Why Covid-19 Demands Our Full Attention

I think we are a about 4 weeks from chaos. Our govt has no ability to handle this. Luckily, thanks to the govt we have a few more days . but why are they hiding to so much? their incompetence. What would you do ? say its time to start looting pillaging, raping at 5pm ? Maybe that is why they are just lying…

I think I’m becoming a bit desensitised to the apparent blanket ‘keep calm’ message from MSM.
CNA is mainstream, and hardly apolitical… this report had me sit up and take notice. Two Singaporean Drs, both involved in infectious diseases, talking openly about R0 of 6… Dr Leong Hoe Nam suggesting the infection rate maybe 40 times the figures.
Yet, I still don’t feel I can share this with anyone outside of PP. Everyone I know, almost no exceptions, is in the ‘just the flu’ camp. Oh well.

There’s a PP forum started today re: NYS Covid-2019.
It is literally unbelievable that NYS is not yet reporting even a single confirmed case of Covid-2019 infection.
The CDC defers to state and local health departments as to whether and how much information to make public re: Covid-2019 suspected, confirmed, recovered, or deceased cases. Universities, with their substantial international and highly mobile student populations living in close quarters, are hot spots for viral and bacterial spread. Universities and their teaching hospitals have tended to provide little, if any information, citing patient confidentiality. So people in those regions need to rely on informal reports from insiders, who are often health care workers and their immediate families. In addition to the elevated risk of exposure and infection from working on the front lines of the hospital/medical facilities, these workers could be fired for breach of patient confidentiality if it is discovered that they told others about suspected/confirmed Covid-2019 patients at their facility.

thats the estimate the Wall Street Journal gave yesterday. Wow. If even a conservative paper like the WSJ is reporting numbers like that then there isn’t any doubt that this is unstoppable. I understand most cases are mild. Does anyone know what % of cases require medical treatment? Because if it’s even 5% that will bring the global health system and a lot of other systems to their knees and the impact this thing won’t be over in a few weeks

Two new videos from The MoneyGPS shed light on China and the global economy during this coronavirus pandemic. His videos tend to be about 10-12 minutes long, are well-researched and very informative.
China Economy Grinds To A HALT! Important Indicators Prove Unprecedented STOP.
If China’s Economy Falls, the Global Economic Collapse Will Follow
Background: David Quintieri from The MoneyGPS goes through in clear, concise and well-researched detail indicators of China’s damaged economy from the coronavirus, and the resulting impact on the global economy. He generally produces one video per day, and always posts a link in the video description to all the charts and resources used in his presentations.
Along with his quirky “thumbnail” graphics in which he cameos and rapid fire presentations, David is well-known for his signature phrase: “You came here for the truth, so let me unveil that for you.” The “7 Shares of Amazon” meme is his tongue-in-cheek reference to those who believe stock ““market”” signals that the economy is doing well (e.g., “I own 7 shares of Amazon, which always goes up.”; “My 401k has never been higher!”). Based in Toronto, Canada, David has a worldwide following.
Disclosure: I have no financial or personal interest in The MoneyGPS or its personnel.

Peppered throughout these threads are data, studies and comments that suggest about 20% of the Covid-2019 infected are categorized as “severe” and needing intense medical monitoring and treatment. Perhaps one of the other PP members can correct me if that figure isn’t right and/or add a link to a source. Caveat: this case severity estimate is based on data from China, which is pretty universally viewed as incomplete and/or suspect.

A fact that this “Gail” doesn’t want to recognize. Being 61 myself, and having worked hard my whole life, I certainly would like to experience a few years of retirement. I think that would be fair. In her scenario, it will be mainly the rich who can afford to have healthcare and live longer lives. Money shouldn’t determine who gets to live and who gets to die.

This emphasizes the difficulty of diagnosis. While the world is watching 14 people who tested negative were allowed to disembark and en route to the air transport, and then some test results came in that changed their status to infected. This seems poorly managed or nefarious. But who knows…just struggling to get facts.

NIH official says coronavirus 'on the verge' of becoming global pandemic unless containment becomes 'more successful'

A top official at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) said Sunday that the coronavirus outbreak is “on the verge” of becoming a global pandemic unless containment of the deadly disease becomes “more successful.” Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, told CBS’s “Face The Nation” that multiple person-to-person transmissions need to occur in multiple countries in order to reach the pandemic threshold. https://thehill.com/homenews/sunday-talk-shows/483294-nih-official-says-coronavirus-on-the-verge-of-reaching-global

Taken from a post at ZH, no specific source is listed.
A fellow American ED doc closely connected with Asia advises that of the 50 infected in Singapore 8 require ICU level care (giving about 16% serous complication rate).

What do they mean that they prioritize economy over human lives? How does the economy benefit if tons of people die?
Less people = less customers/buyers = less demands = less business
Less people = less human capital, value creators & production?
Like, how does economy even exist without the existence of healthy, living, productive human beings? Didn’t we invent money & economy to improve our lives in the first place?
So yeah, I’m at loss as to what top officials mean that the focus should be on saving the economy instead of people when there IS no economy without people…isn’t this kind of like saying the focus should be on saving the ecosystem instead of trees?

The situation is much worse I think most Westerners really do not have an idea just what the government in China is capable of.
I don’t blame the Chinese people, but I do blame their government, the Chinese Communist Party. Communism is bad, m’kay. Just like the former Soviet Union with Chernobyl, you can trust nothing from official sources. They will say and do whatever is necessary to save face.

Interesting info in this article -

China increases quarantine period to 21 days (hopefully US does the same !)

Also - not confirmed but a *potential* case from Novemberthat may have transferred with 94 day incubation.

“The county government announced it would extend the home quarantine period from 14 to 21 days for residents who had been to Hubei or had contact with people who had been there.

It also reported a case that was confirmed 94 days after the patient’s contact with a relative from Hubei. The patient had taken care of his father-in-law, who arrived from Wuhan on November 13 and died days later. The son-in-law continued to stay in the father-in-law’s house until January 31. However, the government statement said the origin of the son-in-law’s infection had yet to be identified.”


Couldn’t have worded it better! Your last sentence summarizes why people are preoccupied with this idea perfectly.

Here Comes The Plague song:
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/5ryNrZLhCcDq92dEP0wLlh
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=loiFUWKF8LY

I’ve read that some of the people from the ship didn’t want to fly back because of the additional 14 day quarantine. That they would be getting off the ship in a few days if they stayed in Japan.
14 people who were on board the ship, who are flying back have now tested positive. Makes me wonder if any of the ones that stayed, may be positive.

Funny how people like Gail are fine with these abhorrent beliefs as long as they are the ones defining what and who qualifies as “deadwood”. I doubt she would like it if she was classified as deadwood!

Here Comes The Plague song:
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/5ryNrZLhCcDq92dEP0wLlh
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=loiFUWKF8LY



After I read that microwaves alter the fats in food. Frankly haven’t missed it.

Severe acute respiratory syndrome, or SARS, had an outbreak in 2003. Since then it hasn’t reoccurred in the wild, but there have been six separate incidents of it escaping the lab: one in Singapore, one in Taiwan, and four times at one lab in Beijing.
Nice history article here of leaks over time: