Why Covid-19 Demands Our Full Attention

First I want to reiterate what most of us feel which is deep gratitude to Chris and Adam for their integrity, hard work, courage, willingness to lead us through this maze.
And then thanks also to all the members who are sharing invaluable information from around the globe.
I worked in dentistry (hygienist) for decades including when we used no masks or gloves. I am in a FB group for dental hygienists and a hygienist from Canada said today they are already in shortage for masks and made some suggestions for working around it. So much for calling my previous employer and trying to buy some masks!.
Today I went to our local Lowe’s to get some masks after the suggestion from Chris on the Q and A call. They were almost sold out. The ones I was able to get are not even good enough for painting although it does say they are OK for dust mites (I thought those critters are extremely small- not sure how this adds up).
I have seen posts here about using elderberry, colloidal silver, and homeopathy as well as some other things. I investigated homeopathy in the 90’s and found the exact problem mentioned. It is very effective, but getting it right is very complicated.
What I did find that is very effective, safe and easy to use are essential oils. I have studied and used them since 1999, I became certified as a Clinical Aromatherapist. I use essential oils every single day and credit my very good health and youthful looks to them. I had my 75th birthday in December. I made a new saying to celebrate copying from the “60 is the new 40” idea I came up with “75 is the new 25”! Of course, its a joke but most people put me at about 60. Thank you oils.
So why all the background? I have used essential oils inside and out for, like I said, more than 20 years. Did you know that it was plant oils that wiped out the Black Plague in the middle ages? Thieves admitted they rubbed certain spices on themselves so they could rob bodies and not get sick. Marseilles Vinegar was created with spices soaked in vinegar and then given out to for gargling. That is credited by many for ending the plague. And of course, the history of plants as medicine goes back thousands of years.
I am going to remain FDA compliant and not make any claims. But there is plenty of qualified research to back up the effectiveness of essential oils for many situations.
How will I use them? Diffuse in the air, gargle, ingest appropriately. Of yes, and those crappy masks I got at Lowe’s? I will make a spray of the oils I know certain creatures hate (but my body loves) and spray those masks so they become personal walking diffusers of potent plant oils,
One caveat with essential oils. Quality is everything.
Dr. Dainel Peneol, a French medical doctor and co-author of the first modern reference book of essential oils, L’aromatherapie Exactment, is quoted as saying, “I’d rather have a single drop of genuine essential oil than a 55-gallon drum of junk product.” So buyer beware. There is plenty of junk out there. It is the wild west.
If you know a reputable vendor/distributor of quality essential oils you may want to talk to them about EO’s. If you want to know from me my website is www.HealthyImagesLLC.com.
My belief; there is hope.

Remdesivir and chloroquine.
For those who aren’t drinkers, Gin was reportedly invented to help kill the taste of quinine, which was mixed in soda water for the British occupiers of colonial India. Chloroquine is the anti-malarial patented to keep us all from becoming alcoholics in the jungle.

I placed an order for N95 and P100 masks from safety company. They are likely to have plenty of stock.

I see from Chris’s video tonight that China is prescribing Arbidol (anti-viral agent) to suspected Covid-19 patients. This isn’t available in the US (not FDA approved). Tamiflu is FDA approved but I have no idea if it would be effective since it for treating the Flu. Hopefully a Physician here can reply. Or if Tamiflu isn’t appropriate would would you recommend? This would be kept at home & only used if I get infected. I figure its would be best to avoid hospitals or any Medical centers when this breaks out. I would very like contact a physician at home via phone before taking it (presuming I can get in contact with a Physician if this is a full crisis).
Presuming I do get infected, probably my only real option is to self-isolate & treatment at home, presuming that hospitals\med Centers would already be overwhelmed and probably useless for any treatment.
That said, I have been stocking up on some OTC meds: Cough medicine, NSAIDs & Tylenol (Fever relief), Decongestants, presuming Medical care is overwhelmed and bascially in accessible to new patients. I realize these would only treat the symptoms, and would not be a cure. Nor would an anti-viral drug be a cure either.
I could possible do some basic tests at home Blood Oxygen levels via a Pulse Oximeter and a WBC via refractometer. Is there are any other tests I can perform at home that would be useful?

Theory on cover-up of case in NY. Nothing really verifiable here, I am very skeptical. What are the chances that this type of thing is actually occurring?

