Audio Analysis Is Most Consistent Two Shooters At Trump Rally

Personaly I’d rather belive somebody who is able to grow his knowledge about an event or a situation and then is able to revise an old statement or view on the issue. Everybody who is not capable of doing so doesn’t deserve my respect, unless there is a medical reason.


sadly true

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DEI mistake? Policeman tried to deffend the attacker.
Mannheim fatal handcuff

the cop with the gun aiming at the attacker also doesn’t look very German :thinking:

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This security guard was not part of the event team, but was an undercover police officer. This can be seen from the fact that the police did not treat him as a suspect after the attack. The event team has said publicly that he was not one of them.

A bystander, who was an Aramean Christian, had fixed the hand of the assassin holding the knife when this “security guard” hit this Aramean Christian with his fist. So this security guard had helped the assassin to get free. That is why he should have been arrested as a suspect. But that didn’t happen. You can see that on the original footage.

The Aramaic Christian who really helped lies tied up on the ground (red circle), while the security guard (yellow circle) who helped the assassin get free has a chat with a policeman.

The media coverage in Germany is garbage.

Unfortunately, this also applies to almost all alternative media. Most of them have long since been infiltrated.

The police officer who was killed was called Rouwen. This Rouwen stayed in front of the row of posters for 7 minutes together with a colleague and the officer in charge (who was the only one wearing a service cap). From there (15 meters away) these 3 policemen saw how the later assassin stood behind Stürzenberger (the keynote speaker, 5 meters away) on the spot for 1 minute. He was easily recognizable as a suspected Muslim because of his full beard and the color of his skin. Rouwen himself saw the assassin there. Video footage proves this. Then all 3 police officers went back to the police cars, probably on the orders of the officer in charge. One and a half minutes later, the knife attack began.

Translated with (free version)

Did the officer in charge greet the assassin?

What do you think?

At 0:05 you can see the “security guard” in the background. He is standing at the streetcar station and looking in the opposite direction.

In Germany, the name of the officer in charge is still not known to the public. Nobody is reporting on it. All the alternative media are silent.

Here is a brief summary of the first 12 minutes before the attack:

By the way, 20 police officers plus 3 traffic police officers were on site.

My study of the location of the shooter:

Chapter 1 – Timeline
Since last post I identified that it was difficult to understand my methodology. I will try to present now in a synchronized timeline of each source. This also makes easy for any one to reproduce this method.
I will consider that NTD is source 8. Source 5 does not have a precise geolocation so I’m not using.
Here is the time line from shot 1 to 9, I will exclude shot 10 for now because it will be too off the chart. This timeline is off course not synchronized.

Chart 1 - Timeline

To synchronize we need to make assumptions. For demonstration I will consider that the 1st shoot location is Crooks Muzzle.
Distance calculation:

Example: from Podium to Crooks Muzzle distance calculation.

Table 1 – location of Podium and Crooks Muzzle

location X - longitude E (m) Y - latitude N (m) Z - altitude + height (m)
Crooks_muzzle 586767.70 4523529.08 411.121
Trump_MIC 586726.64 4523394.28 410.237

For each source there is a distance to Crooks Muzzle and converting to the time a take to reach the source we have the column “time 1st shot”. Considering the zero mark as S1 Podium 1st shot arrival we have the column “1st shot time correction”.

Table 2 – 1st shot time correction

Source 1st shot (m) time 1st shot (s) 1st shot correction (s)
S1 Podium 140.92 -0.4019 0
S2 Fence 44.56 -0.1271 -0.2748
S4 Mover 74.71 -0.2131 -0.1888
S3 TMZ 85.01 -0.2424 -0.1594
S6 DJStew 43.51 -0.1241 -0.2778
S7 Crowd 161.26 -0.4599 0.058
S8 NTD 147.03 -0.4193 0.0174

Now we can synchronize the sources, the purple dash line is the time of the first shot at -0.4019s. The other sources are offseted to have the same time of 1st shot.

Chart 2 – Synchronized timeline

Now let’s study the shot 9. Let’s consider the 9th shoot location at SWAT officer. We can calculate the distance from each source convert to seconds by the speed of the sound the subtract from the time of arrival of 9th on the synchronized time line.

Table 3 – 9th shot corrected

Source dist. to 9st shot correction for 9th shot 9th shot corrected
S1 Podium 47.90 -0.1366 5.4428
S2 Fence 85.24 -0.2431 5.4143
S4 Mover 134.83 -0.3845 5.4532
S3 TMZ 140.27 -0.4000 5.4404
S6 DJStew 64.63 -0.1843 5.4381
S7 Crowd 108.42 -0.3092 5.4405
S8 NTD 74.43 -0.2122 5.4422

And here is time line with the 9th shot time predicted by source 1 (Podium) on the vertical purple line at 5.4428sec.

