Why Covid-19 Demands Our Full Attention

remember that your car already is a generator. Keep your car filled up with gas. Have an adapter to charge the devices in your car. If it is just a cell phone, well that doesn’t take much charge, you can charge that in your turned off, parked car many times. Eventually, you will want to start the car and let it idle to recharge your car battery. So, to me, if you own a car, just recharge your rechargable lantern, cell phone, flashlight and radio batteries from the car and no need to buy extra equipment that may not be robust. You already maintain and keep the car in good working order

As someone who has tried a lot of diets (not for weight, since that has been no problem) I can’t say enough about how great I have felt since giving up sugar, grains and processed foods (including those with the cheap oils). This is why so many people have done well on a “paleo diet”.
As one who is never afraid to experiment on myself I have been going zero carb and have not had one single serving of fruit or veggies for over a year. How do people do on a diet like this? Scurvy? Malnutrition from no vitamins and minerals? Sickness? We’re up to 47 pages: https://meatrx.com/category/success-stories/
Fitness guru Jack LaLanne used to say: “If man made it, don’t eat it."
Vegan, carnivore or anywhere in between: we just need to drop the junk!
We need a good immune system during this potential pandemic.

With the published ratio of 80% (or 4 to 1) symptomatic to asymptomatic cases the estimated number of asymptomatic cases in a country can be calculated. Thus the US has 15 symptomatic cases identified so 15X4=60 estimated asymptomatic cases in public. Singapore has 56X4= 224 estimated cases in public.

I continue to be flabbergasted at the lack of good updates available when searching for Coronavirus updates on traditional search engines. In my latest search I was looking for the new number of infected on the cruise ship.
You would think this would be front and center when doing a “coronavirus cruise ship” search, but alas more digging was needed to find the current count of 286 on a random news report. I think the powers that be said “hey this cruise ship keeps getting worse, let’s see what we can do to minimize negative coverage”

Dr. John Campbell points out we should all assume we’re superspreaders, and therefore wear masks out in public to protect others. Because once you know you’ve got it, it’s likely too late.
I can imagine masks with the text “it’s not you, it’s me” to help put others at ease. :wink:

If you do a bit of research, Fishmox, as an example, is widely available.
Of course in normal times, I would consult a veterinarian, but in a true emergency? Alternatives would be nice to have.

-Somewhere along my nursing career, I learned estrogen was cardio protective which is typically why females have less heart attacks then men (from what I recall at least, could be wrong). I have not stopped to verify this but wondering if phytoestrogens foods would be good against viruses that attack the heart if estrogen is protective. Wondering out loud if someone else had any input on that.
-agreed with above, fact finding getting harder. Def being censored. Also, the link above to the U.K. couple on the princess cruise ship, both now have mild coughs or other symptoms that set my RN triage skills Off… I will not be surprised if everyone on that ship is infected, but just not tested yet.

  • has anyone thought that the test kits are getting false negatives due to the specimen location? If ace2 is not typically in the upper respiratory tract, they should be doing lower respiratory tract specimens (bronchial lavage, or “deep cough” sputum samples- impossible if not symptomatic). I wonder if they should start testing fecal specimens for more accurate testing. Also, if I recall correctly SARS ended up having significant transmission via feces as well. Maybe the air plumes from sewage and pipes are more the transmission source vs sneezing.
  • lastly, if GI ends up being the more transmissible source, does anyone know how activated charcoal absorbs viruses in the GI tract? I understand charcoal is supposed to absorb viruses from air, I’ve read some info about activated charcoal absorbing bacterial endotoxins in the GI tract. Looking into having some charcoal on hand to try if we get sick maybe it will help absorb some virus from gi lining and reduce overall viral load? My kids and I us charcoal toothpaste due to one with dairy and corn allergy, so we already know they tolerate the charcoal fine.
    just some random thoughts interested to see if anyone had any ideas about!


Even cash is quarantined in China!
Many of us don’t use cash but think about this when shopping…also any other forms of paper (ticketing/passes).
Other thoughts:
Even when not using cash think about all the filthy touchcreens/buttons at the registers
Sometimes you are asked to hand a card or Id to someone . I just picked up an online order I had to show my id, sometimes they want to hold ur Id then hand it back, I try to keep hold and not let them touch it.

Steve, the video from post 36 is a pretty good but let me have a go at your questions.