The CDC reported the first human-to-human (H2H) Covid-2019 transmission in the US on Jan. 30th. I wonder how many of the 15 confirmed US cases to date are from H2H transmission vs. “imported” from travelers passing through China or other Asian countries. Dr. Gabriel Leung’s research projected the global infection rate would increase exponentially as the virus became self-spreading after initially being “seeded” in countries by Covid-2019 imported from travelers from China.
We should expect the numbers of “seed” Covid-2019 cases to increase with the influx of repatriated US citizens from other countries and cruise ships, as well as from the military given that they’ve quarantined their at-risk personnel and their families/close contacts effective Feb. 2nd. These “seed” cases from travelers might be considered the first wave of infections. I think that first wave of “seed” infections is well underway, but is being minimized by the “authorities”.
A second, much larger wave is likely to be among close contacts with those “seed” travelers. I think that second wave has already begun and the public is being kept in the dark for the most part about these cases. Thereafter, I think a third wave of infections will come from incidental contacts among the general public. This wave will result in massive numbers of cases as the virus spreads throughout small to large geographic regions.
For approximately 12 weeks from the estimated start date of the first Covid-2019 case (mid-Nov. 2019 - Feb. 1, 2020) there was no attempt to curtail exposure of thousands of military personnel, contractors, and their families from the coronavirus abroad. As of Feb. 2, those troops and close contacts that were potentially exposed in Covid-2019 hotspots were to be quarantined for 14 days here in the US and abroad. Regardless of whether 14 days is a sufficient time for quarantine, these asymptomatic and/or test negative military personnel and their contacts would be scheduled for release this week or soon after.
I believe there’s an information blackout concerning military Covid-2019 cases that would have already started presenting by now. This blackout would be imposed so as not to alert enemies of potential US military vulnerability, as well as to not alarm the public. Note that 14 military bases (that we know of) and other facilities are being used to quarantine repatriated US citizens.
So along with universities, we might add military bases and communities in which they are located to the growing list of potential Covid-2019 hotspots. We should be on the lookout for reports from military insiders such as family members and health care workers in the days and weeks ahead as this virus spreads.

As a retired big city east coast police Sergeant I can tell you police are routinely ordered not to reveal to the public the truth about certain issues. It would not surprise me in the least if New York State, counties and cities are ordering police, fire and medical personnel to not reveal any facts or experiences related to the Wuhu Flu.

Hi, vital vision (MB), I went to your website and you surely do not look 75;, I will be getting back to you about that ?
Two things you probably already know: 1) Homeopathic remedies are often antidoted by volatile substances such as gasoline vapors, this includes volatile essential oils. 2)The plague was a bacterial, not a viral disease. Essential oils could potentially strengthen the immune system, but I do not know if they would inactivate a virus already in the body. Perhaps they inactivate viruses on surfaces.
Please, can you include some more documented information or anecdotes ref. to clariy these points. Thank you.

If I start to see a generalised absence of updates from the truth tellers that I follow, then I’m taking it to mean that things are far worse than I thought and will immediately hit high alert.
This is based on the basic premise that the censorship is designed to prevent me from gaining access to a broader body of knowledge which I use to develop my own understanding of what’s happening. There’s only one reason they would want that for me. High alert.

Thanks for your post lady VV.
For years we also have enjoyed the benefit’s of EO’s.
One of my favorites is Eucalyptus, or Breathe oils mixed with water and ladled onto the lava rocks in our wood-fired sauna. Extremely relaxing and cleansing. I passed your site info on to my wife. Perhaps she will be in touch. Take care.

Trump administration

According to BuzzFeed News, The Epoch Times is known as "one of the staunchest defenders of Donald Trump's presidency."[4] The paper has championed Trump's Spygate conspiracy theory in its news coverage and advertising, and the Epoch Media Group's Edge of Wonder videos on YouTube have spread the right-wing, pro-Trump QAnon conspiracy theory.[7] The Edge of Wonder hosts, according to The Daily Dot, "embrace QAnon completely" even though "almost nothing QAnon has foretold has actually taken place."[64] An NBC News report found that the Edge of Wonder hosts have been creative director and chief photo editor at The Epoch Times, and the newspaper promoted Edge of Wonder videos in dozens of Facebook posts through 2019.[7] The hosts and the newspaper's publisher deny that they are currently affiliated.[7][65][66] In a response to a BuzzFeed report about The Epoch Times' coverage of Trump, The Epoch Times editor-in-chief Jasper Fakkert wrote in a letter to readers: "We see the Trump administration's efforts to change socialist policies in America, as well as set policies to counter infiltration and subversion by China, as remarkable reversals from past policies, and sincere efforts that, if fully realized, will benefit America and the world as a whole."[4][5] In April 2018, The Epoch Times publisher Stephen Gregory and editor-in-chief Jasper Fakkert reported a third-hand claim that Donald Trump reads The Epoch Times every day and "it's the one newspaper that he believes to be a truthful and correct paper."[4][67] In September 2018, The Epoch Times photographer Samira Bouaou broke White House protocol and handed Trump a folder during an official event.

Given the shear population numbers, diversity and travel habits of NYC, let alone the rest of the state, I think it is extremely unlikely that there are NO confirmed Covid-2019 cases and only about 16 tested cases in total. These figures make no sense and run counter to statistical probability even given what little we know about this virus.
I think it is entirely plausible that emergency and medical personnel have been advised not to report or share information about potential or confirmed Covid-2019 cases. That approach would be completely consistent with the controlled drip-drip-drip flow of information from WHO, CDC, government and other health “authorities” who seem to fear potential panic spread (which threatens global trade) more than pandemic spread (which threatens global lives). These authorities have consistently downplayed and outright denied viable information and research until it becomes so obvious to the masses that they reluctantly, belatedly and only partially modify their positions and guidance.

