Why Covid-19 Demands Our Full Attention

just wondering how long before the WHO uses the propaganda watchdogs… FB Twitter, YouTube etc. to shut down ANY discussion about how to prepare for this bioweapon as it rampages across the world (and their precious stock markets).


I’ve been scouring for alternative treatments for ARDS and randomly came upon some products sold for RSV and Bronchiolitis in children and infants. Anyway, found the above linked article which seems to support using hypertonic saline nebulizer. Which I interpret to mean using saline in a humidifier may be good as well lol (not medical advice, I need to research that subject next lol ;). I do have a home nebulizer and will purchase the hypertonic nebs just in case.

Might be of help relieving congestion.

For me, the turning point came with the travel bans. Once all the flights were stopped from China I felt much more relieved. Growth outside of China has been very slow (at least reported). In addition, 896 cases outside of China, 5 deaths, CFR of .5%. I’ve been following this story since January 25th. Its been 3 weeks and I’m not seeing any outbreaks anywhere other than Hubei Province.
China is about to start ordering people to get back to work. It wouldnt surprise me that the lockdown efforts will end up being more harmful than the virus itself as people are losing access to basic necessities.
Call me optimistic or naive, but I’m feeling better about this situation.

At the very least it appears that the novel pneumonia was known at the highest level on January 2. Jennifer Zeng has been following the COVID-19 story and I consider her to be a reliable source.
In addition the Daily Mail also reports that Botao Xiao and Lei Xiao of the South China University of Technology suggest that the Wuhan Centre for Disease Control (which is not the BSL4 lab) could have spawned the outbreak. I cannot find this original report but the mere fact that it exists and was allowed to be published suggests that the narrative in changing.

Spent a career on the tip of the spear as a fighter pilot. Always prepare for the worst, in order to allow yourselves to hope for the best.
Passive deception in the game too I bought biohazard quarantine signs for example

I don’t know what to make of China data since it’s a bunch of crap (also maybe the millions locked in their homes cant get out to be tested).
I posted the data below outside of China…
In less than 1 month cases went from 9 to 781 ( an 8,578% increase). That seems fairly fast to me… I take with grain of salt because it does include the cruise ship #s. I’d like to see how the Singapore cases rise in next few weeks to make better guess on spread rate outside of China.

Was just on the phone with a friend who is a nurse. Her info and mine/yours is different
Interesting: Article tells nurses - “Masks give a false sense of protection and cronovirus is NOT airborne.”
Good thing that fake news is heavily censored.(sarcasm)

How long before Wordpress shuts down this site

I worked out the numbers in response to a friend from Toronto being so self assured in her confidence that the great city of Toronto, province of Ontario in the vast land of Canada would provide sound guidance and care for all for COVID-19. Not so fast say the unbiased numbers. Ontario has a population of 14.5 million. If only one percent get infected, then 145,000 are the number of cases. If only one percent of the one percent need ICU support, then than means 1450 patients need respirators etc. The total number of respirator assisted bed in Ontario is 1057. So at a vastly underestimated scenario, the Province of Ontario is 393 beds short. Today.

RIP Gary Richrath.
I’m sure he is playing his awesome guitar Rifs and watching out for us from above.

Reading the article, it carefully dances around the issue of the data inputs being insufficient, which PP has been talking about for weeks:

What surprises me most about this current story about the Novel Corona Virus is how shallow a story this is through the lens of Chinese censorship and their domestic media control.
It has no substance, it has no depth, it lacks the character that comes with honest facts and genuine solutions.
I am unimpressed by how one dimensional the state and media apparatus over there appears to us now that they have the floor all to themselves now that everything industrial has been silenced.
Like a barren desert.
Like a cartoon cut-out.
That is what you get with crony leadership that does not tolerate any arguments or dissent. And that should be obvious to all onlookers as the Chinese economy has ground to a halt.
And what remains?
The only thing that country is exporting right now are lies, propaganda and disease. The tide went out and we all see the CCP is swimming naked.
Way to go Mr Xi.

The only thing holding this together is consumer spending which provides enough GDP and jobs for everyone in the service sector to avert disaster. That is why interest rates have been continually reduced and personal debt levels soared.
  VERY INTERESTING BACKGROUND! Really got me thinking! I know some of the problems with the current economy, like value shifting instead of value creation, drastic job loss from automation. That's why I've been such an avid supporter of Andrew Yang for the 2020 presidential run. He wrote a book which specially addressed the extreme outcomes we've experienced, like sky rocketing debts, creating exotic formulas which led to the mortgage crisis, fed interest policies etc.,. So if I understand what you are saying correctly, everything boils down to consumer spending. Then wouldn't consumer spending suffer massively if the "consumers" have died from the virus, and the consumers' family unit broke down and/or thrown into poverty due deaths and/or getting disabled from the virus. I feel consumer spending depends on consumers being prosperous, thriving and thus having the ability to spend. I just don'tsee how enabling the virus to kill millions of people (aka consumers), and having millions more deal with the resulting trauma/despair/dysfunctions would help with that...


File this under the “I’m shocked. Absolutely shocked, I say”

"The Process Failed": US Breaks Cruise Ship Quarantine, Flies 13 Infected Americans To Omaha Facility Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the National Institutes of Health, told the USA TODAY editorial board and reporters Monday that the original idea to keep people safely quarantined on the ship wasn't unreasonable. [My snarky comment: Really? Locking well people in ultra-close contact with the infected?] Yet where the entire story falls on its face is that even with the quarantine process on the ship, virus transmission still occurred. One can only hope that there are proper precaution pathways in place to prevent transmission now that at least 13 infected cruise passengers are now on US soil. "The quarantine process failed," Fauci said. "I'd like to sugarcoat it and try to be diplomatic about it, but it failed. People were getting infected on that ship. Something went awry in the process of the quarantining on that ship. I don't know what it was, but a lot of people got infected on that ship." What might have gotten awry is that the virus is airborne and spread via the air conditioning system. .... Unfortunately, since the Diamond Princess was the single biggest incubator of coronavirus cases outside of Wuhan, and since nobody still seems to have a full grasp on how to contain the infection, we have a nagging feeling that this breach of quarantine will come back to haunt the US

Given the current situation, consider the possibilities that all of the below are merely distractions:

  • politics
  • entertainment
  • white collar crime
  • economics
  • finance
  • news
  • sports
  • technology
The real issue is food. Starving people are difficult to rule. This is a community centered around wealth and economic prosperity, among other things. Notice the crop losses, the culling of the pig population, the chicken population, the poisoning of the seas with plastic and radiation. Consider the dystopian possibility that the main events of our world are already scripted. "All the world a stage..." wrote Shakespeare. Was this what he really meant?

Basically: if people start believing that disaster is around the corner, they stop doing much of what they are doing now, which leaves many people who provide these things out of a job: restaurants, tourism, a new car you may not be able to pay off, frivolous clothes and shoes, and gadgets, higher education perhaps, and so many more consumer items. It is best to keep everything going for as long as possible so people don’t lose their jobs unnecessarily (after all, we’ve narrowly avoided other pandemics before). Of course if people started planning for “powerdown” - a way of life that honors the finite nature of our planet - slowly over time, or if there was an organized powerdown with retraining and reskilling for those who lose their jobs - we wouldn’t be here now.

Here’s what NHK (Japan news) is saying. https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/news/tags/82/ click coronavirus tab