Why Covid-19 Demands Our Full Attention

I am trying to dig into what kinds of items have gone out of stock in the US already as a result of the industrial closures in China.
We know for example that N95 facemasks are almost impossible to find. And there have been a few anecdotal stories about auto parts, electronics and fabrics that are causing plant shut downs outside of China.
But what else is disappearing due to the nature of just-in-time delivery and how critical are the shortages? There seem to be a few companies producing data but I don’t see any information that is freely accessible.
The reason I got curious was because the affordable blood Oximeter I bought last week is now out of stock so I could not get a second one for my sister.
Wow, things are moving fast.
Chris was right. Preparations needed to be done yesterday before everyone else caught on and some important items vanished from the shelves.

Speaking of Out of Stock items. I hadn’t really thought what I was going to use if I had to quarantine someone. I happened to catch some tv last night and saw a medical gown that tied in the back and had sleeves. Thought that would work.
I noticed a lot of them are out of stock, across most of Amazon. Got the last two boxes of these. Seems like you’ll pay between $1 to 2 per unit.
Get your stuff quickly. Along with gowns I grabbed a uv light sterilizer and an oximeter. Not sure how long they will be there.

Thanks dtrammel. We will likely be hearing a lot of stories like yours in the coming days and some of the items we think of as ordinary might surprise us. Like toilet paper shortages. Feels like Venezuela all of a sudden. I was also trying to buy an old fashioned thermometer. The kind that does not need a battery. Four pharmacies later and I still don’t have one.

The last job I worked, I ran a high capacity saw. It was made by a French company. Every time it broke a part, we had to have it flown next day air from Europe. Not sure if the guy who authorized to buy that machine realized that, lol.
I think we are about to find just how many products under their label have “Parts Made in China”. Its not going to be pretty.
Wall Street is praying this gets resolved in one, maybe two business quarters, and then its back to looting the World for profit. I don’t think its going to happen.Maybe this puts a spike into Amazon and Walmart. Maybe more local and American made products will reappear. I can hope can’t I?

A simple reading is enough to not be surprised.
Hitting the health-care workers.
reporting 305 cases including 105 health-care workers
The first super-spreader, Zhou Zuofen, a fishmonger, checked-in to the Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hospital in Guangzhou on January 31, where he infected 30 nurses and doctors. The virus soon spread to nearby hospitals.[5]
health-care workers spreading the virus.
Dr. Liu is believed to have been a SARS super-spreader: twenty-three other Metropole guests developed SARS, including seven from the ninth floor.
Going vertical

  • twenty-three other Metropole guests developed SARS, including seven from the ninth floor.
  • On state E of the Amoy Gardens housing estate. One theory speculated that the virus was spread by airborne transmission, through dried up U-shaped P-traps in the drainage system which a maritime breeze blew into the estate’s balconies and stairwell ventilation. It was confirmed that the virus spread via droplets, but this later outbreak made officials question the possibility that the virus could be spread through the air.
    SARS spreading by airplane
    the World Health Organization issued a global health alert for SARS as it became clear the disease was being spread by global air travel.
    Chinese silence
  • A Chinese health specialist admitted at a press conference of not informing the public early enough about the outbreak.
  • In the news conference chaired by Gao Qiang several hours earlier, the PRC admitted that in Beijing there were more than 300 cases, as opposed to the previous figure of only 37. One day later the figure had increased to 407. Chinese officials also admitted to major underreporting of cases, which were attributed to bureaucratic ineptitude.
    Chinese firing high placed people:
    eijing’s mayor Meng Xuenong and the health minister of the PRC Zhang Wenkang were replaced respectively by Wang Qishan from Hainan and the former deputy health minister Gao Qiang. They were the first two high-rank officials in the PRC to be dismissed because of the fallout of the epidemic
    Warnings it will stay
    Hong Kong health officials warned that SARS had spread so far domestically and abroad that it was here to stay.
    Global alerts
    On April 11, the World Health Organization issued a global health alert for SARS
    Causing heart attacks
    On March 29, Dr. Urbani died in Bangkok of a massive heart attack.
    Not seen yet but to expected:
    Poor hygiene and a lack of adequate trash disposal seemed to have hastened the spread of the deadly disease.
    SARS retreating in Asia but a flare up in Canada.
agitating prop- Literally everyone has an axe to grind. I learned that in undergrad history. For instance, what you call "larding on contempt" I call "responding to your previous post." Axes, axes everywhere. Another word is: perspective. Everyone has their own perspective. I read articles from SCMP, even though its 50% in the bag for the CCP. I also read articles from HKFP, which may well be a CIA-funded organization. Heck, I even read WAPO articles, now and then, even though it is funded by Amazon/Bezos, and thus - indirectly - by the CIA again. Everyone has an axe to grind. It also doesn't mean they are wrong. You just have to adjust for the perspective. As for FG members being lovely people - I haven't a clue. I don't know anyone who is in FG. Last thing: if you want a PM response, feel free to initiate by sending me one first.
曾錚 Jennifer Zeng
More detail report in Chinese here: http://bit.ly/38yhBHy #COVID2019 #Coronavirus #CoronavirusOutbreak #coronaviruschina
Yanyi Wang(also Wang Yanyi), director of #Wuhan Institute of Virology, issued a notice to researchers on Jan. 2 to pass on telephone message by #China's Nation Health Commission, forbidding anyone to release info of #COVID19. Original and English translation here. #Coronavirus
4:10 PM · Feb 17, 2020·Twitter Web App

I’ve seen elsewhere a statement that SARS-COV-2 is the name of the virus and COVID-19 the name of the disease. Similar to HIV and Aids.

