The Top Four Inexcusable Investigation 'Errors' Committed By The FBI

Another good catch! Thanks.

yes, its a possibility that the ESU watched the SS aproaching but for some reason they didnt meetā€¦but as far as the Radioā€™s not being picked up by SS, we only have 1 persons word on thatā€¦if Butler were providing SS service with radios it would have been in the briefing notes and they would have been given a call sign at leastā€¦

at some point theres going to be testimony, lets hope real questions are asked unlike the embarrasing testimony to senate et alā€¦a wast of time for everyone involved.

Yes, I know those texts, and they came to mind when I saw him say ā€œour carsā€ in the 4:26 text. I just chalked that up to Nicol changing his mind, or given the extra gear they had to set up needing to drive separate from the QRF and counter assault teams.

Our Cars

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On your 1st point, check my comment on another video:
The Curious Case of The Blood in the Bathroom; Solved? - News & Current Events / Public News & Current Events - Peak Prosperity

On your 2nd point:
Stand down order?

On your 3rd point:
True, the variation is bigger but Iā€™m not enough of an expert in this specific area.

On your 4th point:
Not sure where he got that from and what exactly ā€œa witness next to D Stewartā€ means. In one bodycam video, short after the shooting, was a guy runing towards a Cop telling him the Shooter is down.
Anyway, it would be the FBIā€™s fu**ing job to answer these questions!

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For sure Crooks didnā€™t want to throw his rangefinder from that roof :slight_smile:

is that car visible in the video that shows Cooks walking by the AGR sign

I donā€™t think most Americans care either. Gotta have our comforts and canā€™t ever hinder our Netflix and chill.

I remember in one of the mass formation videos, most people wonā€™t realize the government is evil until the bullet enters their head. Very sad.


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He shouldnā€™t be ashamed, he sould be in prison. Together with Cheetos, who by the way gets a protective detail now because she is threatened.
WTF is going on hereā€¦

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Forgive me if this is a stupid question, but if that rifle doesnā€™t have a folding stock, how could the shooter have concealed it in a backpack?


No, the video was cut short and there was traffic. This was the final frame.

Anyways, @sorey IDā€™d the car at the greenhouses as a Hyundai Elantra.

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He basically is a POS :poop:

AR had a has take down pins to take them apart it take about one second to remove them it very easy to fit in a back pack. And then reassemble it in the same amount of time.

thats a shame the video cuts thereā€¦i was asking because the timestamp for the Elantra is 19:07;46ā€¦

Itā€™s not foldable but you can disassemble a rifle in different parts. This is how he probably transported the rifle in his backpack up the roof (where he assembled the rifle before taking the shots.


Exactly thank for picture to explain how
it would fit in his back pack. They where trying to saying his AR had folding stock to push another gun stock into the ATF wish list to be removed from the public.


Yes, after the shooting. The questions Iā€™m trying to resolve are was that actually Crooks at the AGR sign (I believe it is), what time did he walk past it (see my timeline in the linked post), and what was he doing before he walked back onto AGR grounds (maybe he parked his car, or put the drone back in it, or went to the van)?

you are presuming that line about not picking up the radios is trueā€¦

the problem with the timestamp and that car, is that the Leo on the roof had guessed early that Crooks had a detonatorā€¦that car being parked where it is, directly opposite the entrance to AGR would have had the car flagged immediatelyā€¦and we would have heard that on Bodycam over comsā€¦as far i can tell, there arent anyā€¦


Good point!

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