Local Authorities Break Ranks on Trump Assassination Attempt!

Mike DiFrischia, who originated the TMZ video, explained that Crooks’ apparent turning to the crowd (maybe not in this pic), followed by Mike’s warning to crowd, followed by screaming and jerky cameras, was a misinterpretation. Upon review of his own longer footage without the TMZ censoring, Mike gave an interview that when Crooks got shot it caused him to turn. Mike’s warning and people’s freaking out subsequently happened when Crooks already was out.

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Speculative here, but based on common sense.

Crooks’ purchases seem like breadcrumbs he was unknowingly asked to make to make him look premeditated and culpable. He was both, but they wanted to have evidence thereof.

If you were a thorough would-be assassin, who visited the rally area on July 4 one day after its announcement in newspapers and 9 days before the rally, who flew drones on July 4 and the morning, cased the area for hours in the very afternoon, having arrived early, etc … would you leave it to the last day to buy a ladder to execute the “minor” part of the plan to climb the roof? Or to buy the bullets that very morning of July 13? No way!

He had all he needed days before, is my feeling, but someone called him on the eve asking him to buy ladder and rounds and keep the receipt for a refund … breadcrumbs generated, pulling all attention to Crooks.


I agree about his movement, assuming Crooks shot 1-8. to make sense of the dispersion of shells and timing of shots, I envision that after shooting 1-3 he must have moved leftward and down to shoot 4-8, then scooted rightward to escape (getting close to but remaining below shells 4-8) before getting shot in head, dying just below and left of shells 4-8. Shells 1-3 are closer to and some past the ridge.

But I remain skeptical still that Crooks shot 1-8. I find it plausible that 1-3 came from the window below, and 4-8 from Crooks. He’d again scoot down and rightward to escape, dying close t shells 4-8. In the 30 minutes between LEO mentioning first 5 shells next to him, then 8 shells altogether, a deep state actor could well have dropped three shells on the roof to cover the shots 1-3 from the window below.

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Unique indentation in left ear appears in Crooks’ school picture, and in the above big image. That’s an observation made by Chris Martenson in the video. Pretty compelling, so long as the big image is real.

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Check 18:31:48 of Grassley video 2.

It took me a lot of loops to match LEOs verbal counting and finger pointing. I believe those are the 5 shells he refers to at that moment. Crooks’ hair can be seen extending behind the LEO’s camo.


They even zip tied Crooks’ hands behind his back after death. Some safety, lol!

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You could be right in which case I missed them. It’s low resolution but are they cartridges or casings? It seems some are darker towards the thinner end.

I believe the ladder story was/is a deliberate fabrication.

This might get lost in amongst all of the threads on this topic (and I’m not even sure this thread is the most appropriate one for it) but anyway:

BOMBSHELL REPORT: SWAT officer in PA confirms his team had NO CONTACT with United States Secret Service at the rally in Butler until after the ass*ssination attempt on Trump.



Sure thing!



Below are some quotes taken from the linked article.

With accusations flying, experts and responding agents have pointed the finger at each other.

Amid questions about authorities’ actions and coordination, the local Butler Township cops had a leadership vacuum.

Former Butler Township Police Department Chief John Hays retired last month, both Hays and a department official who answered the phone told The Intercept. There is no acting chief, but Lt. Matthew Pearson is the current head of the department. The department, which employs around 20 people, did not immediately respond to a request for further information about the absence of a chief.

Reached for comment, former Butler Township Police Chief John Hays said his last day at the department was June 14. “I really don’t have much information other than what I’m reading in the paper or hearing on the news,” he said.

Local ABC affiliate WHAS11 interviews local SWAT team who says there was no communication with the USSS until after the shooting. The video is only 0:55 seconds long. Would be nice to hear the whole interview. (Posted 1 hour ago.)

As a former USMC Sniper (retired), how can an AR 15 be 6 feet away from the body of the shooter with a headshot? That weapon should be underneath the shooter! If the weapon was moved…who moved it and why?

Semper Fidelis

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With all of the crime scene tampering on the roof after the shooting, it’s no wonder the Secret Service didn’t want drone coverage of the rally.

How many bullet casings? video 1: “…4, 5” video 2: “…,7,8”

It is remarkable that one officer counts 5 and the other 8 bullet casings on the shooter Crooks.

5 bullet casings:
bodycam footage of police video 1,
start from 5 minutes 5 seconds

8 bullet casings:
bodycam footage of police video 2,
start from 4 minutes 5 seconds

Good luck with your fantastic work.

In my mind as retired Philadelphia Police, the counting of the shell casings makes sense because the five first counted are where you’d expect them to be. Those five are to Crooks’ right and on his side of the roof peak. The next three are on the Trump-side of the roof where no experienced shooter would expect them to be because they eject to the right and in a slightly rearward direction. The presence of those three casings on the “wrong” side of the roof is very alarming to me. I will need a very effective explanation of how they ended up there and a ballistics report proving they were fired from Crooks’ gun just like the other five and on the same day. If the three don’t match the five I’d also like to know who dropped them on the crime scene and how they knew within minutes of the shooting that they should drop three (not 2 or 4 or none). Could the REAL assassin have picked up his own three cases (the first three shots) and dropped them (or tossed them from the ground) onto the wrong side of the roof? In the end, I don’t really expect to get any satisfaction on this issue because I trust the FIB, the MSM, and the future official report on the assassination attempt to simply ignore this issue or to come up with some “magic casings” story (a la the “magic bullet” in the JFK assassination). :man_shrugging:t2:


Isn’t it interesting that this is the second person named “Crooks” to come against President Trump? Rachel Crooks accused him of sexual assault in October of 2016 and now Thomas Crooks comes very close to assassinating him. God bless and protect President Donald J. Trump!

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And when did you ever investigate a crime scene where they didn’t use markers for every piece of evidence? I literally just saw a new report where a LEO was shot, and what did I see, but numbered marker for every casing found.

Only full time investigators carry crime scene kits that include numbered evidence markers, fingerprint powders and brushes, evidence bags, official camera, etc. SWAT doesn’t, patrol doesn’t, traffic doesn’t, etc. You wouldn’t see evidence markers at a crime scene photo until the ASSIGNED INVESTIGATOR had arrived and had placed the evidence markers. I assume the assigned investigator is an FIB agent and it might’ve been hours and hours before that person arrived.

They were washing down the roof a few hours after the shooter was killed. We have no evidence of where each of the cases landed, other than someone counting them on the roof. Where are the photos of the head stamps? Where is the box of rounds of ammo? Why were the stands taken down the next day? The whole thing stinks of white wash.

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