Chart 3 – Timeline at 9th shot time

The others sources prediction is very close to source 1 time of 9th shot (red vertcal line). So, making a zoom from 5.4sec to 5.46sec it will help to visualize.

Chart 4 – Zoomed timeline at 9th shot time

The source 2 is the worst predictor and the others are closer.
This table below shows the error in seconds and converted to absolute error in meters.

Table 4 – error for 9th shot

Source error (s) Abs error (m)
S1 Podium 0 0.00
S2 Fence -0.02846 9.98
S4 Mover 0.010396 3.65
S3 TMZ -0.00245 0.86
S6 DJStew -0.00469 1.64
S7 Crowd -0.0023 0.81
S8 NTD -0.00061 0.22

The medium error for sources 2 to 8 is 2.87m.
So, the combination of Crooks muzzle position for the 1st shot and SWAT officer position for the 9th shot looks like a good predictor after all (2.87m of error).

Chapter 2 – 9th shot grid
Could there be better locations that results in less error? Now let’s look at other scenarios and try to answer this. Let’s for now consider the same position for 1st shot (Crooks muzzle) and other positions for the 9th shot.

Image 1 - grid superposed on Google Earth with the medium error for 9th

Image 2 - Grid with the medium error 9th shot:

In the center of the grid is SWAT officer position. The grid size is 10x10m pointed north. The value in the middle is the error we obtained before (2. 87m).
The location with the minimum error is 0.4m to the West and 0.8m to the North of the SWAT officer position. The value of the minimum error is 2.53m.

So now we need to look at source 2 again.
At the same grid will be plotted the source number from 2 to 8 that is the odd one with the most error, this grid is 50x50m:

Image 3 – grid with source that causes the most error

I did this analysis for all the shots and in all of them source 2 is always the most unreliable source at the locations of minimum error. The cause could be the geolocations provide by me or times provide by @offtheback.
So, from here on I will exclude the source 2 in the calculations. As a reference the minimum medium error for shot 9 reduces from 2.53m to 1.23m. Here is the new medium error grid:

Image 4 - new medium error grid for 9th shot

Chapter 3 – Grid of grids
Now comes the part that will wrap your head around.
To better estimate the shooter location, I will make the same grid with Crooks Muzzle on the center but plot the minimum medium error for shot 9. What I’m doing is trying to estimate the shooter position that results in minimal error for shot 9. I don’t even need to look at 9th shot position predicted, only at the minimum error produced for shot 9 considering the new position for the 1st shot.
The grids until now was generated by excel. but since now I need to calculate for each 1st shot position on the grid, generate a whole new grid for the 9th shot error, then extract the minimum and plot on the 1st shot grid I used VBA, these new grids took 20 min to generate each!
So, here is the grid of the shooter position with crooks in the center. The value in the middle is 1.23m that is the minimum error that we calculated before considering shot 1 at Crook Muzzle position and shot 9 from the position in grid with minimum error on image 4.

Image 5 – Grid for 1st shot with the minimum error for shot 9

Image 6 – Image 5 on Google Earth.

The error on the B6 South wall is from 1.8m (West side) to 6.1m (East side).
The error for the building in the North is from 20 to 15m.
Now with this we are getting closer.

What about shots from 2 to 8? They are not good predictors for the shooter position. If there was a second shooter in another place It would be, but we already concluded that there is only one shooter and that all the information you are going to get from that. If we look again at Chart 1 it’s easy to understand why, the correction made for any of the shoots from 1 to 8 will be almost the same independent of the location selected. Now looking at the times for 9th shoot you already know its different and must come from another place. Other way to look at this, if you have knowledge of linear algebra and matrices, 9th shot can be considered an orthonormal vector to 1st shot, and shots 2 to 8 are scalar versions of 1st shot vector. There is a small offset from shots 4 to 8 as @offtheback concluded. But still was probably the same shooter.
Now we need to look at shot 10.

Chapter 4 – The 10th shot
The times provided by @offtheback for the 10th shot produced a considerable error, of 8m. So, for this specific one I used @greg_n value except for S4 that Greg did not have. Here is the grid of the 1st shot with the minimum medium error from shot 10.

Image 7 – Grid for 1st shot with the minimum error for 10th

The region with less error is little different from the first grid of shot 9 error. So, if we combined these 2 grids from shot 9 and 10 by taking the medium of them, we finally have this.

Image 8 – Grid for 1st shot with the minimum error for shot 9 and shot 10

Image 9 – Image 8 zoomed on building 6.

The result with minimal error is very near of Crooks location. With the medium error of 1.41m.
Now the part that does not fit with my colleges here. I took me a while to accept this, but maybe I’m still wrong.
The location of the 10th shot is near the North Barn not the South Barn.
Here it is the geolocation on the map. Using @greg_n times the medium error is 1.59m and for @offtheback the error is 8m. For comparison at the position of the South Barn Sniper to the West the error increases to 28.5m.

