Why Covid-19 Demands Our Full Attention

Anyone else pre-microwave?

D7 is based on a patented, multi-part aqueous solution including hydrogen peroxide and an advanced four-chain quaternary ammonia formulation developed by Sandia National Laboratories.

Part One Part Two Part Three*
Blend of Quaternary Ammonium Compounds and Surfactants Hydrogen Peroxide 7.9% Diacetin (Required for CBW decon)
49% of mixed formula 49% of mixed formula 2% of mixed formula


Possible to get some Homeopathic info/expertise to help sort out…
My take away is aspirin (maybe other treatment) bad and best to strengthen the body while the virus runs its course.

Maybe Kefir is the way to go right now to help stay healthy…

On the economic side, many of the top universities around the World depend on Chinese students, paying big bucks to attend.
I would expect the universities to weather a semester of loss, but if they end up having to close completely they may see some stress. Still that’s a lot of money.

I live in a rural community in northern NH. I stopped to buy a wok at a local cook shop and got to go talking to the proprietress about mixer stands. She indicated that it would be a good idea to buy one soon if I wanted one because she has been receiving notices from the manufacturers that parts were expected to be in short supply soon and she wasn’t sure how many she would be receiving. I thought that was rather interesting. So many parts are manufactured in China and we never really stop to think about that. And so it begins…

Thankfully, a relatively benign formulation

according to this article H2O2 is useful for inactivating viruses (also cheap and not as harsh as bleach) : https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/203115
“H2O2 in a 3 percent concentration inactivated all the viruses under study within 1–30 min. Coronavirus and influenza viruses were found to be most sensitive.”

And, yes, that is what I use as I am allergic to chlorine bleach, the fumes are pretty harsh even for others from chlorine.

Hydrogen Peroxide’s extra oxygen atom is good for plant roots. They need a bit from the air to grow. I sometimes make a mix with water and pour on my container plants.

The infection rate is now close to 10% of the total original ship count (3,711)

I got a small backpacking type solar charger from harbor freight that charges all my small electronics great. I took it on a 2 week trip in the wilderness last summer. I’m thinking I should get another.

Well, for me, genetics are not destiny. Genes require activation - they don’t just go off and activate themselves. Signals from outside the cells (chemical, and energetic) cause genes to activate [c.f. “epigenetics”]. My intent is to do my best to make these signals as positive as possible given the circumstances.
There are lots of tricks to remaining happy. Lots of tricks. I’ve been through fire before. That will help.
I remember reading one line in the “staying healthy” guideline from my HMO, Kaiser Permanente. “It helps to believe in the efficacy of your cure.” Did they really say that? Yes. Kaiser was all in favor of the placebo effect.
I have a certain amount of free will. I plan to use every bit of it to set things up as favorably as possible.
Let’s call my strategy “maximizing my genetic potential.” You may be content with leaving things to fate, chance, or destiny, but that’s just not my way. I want to load the dice, mark the cards, and fix the game, as best I can. Oh, sure, it still might not work. But I will have done my best, and really - that’s all anyone can do, yes?

I’ve seen very sick people fighting transportation to the hospital because they believed in “Thinking positively”.
Sorry, your positive attitude and optimistic thinking ain’t doing nothing to help your multiple fractures…
HMOs are often part of the insurance game. They get paid even if you don’t show up.

Gus, I am totally with you on using homeopathic remedies. But most folks should see a qualified homeopathic practitioner. You can learn this wonderful healing art, but it takes study.
Be very careful with aspirin or any product containing salicylic acid for flu like symptoms. Can cause Reyes Syndrome. This killed a lot of patients in the 1918 flu.

Jeffrey Epstein did not kill himself. He was killed by the Corona Virus.

It is only children and teens who shouldnt take asprin when having the flu or chicken pox because of a link with reyes syndrom


I’ve seen very sick people fighting transportation to the hospital because they believed in “Thinking positively”. Sorry, your positive attitude and optimistic thinking ain’t doing nothing to help your multiple fractures…. HMOs are often part of the insurance game. They get paid even if you don’t show up.
As we used to say in grade school: "well, duh." However, the issue in front of us today isn't multiple fractures, so your observation, while accurate, is irrelevant to this discussion. Our resident ED doctor, sand_puppy, has told us that the ED will be absolutely overwhelmed during a pandemic, and it is the very last place we should go. In such a situation, we should do our absolute best to handle things on our own. [Additionally, if we aren't infected, we risk getting infected while waiting endlessly for care.] I'm guessing you probably didn't see his post, but it was in that context - a pandemic, with an overwhelmed ED, doing my best to handle things on my own - that I made my comments. Hope that helps.

“Genetic are not destiny”. I like that phrase. As correct as it is, it unfortunately goes counter to popular belief and as such, is not very widely embraced. I always tried to educate people about the concept of “substrate determines expression” and the concept of “genetic nutritioneering” but often it was an uphill battle. The problem is Dave they need your attitude, which I find is not all that common among the masses. The people who derive some sort of perverse pleasure from suffering and/or from wallowing in their victimhood typically will keep on doing what they always did before which is obviously a guaranteed pathway to failure, or they will try to make some changes but of such a minuscule or inconsequential and compromised nature that these pitiful efforts also virtually guarantee failure. Especially problematic for themselves (and others) are the ones who are “black holes of emotional need”. Whether that need is about getting attention or wanting someone to feel sorry for them or wanting someone to help them (in the total absence of them doing anything at all to help themselves), that need seems to be insatiable and whatever is done for them is never enough. They never get better, at least as long as they stick with that type of attitude and mindset. There’s a large (and growing) percentage of people who just don’t want to take personal responsibility for their actions and what befalls them (or doesn’t, as the case may be).