Among the foreign (predominantly Western) Friends of Falun Gong, we find the likes of Mark Palmer of Freedom House. Freedom House is a quasi-intelligence front created by the CIA-connected Open Society Institute of elite George Soros. In addition to Palmer, Freedom House has counted among its top management the former CIA Director James Woolsey, neocons Bernie Aronson and Diana Negroponte, super elite Zbigniew Brzezinski, former Clinton National Security Advisor Anthony Lake, Clinton Commerce Secretary Stuart Eizenstat, and the late Congressman Tom Lantos and his wife.
This is what I was referring to. Falun Gong and Epoch Times are spooky as Hell. They support and push Q-anon! LOL. That’s hilarious. They are pro Yankee militarist deep state. And, btw, I have been down rabbit holes you can’t begin to imagine. Have been trying to get the scoop on Falun Gong for years. Felt there was something hinkey about them.
I have no love at all for the Chinese government. It doesn’t mean that I appreciate crap information about them. You are entitled to your opinions, Dave…but not your facts.

I don’t need any more masks but I went to their site out of curiosity. If you go to their online store, all their particulate masks are “out of stock”.


Given that elections are mass-gatherings, they could be ‘delayed’ until the end of the ‘current emergency’ on public health and safety grounds.
The last time the USA had a crisis of this possible magnitude was 1933. That ‘emergency’ has never ended, nor has the ‘emergency’ which started what we call the Korean War, nor has what we call WWII. The last time I looked, there were at least 4 active ‘emergencies’ in the US to justify extraordinary actions taken by the Executive branch of the government.
Electronic voting will either be hacked or disallowed based on the debacle in the Iowa primary.
The 2020 election may well be the Election That Never Was.

I haven’t done a deep dive into falun gong, but I have to say, they don’t sound like horrible people.
Independently of who their “friends” are (that you find objectionable), do you have actual evidence of core beliefs they hold that you find spooky? They are pretty up front about what they believe, as I recall. Their leader gives all sorts of speeches as to what their core beliefs are. I scanned a few of them. That’s why I’m not a joiner. But I don’t think they deserve to get tossed into prisons and have their organs harvested. Same with the Muslims in Xinjiang. No interest in being a Muslim either, but - again - not right to toss them into camps by the millions. [If you find it spooky that FG does a group meditation when a bell rings at 6pm, what must you feel when Muslims pray 5 times a day to the sounding of a horn?]
If you’re going to do a Falun Gong takedown, providing a List-O-Friends doesn’t do it for me. After all, KKK leaders like Trump. Communists like Bernie, and Osama Bin Laden worshipped Mohammed. That doesn’t mean Trump is a KKK member, or that Bernie is a Communist, or that everyone that worships Mohammed is like Osama Bin Laden.
Gasping about Spygate doesn’t do it for me either. Its pretty clear that’s roughly what happened - the 4 FISA warrants were used against Papadapolous to get two-hop electronic information (emails, texts, both historical and real time - everything NSA collects, or has ever collected) from everyone in Trump’s campaign - by the Obama admin. That’s using our intel agencies to spy on a rival campaign under the guise of “investigating russian collusion”. Human spies are a red herring. Its the NSA feed they wanted. And got. That’s Spygate.
Q-anon, I’m not familiar. Heard the world, but - perhaps that’s a rabbit hole you went down that I didn’t. You’d have to provide me with specifics as to what Falun Gong supports about q-anon, rather than just the general statement.
And also - getting down to specifics again - which information about the CCP do you find to be crap? Organ harvesting/transplant tourism? Xinjiang concentration camps? Repression of Falun Gong? Lying about the corona virus - causes, infections, and deaths?
If you get the sense I’m looking for specific evidence rather than general statements of “they have bad friends and are spooky people”, well, you’d be right on target.

Its important to get info on the virus from persons and institutes who don’t have an axe to grind.
I am sure many of the Falung Gong are lovely people – but that’s immaterial.
Though I wouldn’t call Chris apolitical, the information he provides about the virus is. I have a sense he can spot conflict of interest in mainstream and alternative media as well.
If you would like to lard on more contempt please contact me through a pm.

I keep a bag of ice in my top loading freezer but that’s just for odd occasions. It strikes me that ice will be very important if you need to cool down an infected person’s fever. Either in cold packs applied to their body, or ice baths in the tub. Its a resource that is easily made in a freezer and stored if you plan for a bit of space.
Something else, if all you have is a standard refrigerator, with a small upper freezer unit, now might be the time to buy a small top loading freezer (5-7 cubic foot is ideal). They can be bought for less than $175. You can save a bunch of money with buying food when on sale or in large units if you have one. I regularly buy large roasts when they are on sale, and carve them up into stew meat to freeze for later. Ice too.

Sharon’s FB post on the election is up thread. Good analysis of the Democratic side.
I worry what Trump might do if he looks like he is going to lose the election and the virus is doing a lot of chaos to the economy. If he declares an emergency, who could stop him?