The question nobody seems to be asking themselves is why the guy who became mega-rich selling computer software is suddenly an authority on pandemics.
I might be a great lawyer, but that doesn’t mean I should be commenting on brain surgery. Or that anyone should listen to me.
Tinfoil hat wearing participants may suggest that he had a hand in the current outbreak.
We may never know, but we might want to start looking that direction.

I’ve seen elsewhere a statement that SARS-COV-2 is the name of the virus and COVID-19 the name of the disease. Similar to HIV and Aids.
Welcome to the community Dwight. Yes, we caught that right after they announced it, though many of us have been following this since the beginning and sometimes tend to go with older names for both. You'll get used to it.

Thank you for your respectful response.
I understand the axe to grind so I end up reading a lot – and between the lines. I trust one mainstream source in Canada…sort of and that’s the Toronto Star. I have a subscription to the Globe and Mail and am regularly astounded by the lack of depth and the narrow ideological range expressed there. They do give commenters free rein though, so I get a better overview.
Right now, I think it is best to avoid publications whose main purpose is to demonize China as that angle is going to affect the science behind the coverage of the pandemic. And if Epoch Times is a front for American neo-cons and neo-liberals, we should be particularly guarded.
We are in an era, where the Anglo-American axis of power is in the process of undermining democracy in Europe and Asia to gain geo-strategic advantage. There is propaganda serving this purpose everywhere, particularly online.
I understand very well the suspicion of China and think it’s warranted but I want my information about the technicalities as clean as possible.

I understand that many people use and like essential oils but there are some reasons to be cautious regardless of the quality of the product. I tend to agree with the perspective of a highly experienced herbalist in NE Oregon, April Graham, who has a post on her website - wildwoodapothecary.com - about the down sides of EOs. She is more interested in seeing people use tinctures which use the whole plant (when appropriate) and mostly importantly the extraction process is slow, allowing all the properties of the plant material into the tincture. Not to speak of the tremendous amount of waste that goes into making EOs. Just putting this out there as it’s good to see pros and cons of any potential remedy. And the point that EOs may deactivate any homeopathic remedies.
Just occurred to me to wonder how traditional Chinese medicine docs are addressing this outbreak? Anyone heard anything about that? Thanks all for such great info and discussion. Learning a lot!

I think an ARB might be slightly better. That’s what my post was all about.
Time for a study?
This has been known since 2005 and yet there’s been no study on either the blockers or the inhibitors. I think Dr. Martenson might like the diagram in the below article.

"It has been suggested that ARBs can mediate their action through increasing angiotensin II (Ang II) availability to bind to the beneficial angiotensin type 2 receptor (AT2R), thus leading to unopposed AT2R stimulation.

So long story short, ARBs do not block the gene or the enzyme ACE2. They block the receptor for Angiotensin 2 (AT1R: which is produced by ACE, not ACE2).

I know, it is crazy to sort out. But trust me, ACE inhibitors and ARBs have nothing to do with fighting coronavirus infection."

Response: They have everything to do with avoiding a fatal outcome from SARS or the ninja virus. ARBs block angiotensin II at AT1s, decreasing the likelihood of a cytokine storm. These two viruses saturate the surface sites of circulating angiotensin II type 2 receptors (ACE2) thereby blocking their beneficial effect of inactivating Angiotensin II. Everything else you post is correct. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Joseph_S_Peiris/publication/7679870_Good_ACE_bad_ACE_do_battle_in_lung_injury_SARS/links/54aa33ec0cf256bf8bb96451/Good-ACE-bad-ACE-do-battle-in-lung-injury-SARS.pdf?origin=publication_detail https://peakprosperity.com/forum-topic/covid-news-you-can-use/

Aloha Greendoc,
You and the Claire have posted a web link to a 2004 study showing no ethnic variation in ACE2.
There are other more recent studies on this that support a stronger expression in Han Chinese
It would certainly explain the SARS 1 and 2 (ninja virus) ethnic case breakdown

When stocking up our homes for the future, aside from the obvious that we already know like Toilet paper and prescriptions, does anyone have a comprehensive list of items that will run out on shelves in a month or two?

David, basically everything. One video mentioned plastics, this includes many food products that won’t have packaging available.

Here in Las Vegas we had five people isolated two weeks ago. ALL information since then has been embargoed, using HIPPA (prevention of disclosure of patient information). I strongly suspect that important information is being withheld based on ‘personal’ information.

Yet another “Cursed Liner”…

Yes, I met with a cardiologist yesterday on business unrelated to this pandemic, and he checked my pulse right off. The current medical training says a resting heart rate between 60 and 100 bpm is OK, but that is based on very, very old thinking. Much lower - like down to 60 is better. Sorry no time to look up supporting data for you. Mine is usually around mid 70s and it may take months to get it to 60, but I’ll keep working at it.
My way of getting it lower has been a plant based diet and lots of exercise - I do a very minimum of 40 minutes of aerobic exercise every day, usually 60 minutes, and working toward a goal of 90 minutes a day which the peer reviewed literature shows is the actual optimal amount. Why is only 20 to 30 minutes a day recommended by MDs? Because, as with diet, they are recommending what they believe people are actually willing to do rather than what the science shows is what should be done. Trials with heart rate slowing meds (which also may lower blood pressure which might not be what a person wants to do) actually show added life expectancy with lower heart rates. Being thrifty, I’ll keep riding the bike and walking :slight_smile: Cheers.