Audio Analysis Is Most Consistent Two Shooters At Trump Rally

true. never thought of it as silicon since this was only visible in the rib where body was seen

frm another bodycam

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Hi Sonjax6,
I’m curious about your 2670 fps at the muzzle. It seems a bit low to me. When I go to the range I use 3239 fps (995 m/s) for 55 grains (manufacturer info) on ballistics tables and have no problem hitting targets. A few weeks ago I uploaded a ballistic table for 55 and 62 grains (which is slower). For 55 grains, the most common type, 3239 at the muzzle and at 155 yards the ballistic table calculated 2718fps. 2734 fps at 150 yards. That gives us around 85% of initial velocity, aprox.

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But why his arm so gray?

He was bear-crawling on a dirty roof and then had quite a lot of his blood drained out of his body.

Can you check the fences at eastern and soutern side please?
The problem is what GN said, the man with back pack walked toward Sheetz. But he cannot arrived from south/west area I guess, on Google Maps there are fences.
(But he was without back pack at the water tower.)

hi @greg_n and @SonjaX6.
The formula I deduced is for constant speed (eq. 12). but it derived from the more complex formula that has the solution with constant deacceleration (Eq.08). I tested the constant speed using medium velocity and the results are pretty similar to constant deacceleration. Here is an example closer to reality, modeling deacceleration with aerodynamic drag using the constant speed formula validating at Trump microphone.

disclaimer: the deacceleration is not constant, because the drag is proportional to the velocity squared and because the drag coefficient increases a little depended from Mach number. The correct solution is a logarithmic decrease in speed, but that takes more time to implement a formulation.


hi @howdoiknowthisinfo . I will explain the basics of Crooks, Trump, David and James geolocation. Using the 11/05/2021 image and correcting for Crooks apparent position his real location is:
Crooks: 586767.73 m E; 4523529.40 m N

For Trump, David and James here is their locations.

Trump: 586727.81 m E; 4523394.48 m N
James: 586721.69 m E; 4523371.69 m N
David: 586719.99 m E; 4523371.07 m N

As you can see the barns does not match here because I used the closest objects for matching like the light poles and the small white tent on upper right. For James and David position I used 2 footages to triangulate their positions. The cameras lines of sight are the red lines.

Since we are defining these locations relative to an image, here is the image location and rotation: 40.857281°;-79.970450° to 40.856740°;-79.971410° rotation -24.0520
Here is the image link:

Disclaimers: the Mercator geolocation of the position are achieved positioning the placemarks with decimal degrees and saving the placemarks. After I change to Mercator and copy the geolocation results without saving. This way the location bug does not truncate the geolocation.

The height is a whole other model. If we can’t agree on the geolocation then the height is irrelevant.

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hi @greg_n I pinned the location of Crooks and Trump and the results are very different from mine.

here is my location references.
Perhaps your been affected by the Mercator bug since a lot of your locations have truncaded geolocations or using a different satellite image and different podium image. I explained these issues here.

Do you have enough technical knowledge to rule this out?

Maybe Crooks didn’t fire any real ammunition.

If there really was no second shooter, there are still major contradictions.

How do you explain the fact that a Secret Service agent wiped blood from Trump’s cheek when he was standing again instead of taking him to safety?


I’m just trying to find a theory for the assassination that is as free of contradictions as possible.

I’m confused, @vt1. You say that Vm is the muzzle speed, but 2750 ft/s is the average velocity. The muzzle velocity must be much higher, like around 2900 or 3000, to achieve that average.

Vm - is for Muzzle speed
Vmed - is for average speed

There are no fences on the eastern side of AGR except for the fencing around the water tower. The water tower entrance (drive) is coned off to deter vehicle traffic.

thumbnail_IMG_2855 (Small) cone

There are two fences on the south side between building 6 and where the rally was held on the farm show property. Both run the entire length of the property (east to west) from Evans City Road (main entrance) to Meridian Road (water tower entrance).

The orange stake is where Trump’s podium was erected. You can see the first fence in this picture.

The second fence borders the AGR property on the south side. Both fences are approximately 6’ tall.

No way Crooks climbed over either fence. He either walked up Evans City or Meridian Road after leaving the vendor area near the airstrip. There are no sidewalks along either road but I’m supposing foot traffic was pretty intense along both roads this day. @vegaspatriot completed a detailed assessment of how Crooks most likely left the vendor area and I agree with his findings. I walked the same route and it’s the quickest and only way around the fences. The last red dot heading north along Evans City Road gets you past the last fence.


SImple, the SS agent was a women as you know for sure. And Trump himself didn’t want to go without his shoes, which is understandable for many reasons, especially considering the state of shock in the aftermath of a combined physical and psychological trauma-

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@vt1 are you using a more accurate survey method than Google Maps to identify the shooter’s location? When we compare the satellite photos from 2020, 2021 and 2023 we see the roofline move North/South by 1 m between versions. But I suppose since you are consistently using the 2021 imagery for your analysis, those variations won’t cause an issue.

There is about a 5 m difference between what I’ve been using for the podium location and what you derived. I plan to look into this at some point, but I’m taking a break from any additional analysis for a while and hoping that someone else will publish something comprehensive soon. I may dive back into it later this week.

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@rough_country_gypsy, do you have an accurate lat/lon for the orange stake?

Thanks for the confirmation. Had I known you were going to go for a walk, I might have suggested my speculation for the eastern route to the vendor area. I believe there would have been a few fences you could have hopped. :rofl:

While introductions are going on, I have Bachelor of IT in Multimedia, bit rusty. Free, open source software I am using:
Image editing: Gimp
Video editing: Shot Cut
Audio editing: Audacity

Good to see the teamwork, different skills and experience trying to work out what is really going on. With where I am at with things, would not be surprised to find a second shooter somewhere. Not convinced beyond reasonable doubt yet.

I have been reviewing this image:
tmz ross 03

It is out by 2 frames for when the audio report is first detected. Opening the audio in Audacity and slowing it down helped find the moment. This does change the distance calculation.

Speed of sound / Frames per second = Sound distance per frame.
1150 / 29.97 = 38.37

Frames between visual and audio report * sound distance per frame = Distance between gun and camera.

12 * 38.37 = 460 feet.

The actual distance between the shooter and camera is about 260 feet or 7 frames. For some reason the time between the visual and audio report is out by 5 frames, 0.17 seconds or 200 feet.

It is not an echo. There is no clipping due to maxing levels as the audio of the lady screaming is working fine. The shot audio should arrive 7 frames after visual shot and as the lady scream ‘get’. Instead the shot audio arrives as she screaming ‘over’.


I do not. The stake is only a guestimate as well. I stepped the yardage off from three different references so I know it’s close (probably within a yard) but it’s not exact.

I’ve walked both routes along Evans City and Meridian Roads. No way over the fences. Here’s a drone shot you can pause at about the 10-second mark and see that the fences run the entire length of the AGR property. The Farm Show property fence goes off at a right angle behind the barns but then turns east and runs along the entrance road.


I was just being silly, you being a rough country gypsy and all. The route I was referring to was from Sheetz to the vendor alley, and the fences between the residential area and the airport property.

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