  1. ACE2 is the gene that ultimately produces a protein, called ACE2, inside the endoplasmic reticulum of the cell, which is the protein factory that produces and transports proteins. It is a type of protein that is transported to the cell surface and pushed through the cell membrane, so its receptor sits outside the cell but is anchored inside the cell.
  2. The virus spike protein binds to the ACE2 receptor which is necessary to transport the virus into the cell where it does its nasty work. The normal function of the ACE2 receptor which is a carboxypeptidase (meaning it removes amino acids from the carboxyl end of the chain) is to convert angiotensin I and angiotensin II to peptide hormones of 9 (nonapeptide) and 7 aminoacids.
    Angiotensin I Asp - Arg - Val - Tyr - Ile - His - Pro - Phe - His - ( cleaves here)– Leu
    Angiotensin II Asp - Arg - Val - Tyr - Ile - His - Pro - (cleaves here) - Phe
    It is a good question whether viral binding blocks normal function. I’m inclined to think that the normal function is physiologically regulated, possibly by the cleavage of angiotensinogen, which is an even bigger peptide that is the source of the angiotensins and that there are still plenty of receptors for normal function.
  3. The virus binds at the ACE2 receptor site on the ACE2 molecule.
  4. The lifestyle of the virus is to enter cells, take over the machinery and produce new virus that is continually released from infected cells.
    The video contrasted using an antibody to block the viral spike protein or soluble ACE2 to to overwhelm the cellular ACE2 and therefore block the spike protein. Given the known results with SARS antibodies, where secondary challenge of immunized animals caused severe lung pathology, it is to be hoped that tests of soluble ACE2 are ongoing. I doubt that this important hormone system is regulated by the number of receptors but more likely by the amount of angiotensins.
    Hope that’s not too boring and probably way more than you wanted to know.

A cleaning expert has looked at the photos released on the cleaning of one of the affected surgeries, and he’s not impressed:
This reminds me that one of the new cases of the virus was somebody who inspected the cruise ship with COVID-19 cases, who was presumably wearing what he thought was the correct protective equipment.
One thing that was discovered with Ebola was how important was to have the correct protective equipment and knowing how to put it on, and more importantly, take it off. People were blaming the low education of African nurses, which always sounded to me a little racist, until nurses in Europe and the USA started catching it as well. That’s when people figured out that a lot of protective equipment was unsuitable.
One of the key discoveries was that it was no good to be protected if, at the time of taking it off, you then touched with your bare hands the potentially contaminated surface of the coverings. That’s the point of wearing two pairs of gloves: It isn’t that a single pair won’t protect you, it’s that’s pretty much impossible to take off a single pair of gloves without touching the outside of the gloves with your bare hands at some point.
It would be really interesting if we get information about what equipment is being used in Wuhan right now, and how effective it’s being in protecting healthcare workers.


You dont say which country you are in, but check out the Doom and Bloom website. They list Fish and Bird antibiotics which are pharmaceutical grade (so suitable for humans too) which you can buy online for an emergency stash.


Good points Maria. Yes its next to impossible to remove a complete hazmat setup without accidentally contaminating previously clean parts of your body. The advantage has always been that a little bit of carelessness didn’t matter. Probably still doesn’t given that a bit of virus laden droplets on your pants is probably going to die in the few hours before you touch it. That’s if you aren’t immediately hitting the shower after degowning.
Your observation about gloves seems to me to have a simple solution though. Once you are to the point of removing them, do so in a deep pitcher of at least 1% bleach. So submerge your hands and forearms, remove the gloves under water and then while your hands are wet, toss the soiled gloves in the trash. This disinfects them and you.
I should mention something about Lysol/other disinfectants. If you read the bottle it says to spray the surface AND leave for 10 minutes wet. Not immediately wipe up like too many people do. You have to let the active ingredients have the time to kill the virus, otherwise you are wasting your effort.
So you would deglove in bleach/water and then allow your hands to air dry.

I live rural and had some fairly simple projects planned for this year. Main one was wind/ privacy screens. Got my lumber last year but needed screening materials I bet come from China. Also, I feel the Chinese do make good solar yard lights. So I have ordered these things to keep me busy, not bored as I stay home this year. Also, paper products like computer/typing paper and paper bank checks, maybe stamps, envelopes and boxes, too. Also plastics like blanks for credit/debit cards, driver’s license. Plastic sheeting, garbage bags, ziploks. Plastic string for the string trimmer.

Coronavirus Cases:

view by country




Country, Territory Total Cases New Cases Total Deaths New Deaths Total Recovered Serious, Critical
China 68,341 +4,490 1,662 +282 9,081 11,053
Japan 338 +79 1 12 9
Singapore 72 +5 18 6
Hong Kong 56 1 1 7
Thailand 34 +1 14 2
S. Korea 28 9
Malaysia 22 +3 7

I wonder if the possibility that dogs may have the capability of identifying the Coronavirus 19 virus has been explored? Dogs have one of the world’s most sophisticated sensory organs, capable of locating bodies under water and identifying the presence of cancer. Perhaps trained dogs could outperform the unreliable lab tests now being used? And give instant results.


In Matties post #47, above, below the ACE2 chart, he posted an article about sudden heart attacks from SARS CoV19 re infection. Hidden in that article was info. I seem to have missed. Evidently, a European woman has been identified on the cruise ship, victim Rebecca Frasure, as a super spreader.