Why Covid-19 Demands Our Full Attention

If the intent was to head straight to self quarantine, I might be sympathetic. The one receiving the most publicity wants to go out exploring & shopping in Japan, and who knows where else…
I can’t speak to their situation obviously, and it must suck, but I think we should consider them all potentially infected, and this quarantine a failure.

I’m not sure I trust myself with an open flame on the stove Zana if I’m really sick. At least a microwave has a timer and is quick.

Sparky, that number is horrifying. If 20% is close to correct, then 4 hundred million people will need hospital treatment for Covid 19 this year. Even if the correct number is only 5% then we are still talking about 100 million people needing hospital beds
That means that the medical system will be overwhelmed, hospital care won’t be available for most and as a result the case fatality rate will skyrocket. I know you PP folks have been saying this for weeks, but once you look at the actual numbers, the impact is staggering
and that means There’s no way we are going to see the V shaped recovery Bloomberg news is talking about.

One of the biggest challenges in controlling spread of the virus…we don’t have the means to sufficiently find it…
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) is “NOT currently spreading in the community in the United States,” but that it is an “emerging, rapidly evolving situation.”
It is impossible to be sure that the virus is not spreading without more extensive testing,” stated Jane M. Orient, M.D., president of Doctors for Disaster Preparedness. Testing for COVID-19 has been restricted to “persons under suspicion” (PUIs), that is persons with fever, signs of a lower respiratory infection, and a history of travel to China or exposure to a person known to have COVID-19 or travel to China within 14 days of symptom onset.
The CDC has now liberalized the criteria: “For severely ill individuals, testing can be considered when exposure history is equivocal (e.g., uncertain travel or exposure, or no known exposure) and another etiology has not been identified.” The availability of test kits is limited, and “performance issues” were identified in the manufacturing of one of the reagents, so these will need to be replaced.
“With all laboratory tests, there are both false positives and false negatives,” Dr. Orient warned.
On social media, people with cough and fever are posting their concerns that hospitals will not test them for COVID-19 even if they are negative for influenza—

A new bombshell paper from the Beijing-sponsored South China University of Technology says that the Wuhan Center for Disease Control (WHCDC) could have spawned the contagion in Hubei province.

Hong Kong health department due to the shortage of N95 Medical Mask released this process for making your own DYI health mask, about 80% effective so would not want to use in hospital environment. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNjpH5lBZ8w

I’m at loss as to what top officials mean that the focus should be on saving the economy instead of people…isn’t this kind of like saying the focus should be on saving the ecosystem instead of trees?
You're new here so maybe you are unaware of the economic background to all this developed on sites like this over the last 12 years since the 2008 crisis. Essentially, the economy died back in 2008 and what we perceive as "markets" since has been the resurrected zombies made to appear alive like Weekend at Bernies. The consensus is that "the economy" has morphed into a gigantic ponzi scheme, an unprecedented bubble supported only by central bank money printing directed to where it needs to go to offset the deflationary crash that is always waiting to happen with hyperinflation from the inherent worthlessness of the dollar since so much of it has been printed into existence out of nothing and thrown into the "markets". The reasons behind this are fascinating and well covered here. Fundamentally, the reason for this is that the economy can no longer grow organically due to resource constraints. This then throws all conventional economics out the window. Without growth, half the population in jobs today associated with growth would be unemployed. Furthermore, robots have taken so many of our jobs so that adds additional pressure on the system. Thirdly, our manufacturing based has been outsourced to China because it is cheaper there due to currency manipulation. The only thing holding this together is consumer spending which provides enough GDP and jobs for everyone in the service sector to avert disaster. That is why interest rates have been continually reduced and personal debt levels soared. When the inevitable crash eventually comes, expect a mad max type scenario to emerge which will be unavoidable when unemployment jumps to 80% and the government no longer has the means to print money to support people due to a currency crash and huperinflation. Clearly such a crash would claim more than the measly 1% death rate of this virus so if authorities let draconian quarantine measures interfere with consumer spending and manufacturing in China then the results would be catastrophic if this managed to topple the ponzi scheme financial system. Personally, I think they will use the virus as a good news story, just like a war. Supposedly wars stimulate GDP as spending and activity ramps up. They'll do something similar here to provide a response to the virus. Combine this with lower interest rates and it's a good news story for the economy, provided they lift quarantine restrictions. On the other hand, maybe they'll just let the system go and bring in a reset. It's a possibility but I doubt it based on how they have been behaving so far.

