Why Covid-19 Demands Our Full Attention

“Gold is money, everything else is credit.” J P Morgan.
The NY Fed dictates the money supply. They have since 1913. An extension of the Bank of England/Rothschild family. I think we heard a few weeks ago that the FED is not federal. It is a private bank. The irs is the collection arm for BOE via federal income tax, also instituted in 1913-14.
“Secrets of the Federal Reserve” Eustace Mullins. There are other well researched books out there but Mullins imo was the best. Creature from Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin another.

How long can China keep the clamps on a 100,000,000 people ? Clamp slips,break or are removed!We will not know if China has pull this till then,but it don’t look good.

I hope that is not completely the case.
If you owned a majority of the world’s current wealth (and I am not talking about countries), what would your gold vault look like? If you owned a printing press and had the ability to print money out of thin air?
The moneychangers are still alive and well on the earth. For now.

Thank you for taking the time to make and share this list of excellent advice with everyone. It has been helpful to me in focusing my thinking.

I’ve been reading PP for year now and it is incredibly informative and useful. This current post is excellent. I live in Tokyo and am VERY concerned about this virus getting onto the subways in such a crowded city.

After watching your new video “You can catch the Coronavirus more than once,” my wife helped me realize we are confused about ACE 2 and ACE 2 receptors. In addition are there two things occurring, the unbalancing of the ACE 2 function as well as the symptoms caused by the virus itself?

  1. Please explain the difference between ACE 2 and ACE 2 receptors.
  2. Is one concern that the virus couples with the ACE 2 receptor which blocks the ACE 2 from coupling and performing its function and causes the unbalancing? Please help us understand this mechanism.
  3. Is the action of the virus on the ACE 2 receptor site or on the ACE 2 molecule itself?
  4. What is the additional destruction caused by the multiplication of the virus cells within the body.

This has turned into the worst case scenario just now. They found an infected passenger - AFTER she flew to Malaysia.
Meaning there have to be more on that ship, many more even, without anybody showing symptoms so there is no way to tell who has what and where they ended up spreading it.
This is a disaster.

Steve, I suspect Chris and the Peak Prosperity crew is getting set up for the live cast scheduled for today, so he might not be able to get back to you soon.
That said, I found this video to be very good at explaining the specifics of ACE2, the immune system of our bodies and how the virus affects the lungs.

Oh yes dtrammel, by all means get a couple of those solar powered lights that include an option to recharge your mobile phone.
Be sure the set includes the multi-plug charger adapter that will have an option to charge more than one style of phone.
They are indispensable.
I lived for many years in rural parts of Africa where power was intermittent and unreliable and could not have managed without them.
Spring for the better quality styles that run about 50 to 60 dollars since those usually have a pair of double AA rechargeable batteries inside that you can replace when the originals wear down.
The cheap models are junk when they stop working or are inaccessible so you cannot maintain them yourself. Over in Kenya we might pay 20 bucks for the same made in China units but here it just costs more.
I had a pair (always buy at least two units) and they worked brilliantly for more than seven years without trouble. So quality pays. And they give a surprising amount of light when the power goes out.
I am a veteran of living the prepper lifestyle although I would never have referred to myself that way. But you do learn a lot living in an environment where resources are scarce and few homes are well supplied.
Besides a few good lamps and an ability to keep your phone alive, your most important resource is going to be your ability to cooperate with neighbors and build social alliances.
Some of the guys I am reading here lately are putting far too much emphasis on defensive moats and personal protection. But I can tell you what you REALLY need when the chips are down and the stress is high are friends (and lots of them).
Much more can be accomplished by sharing and trading resources than in defending a limited pile of supplies.
I mean, don’t you ever wonder why African societies can function and even thrive in spite of grinding poverty? Its because they adapt and start trading at the local level which builds community and thus safety.
It is not a breakdown in our systems that worries me most. It’s the emergence of some excessively independent (and armed) personality types that actually makes life dangerous when the lights go out.