Image 10 – Geolocation for 10th shot for Greg and Offtheback times

Because we are not settled on the 10th shot position, I can’t conclude yet that the location of the 1st and by consequence the other next 7 shots came from Crooks position. But it’s very near looking only at the grid provided by shot 9 error.

edits: Typo corrections and title added to images.


Ah true, sorry, I was using headphones connected to an amplifier connected to my computer. Have you heard the other files also? Do you agree with the words or did you find something to be different?

I couldn’t hear that southeast corner conversation on those 3 dashcam channels. Don’t think it was close enough or loud enough.

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I think the difference could be in the way that you are treating the shot 10 timestamps.

As shown by the color coding in my timestamp table, I was not able to discern boom times from the audio data for shot 10, except for TMX (Source 2 - fence).
Audio Timestamps v4

For the other six sources, I used the crack-boom difference formula that you derived to compute the booms, and ended up with this vector of offsets to add to the shot 10 timestamps:
0.1450 0.0000 0.1902 0.0073 0.2176 0.0013 0.0001

So, my question to you @vt1 is how are you handling the timestamps for shot 10? What crack-boom corrections are you applying?

There are two other observations that make it implausible that shot 10 came from the North Barn area.

  1. If you listen to the NTD and Podium audio, it’s fairly easy to compare shots 9 and 10 and conclude that we hear a “boom” for shot 9 but a supersonic “crack” for shot 10. So, NTD and Podium were behind the line of fire for shot 9 but ahead of it for shot 10.
  2. The area by the North Barn entrance door has an obstructed line-of-sight to the shooter’s position on AGR6. It’s blocked by the thickest part of the tree, as seen in this drone shot:

Also, since I’m using the boom time for TMX, this gives me a lot of confidence in the TMX/Podium hyperbola. If I use my location for TMX shot 10 (586724.39, 4523506.91), I get nice alignment on the South Barn:

If I use your location for TMX shot 10 (586718.39, 4523512.20), the TMX hyperbola moves Northeast but still does not get very close to the North Barn. So, it doesn’t seem like your result for shot 10 should have turned out the way it did.


Got it thx sew much

I was using the value as it was. This is probably it! I will correct and re-evaluate.

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Dear KHunter,

I took my time to thoroughly review your Excel calculation sheet, as it is by far the clearest and most detailed version I have encountered online.

However, I regret to inform you that I have identified seven points of inconsistency. Unfortunately, each of these either lowers Trump’s position or increases the height of the bystanders. Without addressing these seven corrective points, your calculations fall short of Crooks’ height by -1.619057 feet, leading to the conclusion that it is impossible for Crooks to have fired from that position on the roof. This suggests the involvement of another shooter.

I will outline each of the updated points with clarity and transparency:

  1. If the bullet is rising, it suggests that the second shooter may have been positioned near the wall of Building 6. The sea level at this point, as indicated in the attached screenshot, is 1335.27. This has been confirmed by Gary’s high-accuracy drone measurements taken on-site. We should rely on this data as it appears to be the most accurate.

  1. In your evaluation of the podium, you drew the stage much too large, and then used the highest figures beyond the boundary, which is incorrect. I have superimposed the rally image and traced the correct stage position, yielding a value of 1336.419.

  1. Once again, we can reference Gary’s high-accuracy drone measurements from his YouTube video, which give a reading of 1350.561063.

  2. Trump’s height is 6 feet 2 inches, as confirmed just 12 days ago on Gutfeld at 1 minute and 13 seconds.

Click here to watch: Gutfeld YouTube show

  1. The staircase leading to the stage consists of six steps. Standard staircases cannot exceed 7.5 inches per step. Six steps at 7.5 inches total 45 inches. I recall you were quite certain about this measurement in the forum. What led you to change your mind? I am not accusing you of cherry-picking figures to position Trump’s ear as high as possible while lowering the bystanders, but all seven points I raise seem to affect the data in that direction. Even if we assume a stage height of 48 inches, it would still not be sufficient to match Crooks’ shooting position.

  2. It is also important to mention the bystanders. After positioning them on the ground, four hydraulic leveling jacks were used to stabilise and level them. These jacks can only raise the bystanders, so we must account for an minimum additional 2 inches to their height.

  3. As mentioned in point 3, we should use Gary’s high-accuracy drone measurement to establish Crooks’ position on the roof.

After inputting the updated values, the results align closely with my original claim: Trump’s ear is at 10.732333, and the bystanders’ corner is at 11.743333, indicating a rising bullet. The theoretical shooting position is calculated at 5.323161.

For those doubting whether it is possible to shoot from that position, I would like to present this image. The fence is 70.5 inches high, and at that position, the shooter could almost aim at Trump’s ear without him even being on the podium. Therefore, it is clear a shot could be made from that position.