I came across this on Reddit this morning. Looked useful so I am reposting it here:

Nursing 101: Caring for your loved ones at home

Your goal as a home healthcare provider is to build and support the immune system, limit the progression of the disease, and effectively communicate with local healthcare providers to determine if additional care or hospitalization is needed.

Start a medical folder or chart for each person while everyone is still healthy if possible. Have this on hand during phone calls with medical providers and for medical care/hospitalizations.

  • Birthday

  • Height and Weight

  • Medical history: diagnoses, surgeries, hospitalizations

  • Medications-prescription and herbal supplements: name, dose, frequency. For as needed medications like Tylenol or Tums, note the date and time taken.

  • Normal vital signs: Pulse beats per minute. Temperature. Respirations per minute. Blood Oxygen Level % (pulse oximeters can be purchased online and in drug stores inexpensively). Pain level on a scale of 0-10 including: location, duration, description. Tracking for seven to ten days at different times should be sufficient to establish a baseline. *Blood pressure readings at home can be inaccurate and cause alarm so unless you have a loved one with bp issues, I might skip bp. To double check an at home bp reading, you can visit your local pharmacy. You may also want to purchase a stethoscope and take an online crash course on listening to the various breath sounds.

  • Include: a chart with normal vital signs by age group, charts for proper Tylenol and Ibuprofen doses by age/weight. These can be given at the same time. Tylenol every 4 hours, Ibuprofen every 6. Some doctors recommend alternating every 3 hours to have continuous coverage.

  • Copy of ID and insurance card if you have one.

  • Research your medical system/insurance. Find out who your primary care doctor is, if your insurance covers telephone nurses or doctors, in home visits, urgent care centers, and emergency rooms. Keep these names, numbers, and locations in each folder.

When illness begins:

  • Note onset date, symptoms, and vital signs every 4-8 hours depending on severity.

  • Note calls to physicians and their advice.

  • Note interventions. As symptoms become more severe also document vital signs before and after to see if what you are doing is working.

Caring for someone with viral respiratory symptoms:

  • Wash your hands with soap and water before and after each contact. Wear a protective mask if available.

  • Keep the windows of the room open if temperature permits or air out room several times a day.

  • Encourage patient to spend time outside daily in the sunshine in the yard, porch, or on a patio if possible to limit exposure to others.

  • Change bedding daily, clothing twice daily.

  • Morning and night showers with steam.

  • Drink 2 liters of water per day (includes soups and teas). Urine should be slightly yellow in color, darker urine indicates dehydration.

  • Caffeine in green tea or coffee can help to open the airways.

  • Saline nebulizer or saltwater steam inhalation every 4 hours to coat the lungs with antimicrobial properties.

  • Incentive spirometer or deep breathing exercises every 2 hours except when sleeping.

  • Allow fever up to 102 if they can stand it. Your body raises the temperature to assist the immune system.

  • Warm herbal teas to soothe the throat from coughing (peppermint, eucalyptus, fenugreek, ginger, licorice).

  • Salt water gargle (children under 6 and elderly may not be able to do this safely)

  • Elderberry syrup, Vitamin C, and garlic (1-2 raw cloves/day) as antivirals-Begin within 48 hours of symptom onset for best results.

  • Multivitamins twice daily

  • Chest percussion/postural draining of the lungs twice daily if the patient is young, elderly, not coughing well, or oxygen saturations are below their normal reading. https://www.cff.org/Life-With-CF/Treatments-and-Therapies/Airway-Clearance/Basics-of-Postural-Drainage-and-Percussion/

To reduce a fever without medication or while you’re waiting: Strip clothes down to a T-shirt and underwear, limit bedding to a flat sheet. Turn on a room fan. Use warm washcloths to wipe down the patient’s arms, legs, back, face. (You are simulating sweating.) Ice packs wrapped in towels can be placed under armpits, behind the neck, at the lower back or groin, and behind knees. Cool water, ice chips, or popsicles can be given.*Do not submerge the patient in water. You can cause shock. The goal is to slowly lower the temperature and reverse the feedback loop.Temperature should normalize, but may return in a few hours. This cycle is okay and normal. Fever helps the immune system, but you do want to treat it if the fever is making the patient uncomfortable or if the temperature rises to 102.