the case of the passenger who tested positive After she left the Westerdam proves Chris right about long incubation period and contagious while asymptomatic. No one on the Westerdam displayed any symptoms during that 14 day period. She had to have been infected by an asymptomatic person on board and as Desogames just pointed out correctly there have to be others on board also infected. Chris caught a lot of flak a couple weeks back for reporting long incubation and asymptomatic transmission but facts have shown he knew what he was talking about

How COVID-19 Kills: The New Coronavirus Disease Can Take A Deadly Turn

"Because our body senses all of those viruses as basically foreign invaders, that triggers our immune system to sweep in and try to contain and control the virus and stop it from making more and more copies of itself," she says. But Furuya says that this immune system response to this invader can also destroy lung tissue and cause inflammation. The end result can be pneumonia. That means the air sacs in the lungs become inflamed and filled with fluid, making it harder to breathe. https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2020/02/14/805289669/how-covid-19-kills-the-new-coronavirus-disease-can-take-a-deadly-turn ============================

5 U.S. cities to start testing patients with flu-like symptoms for coronavirus

"This is just the starting point," Dr. Nancy Messonnier, director of the CDC's National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, said during a press briefing Friday. "We plan to expand to more sites in the coming weeks."

Messonnier said the increased testing is part of an effort to determine whether the virus is spreading in communities across the U.S. "The results would be an early warning signal to trigger a change in our response strategy," she said.

https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/5-u-s-cities-start-testing-patients-flu-symptoms-coronavirus-n1136941 ===================================

Facebook cancels global marketing conference due to the coronavirus outbreak

There were 4,000 people expected to attend

https://www.theverge.com/2020/2/14/21138480/facebook-global-marketing-conference-canceled-coronavirus ============================

Coronavirus impact spreads to European auto plant and could hit GM truck production

Vehicles that could be impacted if the plants were to be idled include the Chevrolet Silverado and GMC Sierra pickup trucks and Chevrolet Tahoe, Chevrolet Suburban, GMC Yukon and Cadillac Escalade SUVs.

University of Florida: Professors Can’t Make Sick Kids Leave Class

https://www.nbcmiami.com/news/local/university-of-florida-professors-cant-make-sick-kids-leave-class/2191422/ ===========================

3 in Western Japan Confirmed Infected with New Coronavirus

The Wakayama prefectural government said Saturday that three more people related to a local hospital have been confirmed infected with the new coronavirus. One is a doctor in his 50s working at Saiseikai Arida Hospital in the Wakayama town of Yuasa, western Japan. Among those related to the hospital, a surgeon in his 50s was confirmed infected with the virus originating in China's Wuhan on Thursday. Wakayama Governor Yoshinobu Nisaka said the possibility of in-hospital infection "can't be denied." The other two are the wife in her 50s of the doctor whose infection has just been confirmed and an inpatient at the hospital in his 60s. https://www.nippon.com/en/news/yjj2020021500391/3-in-western-japan-confirmed-infected-with-new-coronavirus.html

China has added the CT scan as a way to confirm whether positive or not for the virus. And we have read there are many, many false positives and false negatives. Could it be that many who are asympotamatic and test positive are really negative? The Chinese may be onto something. Would the CT scan only find those who are showing symptoms? It gets to be very confusing and not very sure of what we know.

Repost from “Resilient Preparations”: This is a topic I haven’t seen mentioned in the various discussions regarding preparation, so I thought I would bring it up. Whether in a pandemic situation or for other reasons (think stroke, head injury or mental illness), we all run the risk of becoming unable to make our own decisions. As an RN, I have seen many instances in which families become divided over the issue of how to handle health care and who makes the decisions. Please give consideration to creating both an advanced directive and a durable power of attorney for health care. They are not the same thing. An advanced directive outlines your wishes regarding your health care if you become mentally or physically incapacitated. For example, if you have a heart attack, do you want to be resuscitated? If you sustain a serious head injury and EEGs indicate brain death, at what point would you want someone to pull the plug or stop the heroics and let nature take its course? A durable power of attorney designates a specific agent (a backup person is also a good idea) who can make decisions for you if you become incapacitated. While this typically includes health care decisions, it also may include financial or legal decisions. The advance directive defines what you want done while the durable power of attorney identifies who will actually make the decisions and how much power they have – you need both.