Now, if the camera is not perfectly aligned with the fence (perhaps slightly higher, giving the illusion that the windows and vents are unobstructed), we know the angle of the rising shot is 0.737870 degrees. Using this, we can calculate the clearance:

the clearance is 0.560632.

Regarding the stage being lower in sea level, the difference in height is -0.880999 feet. Therefore, with a stage height of 3.75 feet, there is ample clearance to take the shot from the calculated position of 5.323161 feet from the AGR floor level.

As you can see, even without the seven additional corrections, there is no feasible path for Crooks to have been on the roof. With these seven points factored in, it becomes 95% impossible. Thus, the conclusion of this calculation is that the first shot did not originate from Crooks, but rather from a location near the wall of Building 6.


I noticed that the L shaped red walking plinth that the steps sit on is not included so add another 6-12 inches (approx.) to Trumps podium & ear height; and…

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Greg, what is the set up you used for calculating the crack report time? The speed, deacceleration? This bullet is probably different from Crooks setup.

The location you propose does not fit the fottages.
In TMX footage he sees the vents alined at 16.5sec.

Also DJStew sees TMX at that time at the red line at 16sec after 1st shot.

I tested several possible locations for shot 10 (North Barn, lawn area, South Barn, East & West covered bleachers), along with multiple bullet velocities, and South Barn was the only place where I saw convergence. So, I refined the bullet velocites to see what was necessary for the lines to converge in the same place, and came up with this Vb vector for my seven data sources:
[2889 0 2886 3040 2859 3050 3050]
(The second number is zero because I am using the boom timing for that one, so no correction is needed.)

So, I used these Vb numbers in the formula you derived to come up with crack-report offsets of:
[0.1450 0.0000 0.1902 0.0073 0.2176 0.0013 0.0001]

I still need to do another iteration of looking at the locations for TMX at shots 1-10 and Ross at shot 10. So, that is likely why I am a bit off in my current positioning for TMX@10. I think you have done an excellent job with your image-based geolocations and take no issue with your lat/lon numbers.


@brian60221 @vegaspatriot @sorey @sherlock-holmes @kincses-zsolt @redranamber

About that conversation on the southeast corner:

After the release of the wide angle dashcam video, we can see more people on that corner. CammoShorts, DarkBeard, WhiteBeard, Nicol. A little after that, USSSBlackPolo joins.

It became more challenging, because it seems that the voice I was thought was Nicol’s seems to belong to Whitebeard, given the new context and visual cues and using shot #1 to align Dayve’s audio to the dashcam.
If I align in some other manner, for instance, the context changes, so a precise alignment is obviously required.

BTW, some new words showed up (in bold). It would be helpful to get another pairs of eyes and ears on these interpretations. Just use Audacity to record Dayve’s audio from shot 1 until after the conversation, and then import the new dashcam and the audio to video editing software (ShotCut will do), and align using shot 1.

Cammoshorts turns corner of AGR6
(a few seconds go by)

Someone: What he said was ‘this is the guy who had something’…
CammoShorts: Hey… Greg/Brad (signals Whitbeard to come join them)
Whitebeard (arrives): Hi Greg (to Nicol, hand towards Nicol)
CammoShorts:** He was with us, impossible/in costume
(Dayve interrupts)(Cammo points) (Nicol points)
Cammoshorts: ??? (seen, but not heard, arm pointing)
Nicol: ??? (seen, but not heard, arm points)
Cammoshorts: Top or down?

Nicol: ??? (seen pointing)
…Nicol or someone: I saw him on the (unintelligible, continues)

Whitebeard: ??? (head moves, touches own chest)
…Whitebeard or someone: I wasn’t there (or I was in there)

Nicol: ??? (seen, but not heard… touches own chest)

Whitebeard: ??? (head moves)
…Whitebeard or Someone: First burst of shooting (fence rattle) don’t/won’t stop shooting…

Nicol: ??? (points up)
Whitebeard or Someone: Did you see a/him hit?
Cammoshorts (turns head) or someone: Yeah, did that happen?
Nicol: ??? (seen speaking, but not heard)


I would give it a try if I had better hearing, but I have trouble making out some of the conversations from the clearer bodycam audio as it is.


I sent the original off to Fiverr. They may be able to zoom and enhance it a bit, and we can put it back over the video to possibly understand better. I’ll let you know when I get the result.


A lot of the interpretation depends on who’s speaking
CammoShorts:** He was with us, impossible — sounds right
Cammoshorts: Top or down? — Top Floor Down Stairs
Nicol or someone: I saw him on the— roof —white beard saw him when next to red Greg in video
Whitebeard or Someone: First burst of shooting (fence rattle) don’t/won’t stop shooting
Whitebeard or Someone: Did you see a/him hit?

We wait till the original back off to Fiverr.

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