“Hospitals are only an intermediate stage of civilization, never intended … to take in the whole sick population. May we hope that the day will come … when every poor sick person will have the opportunity of a share in a district sick-nurse at home.” – Florence Nightingale

***Please note: You should review your medical plan with your physician before illness sets in. Make sure that the herbal remedies, medications, and medical plan for your family is appropriate for their age, medical history, and medical conditions and that nothing listed here is contraindicated. Encourage and ask your healthcare provider for other ideas or interventions to best prepare. Note also that in an emergency internet access may not be available, so it is important to have a paper record.


posting as I have found it increasingly difficult to get timely updates on the cruise ship…
99 new cases. This makes 454 cases out of 3700…~ 12% infection rate…
which will likely continue to rise as they said all passengers will eventually be tested

Coronavirus could impact 5 million companies worldwide, new research shows

Dun & Bradstreet researchers found that at least 51,000 companies worldwide, 163 of which are in the Fortune 1000, have one or more direct or “tier 1” suppliers in the impacted region, while at least 5 million — and 938 in the Fortune 1000 — have one or more “tier 2″ suppliers. https://www.cnbc.com/2020/02/17/coronavirus-could-impact-5-million-companies-worldwide-research-shows.html

Would a dedicated thread for home care be possible? Would be nice to have Sandpuppy’s and the Nursing Reddit thread recommendations in one location along with similar content. Something to bookmark versus searching for. Apologies if this has already been developed.

My hands are cracking too and I live in the South with high humidity and warmer weather. Just remember that those cracked hands are an opening for bacteria and virus intrusion. Get some hand cream to mitigate the cracking. (I need to take my own advice. LOL)

Only experience with homeopathic treatment is recommend dosing for serious problems with poison ivy reaction. Not a magic bullet, but did significantly reduce the problems.
From 1918 flu account, it seems that the use of aspirin (fever breaker?) was a negative impact on the outcome. The major benefit of the homeopathic treatment may have been just to prevent the use of aspirin and its apparent negative effect on the body’s natural immune system and feedback loop to prevent unnecessary/out of control inflammation.

While it is understood that there are diagnostic problems, the tone of your post verges on dis-information or perhaps you did not read your source?
“During the evacuation process, after passengers had disembarked the ship and initiated transport to the airport, U.S. officials received notice that 14 passengers, who had been tested 2-3 days earlier, had tested positive for COVID-19. These individuals were moved in the most expeditious and safe manner to a specialized containment area on the evacuation aircraft to isolate them in accordance with standard protocols,” the U.S. Department of State said in a release."

There is some evidence green tea may help with viral sore throat when gargled. Sounds weird, but I’ve tried it & it’s much more pleasant than peroxide or salt water, and seems beneficial.

Chris…would you recommend an at-home oxygen generator (which can be had for $600 +/-) to bolster at home treatment?

All we can do is make the attempt to educate people about this.
We have a rather small circle that we hang with and everyone has been informed and on board. Our group reasonably lives a sustainable lifestyle. We are not perfect but we strive to help one another and improve our position daily.

I wouldn’t put much value on that biologist opinion, they will tow the government line to the end of the earth. I used to date a gal that when to school there…long time ago.
Even then it was a progressive, grant-sucking, close-minded, sportball-loving institution (for Alum donations) of lower learning for the most part. Any research out of there imo is self-serving and aimed at grabbing another bundle of taxpayer funds in a last ditch effort to keep the doors open.
I may have missed something but I doubt it.

Hey Ben and BilL I still have some hope that ‘it won’t be that bad’. However, if it is bad, we can rest assured that most people won’t admit it until it is too late. Just like the markets, we should have fixed that crap a long time ago but even to this day, very few of the thinking class sees any problem with our living arrangements

Re: Nursing 101: Would a dedicated thread for home care be possible? Would be nice to have Sandpuppy’s and the Nursing Reddit thread recommendations in one location along with similar content. Something to bookmark versus searching for. Apologies if this has already been developed.
I have some megathreads of past comments going up in the Forums. So far I have them for January. That's about as far as I've gotten. It takes a huge amount of time to go back and manually read, sort and link the comments. February's comments will be up later in the week as I can get them sorted. First two are up. The third will be as soon as PP unfreezes me. The antispam software locked me out just now, lol. Guess I posted too much/too big. First two are here: Coronavirus: Medicinals, Herbals and Supplements Megathread for January 2020 Coronavirus: Sanitation, PPE and Self Quarantine Megathread for January 2020 ADDED: Third post is up now. Coronavirus: Home Prep, Deep Pantry & Gardening Megathread for January 2020