Chris I appreciate all you’re doing to report on patterns and data you can find to us.
I think it’s interesting we’re not getting any info about how to increase immune function, bolster natural defenses and health - or what populations are not getting the virus. For example, I haven’t heard anything about children or infants contracting the disease?
I realize you’re going for macro trends and economic impacts, but our species has weathered major viruses in the past, and will in the future - do you have any information specific to bolstering health, populations that don’t seem to be affected, etc.?

Videos posted on Youtube, so a high amount of scepticism is recommended:

All the crematoriums of Hubei are backed up & cannot take bodies

Pulitzer Prize-winning science writer Laurie Garrett, an expert on epidemics and currently, a columnist for Foreign Policy. She breaks down the current COVID-19 outbreak, preventative measures, and why she will be looking closely at Singapore and Hong Kong in the coming weeks to determine if this will develop into a global pandemic. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y-EkQ5CXVcM ===========================

Corona Virus | Wuhan China real leaked live video footage*1

Please excuse the conspiracy theory stuff at the beginning. Seeing how many people are just dropping in the streets should show that you don't want to catch this virus: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=efRTlWKSlx0 These videos have been posted since late January: =======================

The hospital built in 5 days leaks! And not a little...a lot! Exclusive insider's look!!!


Pushing a vegetarian diet is not the major point of the article you posted. Nonetheless, now that you brought it up I’ve switched to a (mostly) vegetarian diet and have done extremely well on it. I highly recommend such a diet for myself. There’s a good documentary called Game Changers on Netflix dealing with this topic for those interested. Interestingly, an analysis of the bones from Roman gladiators showed they subsisted mainly on a plant based diet.

Evidence of Covid-19 triggering more financial stresses on an already over burdened and over indebted financial system. The trickle down collateral damage on local economies will be unfathomable. This kind of support cannot possibly be done without continued massive money printing, which lends more credibility to the idea that this is the triggering Black Swan event.
I feel like the guy on the Titanic who saw the iceberg but knew it was too late to turn. An apt pun would be I have a deep sinking feeling. Lordy, this is not good… ?

Getting back to the main topic of this thread for a second, I think we are belatedly discovering we in the West have an excessive reliance on China for a multitude of critical manufactured goods.
Board rooms had better start waking up because shareholder value is about to crater in some industries because too many eggs were put in the same unstable basket.
The next time some clever young executive tries to convince management that moving all its production to China is a great idea he should be promptly demoted.
Or just duct tape his mouth shut and ask the strategic thinkers in the room what better options exist.
I don’t mean to be too blunt here but what is happening now is no different than what would happen in a war and you lose ALL your critical supply lines at once.
Obviously we just got caught unprepared. Too many are assuming production will restart within weeks. But that thinking is clearly flawed.
The hawks in Washington who have been leading the charge to repatriate manufacturing production domestically have been right all along.
We need a new domestic strategic industrial policy and it’s going to need a lot of support and heavy incentives to unwind years of our hollowed out manufacturing centers.
Lets get it done. Globalization has now taught us it’s a double edged sword and the risks are very real to highly developed economies.

I know a person with severe gluten intolerance (Celiac) who is otherwise extremely fit, eats almost the best exclusively organic diet that one can etc… But once exposed to wheat, here comes a sinus infectious which invariably turns immediately into something that requires Zithromax. To make matters worse, this seems to happen now with corn based products as well. My theory it’s anything that has to do with glyphosate…Anyway, I’m wondering if there’s a legal way to stockpile on some of these antibiotics.

Nairobi, totally agree with you on the importance of community. I think there are some rural areas in the US that are going to do fairly well. On the other hand, like you said it’s a shame that so much of the American prepper community is based on the model of holing up in a fortress with some supplies and shooting anyone that comes near.