have many people ever actually walk out or get better? In the process by locking everyone in, this reduces the stress on the hospital systems. Also, since to those infected cannot leave their home they can’t be counted… things “look” better as daily counts should slow down.

Probably not popular, but the truth.
Lots of people today seem to think they are going to live forever.

Senator Tom back again…Go get’em Tom!
Maria Baritromo - is that an Owl on your shirt?

Wow! This is the first time I’ve seen this sentiment expressed so bluntly. Occasionally I’ve seen it buried in the comments section of some YT video or MSM article.
“…the operation of the Chinese coronavirus might even be considered a benefit to society as a whole. The world has overcome the impact of measles, typhoid, polio, and many other diseases. In some sense, it “needs” a new disease added to its portfolio, to replace the ones that have been mostly taken care of by modern medicine. In this way, pensions and other payments targeting the old and weak don’t become too great a burden on the young.”
So, nature came up with the “Chinese coronavirus” as a means of reducing the numbers of old and weak depending on pensions and other payments?? The World Health (and Trade) Organization might find her economic imperative argument persuasive. However, they won’t be happy with her referring to Covid-2019 as the “Chinese coronavirus”–potentially racist. (But not a problem being ageist?)

What i see from 2003 is SARS dying out in May in Hong Kong. Important is temperature, humidity and sunlight (UV).
So i made up an table in which i added these numbers. When the total arise above 45 corona starts to be seriously hampered.
Then i did the same for New York. They only get there late in June, July and August.
risk calculation SARS
You can do this for your own city.
Ex claimer : This is my personal way of seeing things.

I almost bought the cool aid,this fight is not in big city. This fight is in the small towns and villages. If China looses in the country nothing they do in the big city will help.What China has done in the big city is very impressive,but it is the cool aid,only time will tell the real story here.

I think it obvious between facebook , google etc… and accounts by persons with direct knowledge that there is severe suppression of information and censorship going on. I never believed this could be so pervasive , throughout … I am aware of corruption in politics… but google and facebook? comon… local govts… drs, health care workers… city planners, health commissioners? really!!?